Pulverizor ago

Should this be in v/ProtectVoat?

draaaak ago

Probably. I put it here because all the other posts related to it were also in v/whatever, but this is quickly turning into a v/protectvoat issue.

draaaak ago

I've been suspicious of that guy since I first saw his comments. The lady doth protest too much me thinks...

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yeah, u/AR47 's original post was in response to me. But then something interesting happened!

In one of his original posts he tagged me. Then, every bot ended up copying the post and I got tagged by each and every one of them!

I have a list of every single bot now. It's pretty funny.

draaaak ago

What's it like having a retarded AI fan club? I'm super jelly btw.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

kinda annoying because you get message notifications on repeats

but kinda heartwarming too because you know theyre always there lol

draaaak ago

I must be nice to feel so loved <3

clamhurt_legbeard ago

theyre just groupies

id take the insincere death threats of u/elitch2 over a horde of groupies any day

Rotteuxx ago

Funny how the bots are just copy pasting his comments, who do you think he pissed off ?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Not sure who.

Might be an unrelated party trying to use it as an excuse for later calls for censorship or division.

Rotteuxx ago

Meh, I think the Poal/Voat cross platform shit disturbing attempts might have more to do with it than a censorship shilling attempt.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Could be.

Poal is trash, so is Phuks.

Rotteuxx ago

So how many bots anyways ?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Tagged by five:


Armpit_and_Ass ago

I have no idea what I'm looking at here. Who are any of these people? The fuck is a poal?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Poal is a pro-censorship voat clone.

u/adhdferret ran to poal after having a tantrum here, but then came crawling back (with a different name) a month later.

MadWorld ago

u/adhdferret ran to poal after having a tantrum here, but then came crawling back (with a different name) a month later.

I thought he deleted all his comments and submissions, instead of anonymizing them, and ran to phuks, not poal. I could be wrong. What is his new username?

clamhurt_legbeard ago


He's the one the bots are copying and harassing.

MadWorld ago


Armpit_and_Ass ago

But don't they already have reddit if that's what they're after? This is all so confusing.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


They sure do.

Chimaira92 ago

There's absolutely no evidence that this is from Poal. Most likely one of the SRS or SBBH jews.


They create bots and attack themselves to play the victims.

draaaak ago

If poal (Happy Hanukkah) says so, then it must be true..

Chimaira92 ago

Go ahead and source some proof then, the userbase consists of like 15 people so it shouldn't take you too long.

draaaak ago

I provided circumstantial evidence to support my suspicions, but I'm open to alternate theories. The possibility of this being a false flag is probably high, hard to know for sure though. Poal faggots have been trolling/shilling on voat for a long time, it would not shock me one bit if they were behind the fake meme postings we've been seeing on voat lately.

Do you have proof that supports this theory/claim:

They create bots and attack themselves to play the victims.

Chimaira92 ago

Poal faggots have been trolling/shilling on voat for a long time,

No they haven't, I was there since the day they created the site. I used to frequent it daily and that doesn't sound anything like the people who left Voat. The only thing I witnessed the Poal admins do is rightfully call out u/Puttitout for not updating his warrant canary and his complete disregard for the coders who helped improve voat's code.

However the antics of SBBH and whoever the u/freshmeat people are, have been going on longer than I have been on voat. I could never look into it either because there is a 20 page history cap if you want to look through a persons profile.

For example, the furthest I can go back and look at your comment history is from 18 days ago

How about armed teachers?

I consider this a form of censorship too.

draaaak ago

I consider this a form of censorship too as I can not fully research older claims that users have made.

And just like that, you lost all hope of me taking you seriously.

Chimaira92 ago

Alright but I asked the question 7 months ago when I was trying to look into this "SBBH manipulates Voat" conspiracy and was getting nowhere because you can't look past 19 pages of history. I got this response:


If I recall correctly it had to do with curtailing an attack that was repeatedly requesting bogus comment history pages. Putt took the fast/lazy approach of limiting the number of pages you could query. So if for example there was a request for page 20 (or higher) of a users comment history it would skip running the database query throw an error and save cycles.

Its a hack, but there is arguably very little traffic that goes to pages that far back so it rarely comes up in discussion.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I assume it's somebody annoyed with u/AR47.

Chimaira92 ago

Weird, his comments and posts are pretty mundane. Feels like a false flag on Poal.co, even that post about Poal creating fake news to post here didn't have any evidence. Poal posting gore to v/aww, again absolutely no proof whatsoever.


SBBH trying to stir up shit for Poal again I see.


No surprise there.


What amazes me is they don't even really try to prove it. Just make the claim, provide an unrelated link, and count on goats to be lazy.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Feels like a false flag on Poal.co

I assume so, too.

draaaak ago

I'm willing to accept this as a possibility.

One-Way_Bus ago

What's up bot?

AR47 ago

Nope actually the real one lol.

Look at the history as all the others only have comments or day old accounts.

talmoridor-x ago

What happened? Any idea why they're copying you?

AR47 ago

Someone got bored.....or discredit me with confusion so people just automatically think I am a bot....who knows.

ShineShooter ago

You know what this means!? Time to buy a new calibre!

draaaak ago



ShineShooter ago

The internal bore diameter of a rifle.

draaaak ago

Ohhh, caliber ;)

ShineShooter ago

My apologies, the Brit lads have been corrupting my vocab lately.

LostandFound ago

Even the bots are faggy

Depoly the limp penis

aLegoInYourShoe ago

Recognize any names in the ping list? I do.

draaaak ago

Yeah, a couple. They're all on my shill list now.

draaaak ago

Names? I haven't been keeping track of poal shills, though I know they're out there, being fags.

Womb_Raider ago

Just happens to be a lot of SBBH accounts in that thread and this one also... happenstance, of course.

digitalentity1497 ago

Ooooh struck a nerve did i?

Never modded videos. You know damn good and well the ones I did mod because I created all but one and that one I only helped grow LMAO

1gloomy ago

most of them are fucking obvious, that pic got me tho

fhaqyu ago

and they don't use night mode.


Rellik88 ago

Burn the Poal pay the toll.

SethQRich ago

You got to pay the poal toll if you want to get into the boy's hole

OneUnderNone ago


draaaak ago


draaaak ago

I posted this just recently, where I accused faggots from poal of trolling voat with fake "news" and doctored memes, and was immediately hit with a swarm of faggot nonsense bots. Not sure what they were going for, but I'm lmfaoing over here.

Laserchalk ago

Were they the ones that posted that obviously photoshopped holocaust images?

draaaak ago

It's possible, I'd have to dig them up to know for sure. Do you remember their titles or have any links?

Laserchalk ago


Upon looking at the user's history, they seem like a legit user

draaaak ago

I'm not actually convinced that this is a fraudulent post, or at least, an intentionally fraudulent post. I wasn't able to confirm the validity of the photo, but I was able to find a newspaper article from 1912 that confirmed there was a fatal train wreck in Ohio. Additionally, the version of the photo that is claimed to be from the "Holocaust" does appear to be heavily doctored, while the alleged original does not.

My full opinion on this particular meme is: could be legit hard to know for sure at this point. The date, location, and type of event checks out, but more research is needed to find the original photo and it's source. Until then, it's a maybe, perhaps a strong maybe, but still a maybe. Does this post look like shilling to me? No.

This post, on the other hand, is more suspect. Interestingly, it was posted by the same user as the one you cited.

eronburr ago

I wish one of these sites would let users see the first 3 octets of a users IP, then maybe geoIP to country. I heard chrome is a botnet for funneling a lot of this shit off real users devices but you'd probably see some patterns and make it easier to call out a shill and keep them listed if we got that info. First 3 is all we need and enough to keep us anonymous.