divine_human ago

thousands of new people showed up at Voat and many thought they would change us

very much doubt that this statement is true.

there were some adjustment issues - CCP is a pain in the neck for genuine new goats, esp. when the platform they came for doesnt offer a chance to earn them while their sub is flooded by trolls and spammers they cant downvoat in non-visibility - but most people seem to have found their way.

there is no need to instill diversion which your post does. its not real, only a mental woo-woo. utter bullshit, to clealy name it.

obvious-throwaway- ago

I call them like I see em. I saw posts in some of these new subs talking about how fucked up we were and why we wouldn't stop with all the Jew bullshit, then a few weeks later I see their subs have posts calling out the Jew as their top submissions. You can spin that however you like, I choose to believe that so many of us are now armed with the proper knowledge and know how to better share that knowledge with others that the truth is now spreading like wildfire across the globe.

divine_human ago

I saw posts in some of these new subs talking about how fucked up we were

yes, some people talk like that. it may be Q-people, it may be trolls and shills who followed us from reddit. ever considered that?

why we wouldn't stop with all the Jew bullshit, then a few weeks later I see their subs have posts calling out the Jew as their top submissions.

well, this comment trolling about jews and colored people is so low-level, its kindergarden shit. be straight, speak up, invite people to discussion, but stop spreading unrelated garbage.

i told some of the 'its all the jews fault'-trolls that trolling with stupid statements without evidence will not red-pill anyone and not open any discussions, quite the contrary. i also invited them to open full posts on the subject instead, with links and evidence, so it can be openly discussed.

True344 ago

Coming from the Q bandwagon nothing has changed.

Jews have massive power and wealth = high infiltration it's simply a no brainer

wt1984yb ago

Freedom to speak freely has its way of liberating people.

watts2db ago

keep fighting the good fight it wasn't so long ago that I wasn't hype to the JQ

Whitemail ago

I'm fairly lazy around here, just try to express my point of view most of the time.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Q predicted this.

Humansized ago

Yeah changed them so much they hide in their anon sub and shit up /all


Eat. Shit.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Are you a real account, if so, what's bothering you?

Nevermind, got my answer, https://voat.co/user/BEER4DINNER

T1tus ago

When you stick to the truth and do not waiver. People eventually come around

auto_turret ago

I've noticed the same thing. I'd like to see those who have been receptive to the Voat philosophy grow even more numerous.

I don't believe it's that we've changed them, it's that we've revealed truth and some actually connect the dots using the knowledge we impart on them. On top of that, they're able to express themselves freely here.. and we've made them comfortable to finally discuss what has always been on their minds but too afraid to speak about.

They naturally change themselves.

BleedTheMachines ago

remember that the people here represent an extremely minute fraction of the population. until normies are generally redpilled, we cant celebrate the kike deprogramming.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Voat is the 1,500'th largest website in the United States and 7,500th largest website in the world, according to Jewish sources.

4chan is 412'th in the world, #183 in the United states.

8ch.net, which is banned from Jewgle search results, is 3,607'th worldwide and 1,139 in the United States.

Because of the efforts of these sites to meme into the public eye the issue of Jewish Supremacy, I find that more and more normies like coworkers who would have never heard of any of these sites, are starting to waking up en masse.

BleedTheMachines ago

I will give you that, many are beginning to shed their chains. but we have a long road ahead of us.

Jimmycrackerson ago

Nigger, I have always been like this. I've just been oppressed by the thought police. EVERYWHERE I've been. Until eventually I found my way here.

Banned Beginning from aol chat rooms, myspace, conspiracy forums, disqus, reddit, twitter, more conspiracy forums, countless online video games.

All for trying to redpill people. Bringing up the taboo subjects of Israel, Jews, Black budget govt and military operations, govt corruption, Military corruption, 9/11, the Military Industrial complex. The bushes, clintons, obama, rockefellers, rothschilds.

I know mentioning reddit is a big no no in these boards. But I made my own sub r/Arcave (still active) to redpill the Q-crowd

pwdwp ago

My redpill was a journey of about 2 weeks. Looking at News and articles that didn't make sense at all. I then tried to understand why it didn't make sense and bang, I understood. Of course my first reaction was am I going crazy? and all the evidences point to No I was not going mad.

One thing is certain, the globalists are working hard to divide us in small group that hate each other. We need to stay focus and stick together against them. If we don't we lose. But we won't, get up and vote for the Red Tsunami!

Crackrocknigga ago

See I hate that line of thought. Rather than "let's not be divided" how about "let's not be emotional and look at facts. " Anyone who is offended by a large dose of reality isn't mentally prepared for any type of revolutionary activity and should be discarded.

QXQ ago


You still got a little bit to go, but yes. Globalist is a good stepping stone term to use.

pwdwp ago

I'm aware that the term globalists a strategy used by the upper level but it is the immediate and biggest problem we are facing now. I also have difficulty rapping my mind around the idea that all the problems are caused by only one race. I don't believe that one race is totally evil and another is totally pure. Could it be that the elites controlling all this are only from one race? Maybe but I have my doubts. All humans have the potential to be pure evil or pure good. In reality most of us are in between somewhere. Loads of money is a factor in bringing people towards evil.

VicariousJambi ago

It's what happens when one race has evolved to follow their docrotine.

I'm attempting to red pill my fiancee. She didn't even know Jews were a separate race. It was hard to wrap her mind around it. I told her it's kind of like muslims/ arabs but way way worse.

I do believe there's a few good Jews, but the cannot ascribe to the religion.

TheAmerican ago

We never doxx individuals, ever. The JDL takes down websites and hate forums. Would you like to join the fight?

OricaTonithos ago

We built a house for our homeless neighbor in 1948. He stole from us in order to pack his house with good things. Though he was always starting fights, we were there to bail him out of his troubles. Nowadays is seems like he's the "king of town" because all he has to do when someone causes him trouble is hold his arm like he's in pain and point at someone and the whole block comes down on them. He's taken to eating from my pantry, teaching parlor games to my kids and hitting on my wife. I'm not sure I can take much more of this. Was he ever homeless before I found him?

NobleEagle853 ago

The above post is a great analogy in my opinion.We need to stop believing the lies we have told all our lives.

Personally, I do not believe that the Old Testament jews of the Bible (think Moses) are the same as the Israelis and jews that are tied to new world order. While God calls the Old Testament jews "His chosen people," there will be a reckoning to the Truth for all humans, living and dead, including jews. Remember that Jesus Christ (The Great I Am) was born and lived as a jewish human. The Lord Jesus Christ will next appear in the clouds to rapture His Church (i.e., Second Coming). The next event of His Coming will be when He actually steps foot on Earth again at the Temple of the Mount.

OricaTonithos ago

I wrote it.

In reply to the faketroll "JDL" commenter above. It doesn't take much effort to analogize, and it helps speak the truth to the same outrage one feels when the circumstances of the former argument are too dissimilar to the latter.

Taxation is the re-distribution of wealth, AND it's bad. (translated)

The tax man comes and robs your wife on the way to the market, so now you and your kids don't eat.

The previous statement. Expat jews who were displaced by a reckoning in Weimar Germany when they were 'high-on-the-hog' vs their suffering neighbors turned (with their money and their banking cabal) to other shores, like GB, FR, US to court and to offer elevation in exchange for military interest in reining-in an out-of-their-control Germany (that they had already declared hostility to). The stage was set, and the stakes were high. If they prevailed, they would get "reparations" from all involved AND also reconquer their Holy plot of desert at the trade crossroads between Europe, Asia, and Africa. This bit of craftiness carried with it a huge money reward and held the prospect of sealing for themselves power over whole states through their banking (and currency) for generations to come. If ever a single state was to wake up to the truth, they'd be threatened by the uprising of a population of feckless dissidents and violent criminals that could replace their governments with brutal oligarchs (still within their control). If a state were resilient to their plans, i.e.: too Christian to hold by the balls, they would seek to control the channels of information in order to degrade the very social constructs that held them in unity until it, like wolves jumping atop the ox, they would fall in time.

BleedTheMachines ago

the Kike king is no friend to goyim. the shepherd leads the lamb to slaughter.

OricaTonithos ago

And the atheist just dies and is forgotten.

BleedTheMachines ago

im no atheist, pisstian.

TheAmerican ago

I like that. Who wrote it?

OricaTonithos ago

I wrote it.

In reply to the faketroll "JDL" commenter above. It doesn't take much effort to analogize, and it helps speak the truth to the same outrage one feels when the circumstances of the former argument are too dissimilar to the latter.

Taxation is the re-distribution of wealth, AND it's bad. (translated)

The tax man comes and robs your wife on the way to the market, so now you and your kids don't eat.

The previous statement. Expat jews who were displaced by a reckoning in Weimar Germany when they were 'high-on-the-hog' vs their suffering neighbors turned (with their money and their banking cabal) to other shores, like GB, FR, US to court and to offer elevation in exchange for military interest in reining-in an out-of-their-control Germany (that they had already declared hostility to). The stage was set, and the stakes were high. If they prevailed, they would get "reparations" from all involved AND also reconquer their Holy plot of desert at the trade crossroads between Europe, Asia, and Africa. This bit of craftiness carried with it a huge money reward and held the prospect of sealing for themselves power over whole states through their banking (and currency) for generations to come. If ever a single state was to wake up to the truth, they'd be threatened by the uprising of a population of feckless dissidents and violent criminals that could replace their governments with brutal oligarchs (still within their control). If a state were resilient to their plans, i.e.: too Christian to hold by the balls, they would seek to control the channels of information in order to degrade the very social constructs that held them in unity until it, like wolves jumping atop the ox, they would fall in time.

NeonRevoltIsAKike ago

We are like herpes... no one can get rid of us.

MrPim ago

I don't believe we changed anyone.

A ton of people arrived and are mostly holed up in QRV. Some of them come out and lurk or leave an occasional comment. They mostly don't care to change Voat. As long as they can get their Q here they just want to be left alone. The trolling goats have settled down a bit, although there are still some Jew pills being dropped in their New feed.

I was expecting the whole thing to be uglier just because of the large numbers. But it was basically thePizzaning again, a large group arrived and promptly holed up.

ViperCarbz ago

I don't believe we changed anyone.

Me either. After the shackles of Reddit were removed, people realized they could express an opinion without fear of a ban. Voat has allowed refugees to embrace their inner niggerfaggot and call others out as such.

Fuggzin ago

I'll admit I came here from the Q crowd, but will also admit I have read up and watched multiple documentaries on the JQ subject.

obvious-throwaway- ago

This is the 5th post on /v/all, https://voat.co/v/QRV/2753754

Tell me more about how they aren't waking up.

fluhthreeex ago

...because the rest of /all is full of goddamn QTard posts?

that's one post old goats who care enough put on the q sub and upvoted and commented in

MrPim ago

And now that I think about it, I think a lot of those 'changed' actually arrived most if not all the way there. I know I saw more than one new account say basically 'wow, how am I just finding this place'.

Basically I think some arrived that way, a small percentage have changed, but most are here for the Q and nothing but the Q and havent changed at all. Some of those will probably change over time as they lurk.

Either way, however many are changed or not, they for now seem to be causing no trouble.

Crensch ago

I've seen dozens of comments from them thanking us for redpilling them

QXQ ago

The general thought process goes like this:

-"Hey this is kind of funny, but wow so offensive" (Month 1 -3) -"I'll keep reading it since it's funny, but I don't actually believe it." (Month 3-5) -"Well they have a point. Maybe they are right about the IQ level thing." (Month 5+) -Unironic 14/88 (Month 7+)

If they hate feminism, then most will convert will enough exposure. That's what happened with the manosphere (RooshV's forum and RooshV are good examples).

It's really something to see.

TheTrigger ago

Excellent synopsis. That was basically #MyJourney, that you described there.

idk ago


MrPim ago

I'm not saying that none of them are. But your title sounds like we've changed the entire group. And since that entire thread is Anon you have no idea who is who. Most of that could be Voat regulars.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Voat regulars or not, in a couple weeks posts about Jewish Supremacy have risen to the top of their sub. Doesn't matter who submitted it, they voated it to the top.

idk ago

Then they seem like a gullible bunch. They shouldn't go from 0 to 1488 in a week... It should take time to come to your own conclusions.

obvious-throwaway- ago

It didn't take me very long. I think I was on 4chan for about 2 weeks before it was hard to dismiss the mountains of evidence showing how we've been lied to. This video (described as offensive on Jewtube now) that is nothing more than a man pointing at actual historic newspapers. Easily verifiable and nobody is denying their validity. Nobody.

The newspapers show that the Jews had been using the 'Muh 6 million' tagline well before WW2. It talked about atrocities against Jews. It's all in the video. Then I was on 4chan and this guy actually used the following to defend it, he said that Jews also posted articles showing 3 million and 1 million died ads. His point was that Jews lie about dying in mass numbers all the time, but the 6 million thing was still the truth. It was the weakest argument imaginable but it was the best and only argument anyone could provide.

After that, it wasn't that I went full Nazi right away (that wasn't until I actually read Mein Kampf and started to truly understand what Hitler meant by a National Socialism), but I did start to question many, many things.

NeonRevoltIsAKike ago

I am okay with that, really. They are not bothering us, we are not bothering them. They don't like my anti-zionism, and I don't like the fact that they single handedly ruined this country. It is a tit for tat kind of relationship.

Lambinator ago

Maybe because they can't post submissions yet because of the “10 CCP” rule.

Humansized ago

Yeah its real hard to make comments that arent "im new from reddit can i have upvotes to get around this censorship rule? 10 points is just so many"

Reverse-Flash ago

I don't know how any of us ever made to 11. I do not envy his task to get to 10, there will be trials and tribulations ahead on his long journey.

obvious-throwaway- ago

I'm seeing top posts in their new subs that are calling out the kikes. I remember how offended so many of them were just a few weeks back and now, after some exposure to the truth, they are slowly coming on board. We have the JIDF working overtime. They even have bots posting here now (I'll make a post on that later, really good stuff!).

Lambinator ago

I think it would help if you used some word other than “Jew” for those few percent of ethnic and/or religious Jews who are part of the globalist cabal plot. I think the majority of Jewish people are not involved in the global totalitarian control plot, and that therefore it is not helpful to label the bad guys “Jews”.

I've seen the term “Kazarian mafia”, but that term isn’t ideal as it needs too much explanation. Jesus used the term “Synagogue of Satan” (Revelation 3:9) and called out their members as being “children of your father the devil” (John 8:44). Yes, most/all members of the Synagogue of Satan may be Jews, but I believe only a minority of Jews are members of the Synagogue of Satan.

Also, I don’t think it helps your cause to use caricatures of ugly old men with big beaked noses. Do you expect that to help win over Christians? As a Christian, I endeavour not to judge people by outside appearance (John 7:24). When I see people using ugly cartoons and nasty names, apparently to try and coerce me into hating a whole ethnic group, I infer from that that they lack good reasons for their hate. Target people’s higher aspirations and ideals with good logic, good facts and good memes, not their base fears and animal instincts, with grubby slurs, derogatory stereotypes and ugly caricatures.

Lambinator ago

Found it, Chuckle! Jewish Internet Defence Force. TIL.

obvious-throwaway- ago

You have a lot to learn. There is no globalists agenda, this is just another made up term by the Jews. Everything that is happening today has happened before, multiple times. Hitler didn't get up one day and start hating the Jews, in his time before WW2, he already knew who the Jews were and the atrocities they had committed. He references the Holodomor, which is something you need to spend some time researching as you still probably believe in the lie of the Holocaust. Either way, have some Hitler, on the house,

My Struggle (1925), by Adolph Hitler, Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Audiobook

Hitler on race mixing,

"Historical experience offers countless proofs of this. It shows with terrifying clarity that in every mingling of Aryan blood with that of lower peoples the result was the end of the cultured people. North America, whose population consists in by far the largest part of Germanic elements who mixed but little with the lower colored peoples, shows a different humanity and culture from Central and South America, where the predominantly Latin immigrants often mixed with the aborigines on a large scale. By this one example, we can clearly and distinctly recognize the effect of racial mixture. The Germanic inhabitant of the American continent, who has remained racially pure and unmixed, rose to be master of the continent; he will remain the master as long as he does not fall a victim to defilement of the blood."

Hitler on, "My fellow whiteman",

"The reason why the Jew decides suddenly to become a 'German ' 'white' is obvious. He feels that the power of the princes is slowly tottering and therefore tries at an early time to get a platform beneath his feet. Furthermore, his financial domination of the whole economy has advanced so far that without possession of all 'civil' rights he can no longer support the gigantic edifice, or at any rate, no further increase of his influence is possible. And he desires both of these; for the higher he climbs, the more alluring his old goal that was once promised him rises from the veil of the past, and with feverish avidity his keenest minds see the dream of world domination tangibly approaching. And so his sole effort is directed toward obtaining full possession of civil rights."

Hitler referring to Jewish media demonizing people in their own country,

"If we understand that the resurrection of the German American nation represents a question of regaining our political will for self-preservation, it is also clear that this cannot be done by winning elements which in point of will at least are already national, but only by the nationalization of the consciously anti-national masses."

Jews control both sides of the narrative. For example, radio host Michael Savage Wiemer is controlled narrative, "the left is crazy, but we need more gun control."

"The opinion that the stupid international attitude of the masses is sufficient proof of the unsoundness of the masses' sentiments can be thoroughly confuted by the simple reminder that pacifist democracy is no less insane, and that its exponents originate almost exclusively in the bourgeois (middle class) camp. As long as millions of the bourgeoisie (middle class) still piously worship their Jewish democratic press every morning, it very ill becomes these gentlemen to make jokes about the stupidity of the 'comrade' who, in the last analysis, only swallows down the same garbage, though in a different form. In both cases the manufacturer is one and the same Jew."

Hitler speaking on Bernie Sanders promises of free everything for everyone,

"...the same happened in the case of the gigantic revolution which recently took place in Russia. It was not due to the writers on Lenin's side but to the oratorical activities of those who preached the doctrine of hatred and that of the innumerable small and great orators who took part in the agitation. The masses of illiterate Russians Americans were not fired to Communist revolutionary enthusiasm by reading the theories of Karl Marx but by the promises of paradise made to the people by thousands of agitators in the service of an idea."

WNwoman ago

I feel I’m doing my part by raising a son and a daughter and teaching them the truth about things. My teenage son is the one who red pilled me, actually.

QXQ ago

Funny. I got my dad too.

Actually, my dad OD'd on redpills and now thinks the earth is flat, but yeah.

FireMarshallBill ago

He's a smart man, listens to his kid and went for the gusto. Try to find the curvature.

QXQ ago

I've seen curvature. My big issue is the ice wall.

FireMarshallBill ago

Looking out of convex windows and fish-eye lenses doesn't count. One for me would be the drop-off of light and energy from sunset as compared to the output of a solar cell. If adjusted for angle the distance should be trivial, since they say we fluctuates several million miles over the year and do not experience a correlation output equal to that anticipated by several million miles change. Solar panel output is known. We've seen the Sun is weakening. We've seen we have an artificial light source(s) of some sort assisting, but that begs the questions.

idk ago

It's where the white walkers live.

obvious-throwaway- ago

The Jews are the liars, so their main weapon is censorship under the guise of feelings. Our weapon is truth.

ReAwakened ago

You didn't change me.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Ok, let's talk. Do you believe that Kavenagh is a gang rapist who constantly went to gang rape parties in high school? What about Trump, do you believe that Trump is a rapist who travels to Russia to pee on prostitutes when he's not plotting the overthrow of America with his lover Putin?

ReAwakened ago

No. That's just silly. Most everything we've seen in the last 2 years has been silly. Either the Dims don't care, they think the American people are stupid, or they think conservatives are too afraid to actually confront them.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Good, we've established a baseline. There is a group of people, you refer to them as the Dims[sic], that are making up blatant lies about good people in order to gain more power for themselves. At the very least, can we agree that there are some coincidences on the people who have brutally attempted to destroy a man's life?


Reddit became a subsidiary of Condé Nast's parent company, Advance Publications, in September 2011. ... Advance Publications, Inc. is an American media company owned by the descendants of S.I. Newhouse Sr., Donald Newhouse and S.I. Newhouse Jr. ... Newhouse was born Solomon Isadore Neuhaus in a tenement on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, the eldest of eight children born to Jewish immigrants.

Fake News

TV News anchors are paid to passionately read scripts as to make the public think it's their personal opinions. There also seems to be an overrepresentation of one group in the new media, CNN and others.


ReAwakened ago

I always like to know more, but I'm already fully on board.

Here are some examples of my other posts:

They are tribal and absolutely ruthless against anyone who is not a member of the tribe. All the good words you used to describe them are worthless in the broader context. They are, to a man, users. It is a central tenant of their culture.


It fits the agenda. It's subconscious programming directed at children and young adults. (Yes, I know, "thank you captain obvious") Jews are, as advertised 2000 years ago, "The Synagogue of Satan."


What's something you'd prefer failing at as soon as possible rather than failing at as late as possible? by killer7 in AskVoat

[–]ReAwakened 1 points (+1|-0) 1.2 days ago

Jewish global control "Go fund me" = Jew money laundering.

On this one:

Israel receives $3.8 billion per year in US taxpayer money. Not a loan, they are simply given this money. And they've never paid back a loan. https://rense.com/general32/never.htm (not my favorite reference, but it suffices for this conversation.)

LOL... that's why this board hasn't changed me.

obvious-throwaway- ago

We saw what the Jews have done to Kavanaugh and Trump, what are your thoughts on Hitler?

ReAwakened ago

I suspect he's as guilty of attrocities as Saddam Husein was of having weapons of mass destruction. I think his crime was getting rid of jew money and implementing the Reich Mark, which was based on labor rather than jew debt.

I KNOW the Holocausttm is a lie. Not a misunderstanding, a full on lie. I know the (((communists))) deliberately destroyed Christians. I don't believe there is any credible evidence that Hitler had a Final Solution. I think WWII sits with the jews and their puppet Winston Churchill. I think they declared war on them for rejecting communism I think communism and zionism are twin sisters born at the feet of Moses Hess.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Obviously your initial post of, "You didn't change me" was somewhat misleading. Carry on.

ReAwakened ago

Yep. I'm a new goat, but I'm not a young one.

TheAmerican ago

Another circle jerk post, some faggot patting himself on the back about how great and Almighty he is, a changer of minds. The red pilling Warrior. Let me ask you, what have you done in the real world to make change? I'm not talking about the standard answer of popping out some kids. What have you done? What do you do? How is shouting into an echo chamber with people who already agree with you accomplishing anything?

PraiseIPU ago

Throwaway panders for points then trolls for downvotes.

Just like you do everyday.

TheAmerican ago

Im not a troll. Im human

KosherHiveKicker ago


I thought you were leaving? Will you finally admit that you are a drama-queen JewFag?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

At one point he said he would leave once his CCP went negative. I have been upvoting every comment of his I’ve seen since then just to be able to watch it longer.

TheAmerican ago

I never have said that??

KosherHiveKicker ago

Your genetic predisposition to lie due to 2,000 years of shameless inbreeding is showing, Kike.

TheAmerican ago

Why are you victimizing me?

Podd ago

Oh fuck, this is some good trolling. It's annada shoah.

TheAmerican ago

Im not a troll

obvious-throwaway- ago

One thing I can do is easily spot JIDF posts on Voat who make sad attempts to dox people by asking them specific questions about their life.

In real life I slyly RedPill people all the time. Anytime a person tries to start a political conversation I always end up playing the fool and asking, "why does Trump force US taxpayers to send 3.8 billion dollars a year in to Israel?" Followed by, "you know Trump's daughter married into a Jewish family." My goal is to fuel their Trump hatred enough that they go and look up these facts for themselves. Puts them on the right track and they don't even know it. Use the enemies weapons against them.

QXQ ago

Lots of TDS people hate Israel because of Palestine.

It's actually a good demographic to hit.