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pwdwp ago

My redpill was a journey of about 2 weeks. Looking at News and articles that didn't make sense at all. I then tried to understand why it didn't make sense and bang, I understood. Of course my first reaction was am I going crazy? and all the evidences point to No I was not going mad.

One thing is certain, the globalists are working hard to divide us in small group that hate each other. We need to stay focus and stick together against them. If we don't we lose. But we won't, get up and vote for the Red Tsunami!

QXQ ago


You still got a little bit to go, but yes. Globalist is a good stepping stone term to use.

pwdwp ago

I'm aware that the term globalists a strategy used by the upper level but it is the immediate and biggest problem we are facing now. I also have difficulty rapping my mind around the idea that all the problems are caused by only one race. I don't believe that one race is totally evil and another is totally pure. Could it be that the elites controlling all this are only from one race? Maybe but I have my doubts. All humans have the potential to be pure evil or pure good. In reality most of us are in between somewhere. Loads of money is a factor in bringing people towards evil.