gabara ago

Men are better than women.

OhGoodLord2 ago

At least compare apples to apples. This conveniently leaves working-class women out of the narrative. If you're going to compare upper middle class people who drink lattes to people who do physical work, that's really not fair, whether it's men to men, men to women, whatever. Consider women who have jobs like cleaning lady at night in a building. They get harassed waiting for the bus, on the bus and sometimes at work. There's a lady in our building I see mopping the stairs sometimes, 40+, walking backwards downstairs as she does it.

Trapezoidal ago

So in America a women is smart enough not to buy into all the Jewish wars, American men have a good country a good life stay in your fucking country and you will be as good as your women

Arms_Dealer ago

This post made me very emotional.

77777 ago

Modern war is fake and gay

Awisegrasshopper ago

Good post! Hit me right in the feels

Patriotic-Canadian ago

I didn't come to VOAT for tears.....


Artofchoke ago

Why do men bring about these things for themselves and their brothers? Lust for power, land, wealth and control.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Malagant ago

Great post. Especially those last few.

biggdiccbenny ago


99887766 ago

I like the picture of the German soldiers for good measure

recon_johnny ago

That second picture of the men....showing the young infantryman's's haunting.

Honey_Pot ago

Attacking the opposite sex is part of ((The Plan)). Don't fall prey to divide/conquer


Blue333 ago

Guys - stop believing girls know what's going on. They don't. Many are ignorant and clueless and post stupid sh*t like the pic attached. But girls, I can excuse. The problem is, I see so many adult women behaving like girls. They really do. They act like children. They're wearing Sanrio, and Uggs, and kitty kat ears, etc.. What's up with that?

Something's gone horribly wrong in our society. No one wants to grow up. Everyone is coddled, soft, and weak. And naturally, because we have it so easy - everyone has to literally search for ways to play the victim and get attention.

But keep posting this women are sh*t stuff and you'll get nowhere. Are you trying to make the gap wider between men and women?

bagano1 ago

Go fuck yourself.

TrueAmerican ago

Childbirth.. checkmate, faggots.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

An ex-gf once told me that childbirth was harder than climbing Mt. Everest. I laughed and broke up with her.

bagano1 ago

It actually probably is. Climbing Everest is not a challenging climb, technically, in the mountaineering world.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Everest is not a challenging climb

Physically it is extremely challenging.

bagano1 ago

Only because of the high altitude. They have all sorts of fucks climb up it.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

The climb consists of 11,000 ft. of elevation gain under extreme temperature and environmental conditions. That's physically more challenging than any mountain in the lower 48.

bagano1 ago

but they are still fit people.

Probably should do some more research and look at interviews with sherpas. This is false. They take whoever can pay.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

I'm familiar with mountaineering and Everest. You cannot get to the summit without being reasonably fit. Sherpas can only do so much. Guiding outfits will take anybody's money but they'll just leave your ass at high camp when you slow down. I see it every season on many guided peaks.

bagano1 ago

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Most mountaineers say climbing Everest is a joke. Fuck off now. You started bullshitting a long time ago and I tolerated it for too long.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

You must not climb. I do, extensively. And I have friends in the guide services. If you think Everest is a "joke" then you have no appreciation of what it takes to get up a peak in that class.

bagano1 ago

You don't climb shit you lying 500 pound faggot.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

I've climbed most of the major peaks in the lower 48, and several in Alaska. I have not climbed in Nepal (yet) but I have summited Denali (unguided). I have 23 successful summits on Rainier from various routes including liberty ridge.

I run 4-5 days a week and ski backcountry on the weekends. Right now my body fat is hovering around 9%. I actually came to Voat with the FPH migration.

So, eat a dick you armchair expert.

bagano1 ago

I have doubts you've ever run a mile in your life. You're one of those sad fat guys who sits at home and lives another life online. You exposed yourself badly when you claimed Mount Everest was challenging to climb. You fucked up bad, bro. Time to give up the act.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

I generally run 10-15 miles depending on my schedule and motivation.

Mt. Everest most certainly is a challenging climb. It's not a super technical mountain, but the physical challenges are great. I see people who are in generally decent shape get worn down just on the hike up to Camp Muir on Mt. Rainier, which is nothing compared to hiking to base camp at Everest. Then you have another 11,000 ft. to go just from that point. And the weather alone makes Everest a VERY serious climb. There's also many objective hazards, particularly in the Khumbu icefall. The glacier travel there is technical and just about as serious as it can get on any mountain.

The fact that you dismiss Everest as a "joke" shows clearly that you aren't a mountaineer or even a common hiker. Sure, it's commercialized, crowded with alpine tourists, and loaded with trash, but it's not a climb to be taken lightly. You lack respect for the mountains, which tells me you're nothing more than some dude who watched a 30 minute documentary on Netflix and now fancies himself an expert. Seriously, kys.

bagano1 ago

Mt. Everest most certainly is a challenging climb. It's not a super technical mountain, but the physical challenges are great. I see people who are in generally decent shape get worn down just on the hike up to Camp Muir on Mt. Rainier, which is nothing compared to hiking to base camp at Everest. Then you have another 11,000 ft. to go just from that point. And the weather alone makes Everest a VERY serious climb. There's also many objective hazards, particularly in the Khumbu icefall. The glacier travel there is technical and just about as serious as it can get on any mountain.

Sounds like you took some time to copy and paste all this shit you sad faggot. We disagree, I don't get it, why the need to come back with essays validating yourself and your argument? That alone is a huge red flag that you're a lying fuck.

What next, you met President Obama after winning the Tour de Texas and finding a new climbing route up K2? Fuck off.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

What mountains have you climbed?

bagano1 ago

I know you're a mountain most women wouldn't find worth climbing.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

So you haven't climbed anything and you're talking completely out of your ass. Thanks for confirming.

bagano1 ago

I doubt you can find a pair of gym shorts that fit.

And I can claim anything I want on the internet, what the fuck difference does it make? I could have been to space for all you fucking know, LOL.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Size 32 waist.

Again, what mountains have you climbed?

bagano1 ago

You do realize you are making yourself look bad here, right? And desperate.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

You realize you're dodging direct questions? Enough projecting. I'm here to talk mountains.

What peaks have you summited? What is your technical climbing ability? Have you ever crossed a glacier? Can you even fucking ski?

I'm sure the answer to all of that is "no," but I invite you to prove me wrong.

bagano1 ago

Ali Bongo!

bagano1 ago

Hi Alfred!

bagano1 ago

Do you have any good recipes for lasagna? Chinese roasted duck? I love lasagna.

You really should go to Africa sometime. I love Africa. The Congo is my favorite country to visit! The resorts are incredible.

Do you like paragliding? I love it. I go with my wife every year to Switzerland to paraglide! We can't get enough of it. Spring in the Alps is so wonderful! The beer is delicious!

My favorite airline to fly to Hong Kong is Lufthansa! I love my first class meals there! German food is so amazing!

Look at all the stars! Aren't they lovely?

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Again, what mountains have you climbed?

bagano1 ago

The screen name doesn't fit, ironically.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Still waiting on an answer.

bagano1 ago

I am now 100% convinced I am talking to a mental patient now. How many restraining orders do you have, bro?

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Zero. Why do you have so much anger?

bagano1 ago

Blocked. Seek professional help.

MrDarkWater ago

Fuck, dammit. That's a good one.

Women, ... psh

Thanks for throwing in the poor Nazis. I hate what we did to them. And if we don't share to it's going to happen again.

Women, listen up: give up voting, you'll thank yourselves for it

Socks_are_okay ago

lol no

Men, listen up: propose to retract votes for women, and make it white men only. No double citizenships either. No transgenders. No men without children raised in their natural gender specific roles. This keeps out shitskins, niggers, and (((white))) people. It also keeps out who identifies as male but isn't biologically. And final, it keeps out betafags with feminists.

Keep these for guidelines but add some more to specify better. throw in the 1488. Have women vote with you for this - or you'd lose. You can't win if you're up against feminists, women not in a happy trad relationship, betafags, and bluepills. Join forces, and conquer together.

MrDarkWater ago

Hah. You aren't wrong, neither am i

Crackrocknigga ago

Posts like this are secret cultural Marxism. I have no desire to see women in the battlefield. I have no desire to see them "equalized" to us. They are slovenly, cowardly creatures without a man in their life and a family to care for. I'm not trying to change that at all by exposing them to the horrors of war.

nmgoh2 ago

That last one gets a manly tear out of me every time.

clovelace ago

borderling CP ! kys degenerate.

juicedidwtc ago

wow arent whamyn so oppressed????

HonestBrah ago

To be fair: 1) "feminists" (whatever the fuck that means now) have been fighting for equality in the military. 2) Men start wars

Really can't blame women for not dying in war and having an easier life.

bagano1 ago

  1. Good luck with your equality. Many men aren't even brave enough to fight. Women? ROFLMAO!!! If they don't get pregnant before going to the battlefield, there's not a fucking chance they'll hold up in battle, ROFLMAO. 2. WRONG. Do you know any women? Women start a lot of wars but they expect men to fight them!

juicedidwtc ago

no, but we can blame them for having these entitlement issues about it.

HonestBrah ago

That's mainstream media and pop culture brainwashing, also fault of men who control all major corporations. Why is it only in the US that women are like that?

bagano1 ago

What's up with the military propaganda? No truck drivers, firefighters, cops, construction workers, linemen, etc? The only people that matter are soldiers?

Thanks, appreciate it...

drozzxd ago

Poundmetoo make your own meme faggot

juicedidwtc ago

didnt you know?? the only goyim that matter are the ones who sign up to die for Israel

The1stLantern ago

I literally couldnt have said it better myself.

Windmill_of_Peace ago

Oh! There my feelings are, I thought they had died with my dreams.

FecalMadder ago

I had a chick tell me once "men have to go to war but women have periods so it kinda balances out". No, I'm not kidding.

Socks_are_okay ago

Good you dodged that cannonball. I've known people like this for many years now, and surprise: they end up still throwing tantrums when they're mad, and with drug abuse. The ones that got kids, granted them the gift of fetal alcohol syndrome.

Not only dodged for yourself, but also any possible children. Which you'd probably would've end up raising because "I can't do anything because of the war with my hormones hahaha now get me icecream and make the kids food so I can watch tv and pretend to not have been shot because that's what it feels like"

Sword-and-Shield ago

Women will always be a joke. If a male has a female priori or shows the typical traits that male show when a female is present, that is no man, for he is lower than a fucking Jew.

Drunkenst ago

But, but they gotta worry about hair extensions and periods and shit..., sniffle.

gazillions ago

80% of drug deaths are men

Men commit suicide at 4 times the rate of women.

Keep throwing those facts in their faces. Follow it up with "I hate you". It's a girly statement, but it's the only thing that affects them.

Socks_are_okay ago

Sounds like a temper tantrum. You don't win moral fights by stooping to the level of an idiot. You stop enabling the idiot and then they start behaving.

gazillions ago

I'm guessing you aren't a female, so you don't know what's going on with them. You aren't winning so far. In fact you're dying.

Socks_are_okay ago

Ahh. Didn't know woman and female no longer are the same. Thanks for the heads-up little sister!!

gazillions ago

WTF are you even saying?

Gopherurself ago


Fancy451 ago

This is meme power.

usernameisnotthis ago

good god this was powerful..

Walk1 ago

Its the cost of protecting and preserving your country and women should have some sense of what that duty entails. Women have issues with it today because they tend to think life is all about partying and having fun.

TurquoiseLover ago

Yes I'm quite sure that all of you wiped your own sh-t off your butt.

bagano1 ago

Shut the fuck up. Also, try being an adult caregiver, which many men do. That's 10x worse.

TurquoiseLover ago

Apparently all brawn and NO brains. HA HA HA HA

TurquoiseLover ago

Poor you, such a dumb victim. It's hilarious.

randomfuckingidiot ago

How long of a training course did that take? How many classmates have died in combat since? 🤣

Morbo ago

The butt wiping lasts only a short time. A man spends his whole life protecting and providing for those same women. If it were the other way around, would the women be up to the task?

MDEneverdies1488 ago

War ain't nuthin compared to changing diapers

Drunkenst ago

There’s an exception to every rule. My worst job ever was working at a cloth diaper cleaning service. I was in charge of sucking the shit from the four corner drawers before they hit the laundry.

TheAntiZealot ago

My worst job ever

I was in charge of sucking the shit

With your mouth?

Drunkenst ago

Might be shit to you but it’s our bread and butter. Now get back to your prayer rug Achmed.

TheAntiZealot ago

get back to your prayer rug

Sorry, I don't worship Baal. Try again.

tendiesonfloor ago


It's OK, you can say 'shit' on the Internet.

TheAntiZealot ago

Niggerfaggotkike can't type "shit" on voat... That is CuntSpicGookNipWeird as dickinpussyFUCK!

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Reminds me of the days when I came home from my 50+ hour/week forestry job -- dirty, hands cut and bloody, back hurting -- to have my then-girlfriend who worked a part time office job bitch at me about how "exhausted" she was from work and how generally difficult her life was. Fucking women, dude.

AinzOown ago

Makes you feel manly as fuck though working a physical job. I just started one a few weeks ago. Right now I'm liking it but we'll see.

TheTrigger ago

It depends on how physical. Some jobs will just fuck you, over time, until you're a stereotypical boomer, hooked on opiates to numb the literal and existential pain. Some of them are just great, though, and I'd recommend them to anyone.

Gigglestick ago

It's rewarding seeing what you can do with your own two hands. I worked at a Greenhouse/Nursery through High School and it has so far been my favorite job.

collin6173 ago

Same here. I got home late from work, like 7 or 8pm. Wife had been home since 5. I walk in for 5 minutes and sit down, exhausted. She then asks me, "what are we going to eat for supper?". We are no longer married now.

Phantom42 ago

And how old are you?

I'm starting to see a pattern here. The generations before Boomers, typically stayed together and were married.

Boomers: A few outliers(divorces, cheating, etc.). Still ostracized. Men actively seek relationships.

In-between Boomers and Millenials: Issues grow. Men still actively seek relationships. Amount of young virgin girls reduced drastically.

Millenials: Issues abound. Promotion of open relationships and whoring around. Minority of men turning away from relationships. Divorces skyrocketing.

Gen Z: (Me, 19). Issues beyond critical state. Faggot marriage among others tolerated. Interracial mutt-breeding rampant. Open relationships accepted. Young men either very active sexually or in many relationships, or abstaining entirely.

Verdict: Einsatzgruppen must be formed and deployed across the nation. Jurisdiction is left to the officer in charge of each squad in determining if a whore, cheater, etc. is arrested or killed on the spot. Citizens are encouraged to report any sexual deviancy to authorities, or actively seek and destroy these anomalies themselves. Engage at your own risk.

collin6173 ago


BumFightChamp ago

Don't feel sorry for the troops, they know what they signed up for.

Be pissed off at the politicians that used their trust and wasted their lives for profit.

MAGAroniNCheese ago

Agreed. Those men dont need us to feel sorry for them. They DESERVE our thanks!

An_Hero_OP ago

Especially the draftees.

MrDarkWater ago

Doesn't matter for this meme:
Those men made a decision based on what they were told which filtered through their character.

Yes, all wars have been bullshit, and they knew they could die or have friends die, but because they were good been THEY FUCKING DID IT ANYWAY. Because that's what strong been of good character do.

So do feel sorry for the troops, if not just because they sacrificed a bunch for a lie. You stupid fucking edgelord.

white_male30 ago

good character

fighting jew wars


MrDarkWater ago

Nearly everybody in the entire world is ignorant of reality. I can't really blame them, most people are stupid and ignorant. Doesn't mean they are bad, or can't be good

BumFightChamp ago

Fuck you faggot, they aren't some Instagram meme to be cried over. Go find a veteran and see give any shits about upboats or likes.

They're not faggots like you.

MrDarkWater ago

Lighten up Francis. Got no empathy, psycho?

BumFightChamp ago

Half of my family are vets and with a few combat vets and they are not crybabies that need internet likes or have any soyboy feelings.

They are all pissed at the government and know they were lied to.

This kinda crap would piss them off if they were nerds and looked at it online.

Pwning4Ever ago

Some of these pics were old school WW2 boys.

MrDarkWater ago

Still a shitty war based on lies. Beautiful white Christians killing white Christians so Jews could get rich and their own nation.

Drakgan ago

This. Soldiers defend, politicians steal.

wigson ago

"Women have always been the primary victims of war."

  • Hillary Clinton

gabara ago

Men have always been the primary victims of rape. We have to hear about it.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

To be a victim, you have to survive.

edgelord666 ago

Half of this is a powerful set of images. Too bad some neckbeard had to pollute it with a bunch of instagram bullshit because he's an incel. I can't believe you faggots upvoat this shit.

Hail_Odin ago

Women have always been the primary victims of Hillary Clinton

recon_johnny ago

Yeah, fuck that bitch.

Osmanthus ago

Google says thats a real quote. Jesus Christ, that explains everything about her, that selfish hag pig.

Chimaira92 ago

Theres a video clip of her peeing into a fucking latrine. She'd say or do anything for money.

AinzOown ago

It's real, she's on video saying it. Pretty sure it was a written speech so it wasn't even diarrhea of the mouth, but something thought of proofed, and ultimately decided, "yeah, this would be great to tell America."

Gigglestick ago

They misunderestimated the audience.

Pintac ago

Most women lost their sense of reality, once reality starts kicking them, they will be back to be loving and caring for their men..

MockingDead ago

But what men will have them?

Pintac ago

Soy boys that had to grow up.

Korinthian ago

You cant lose what youve never had. Its not that women went crazy, rather men stopped forcing them to be sane.

Pintac ago

It's kinda tricky, many men didn't have good men role models in their lives, thus they didn't develop respect for masculinity early on in life.

Blehblehbleh73 ago

Women ought to take personal responsibility

recon_johnny ago

They can't and they won't.

Korinthian ago

If women could take responsibility they would have already repealed the 19th all on their own. Dont ask a cat to not chase mice, dont ask a woman to not chase flairs of passion.

jollux ago

You just sound like the inverse of a gillette ad.

There are plenty of good women out there, stop hanging out in bars.

Blehblehbleh73 ago

Does my statement not ring true to you?

jollux ago

I can't tell if our personal situations are different enough that this rings true for you, but I know plenty of good women who want children and are into the handicrafts movement.

For example, Tumblr is sweating about the burgeoning female NS movement on their site.

Blehblehbleh73 ago

I'm young and work with a lot of women. I get older, I learn more about people, and generally pay better attention. It seems like the women I know get nastier for the most part (though I will say I know a handful of good ones that are utterly adored :) )

FuggBenis ago

"Being a mom is the hardest job in the world."

  • Oprah Winfrey

daskapitalist ago

When half the population can do a job, it's slightly harder than eating a bon-bon.

recon_johnny ago

And fuck that bitch, too.

midil ago

Bill Burr said it best

they_call_me_mouse ago

I miss Bill in that time of his life. He’s cucked as fuck now.

FuggBenis ago

Hah, that's where I first heard that quote. Thanks for reminding me.

Splooge ago

"Being a mom is the hardest job in the world."

-- A childless woman

Mylon ago

She's a woman talking to stay at home moms on daytime TV. She's just pandering to her audience.

middle_path ago

Yeah, as if they've ever tried mining coal or professional boxing.

JohnGoodman ago

They only burn coal

Simsim ago

Which eventually leads to them trying boxing.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Damn, son.

ForTheUltimate ago

imagine this. you're having it better than ever. You live in a culture that protects elevates and forgives you. You're given more political power and autonomy than ever.

Will you do good with it or will you do evil be a women?

People are blind regardless of how much evil you do. What do you do when no one is looking?

Pwning4Ever ago

Women in developed countries don't know what strife looks like.

Socks_are_okay ago

Said somebody who never worked any fields, factories, warehouses, public transport, or abused his partner (though you sound like those who do) - because then you might have figured out there are women in all those places as well. Sure, it's not 50/50 but I guess you were too busy patting yourself on the back while in your victim role.

Everybody knows strife. Difference is prioritizing of morals and values.

Pwning4Ever ago

True strife isn't working at a factory, many men don't know true strife is either. Think pre-industrialized era where production was limited.

Socks_are_okay ago

Country I'm from had a lot of women working in factories during the industrial revolution. Before that, women and men were equal in working fields and taking care of animals and their neighborhoods. Less than a hundred years ago people would still live in huts of mud and straw built right next to piles of rubble and stacked stones, then call it a house. The people after them would be taught about it and learn the value of a house without water piling up on the ground floor.

Working in a factory in the night, then going home to try and make ends meet, while seeing if you can fix some things up to sell or to not have to buy new items... That come close enough? Maybe there's a huge difference between our living locations, but the country I'm from and the country I'm currently in, people don't always have enough money to do what they want, ending up prisoners of a home they use for sleeping and eating only, in-between their job(s)

randomfuckingidiot ago

What do you do when no one is looking?

Take a nap, being evil takes effort

zxcvzxcv ago

You must be sexist man! You need watch mor Gillette ads.

Blehblehbleh73 ago


lIIlIIllxlIIIllll ago

What do you do when no one is looking?

I break for a World that's destroying itself.

FuggBenis ago

People are blind regardless of how much evil you do. What do you do when no one is looking?

That was beautiful.

lexsird ago

Women have never had it so good and in doing so have ruined western civilization. When West Civ falls and it will thanks to women, anything they gained will be lost and it will be a thousand years before anyone is retarded enough to give them the time of day let alone pamper them like they have been.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

When West Civ falls and it will thanks to women

When western Civ fails, it will fail thanks to WEAK MEN like you.

If women trigger it, it will still be the WEAK MEN who gave women the vote and allowed them to abuse it.

Socks_are_okay ago

My point exactly.. for every dumb whore there is an equally degenerate whoremonger. Pointing the finger at women and failing to see that these women have been encouraged to be in this situation by men, says enough about modern day men that hate on all women for the degeneracy of some: virtue signaling doesn't make you the better sex and it doesn't hide your insecurity in living with the opposite gender.

Being so proud about "it's women" is pathetic. Men like this do a mighty fine job in helping feminists build up a wall to destroy partnership of the two genders, as well as shield themselves from the gender they blame for a dual fault of members of both genders.

If you can point a finger at everybody of the opposite gender rather than try and comprehend your entire gender could have stopped (and can still) a lot of the degeneracy by stopping to be doormats for and interested in whores, things change immensely.

Only the weak generalize and blame others when they are in fault just the same. It's not a battle between genders, it's a battle for the future of our children.

Gislisson ago

When West Civ falls and it will thanks to women


Monte_Carlo ago

You know what's funny, is that some women like to dream that men won't be needed once they create artificial sperm.

But honestly, it's more likely that artificial wombs are created and that women become obsolete imo.

lexsird ago

Sex bots will replace women. Why would any of us put up with their shit once we can replace them? Once the need to fuck them is over, they have absolutely no fucking worth at all. A bot can do anything they can do but better.

shakin_my_head ago

Brotatochip, I understand what you are saying but do you? Visit a real community that truly beleives in God, family, honor and you will realize that their are a lot of good women around. You are starting to sound little hibabi/burka. Don't let the plants fool you, plenty of 100% natinalitys still remain in world and these groups keep it together. Week them out and you will find comfort.

lexsird ago

Just 'organically' raising humans is folly at this point. We need to be embracing eugenics so that we can evolve towards the stars. DNA mapping and A.I. will allow us to build better humans, replacing the weaker sex will be a great start.

Let's face it, they've de-evolved into nothing but baby factories. They're stupider, weaker, emotional and easily tricked into betraying their own. They're selfish whores who aren't even good for the children they rear.

You might find a FEW 'good ones', but it's not enough to offset the whole. We didn't pull the weeds out of the garden of humanity in time and now the top civilization, the best chance we have of surviving is dying a painful death thanks to them.

Perhaps once we've established our future we can revisit the notion of 'females', but frankly it's a bust. We'll build them better next time. Until then, sex bots will be more than adequate for the needs of humans.

Don't think so, check back in a hundred years and tell me how I'm wrong.

shakin_my_head ago

I'll mark it on my calendar. Thanks.

Socks_are_okay ago

First get rid of (((those))) that lord over you, or the dumb females remain and those worthy of eugenics take their place in extinction. Only when you are entirely free within your own space should eugenics be started up - to avoid the idea and support for it falling in the wrong hands.

In the meantime, while you enjoy your sexbot, I'm off to raise my kids right. Never been much of an engineer so I'll be busy the good old ways.

Good luck

AinzOown ago

It would be funny when all the physical labor jobs don't get done. Sure maybe some women pick up the slack and get 5-10% of them done, but most wouldn't be able to cut it.

drozzxd ago

Well yea cause men invent shit women spread their legs

LettItBurn ago

Long Nose Tribe gone in giant cave fire. Big Lip Tribe crushed. Wet Tribe chased back south. Now women normal again.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Long Nose Tribe gone in giant cave fire.

Long Nose Tribe not give vote women. Long Nose Tribe not give vote Big Lip Tribe. Long Nose Tribe not give vote Wet Tribe.

Why all blame Long Nose Tribe no blame on those fucking retards who dispensed voting rights like candy even though the founding fathers explicitely limited it?

LettItBurn ago

Long Nose Tribe say all tribes same. Trick all tribes. Make all tribes war other tribes. Even war own tribe.

Long Nose Tribe all die in big cave fire. All tribes go back own caves. No more tribe war.

Honey_Pot ago

Dark sky in Middle East, big storm blows, salty sea runs red.

MrDarkWater ago

Now time make baby

Gislisson ago

But first, a sammich.