14157339? ago

I'm confused though.. Ivanka and Jared are converted Jews...? Not all Jews are currently evil people. Are they genetically deposed to power grabbing and swindling? All of them? Why would trump family members be Jewish if the goal was to expose the jews

14162520? ago

you mean the Jared kushner who has financial connections to george soros? the one who constantly undermines trump and pushes for military action in syria?

14167154? ago

was not aware of that... care to elaborate? Ill look into it if not? Could we see the succubus convert back to Christianity and divorce the jew? That woman is a fucking unicorn besides the jew thing and some of the lefty sympathetic leanings.

14167193? ago

that's up to her tbh

14167488? ago

watched her speaking at the economic forum video the WH posted to YT the other day and was blown away with her... damn succubus

14165814? ago

I never did like him, or Ivanka. They always had this slimy look about them, if that makes sense.

Seeing as Kushner is a Jew, I now know why. He just scored a decent white girl goyim slave and has spawned little üntermenschlings... The little ones can be saved I believe. Harming children... BIG no-no.

14166805? ago

he brought a legal counsel into the whitehouse a man by the name of (((Ira Greenstien))) he's also the CEO of Genie energy LTD a oil company that had ties to the bush administration. Genie LTD is drilling for oil in the syrian territory illegally occupied by Israel and guess witch lawyer got to be in meetings about US action in syria?

14167016? ago

No shit? I knew about your last point, but not thre Genie LTD shit and before.

Damn kike... Why did Trump let Ivanka get with him?

14167077? ago

you'd have to ask trump

14158298? ago

I'm going to let others answer you, but no matter what anyone says I promise they all appreciate you actually asking and being open to answers.

14167382? ago

that's why were here to learn and transmit information freely. Honest questioning and individual logic is necessary. I welcome harsh red pills. My thought on Voat being very anti-semetic is the optics are terrible and if true it makes sense Israel last. from what Ive gathered from others, my christian upbringing taught (jewish propaganda?) that jews were Gods chosen people and Gentiles are saved because of Christ. If were trying to climb the hill of convincing all of Christianity that that assumption was falsely attributed to Christianity by the Jews to basically enslave us... God help us

14173892? ago

Just take a step back from yourself and simply acknowledge how self debasing it is for a religion to refer to people of another religion as the 'chosen' people.

Start there and keep asking, challenging. You're not going to like what you discover, but with a bite of the apple comes knowledge of good and evil, that's just the way it is. You either want the truth or you want the lie. The truth contains horror. The lie contains comfort and death. Don't expect to be a happier person with the truth, just better equipped for your own survival.

Jews want you to die. One of my friends is a Jew and He freely admits this....though he disguises it as dark banter, as a parody, I know where he really stands because of the truths Immersed in the humor I bring out of him. Frankly, I love to talk real with a Jew when they are game. It's like conversing with demons.

So look into Zionism. Or don't. I'd say that I just want you to know this much before you embark either way: the truth is much uglier than the lie, so be prepared to accept that evil is that master of this realm

14157685? ago

Not all Jews are currently evil people.

No there are some good Jews.

I presume there are some good Muslims too, but that didn't stop them turning Sweden into the rape capital of Europe.

The problem with Jews is the "bad Jews" and the "good Jews" always come as a matching set.

The "good Jews" provide the "bad Jews" with cover in exchange for shekels: interest free loans and nepotistic employment.

That's why you see shit like this - not because all of those Jews are evil, but because all of those Jews are happy to commit sedition against their host country in exchange for money.

This is why Jews are the most exiled people in human history - because they seem addicted to lying and stealing and committing treason against their non-Jewish neighbors.

So why are Jews like this?

My theory is because their religion teaches them they are a divine Master Race and the rest of us lower lifeforms were put on the Earth just to service them.

This Master Race theology makes it difficult for Jews to treat other people with respect... because they just see us as disposable and therefore they can lie and steal from us and commit treason against us with the same moral ease as a farmer collects honey from his beehives or eggs from his chickens.

14159699? ago

WELL the same with MUZZIES. They are taught they are the master race, everybody else is shit to b enslaved or killed. Fool everyone to gain power. Then comes Sharia law zones. Theres good & bad muzzies, bad ones hate you, good ones tolerate you and lets a bad one behead you. Good muzzy gets citizenship then chain migrates their terrorist family. Hate pigs , seafood & dogs, (well i think jews r ok w/ dogs) Dam, a group that hates dogs is definitely fuggedup. but there's a lot more wrong with muzzers than Jews. FUKABUNCHAMUZZIES. we should load bunches up for the trip home, in big fat nuke missiles .

14167995? ago

but there's a lot more wrong with muzzers than Jews.

Until you realize that Muslims are the biological weapon of the Jews that they use to attack and destroy western economies and culture.

14259641? ago

That's about the Evolution of tho muzz ideology tho. The difference is in todays deaings. That sect of jews buys, or bought their way into our politics and industries Every sect of muzz wants to beat us down, take your shit, fuck your family, and decapitate resistance. Yes, a "civilized & legal" jew takeover is Hard to battle, but it relies on Money flow. Muzz takeover relies in stupid fuqin Lefties holding "COEXIST" signs, and will b much more fun to battle. Shoot a muzz 10 points, Shoot a soyboy 5 points.

14169804? ago

The exact same story is that of the Negroids.

14169966? ago

Yup - often niggers are also Muslims... and Somalis are the nigger equivalent of niggers.

14156316? ago

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14156305? ago

How many has Saudi Arabia or Qatar taken in?

14156371? ago

Ha ha - that's what Trump's middle eastern peace surprise will be!

Saudi Arabia is in the process of building a $500 billion mega-city called Neom.

That's where all the sandnigger refugees can be sent to become Saudi slave labor free and live happily every after.

I imagine it like a deep hole that we can just keep throwing shitskins into.

14158259? ago

Trump's middle eastern peace policy is to creat a 2 state solution between Israel and Palestinians. This is not what you think it is. If it goes through and is signed. It will only be for a 7 year period because of Jerusalem. There will be at least a 10 nation signing to this. Which as i am about to telll you will usher in 3 1/2 years of peace. During which time the Jews will build their 3rd and final temple in Jerusalem. There is already a pure red Heifer that was born resently to start their burnt offerings to God. But there will be a man. A man that was part of the signing of thos agreement that will rise to power. He will at the 3 1/2 years walk into to temple and proclaim that he is infact the Messiah. The Pope will be the prophet that claims the same. Theses 2 people will infact be the Antichrist and the False Prophet. The next 3 /12 years will literally be hell on earth as they take control of everything and everyone. And Israel herself will be surrounded every nation. Alone. Till Jesus Returns in the battle of Armageddon. These will be the final 7 years of this Age of man. Then Jesus Returns to reign for 1000 years before we all go to Heaven. Im tell you all right now. Warning you. Watch. When that Peace agreement is signed the 7 year period starts. The countdown begins. There is no pre tribulation rapture. That is a false teaching. If your are not right will God i suggest you get right with him now. Don't wait.
There will also be WW3 that will start before or after the peace agreement. It being at the Euphrates River. We already have issues going on there. 1/3 of all mankingd will be killed in this war. Think about that. Where do i have all this information you may ask? Its in the Bible. Old and New Testament. Grab you Bible and start reading it. Read the Prophecies. Read Revelation. Pray without ceasing

14162700? ago

I agree now is the time to get right (2 Cor 6:2) "(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)." The only point I don't agree is the Pre-Trib rapture. There are two - One before and one after. But just because there is a Pre-trib rapture doesn't mean we won't see some hard times. If the Lord tarries things will get rough.

14160791? ago

The anti-Messiah will claim to be from the line of David through Solomon. (Don't be fooled, that lineage is broken/cursed!) The true Messiah was born/adopted through the line of another son of David: Nathan. His return will be as lightning flashing, from the east to the west. Every knee will bow.

14164174? ago

He is also supposed to come from Europe. So its not Obama.

14159859? ago

So, if someone snipes the pope right before, we can put off all that shit for how long? Hes a worthless sellout to global agenda anyway. He well deserves some cranial ventilation. ( SPLAT, thud - the sound it will make) lol

14165892? ago


Such a simple way to prevent Biblical prophecy. Just get a pewpew boi.

14164137? ago

Till the next pope i guess lol. Whoever the pope is at the time will be the false prophet. And this current one is lining right up to be him. And do t think a sniper could kill him.

14160984? ago

hopefully they will be in gitmo for the pedo stuff.

14162695? ago

You'd prefer he get Gitmo over a head shot? I dont know... Might get some other info out of'em at gitmo. hmm. Then lead head'em.

14163949? ago

no i prefer they kill all of those shit heads

14159274? ago

I wouldn't hold my breath on all that. God already has a Temple, composed of living stones. The cosplay jews over there can build their gold-plated slaughterhouse atop their condemned hill for their magic cow, but it's not a temple, and not holy. No offense, but I would recommend discarding most everything the lucrative End Times™ industry has been selling us. Too many otherwise sincere believers have been distracted & even neutralized by rumors of an ever-so- scary "The Antichrist", a "The Tribulation", a "The Rapture", etc.

14217890? ago

Yes, it may be a gold-plated slaughterhouse, yes it may be unholy, and yes it may be redundant, but that doesn’t mean it is wrong to call it a temple. Paul called it a temple (2 Thessalonians 2:4). And there are references in the Bible to pagan temples, e.g. “temple of Baal” (1 Kings 16:32). They may not be holy, but they are still temples.

14221429? ago

Well, no - Paul in that verse refers to the"temple of God", not just some ungodly structure that people call a temple. And God's temple = us His believers, both as individuals and corporately. Here's a good reference for illustrative purposes: http://www.templesecrets.info/ Judas is our model for the "son of perdition" (John 17:12). How would we identify Judas? He was in Jesus' inner circle, seemed preoccupied with carnal/monetary issues, and he essentially sold Jesus to the jewish priests for the going price of a slave. His type is further described in the book of Jude, as those who "crept in unaware". Crept in where? The church. These "clouds without rain" & "wandering stars" are said to be stains on the "love feasts". . .those love feasts are communion. These pretenders are taking communion - they're christians, at least in appearance and stance, anyway. Like Judas, they claim to be walking with Jesus, but they ultimately side with the jewish priesthood (who seem to plainly fit the definition of "antichrist" given in 1 & 2 John). The thing about "beasts" is that they're governed by their animal instincts to eat, mate & dominate. They have no concept of higher things such as mercy, equity, or the fruit of the Spirit. We see this kind of approach in Esau when he sold his birthright for a bowl of soup: he forfeited something of exceptional spiritual value for mere temporal, bodily satisfaction. There's our scary "beast", right there - unbridled flesh disguised a something spiritual. Walking after the flesh instead of walking after the Spirit (as cited in Ephesians 4:22 & Colossians 3:9). And we each have an "old man" who wars against the Spirit, and does not want to die quietly, which is why we're advised to yield our bodies as a living sacrifice, take up our cross and follow Jesus, die daily, etc. It's not inconceivable to posit that Jesus might apply His own advice to cut off a hand that causes us to sin, or pluck out an eye. . .the body of Christ may well also need an amputation or two. https://www.gods-kingdom-ministries.net/daily-weblogs/2016/07-2016/the-beasts-destiny/

14164064? ago

And you will see when Jesus comes back to earth that you were wrong. The Bible it truth. From beginning to end. It has never been proven wrong.

14164939? ago

Yikes. . .I'm not refuting scripture, merely carnal snowballed Laodicean interpretations of its contents. You yourself above refute the idea of a pre-trib rapture, even though it's an extremely widespread & rabidly-held belief, so hopefully you can see that just because a premise superficially appears to be based in scripture doesn't make that premise true, yes? As I said, God already has a temple - His believers in Christ Jesus. And I hope you haven't pinned your hopes on the corrupt earthly Jerusalem, because Galatians identifies those who do this as "Ishmaelites". Maybe you've got one of those bibles that's missing Jeremiah 19 or 1 John, I dunno. Don't sweat it.

14175085? ago

Let me Enlighten you. That idea of a pre-tribulation rapture is a fairly recent idea solidified by this man and I'll let you read it. Historical Development

Paul N. Benware, in his book, Understanding End Times Prophecy, notes that many writers in the 17th and 18th Centuries began to speak of a Rapture separate and apart from the Second Coming:3

“Peter Jurieu in his book, Approaching Deliverance of the Church (1687) taught that Christ would come in the air to rapture the saints and return to Heaven before the battle of Armageddon… Philip Doddridge’s commentary on the New Testament (1738) and John Gill’s commentary on the New Testament (1748) both use the term rapture and speak of it as imminent. It is clear these men believed that this coming will precede Christ’s descent to the earth and the time of judgment. The purpose was to preserve believers from the time of judgment. James Macknight (1763) and Thomas Scott (1792) taught that the righteous will be carried to heaven, where they will be secure until the time of judgment is over.”

Tommy Ice, the director of the Pre-Trib Research Center, asserts that the first person to spell out in detail the idea that the Rapture would occur before the Tribulation begins was a Baptist leader named Morgan Edwards.4 This remarkable man was born in Wales and preached at churches in England and Ireland before emigrating to the United States in 1761 to become pastor of a church in Philadelphia. He proceeded to become the founder of Brown University and was recognized as the leading Baptist historian of his day. As early as the 1740’s Edwards was espousing a pre-tribulational viewpoint in his writings about eschatology. The difference in his view and the modern Pre-Trib concept is that he believed the Rapture would occur in the middle of Daniel’s 70th week, about 3 1/2 years before the Second Coming.

The Modern Pre-Trib View

The person who crystallized the modern Pre-Trib viewpoint was a man named John Darby (1800-1882).5 Darby was born in London and was trained in the law. He practiced law for only one year before he was overcome by a deep spiritual struggle that finally led to a decision to enter the ministry. He became an Anglican priest but quickly became disillusioned when the church decreed that all converts would have to swear allegiance to the King of England. Darby considered this to be a compromise with the lordship of Christ. Darby decided to leave the Anglican Church. In the years following, he and other dissenters from the established state church inaugurated a movement that came to be known as the Plymouth Brethren. In 1826 Darby broke one of his legs, and during the long convalescence that followed, he engaged in an intensive study of the Scriptures that convinced him of the clear distinction between the Church and Israel. He also became convicted of the imminent return of Jesus. Thus, by 1827 he had developed the fundamental principles that would come to characterize a new theological system that would be called Dispensationalism

The scripture people use to say there is a pre-tribulation rapture do not support a pre-tribulation rapture there is no pre-tribulation Rapture people will be full with that that is another deceit from the Devil. Trust me we go through this whole thing together all the way to the end

14207836? ago

N/A. . .not interested in any Rapture™ but rather in Tabernacles: "Christ in (us), the Hope of Glory". The notion of being zipped away to some celestial safety zone the moment we're united with Him such as to become uncontainable, unstoppable & indestructible is both illogical & impractical. We have work to do here, "greater works than these", in fact ;)

14156183? ago

One Article spells it all out :


The three Jewish justices — (((Stephen Breyer))), (((Elena Kagan))), and (((Ruth Bader Ginsburg))) — joined 4th Sonia Sotomayor (in jewish clubs) in dissenting this blatantly obvious 9-0 case !

Basically , "Savage Muslim Diversity for Thee, but Not for Me !"


14156121? ago

I have the answer to that question.


14155970? ago

Mandatory downvoat for USING IMGUR LIKE A REDDIT FAG... Use Imgoat

14159133? ago

Use catbox.moe

14156378? ago

Imgoat isn't working at the moment.

Also, fuck you.

14162538? ago

use catbox.moe

14167893? ago

There's a bot that has already done that, so what's the point of doing it twice?

14168141? ago

you should've done so in the first place you colossal faggot

14168302? ago

Now people have a choice.

Your choice was to REEEEEEEEE about absolutely nothing.

14155754? ago

At this point I'm convinced Q sent us to Voat to get red-pilled on Jews.

14159151? ago

I'm also fairly convinced that is why Q threw us to the Goats.

To red pill us on (((them.)))

14163593? ago

Is it safe to really analyze this here on voat? Is Voat safe, or just another honeypot, controlled by the mossad or whatever? What makes anyone trust their privacy here?

14167783? ago

The BO from the qresearch board on 8chan made this QRV board. If this is a honeypot, it's not designed for us.

Also. You should never trust your privacy anywhere on the internet. There is always a way if you get complacent about security when it comes to your identity. For me personally, I am not all that concerned about privacy and enjoy the anon aspect of this board due to it's focus on content over the people delivering it.

14171339? ago

Thank you for your reply!
And for your good advice. :D
I've been pretty careful about things for years now. Use a VPN, etc. But even then, an image board like this might be recording IP's and usage data (posts, etc) even while they claim they are not, right? I used to post to 4chan /b/ etc back in the day, and was always pretty much distrustful--no matter what we were told--that I was completely anonymous. Is there a place here with some info about the voat BO, and perhaps the code of the site itself, is that available to be checked? (Not that I have any skills to verify for myself, but to know that it is available for someone to peruse, if they want to, is valuable in itself.)

14156428? ago

Jews are the most exiled people in human history...

All of our indoctrination can be burned to the ground with a singe question... Why?

14159175? ago

A very valid question.

14162474? ago

OY GEVALT, this is obviously due to rabid baseless antisemitism. Why do the filthy goyim persecute us so? it's annuda shoah

14156148? ago

Maybe, but no Anon has yet has figured out there is no bloodline link between Hitler and Angela Merkel.

14165733? ago

I can.

Hitler didn't like Üntermensch.

Merkel is literal Üntermensch.

Hitler physically could not have helped spawn such an unfuckable lard-ass.

Merkel is just a communist cunt.

14155828? ago

I need to dig more. At this point, I'm still swimming. Any sources to recommend?

14157841? ago

14156981? ago

Who is this "Judea"? Just curious. There hasn't been a country "Judea" ever. The was the kingdom of Judah which disappeared after Nebuchadnezzar destroyed it in , what the 6th century BC?

The Romans had a province of Judea.

Did the Roman province of Judea declare war on the Germans?

Was a single person named as to who "declared war on Germany"? Perhaps a spokesperson or head of this 'Judea'? Just one name in that article would be helpful.

I do not doubt it was printed, I just have concerns about it. It reeks of 'fake news' - name of a country that doesn't exist. Not a single name in the entire article. Generic, anonymous quotes. I'm unsure if Goebbels had it planted to help propagandize the rounding up of the Jews, if a Jew group did it to pressure Germany, if bankers/M.I.C did it to kick off war to recover from the losses of the Great Depression, or if Zionists did it to speed up the rate of migration of Jews from Germany to Palestine.

I could be wrong, but I like to question these things.

14157280? ago

Judean is another word for Jew and Judea describes many things including the Jewish people and the Jewish religion.

14197250? ago

Jews called themselves Yehudim after the so-called "Diaspora".

The traslated into Jew, Juden, etc.

The closest I ever found was a term used Judean as a "Hebrew without a state/exile." This came from a Jew source.

So, if we assume this is a true definition (I was only able to find one), then let's look at the article itself. The article itself has no byline (which makes it a 'press release', or advertisement, not a news article). The whole thing reads like an ad to come to some meeting - the whole thing appears to me as a paid promotion for this London meeting.

The whole thing smells fishy. Gefilte fishy?

But that being said, there is this little compilation

14165752? ago

Judaic is another phrase that can be used.

14155886? ago

This website. Talk with users. Ask questions. People can post copypasta with infographics and memes all day, but that's an impersonal barrage of information. You'll absorb a lot more from an organic conversation.

14155173? ago

Awww Snap!

14155149? ago

Don't shit where you eat. It is known. It is known.

14155015? ago

Because they are animals