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Gold_Finger_ ago

Can a brutha get 10 up votes PLZ?

james780 ago

post something worth a vote

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

oh hell no - may you get your ass beat with downvoats, go through a couple of days of mourning the demise of your account, and after a week's reflection, start over and having seen the error of your ways, earn your upvoats honestly and then join the ranks of those who downvoat niggerfaggots who beg instead of earning

You need to break out of the Reddit faggotry where you're a plebe and have to beg for what is rightfully yours: the right to EARN respect, honestly, with quality comments that add value to the conversation

Hey_Sunshine ago

Lol almost made it


you fucking cunt. you and all that beg for voats have not yet realized this shit is literally preyed upon by the oldgoats?

don't embarrass the rest of us reddit refugees like this. Just fucking assimilate and get legitimate upvoats, fucking faggot.

Helbrecht ago

I keep saying this and they refuse to see it

Bigbensbathroomstall ago

It's not even that fucking hard lol

Helbrecht ago

It really isn't. Just go shitpost in a few other subs. Of course, they might accidentally see a naughty word.

And Anyone CAN Spot! A Boomerpost... From A Mile... AWAY

xenoPsychologist ago

this one gets it. keep your grannies in line!

DeadPool666 ago

Fuck you niggerfaggot

satisfyinghump ago

Are you regretting yet asking for upvoats? Have you and the others that seem to be cut from the same block as you, learned yet this one simple rule about voat? And why its important in a society such as voat, for an account to retain its integrity as it accumulates upvoats?

How else can we properly engage one another if we dont have some sort of balance sheet of prior behavior?

TheCool ago

Well said, friend. Can I have some upvotes?

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

If I wanted to see scum like you I'd get a job cleaning toilets at reddit, fuck off.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago


More newfag upvoat farmers, pls bantz these ones too.

jasonco ago

does this sub even accrue CCP? I thought it didnt

draaaak ago

It does now that they removed the DV restriction.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Looks like we got some faggots begging for upvoats' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from @Game_Maven:

Direct link.

This notification (#779) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

3dayfreedom ago

Here ya go. Help me out too?

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Help? Well I suppose everyone needs a hand from time to time I call mine Fisto! I Know a faggot like you will like him.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

I dont think people actually read stuff in context any more.

freedumbz ago


Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Wut? oh yeah I furgot I iz dumbz too, grug need right S/ for goat understand.

freedumbz ago

Your timing is fucking awful m8

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

ah, friendly fire? I just turned up to fuck with the plebbitors. After I was shown the scale of the problem they were causing. I thought I did some good work down in the comments, but I suppose we all have off days.

Gold_Finger_ ago

Done... Thx sir!

DishingShitLikeA ago

If any of you want some semblance of respect you best cut this shit out. Fuck you. Have a nice day.

Mariposa328 ago

If you do the same back! Love to be a team player!

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

You fucking gaylord, I would beat the fuck out off you but i'm afraid id catch aids from the splashback.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

22hrs old and already begging for death. youll like it here!

Mariposa328 ago

I'm bad...had no idea...learn real fast!

Gold_Finger_ ago

Up voted this and all of the comments.

mqrmqr ago

Down voted this and all of the (upvoat-begging) comments!



3dayfreedom ago

Happy to help you out. Return the favor?

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

It looks to me like your the kinda man to fuck a man in the arse and actually have the goddamned common decency to give him a reach around so your a double fagott, fuck off faggot faggot.

Mariposa328 ago

Love to!! We all need to be doing this to help fellow Q followers out to be able to post information and discuss!

Jaegerjaques ago

What a disgusting circle jerk this is, it's like you brought Reddit over with you. What's next, shit tier puns and cheeky, witty one-liners that get repeated every single thread? You can take a faggot out of Reddit, but you can't take Reddit out a faggot.

Shartdownunder ago

I wonder if their what controlled opposition would look like?

ratsmack ago

This is against site rules... don't do it.

Mariposa328 ago

Thanks for your note. I didn't know. Feel stupid. But hey, I understand now! lol. Can't believe how vile people can be over something like that! Thought we were to help one another. Felt like I had been thrown in the middle of an ANTIFA circle from some notes!