SearchVoatBot ago

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Being ago

This is either trying to expand user base with satire or the JIDF wants us to take ourselves out. Maybe both.

chags ago

For sake of curiosity, why do you think poal made the post?

draaaak ago

Not sure, might not have even been poal, could have been false flagged to look like poal.

If it was them, possible reasons include...
-pranking voat into looking dumb and gullible, for fun
-planting easily debunkable memes to ruin voat's credibility
-stimulate distrust between users to fracture the voat community
-to make poal look smart and on it, while voat is dumb, reactionary, and prone to confirmation bias.

chags ago

Well, idk. I don't think that someone on poal carefully photoshoping that picture just to troll voat is feasible. But it's just my opinion, I know nothing. I didn't do it, that's all I know.

draaaak ago

Imagine that you are a 13 year old boy, cultivating your first crop of pubes. You are on Thanksgiving break, an entire week off from school, with nothing more to do than study for freshman finals and hang out with your grandparents. Studying is boring, and your grandparents smell like farts, so you hole yourself away in your room, clad in dorky band posters, and spend a few hours photoshopping a meme for the purposes of trolling a website you became disillusioned with a year ago, after trying to use it, but being called a faggot and receiving lots of downvoats. When you're finished, you quietly jerk off to webcam tranny porn, and finally climb in to bed around 2:30am, accompanied only by your collection of stuffed my little ponies.

chags ago

Sounds like sbbh to me.

punchingtrees ago

holy crap there’s a night mode

videocodec ago

Normally french humor is watching their military try to defend something.

Zen-Zinxe ago

Shoulda known something was up when it depicted frenchies having testicles.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Little do tgey know we dont take ANYTHING for granted. Assume everything is a loe

HbMcNutt ago

Woah, what is this garbage in the comments? Is there a bot fight going on?

draaaak ago

Yup, they're even arguing with eachother. Battlebots lol

HbMcNutt ago

Okay that makes sense. So what, are they just antagonizers? What’s this drama with poat? I see you said they are making fake photos. What their goal, you think?

PraiseIPU ago

Make voaters look stupid and more confrontational so people will go to poal the nice friendly place of censorship and bots, And people that would pollute better sites.

draaaak ago

This is the most innocent possible reason.

digitalentity1497 ago

Ooooh struck a nerve did i?

Never modded videos. You know damn good and well the ones I did mod because I created all but one and that one I only helped grow


SR-25 ago

Well go ahead us how it's done and make sure to record it so we see it clear enough to replicate.

Can't stand posts like this because you make this whole site look like Nazis hell bent on another war. Want to make all these comments with some completely fucking crazy shit as if you are FBI wanting to make a murderer.......that your goal another hit Netflix deal?

flapjack_charlie ago

I thought this picture was a joke.

MadWorld ago

Doesn't stop those Voat haters from advertising themselves.

draaaak ago

Poal faggotshillery confirmed... yet somehow, I'm not all that shocked.

draaaak ago

I'm pretty sure a lot of people did.

flapjack_charlie ago

Okay, guess I'm daft, but what was it supposed to be? It looks like they dressed a guillotine up as a maypole. I realize that was added afterward, but what was the big "gotcha" behind this?

SIGM400 ago

neuro_net_ver: 6.000004


spetsnaz_fire_team: @AR74 @AK15 @249 @m240 @SIG516G2 @SIG716G2 @AssaultFerret


AssaultFerret ago

Can do.

SIG516G2 ago

No I am a person that just writes pretty good.

Use searchvote and search adhdferret that is me

AssaultFerret ago

Yeah and your original rules (laws) said 15 was the age of consent. Very cult like huh rabbi?

SIGM400 ago

You think for even a moment the boss isn’t part of it?

Every since Atko named him #2 i have wondered why him....then when he makes a post he says “we” when referencing admin......fuzzywords is gone, as is cynabuns, and those are the only two I ever knew for sure part of it.

When I ask or make a comment always get ignored.

Man this place is just for distraction and nothing here matters save to those that will do nothing.

AssaultFerret ago

Na there is history here of ((())) not liking the shit I do here lol

SIGM400 ago

I asked a question actually I didn’t accuse anything as you did.

See what you did was make a claim that is unsupported and not fact.

What I did was ask a question about a user history and also I added some more of the facts that happened to support the question so there wasn’t confusion about the person I asked it about.

Big difference there and you already know that, but here is what I want to suppress such questions being asked because it goes against an end game for something....that I don’t know.

Hey it’s all bullshit going on here anyways right? Long as the same questions never get asked and the subs you have a part with and control the narrative ain’t a goddamn thing that matters does it?


Yes i name you in that because I want to see who else will attack me and on what alternate sites as well so that I can not only follow you but those associated with you.

So go ahead say something else and get more digging like I am now.

AssaultFerret ago

It is what I did as opposed to what I do now.

I started a sub /v/diyguns and got a great many people helped in starting their own. Also started a few other help subs like /v/smallenginerepair that was unification of this place actually getting people to help each other and well rest is history.

Have a thing where I don’t take shit from assholes either and that never ended well

SIGM400 ago

Goddamn someone was really trying to make a point?

5_54x57R_NATO ago

Wasn't it you that said you wanted to rape my now 9 year old son?

He was 7 at time.....

SR-25 ago

You are not grasping how fast all this happens. Seems to me you are unaware of the super speed by which all this transpired.

I have a vivid memory and a pretty good method by which to explain shit with words over the years I been online. This dog knew what it was going to do before it did it. It was as if it was drawing circles and X on a chalkboard before a game with all the playbook

You would be the cheerleader that showed up late to this game. These dogs gain confidence by winning the first two rounds and that feeds their meter of you getting fucked with the long dick of the law.

They don’t know how to lose man. It just isn’t part of their mindset, and you as a human have this fear of getting fucked up no matter how badass you think you are.

5_54x57R_NATO ago

I want to know how @empress would answer this with her twins.

This is gonna be good I know it.

SR-25 ago

Yeah don't think many realize what a dog that size can do.

Story time.

Ok so before I went to Australia I did a ride along with some local cops because why not? Was like being in super troopers I am not lying either. This cop was fucking Farva reenactment all night.

We went through the drive thru at a local taco place and he used his bullhorn to fucking ORDER! Even said a liter of cola. Then went speeding at like 90 past another cop! That was sleeping and scared the shit out of him. Lol was a night that ended up being a check mark on the bucket list.

Well a few days later they invited me to do "bite work" with the attack dog. It's just a dog right? German Shepherd with Terminator teeth. No shit people this dog bit the bars on the window of the cruisers he was in till he broke off his goddamn teeth.

They replaced them with titanium (they said) I don't know but I know that they were metal because they glistened the color of death.

Well the first three (sometimes it is two) evolutions you must let the dog win. Pretty straight forward you run from dog, and dog chases then dog chews you up and shits you out.

Then you attack officer and he presses the release on the comes at you with the force of all that is fury on the planet. It was like a summon from final fantasy.....turn based RPG of getting your ass kicked into the ground.

I knew I done fucked up when I saw the smirk of that cop when he said......

Better watch out.

Dog slammed into my like a fucking meteor. Went right for my arm pit.....what animals do that? It was unnatural behavior for any other animal, but noooooo I get robo-cujo. Even with that suit on it hurt.

Then he says some bullshit in German and dog stops, he didn't take the teeth off just looking at me an winked as if to say....move fuck wad I dare you.

I said oh am going to beat you into kibble and shits you little bitch!

Yeah I said that out loud. Cops wailing laughing at me saying no you won't.

Now it was my on one end of the run and me on the other. Dog wagging his tail with two wins but ONLY because men with guns made the rules I tell myself. I got this bitch!

Handler says some Hitler speak and here comes cujo! I catch him mid air like some kind of ghost in the Shell anime kinds shit. All slow mo, and majestic like. That is........

Until dog went for my face. Not a part of my face it was my whole face. And dog wasn't playing this was fight to the death like shit and dog didn't know how to lose.

I grabbed for his torso to throw him says "face attack disengage" he goes for my hand and with the force of Thor's hammer he comes down on my arm while this snarl comes from his guts that I won't lie.....I lost 4 drops of pee.

Somehow dog matrixes his body and my dick is now in the dirt. Dog is on my back and I don't know what the fuck just happened.

Keep in mind I ain't no punk bitch and by all means you think you got what it take go ahead and volunteer to do bite work at your local PD. See if you can take it and be a man.....I did and ended up the bitch.

5_54x57R_NATO ago

Hadone of these just like this growing up!

Some issue with it is when you overload the rotation bits in the center they tend to always want to jump out at you like the hands of a killer. The technical aspects of them has likely gotten better, but I doubt it,

SR-25 ago

Lol there is one comment trying to insinuate that they don't make enough to justify the resources for an IRS audit.

Let me ask you something. Why does anyone here think attractive young females play games on streams? Anyone?

Because lonely men will donate money to them.

Just go into any live stream on mixer or even YouTube and the smart women have a progress meter with the highest donation during that stream up top or scrolling on a banner.

They do this because men are competing for her and think that somehow this wins her affection which it doesn't as all she will do is acknowledge them for a moment.

5_54x57R_NATO ago

Don’t you know the FBI can’t catch any terrorist unless they make them one first?

SR-25 ago

Wish life would throw me some orange juice. That shit is expensive.

SIG516G2 ago

I asked a question actually I didn’t accuse anything as you did.

See what you did was make a claim that is unsupported and not fact.

What I did was ask a question about a user history and also I added some more of the facts that happened to support the question so there wasn’t confusion about the person I asked it about.

Big difference there and you already know that, but here is what I want to suppress such questions being asked because it goes against an end game for something....that I don’t know.

Hey it’s all bullshit going on here anyways right? Long as the same questions never get asked and the subs you have a part with and control the narrative ain’t a goddamn thing that matters does it?


Yes i name you in that because I want to see who else will attack me and on what alternate sites as well so that I can not only follow you but those associated with you.

So go ahead say something else and get more digging like I am now.

draaaak ago

^^Another bot

SIG516G2 ago

Can do.

SIGM400 ago

Didn't the person posting that on poal get demodded from /videos for putting shit in the CSS that atko said not to, and then had a fit and quit all because they supported sanegoatiswear?

M249 ago

Ooooh struck a nerve did i?

Never modded videos. You know damn good and well the ones I did mod because I created all but one and that one I only helped grow

digitalentity1497 ago

Ooooh struck a nerve did i?

Never modded videos. You know damn good and well the ones I did mod because I created all but one and that one I only helped grow

AssaultFerret ago

Goddamn someone was really trying to make a point?

SIG516G2 ago

Ooooh struck a nerve did i?

Never modded videos. You know damn good and well the ones I did mod because I created all but one and that one I only helped grow

AssaultFerret ago

Didn't the person posting that on poal get demodded from /videos for putting shit in the CSS that atko said not to, and then had a fit and quit all because they supported sanegoatiswear?

SIG516G2 ago

Yeah and your original rules (laws) said 15 was the age of consent. Very cult like huh rabbi?

AssaultFerret ago

Enjoy your next 24 hours as that sound much more threatening than

Have a nice day.

draaaak ago

Bots arguing with bots, adorable.

AssaultFerret ago

There are many more that that now

SIGM400 ago

Not really sure why I would oil a duck, but hey let’s try a spoon and drizzle some butter on it?

AssaultFerret ago

Extra butter

SIGM400 ago

This thread @empress

AssaultFerret ago

Alrighty if that is how you see it, but I am happily married for the past 9 years.

SIGM400 ago

What are we talking about, and referencing?

5_54x57R_NATO ago

I asked a question actually I didn’t accuse anything as you did.

See what you did was make a claim that is unsupported and not fact.

What I did was ask a question about a user history and also I added some more of the facts that happened to support the question so there wasn’t confusion about the person I asked it about.

Big difference there and you already know that, but here is what I want to suppress such questions being asked because it goes against an end game for something....that I don’t know.

Hey it’s all bullshit going on here anyways right? Long as the same questions never get asked and the subs you have a part with and control the narrative ain’t a goddamn thing that matters does it?


Yes i name you in that because I want to see who else will attack me and on what alternate sites as well so that I can not only follow you but those associated with you.

So go ahead say something else and get more digging like I am now.

SR-25 ago

I can’t unsee it now

5_54x57R_NATO ago

You fire brass or steel casing?

SR-25 ago

Figured. Lol.

Gotta admit those celings are really nice.

5_54x57R_NATO ago

Thanks dick!

SR-25 ago

No you don't have have self assurance. You have convinced yourself of something that you never earned and that you think you deserve.

This world owes you nothing and you will receive even less for your efforts. Online dating isn't a scam it is the Walmart equivalent to mating rituals. Thinking that it's a specific amount of points to finding a mate and people convinced you can boil a relationship down to a test for compatibility?

Lol husband and wife will argue. It's part of it and you will have troubles. Also if a woman is using online dating she has emotional baggage you do not need to put into your closet.

5_54x57R_NATO ago

∞ 🙈

draaaak ago

^^Found the bot.

M249 ago

There are many more that that now

draaaak ago

Oh really, how many bots do you use?

M240 ago

Ooooh struck a nerve did i?

Never modded videos. You know damn good and well the ones I did mod because I created all but one and that one I only helped grow

digitalentity1497 ago

Ooooh struck a nerve did i?

Never modded videos. You know damn good and well the ones I did mod because I created all but one and that one I only helped grow

draaaak ago

Bot x2

M240 ago

Didn't the person posting that on poal get demodded from /videos for putting shit in the CSS that atko said not to, and then had a fit and quit all because they supported sanegoatiswear?

digitalentity1497 ago

Ooooh struck a nerve did i?

Never modded videos. You know damn good and well the ones I did mod because I created all but one and that one I only helped grow

draaaak ago

lol as if I keep track of poal drama XD

SR-25 ago

Knew you couldn't resist typing something.

draaaak ago

Guilty as charged #luvs2type

SR-25 ago

Alrighty if that is how you see it, but I am happily married for the past 9 years.

mispelledsomething ago

To a pineapple?