Icecreamsammich ago

Go fuck yourself you first fucked faggot

Whiteflourguy ago

This is why I do not give many upvoats to man people seem to beg for them. Nigger Faggot Bitches

WhatsMyNumber6547 ago

I'm so sick of these faggots that came here with the rest of us. The rules are simple and they make sense, all you have to do is contribute to the community, downvote them to hell because these are the nignogs that'll start posting about all the 'racism and rudeness' the second they're able to make submissions, then both the natives and the newfags will be stuck listening to that noise.

fluxusp ago

They do it on purpose. To annoy the hell out of us.

Surferspartacus21 ago

That shit is so lame.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

They just got butchered lol gg goats

dawgmeister ago

I'm not a native or a redditfag, I'm just here for the disclosure. I remain optimistically skeptical about Q. I must say I love it here. You grizzled goats are great company. Thanks for helping to purge the unwashed masses' minds of abrahamic filth.


Upvote Upvote

Manipulate the algorithm

Upvote Upvote

Automated hidden system


Upvote Upvote

Abrogate the competition

Upvote Upvote

Now allocate your best opinion


Upvoat Upvoat

Acclimate to pessimism

Upvoat Upvoat

Castigate the nepotism


Upvoat Upvoat

Don't denigrate my mannerism

Upvoat Upvoat

Appreciate the aphorism

liam-02-05-98 ago

love trumps hate

Promnite-toilet-baby ago

if you are going to beg for upvoats, at least have the courtesy to post nudes

GreatBaldung ago

You know shit's fucked when it got from "Bröther, may I have sone öats" to "Bröther, may I have some üpvöats".

Tspaced ago

Can someone give a TLDR for all this Q stuff going on? I have no idea what Q is/stands for and why they are here.

Runwithscissors ago

If you care about upvotes please do us all a favor and kill yourselves.

Womb_Raider ago

ITT: SBBH shills playing pretend

pipilongstockings ago

Dis America brotha, earn those points. No welfare for you.

truthteller411 ago

You have to start somewhere

The_Crusader ago

135 downvotes. Lmao. That didn't work out well for him.

DishingShitLikeA ago


Mmm yup, that was nice. And to offset the balance:



TimberWolfAlpha ago

Wait, isn't this in theawakening? aren't upvoats in there meaningless? or did they take that rule off?

thantik ago

They took the rule off before they jumped ship iirc.

TimberWolfAlpha ago

Ah, alright.

Redcobra ago

Didn’t these fuckwits read the faq or welcome new users posted in Qrv , I followed Q here also but I am in no way a kike shill begging for up votes , and in fact beg the goats to eternally downvote those parasites who didn’t take the time to get to know or bother to follow the rules of their new host nation . Gas the Qikes!!!


As a recent reddfugee, I wonder if they see the irony that so excruciatingly obvious when comparing their begging for upvoats to the migrant refs who beg for free shit of their new host country?

For fucks sake just assimilate to the new community and get legit upvoats.

I think, for the most part, they'll learn to value of the up/downvoat as opposed to the ease of just spamming on reddit.

Jaegerjaques ago

Fair enough. I agree that it's just a politically correct way of saying the same thing, indicating the user is afraid to trample on the wrong toes.

Conway ago

Faggots asking for reach arounds.

Billy_Ray_Valentine ago

Operation grab fag ass.

300_Black ago

(((Fellow Q followers)))

fluhthreeex ago

Q has always been about wasting peoples time. This is just another. It'd be great to have this place back to normal again. /all has been destroyed with Q this nonsense, and it's an all out trolling war between pre-existing users and new users to pill them out of their qtardation which is moving towards voting wars.

If some people want to take the time and effort to down-vote their mass vote farming, by all means go for it. However there is real shit going on in the world and this is on of the few places left on the internet where it can be shared and discussions about it can take place. It needs to be focused on. Q has always been about wasting peoples time. This is just another.

Maybe @PuttitOut could set up a walled garden for these people I think that would solve a lot of the problems people have been having over the past week or so while still allowing him to hold on to the new users. There may be some way to build out features allowing for the integration of the migrants over time. For now though this is a hostile board takeover.

The honeymoon ended in a few short days. This is causing a lot of problems within the community.

Le_Squish ago

Or they could easily start their own website and enforce what ever shitty rules they want.

fluhthreeex ago

I don't know that they could easily do it, or that Put wants to lose the users. However he doesn't want to fracture the community and ruin the site so...

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

We need a padded walled garden!, where we could have a tea party! Like Alice in wonderland, Q says follow the white rabbit. "were all MAD here"

fluhthreeex ago

In some cases the NSA has masqueraded as a fake Facebook server, using the social media site as a launching pad to infect a target’s computer and exfiltrate files from a hard drive. In others, it has sent out spam emails laced with the malware, which can be tailored to covertly record audio from a computer’s microphone and take snapshots with its webcam. The hacking systems have also enabled the NSA to launch cyberattacks by corrupting and disrupting file downloads or denying access to websites.

Look further into it if you want. Intelligence agencies can create copies or clones of websites on the fly. They make "walled gardens" where people can see out, or see just what they want them to see, but no one can see in.

I've been thinking about that lately. Wondering how much of this site is just infiltrated and subtly controlled or whether or to whom they are pulling out their little bag of tricks for.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

That was a damned interesting read. Thanks. So TURBINE is like the N s A's Industrial scale botnet, that if im understanding it right can even de-anonymize the encrypted TOR network. Its getting more orwellian by the day, what your talking about is like a literal room 101.

fluhthreeex ago


Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Look I agree the new qtards are fucking things up, I've seen it, I'm not sure Q is a psyop though. I am sure hes connected to Trump, otherwise he would have shut that shit down by now, and there are loads of signs hes connected. Q might be a psyop but if thats what it takes to get people to be critical of government then I don't mind. You have some good points about "buying time" but If Q is a complete lie then it is way past the point of "disinformation" and it will backfire.


Who the shit cares fuck all about up votes? WE CARE ABOUT TRUTH!!!!

NoTrueScotsman ago

We care about people coming here and breaking site rules. Just because the pope told you you can come live in my house for some reason doesn't mean you get to shit on the sofa.

Hydrocephalus ago

Although the new faggot pope would probably like to watch someone shit on a sofa.

thantik ago

Come on now...the pope isn't dutch.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

Smoke and a pancake?

NoTrueScotsman ago

You're probably right.

ratsmack ago

Don't game the system.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

John Whitman - Cant Beat The System

imnotpao ago

3 years, 26 comment points. keeping it real.

ratsmack ago

Maybe you should have stayed three years ago instead of running back to faggot land.

Ina_Pickle ago

My first account has 50 ccp. I forgot the password for awhile so made this account and stuck with it. Might log into the other someday to trigger some conspiracy people.

PuttItOut ago

You'll be able to downvoat in ~9 years. How exciting!

P8prclip ago

hahaha I just got a serious belly laugh out of that

OneUnderNone ago


Laurentius_the_pyro ago

you're on a fucking roll man.

Ina_Pickle ago

@3dayfreedom is a serial abuser. Was here last week trying the same thing before moving to 8chan with the cancer mods.

Sorry in advance for the imgur link. Imgoat is down.

nobslob ago

blocked that shithole sub as soon as it started its cancerous growth here.

satisfyinghump ago

What if we created a section in voat where people posted the name(s) of users that have at some point done things like this, along with direct proof.

At least this way, for years to come, even new members of voat will be able to look a user's profile up in that list and see if they've ever done something shady, and if so, maybe they'll think twice about what they've submitted, its accuracy or their motive...?

Ina_Pickle ago

So start it.

Saturday405 ago

Why would one care about their upvoates? I mean, is it an ego thing? A need to be loved by the masses? Is this what one learns on reddit?

ACatIsFineToo ago

There's a vocal minority among them who have openly announced their intention to get enough CCP to "clean this place up" by downvoting "racist antisemetic trash."

Bobtheviolent ago

So they can start down voating in place of banning?

Saturday405 ago

It's just so petty.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

whenever they beg for votes the system should auto downvote their shit to hell

shrink ago

Can someone give me a lowdown on what the fuck has been going on the past few days? I haven't been around for like three days now but I'll check here and Ive seen a number of times something about Q subs and voat farming or something.

I had to take off after the theawakening reddit fags jumped ship and swam ashore to 8ch, but now we're getting more waves of these people? Is there anything else going on?

MrPim ago

Q sent them here from 8chan. Basically they're back and are even more. People not from Reddit joined them at 8chan and then Q sent them back here to make v/QRV. There are thousands.

The one thing I'll say for them is that they seem to arrive already knowing that theyre going to see All the racism and hate. They seem resigned to to it. Q sent them to this horrid place and they want to stay because Q sent them and no matter how many Gas The Kikes are thrown at them they want to stay because Q sent them.

Theres a bunch of upvoat begging and farming but that is being delt with.

TheAmerican ago

Q is a nigger

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

You were supposed to leave but you didn't. That sounds pretty niggardly if you ask me

TheAmerican ago

If you don't stop being such a jerk I really will leave.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

You're not supposed to just give up like that. Tell me to go fuck myself

TheAmerican ago

Sorry about that. Go fuck off you filthy Mexico

Pumbadog ago

Hey! Hey! We got a real piece of shit trying to be hard over here! Last I heard you were sucking kike cock acting they are super humans and gods chosen people.

TheAmerican ago

Just pay attention to that beer you're pouring down your throat into your fat belly. Don't you worry about me.

Shekelstein6M ago

It's like a boomer invasion. They came back for round 2, apparently q sent them here again. Now they're pissed off that they can't turn voat into a retirement home, because they lack the ccp, so they try to game the system.

Acerphoon ago

retirement home


Rotteuxx ago

Qfag said "make sub on Voat for Qgrug, don't want these faggots on 8ch".

Others say Qfag sent them here to get redpilled on the JQ... Israel for last like he apparently said before.

IrbyTremors ago

It's almost like Q is meant to divide and confuse people into thinking contradictory things because hes so vague, really makes you think.


ACatIsFineToo ago

Either way, I've probably Jewpilled more people in the past 48 hours than in the past 3 years.

mqrmqr ago

Looks like they will have to actually contribute now.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

It’s like the dust bowl and Great Depression during the 1930s. “Brother can you spare an upvote?” Sadly, times are tough all over and I just can’t afford to spend any of my precious upvotes on these panhandling hobos.

Sarevok ago

Change. Could ya spare some change?

sosat_menya_reddit ago

I knew this had to be from one of the new Q cult subs

ffuentesbot ago

i don't understand anything of what Q is, care to explain?

ciaozuzu ago

The rules are few, simple and beneficial. Why can't they figure this out? Also they have been given a space here how hard would it be for them to actually contribute in other subverses and earn their way? Its not hard.

satisfyinghump ago

Hehe, dont you love when stereotypes actually work!

chrisman01 ago

Stereotypes are just evidence that trigger SJWs

mean_dot ago

When don't they?

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'[Mark Dice Tweet] ...... He's right, if this "event" was so important you remember it for 36 yrs, how did you forget the year, the location, whose party...' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @Mumbleberry:


This notification (#781) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'[Mark Dice Tweet] ...... He's right, if this "event" was so important you remember it for 36 yrs, how did you forget the year, the location, whose party...' was posted in v/theawakening and includes this reply from @Mumbleberry:


This notification (#782) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

hangry ago

@Gold_Finger_, @Mariposa328, @3dayfreedom I shall forever downvote you saggy cunts

brainlet ago

So you're going to waste your time stalking some guys you don't like just to remove some of their internet points? That sure will show them.

hangry ago

I guess 4-day-old members know best.

brainlet ago

Ok, then boss. How old does my account need to be until you give me permission to reply to you?

Also this is the equivalent of checking someones post history when they are losing an argument. What's next? Correcting my spelling errors?

hangry ago

No, none of that. You can, and did, reply to me. We aren't in an argument, and I don't know how to check your post history. Spell anyway the fuck you want to.

You have no idea of voat culture, and I'm giving you a heads up. Asking for upvoats is against site rules, plain and simple, and when you do it the rest of us will think of you as an irredeemable trannnyfucker. Don't be that.

brainlet ago

You can, and did, reply to me

A reply which you discredited based on the age of my account

We aren't in an argument

Yes we are

I don't know how to check your post history

Yes you do

Spell anyway the fuck you want to.

Thank you...

You have no idea of voat culture

Yes I do. Have been lurking since the beginning.

I'm giving you a heads up. Asking for upvoats is against site rules, plain and simple, and when you do it the rest of us will think of you as an irredeemable trannnyfucker. Don't be that.

There seems to have been a misunderstanding. I have never asked for upvotes, nor do I condone that behavior. But I realize you are just trying to help me, or who you thought I was, and I appreciate that.

I was just advising against spending your time constantly checking up on someone you don't even like just so you can dislike their posts. It's a waste of time and comes off as petty.

hangry ago

Tell you what, if I need a mom, I'll look you up.

brainlet ago

Tell you what, if I need an eight year old to argue with again, I'll look you up.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'All this time Heygeorge was working undercover all this time to take down Soap Box Bong Faggot Gabara! Even the Q zombies see its time to Go back to reddit you tranny faggots!' was posted in v/AnonTalk and includes this reply from @14018642: ' I shall forever downvote you saggy cunts '

This notification (#864) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Republican wins Texas district held by Dems for 139 years' was posted in v/elections and includes this reply from @Mumbleberry: You dun messed up.

This notification (#780) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

reichnarok ago

Thanks bro, I was hoping there would be a link. Keep up the good work.

Chad88 ago

If this was plebbit we'd all have been band for brigading lmao

Areuyiddingme ago

This is the true spirit of the goat.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Thanks I had fun!

slwsnowman40 ago

Danke schön!

hangry ago

Thanks for the opportunity to downvoat, that was sweet.


Can a brother get a downvoat or 10?

TheCool ago

You don’t have to beg for downvotes. Just speak out against the hive mind.

RumpRangerRick ago

I gotchu, faggot.

thantik ago

For that I'm going to upvote/downvote to keep you as close to 0 votes as I can. :P

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Currently at -109 lol

Jaegerjaques ago

Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me


Oh yeah? Well then upvoat me.

Jaegerjaques ago

You haven't cornered me yet, nigger. I will neither upvote nor downvote you. Looks like I walk away with the prize.


Im not black.

Jaegerjaques ago

Sounds like something a nigger would say


I'm not so sure about that. They're always calling themselves the n-word.

Donky_punch ago

With so many words beginning with N, which one are you referring to?

14011002? ago

It's okay to say nigger. Nigger nigger nigger! Come on and say it I'll upvote you.


I dunno...that sort of language is looked down upon in my house. My wife is a coon.

14011985? ago

Nigga for her. It's feminine or something.

Words can't hurt anyone, only actions. And if nigger gonna nig then don't say it to your wife she might chimp out and hurt you. Maybe even accidentally kill. Which is okay she will get off with slap on the wrist while you get six feet deep...

ratsmack ago

If you can't say "nigger", then don't say anything.


Is that what your mom taught you? Lol

Jaegerjaques ago


This is the shit you were talking about right? It's rampant with the new users. @BEER4DINNER, why censor yourself. You can say what you want here. Words have no power here, you are not going to get banned because you say a nasty word like on Reddit or Facebook. You will however get constantly ridiculed for cucked behavior such as self-censorship.

Mumbleberry ago

@Gold_Finger_ @mariposa328 Care to explain this bullshit?