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draaaak ago

I posted this just recently, where I accused faggots from poal of trolling voat with fake "news" and doctored memes, and was immediately hit with a swarm of faggot nonsense bots. Not sure what they were going for, but I'm lmfaoing over here.

Laserchalk ago

Were they the ones that posted that obviously photoshopped holocaust images?

draaaak ago

It's possible, I'd have to dig them up to know for sure. Do you remember their titles or have any links?

Laserchalk ago

Upon looking at the user's history, they seem like a legit user

draaaak ago

I'm not actually convinced that this is a fraudulent post, or at least, an intentionally fraudulent post. I wasn't able to confirm the validity of the photo, but I was able to find a newspaper article from 1912 that confirmed there was a fatal train wreck in Ohio. Additionally, the version of the photo that is claimed to be from the "Holocaust" does appear to be heavily doctored, while the alleged original does not.

My full opinion on this particular meme is: could be legit hard to know for sure at this point. The date, location, and type of event checks out, but more research is needed to find the original photo and it's source. Until then, it's a maybe, perhaps a strong maybe, but still a maybe. Does this post look like shilling to me? No.

This post, on the other hand, is more suspect. Interestingly, it was posted by the same user as the one you cited.