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throwaway888 ago

WTF is this shitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt?
How much power or stupidity they must have to openly put their name and face beside genocidal remarks. I don't even.

sonuvspam ago

Any of you white-guilt virtue signallers who are that commited to "stopping" the white race, feel free to commit suicide.

Merchant_Menace ago

And just like magic, poof - they suddenly know what white people are!

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago


EngelbertHumperdinck ago

It's actually $38 billion+ over 10 years —not that that makes it ok.

cosMICjester ago

The author's name is Frank Joyce otherwise if u want to hear more of this piece of shit & one of his progressive anti white pals here's a vid.

If u watch the vid you'll find it's quite bizarre that xenophobic asians are never mentioned. Cultures that believe I'm Japanese, Chinese, etc. you're whatever therefore I'm superior. I can almost guarantee m00slime middle easterners feel the exact same way.

Also quite odd these self loathing slimebags never bring up any other empires atrocities along w/ the heinous activities that opposing indigenous tribes did to each other but only focus on whitey. Who by the way has brought mankind to it's pinnacle. It must really suck hating your own skin color while licking the boots of minorities that hate u.

How long before SJW commie vermin filled w/ white guilt like these festering boils are rounded up, tar & feathered then drawn & quartered. The future of the west depends on it.

Charilko ago

Goddammit. Why are these people so insistent on being stereotypes?

keksupreme ago

i agree.

that starts by cutting aid for israel

Chimaira92 ago

That's the entire idea of propagating the 'Holocaust'

MassTooter ago

The guys name is Frank Joyce. Why did you change the name like that? If you want to call him a white traitor do that but if I shared this shit someone would call me out on it and that would make me look like a fool and would make promoting the truth that much more difficult. Don't do this shit. Downvoted for your gayness.

newoldwave ago

Then give back the western civilized world created by the white race.

voatuser1128 ago

So where will the 38 billion dollars Israel gets every year will come from?

America is the only superpower that pays it's vassal states tribute rather than the other way around.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Don't tell me the kikes don't know exactly what they're doing.

heretolearn ago

got a source for this?

recon_johnny ago


Fuck you, Jew.

ScannerDarkly ago

The article doesn’t say destroyed. It says stopped. If you have to lie to get your point across, something is wrong with your argument.

myvoicefromhell ago

Stupid joos. Who do you think is protecting you from you being next? Hint: The same country who is cutting you checks every year.

Plavonica ago

Huh, imagine that.

veteran88 ago

She is projecting

billyvvinz ago

It's Frank Joyce, not Steinberg. That picture's photoshopped.

IheartSwimming ago

For 500 years, they’ve exploited their fellow man and plundered the planet. It’s time they rein themselves in


billyvvinz ago

Spirit of the message is still the same, for sure.

voatuser1128 ago

It's Frank Joyce, not Steinberg. That picture's photoshopped.

I don't know why people on the right do this when there are so many actual articles that say the same thing. It just hurts their credibility when someone points out a fake tweet or article headline.

draaaak ago

Maybe, just maybe, it's not people on the right who are doing this...

Naked_Dave ago

This 100%. People in general are bad at doing basic fact checking, and shills take advantage of that.

When you're discussing controversial subjects one error like that can cause a normie to dismiss your entire argument. We need to be more diligent and thorough in vetting sources and news outlets. People want to accept everything that confirms their bias, especially the juicy stuff. There's no need to do that, there is enough strong evidence to make people at least doubt mainstream narratives.

voatuser1128 ago

The left would just write actual articles about ending the white race. I'm talking about people on the right photo-shopping headlines from Salon, Vox, CNN, NYT, etc. to make them look more anti-white to stir up things up even though there are plenty of real anti-white headlines from those organizations. I just had to delete a post of a headline from Salon I thought was real but later on found out to be photo-shopped.

draaaak ago

And what I'm suggesting is that the people photoshopping these things are probably not people on the right. They are most likely shills, planting disinformation, which can be used by the left to make their opposition, the right, look really bad.

voatuser1128 ago

I think it's the Right who's doing the photo-shopping to make the Left more anti-white to sway neutrals to the Right's side. If the Left photoshopped something it would be right-wing websites to make them to look more crazy and more bad to sway people to their side. Like why would the Left photoshop headlines from headlines from liberal websites to look more crazy to normal people?

draaaak ago

I just explained why, in my last comment. Read it again, then take some time to think it over.

voatuser1128 ago

No man. It's your own logic that's faulty. The left has no reason to produce anti left headlines which would not help the lefts cause. I'm done with you. Let's just not comment on each others comments in the future.


Low IQ confirmed.

draaaak ago

The shilling strategy I tried to explain to you is a very similar meme-base version of this irl shilling strategy.

draaaak ago

It's a trap that enables them to discredit their opposition with ease.

battleaxe253 ago

Not to mention that the article was written 3 years ago, not in 2018:

KingHiss ago

How do you do fellow gentiles?

Hydrocephalus ago

Every. Single. Time.

AlternateSelection ago

Good idea! Let's start with that dude. And end with that dude.

NoRoyalty ago

All Salon cunts must be gang raped by white Christian men.

TheWorstImaginable ago

uh... wouldn't it make sense to have them raped by the niggers they love so much? I think the niggers would be much more cooperative than white men...

NoRoyalty ago

You got a point.

GapingAnus ago

Good point. We absolutely need to rein "ourselves" in. I suggest we start with the "whites" at the top with those funny little rich-people hats.

tendiesonfloor ago

Unfortunately those 'whites' are mercurial shapeshifters.

GapingAnus ago

They can shapeshift all they want if we can get the left to start putting the top 0.1% in guillotines.

It comes down to filtering. At some point you filter more of the wheat than the chaff and then it's a numbers game.

Hydrocephalus ago

Jews are going to be sad when they realize their mud golems don't care about the 6 gorillion.

Hydrocephalus ago

Thanks for the article! It's funny to see one of the more aware jews going "it's a trap!"

fck_h8_UwU ago

One of the few upsides to Latino immigration is that they don't give a fuck about Jews and will push their own agenda, regardless of how much Jews kvetch about it.

GapingAnus ago

You'd better hope they represent a large enough demographic shift because the way I see this going isn't pretty. Israeli ambassadors and jewish media owners have, for decades called Europe a rat's nest of anti-semitism. Typically right after some country in Europe did not bow to Israeli foreign policy wishes. The constant cries of wolf have started falling on deaf ears and, now that increased anti-semitism is actually happening due to rampant muslim immigration, nobody believes them anymore. Their articles kvetching about it in the media are met with ridicule and disdain in comment sections, forums and around water coolers.

There seems to have been a sort of fallback fantasy in European (and US) jewish communities that "oh well, we can always move to Israel." This fantasy is rapidly showing itself to be impossible and even undesirable because even Israel doesn't have anywhere close to the standards of living they desire. The US can look forward to reversing the brain drain in the coming decades as European jews start fleeing to the US.

Now what happens to a Europe devoid of jews but approaching double-digit muslim representation? It's going to be Yugoslavia all over again but continent-wide and the US, now with a much higher percentage of jewish voters, are going to join the wrong side in that war just as in every other.