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Fagtardicus ago

gritty most mvp

fundie ago

Oh, and don't forget boys and girls, There's no business like Shoah business!

fundie ago

What's the difference between a cow and the Holocaust? You can't milk a cow for 70 years...

klngonwarr ago

must be the train tracks from back to the future as there are no rails, steam engine, box cars or caboose. Funny I also thought that biff wore clothes

Zionistworshipsatan ago

They did that with the sandy hook photo too. Fake school shooting in Pakistan.

Laserchalk ago

If you separated out the colour channels of a black and white image then they would all look the same. If there is a difference in the colour channels then the image would have colour in it.

TheWorstImaginable ago

K I've seen this mascot once before and asked what the fuck was up but no one wants go answer. What the fuck is up with that thing?

TheWorstImaginable ago

Yea I know that obviously. I called it a mascot. I want the history of the meme, why someone thinks this is a good format. It's fuckin hilarious for some reason, but what the autistic fuck?

TheWorstImaginable ago

What a fuckin bizarro clown world we live in. I tried reading the real article about it and found myself relating to the jew authors question: "Why is Gritty?" but I didn't get far into the article after the jew brought in her nigger muslim friend to explain the mascot.

Gumbatron ago

There appears to be some discussion of it here if you want to dig further:

No idea of the veracity of the posted image of of the linked site either though. But, it wouldn't surprise me if this image was faked.

Hockey_Sweater ago

OMG! You're right:,_Poland,_Cremation_of_bodies_by_the_Sonderkommando.jpg

I'm going to the Holocaust museum with this info! How, after murdering 60 million Jews, did the Nazis travel back in time and kill all of those people in Ohio in 1912? They might give me a gold watch for this info.

Vvswiftvv17 ago

So there was a train in 1912 where people rode naked?

SATAN_loves_YOU ago

Stop using gritty for political shit. Its the same thing Antifa did with gritty and its fucking pathetic. Like literally top notch nigger shit.


lol, you is dumb. nigga

SATAN_loves_YOU ago

Totes. But this shit is straight retarded.

usernameisnotthis ago


Whitemail ago

It's disturbing to consider who was doing this and why would they be doing this. This was going on back in 1945, and I think a lot of cuckservatives think "fake news" is some recent phenomenon.

LampshadeMaker ago

This is some great kikeroach bait.

pby1000 ago

They burned corpses from Aushwitz in Ohio?

LampshadeMaker ago

Daddy, why are the Nazi camp guards dressed like Casey Jones?

badruns ago

Never seen this, but the kvetching was certainly real.

Apparently people were claiming that this Ghost Adventures TV show - which there used to be clips up on youtube of, of "doctoring" the Holocaust photo. The Kvetching is real:

All of this has been memory holed off the internet already.

lanre ago

Honestly, that looks like two bodies on top of each other or something.

Pluviou5 ago

Also why are they burning them in open air if they had efficient gas chambers that could hold potentially hundreds of bodies?

satisfyinghump ago

Most veteran goats will read the comments for most submissions, especially these kind. But we should have a banner for new voaters to always read the comments section, especially for things that are emotionally charged.

scandalous-goat ago

And see that jidf is on duty?

Trash_Panda ago

As @badruns points out in this post the OP is absolutely full of shit, it makes it look really bad when all of these holohoax posts are rife with misinformation and accusations of being a jidf secret agent (which in my experience is pretty much the norm). I was on the fence for a couple years but after seeing this over and over and over again I don't really see Natsoc much differently than I see SJWs. Pretty much the same format, spew out some bullshit mixed with fact, let the circle-jerking commence, when confronted or cornered on discrepancies start calling them (Jew/Shill/JIDF if natsoc) (Racist/homophobic/sexist if SJW), just two days ago I was being called a JIDF agent because I didn't think JFK jr and vincent fusca were the same person just because they have the same chin. I'm just saying if you guys want "new voaters" to believe you then you shouldn't go around calling every person who disagrees a secret Jewish agent because it kinda makes all of you look like a bunch of crackpot paranoid conspiracy theorists.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Oy vey someone sure shook your sheckles

LampshadeMaker ago

You dipshit. @badruns supports OP's claim that the doctored version with the obvious poorly drawn bodies was the one used for Shoah propaganda gibs, fuckstick kike.

Trash_Panda ago

The second link in his post shows definitively that there are repeating patterns in the "original" Ohio train crash photo, indicating someone covered up the bodies with photoshop. All he's saying is that the original photo itself looks doctored. You should probably read before posting

LampshadeMaker ago

Bullshit and notwithstanding the fact that the "Nazis" are dressed exactly like turn of the century American train engineers.

Trash_Panda ago

Definitively there are repeating patterns lmao. Did you even look at the second link or are you just denying clear evidence?

scandalous-goat ago

Why do you capitalize Jewish? Get the word right, it's kike.

Onlio ago


Omnidempotent ago

What's the point of the blue/red stuff at the bottom?

African_Jew ago

Look again. In the bottom image, the bodies aren't there.

Gigglestick ago

Different layers of photography. Can highlight watermarks and such.

bman0321 ago

In this case it's different colors of a digital image. Op didn't have the original to do the analysis, which is a color rendition of a black and white photo.

AinzOown ago

Prove it.

draaaak ago

I'm able to confirm that there was a fatal train crash in Desden, Ohio, reported on by The Newark Advocate here, but it doesn't include a photo. So, while it doesn't prove the photo, it does at least lend support to the claim that there was a train crash in Ohio in 1912.

Charilko ago

Here’s my take on shit like this. I am 100% sure that here are doctored photos and fake evidence for the Holocaust. I am sure people have lied about their experiences or pretended to be at a camp when they weren’t. I’m pretty sure that sort of fakery is common to all major disasters/wars.

Maybe this one photo is a fake. Maybe it’s not. Either way, in isolation and on its own, it doesn’t disprove or prove the Holocaust happened.

(That isn’t to say we can disregard the effect even one misrepresented photo can have on people. Like that shit with the fucking polar bears.)

AinzOown ago

There are other ones that are proven fake and doctored. There's a fucking image album of them and they still use them. Don't add fake shit you can't prove when you've got real shit out there.

LampshadeMaker ago

Kike: the post

rosshk ago

and why was it shown on the Travel Channel?

Dank-AssAyyLMAOs ago

Shh. Accept was OP has said. You're ruining the narrative.

BlueDanube ago

Seen this plenty, never had any proof.

likestodrawnaked ago

This is the only site i found that has any mention of both these photos and there alleged use, but im still not convinced op

BlueDanube ago

You think all the faggots downvoating would provide some semblance of proof. I don't even believe in the holocaust as written and am completely open to facts.

Patnar_doozy ago

Why are the bodies naked?

African_Jew ago

The last two images are clearly showing that the bodies were added to the image later. Don't be such a retard.

Patnar_doozy ago

They still look naked in the original.

Fite me irl bitch

African_Jew ago

In the top and bottom images, there are NO dead people. Zero. None at all. You dense bitch.

BordelonLoop ago

yep. i feel retarded now. thanks for the clarification.

Trash_Panda ago

It was a nekked train ride

middle_path ago

No brakes on the nekkie train!

freespeechwarrior ago


Dortex1 ago

And smoking? Methinks OP wants us to take his word for the context of this picture.

BordelonLoop ago

and really scrawny.