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TheAmerican ago

Another circle jerk post, some faggot patting himself on the back about how great and Almighty he is, a changer of minds. The red pilling Warrior. Let me ask you, what have you done in the real world to make change? I'm not talking about the standard answer of popping out some kids. What have you done? What do you do? How is shouting into an echo chamber with people who already agree with you accomplishing anything?

KosherHiveKicker ago


I thought you were leaving? Will you finally admit that you are a drama-queen JewFag?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

At one point he said he would leave once his CCP went negative. I have been upvoting every comment of his I’ve seen since then just to be able to watch it longer.

TheAmerican ago

I never have said that??

KosherHiveKicker ago

Your genetic predisposition to lie due to 2,000 years of shameless inbreeding is showing, Kike.

TheAmerican ago

Why are you victimizing me?

Podd ago

Oh fuck, this is some good trolling. It's annada shoah.

TheAmerican ago

Im not a troll