Chimaira92 ago

I did for shits and giggles and got a response

Diggernicks ago

Maybe get a new hobby besides e-stalking?

Chimaira92 ago

I only tried to do it to other accounts after going through my post history and seeing how my opinions have changed over time.

And fuck you buddy, you can't tell me how to live my life!

LewsTherinTelamon ago

If I recall correctly it had to do with curtailing an attack that was repeatedly requesting bogus comment history pages. Putt took the fast/lazy approach of limiting the number of pages you could query. So if for example there was a request for page 20 (or higher) of a users comment history it would skip running the database query throw an error and save cycles.

Its a hack, but there is arguably very little traffic that goes to pages that far back so it rarely comes up in discussion.

xenoPsychologist ago

this makes a lot of sense.

Chimaira92 ago

How is that unfortunate.

Anyway I was just asking a simple question, or so I thought.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

Supposedly it is a close to an exploit from sanegoat abuse. I'm no tech guy. I think it's odd that over a year later it's not fixed

Chimaira92 ago

One of the first conspiracies I read when I came to voat was that Sanegoat was an alt created by Putt as a Jewish tactic to have the user-base, over time, beg for slight implementations that lead to censorship.

I don't necessarily believe in it but it is becoming less, "crazy" of an idea.

475677 ago

Sanegoat is fiercely in favor of free speech and everything this site stands for. He really just wanted what was best for the site but acted like a total sperg about it to get his point across which is why he gets so much shit from everyone. Seriously though if it was actually putt it would explain his lack of being here because being sanegoat would be a full time job.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

That ones new to me. It doesn't really fit as he had well over a year as a normal active voater before he started calling out sbbh manipulation of the site and then getting brigaded and his character assassinated in a variety of ways. I mean if the theory were true them these people operate on a very long timeline. Sanegoat was a drunk but he lived for voat amd loved it. I have a hard time believing that.

Chimaira92 ago

Fair enough, I can't provide you with any evidence because I can't go past page 19 of a users comment history. =\

I mean if the theory were true them these people operate on a very long timeline.

The Jew has successfully begun subverting the western nation through use of Christianity. The longest running piece of propaganda to date.

Chimaira92 ago

I'll give it a try but he was afk for 7 months until voat's little blackout 2 weeks ago or whenever it was.

Are you able to go past page 19 in a users comment history or is this an issue only I am getting?

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

Because nobody should ever have the reason to search 2 pages into someone's comment history, let alone 19.

Chimaira92 ago

Really? I can't double check the posting behaviour of accounts to see if something has changed? I can't go back to a comment I remember from months ago and brush up on the information it had to share????

You don't consider this a form of censorship?