AbjectDynamite ago


RumpRangerRick ago

You faggots just had to go and start voat-farming, huh.

Well, here.

Enjoy a downvoat, you niggers.

RumpRangerRick ago

Only one downvoat ?

Come on, you farming-faggots.

You can do better.


A curious thought... Bill Cosby’s sentencing is starting Monday and expected to go until Tuesday. Would the highly publicized drama and emotions displayed by the main stream media pump up and lend more support for this woman’s allegations? She has no supporting witnesses and a faulty memory yet I’m betting they will try and lose those facts riding the post Cosby sentencing wave.

3dayfreedom ago

Hadn't thought about that but ya. It's all about optics and timing to those shameless Democrooks. Their complicit corrupt MSM propaganda machine will blast this point out to the masses.They have been stalling and making unreasonable demands for days now. It's all a smear campaign she works for a big pharma company that makes abortion pills or RU-486. The company is called Concept Therapeutics Inc. the day after pill is Mifepristone name brand Korlym and is currently marketed by the company for the treatment of Cushing's syndrome. The company offers just one drug and it's current annual sales of $ 216 million. It is a 166 billion market cap company (stock symbol CORT) Like all FDA approved drugs Mifepristone is frequently prescribed off label or generic brand. Many doctors prescribe bit for conditions that it was never approved to treat. It's well known thru out medical industries that doctors routinely prescribe this drug to terminate unwanted pregnancies. So if Kavanaugh we're to be confirmed on the US Supreme Court and be a part of a decision that over turns Roe vs Wade it would make the prescribing of Corcept's drug for abortion Illegal directly impacting the company bottom line profits for which Christine Blasey Ford works. I could see how this could gravely dangerous for all involved in this decision. Senators, Kavanaugh and his family and even the accuser and her family. Supposedly her brother's law firm represents fusion gps the Russian smear campaign pros. I sure hope and pray if us pea on citizens can fine this back ground dirt that the white hats have it?


My prayers are for President Trump, Anons, fellow Patriots, and the Kavenaughs. I know the truth will come out. I understand that strategic moves in rolling this out has to be done. My gut instinct is that we will humor this for only so long and the hammer will fall. It exposes all the cards the Democrats will toss down and the public is watching. As a Patriot, I am watching and will give my last breath to defend, honor, integrity, and be an advocate for justice. It angers me deeply to see the rhetoric spewing from the holier than though Demoncrats. As a person with 2 degrees in nursing I see both sides of the medical field. It is horrible to see the medicines that truly heal patients are being held back while providers, lobbyist, hedgefunders, politicians, pharma companies play with peoples lives to gain money. There are so many side effects and health issues caused by bad medicine and greed.

robmorris ago

I've heard it said (more than once), stupid is as stupid does.

Vvswiftvv17 ago

I came here to downvote....but at this point it just seems mean.

Liberty_n_Justice ago

I'm still hoping someone has a screenshot of her FB post allegedly saying that Gorsuch needed to be accused of rape to stop his confirmation to the SC. The left's tactics are disgusting!

CandySlug ago

**I will not testify in a car.

I will not testify near or far. I will not testify in a train. I will not fly in a plane. I will not testify, here or there. I will not testify anywhere. There's nothing more for me to say. I can't remember, anyway.**

drstrangegov ago

Lazy fuckers trying to game the system. Try having an original, useful though

KaylaD ago

PeachyPatriot ago

Mark Dice is hilariously honest. He also hit the nail on the head, I agree. I don’t think there are many people left who do believe this chick. People are just afraid to admit it publicly because the Dems crazy backlash. Everyone should be allowed to say, “We don’t believe you, Ford” and not have to worry about the /#derangeddems

scrippe ago

I watched the Kavanaugh hearings, that man has a steel trap memory, he was able to recite specifics about cases he wrote opinions on many many years ago. He also seems like the kind of person who keeps detailed calendars and usually that kind of habit starts when young for those anally detailed type individuals. I betcha the reason why he says he wasn't at that party - when not even the witch doesn't know when the party was, is because he is looking at his highschool calendars and knows where and what he did every day of every week.

TheQPhenomenon ago

Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand Who Leads Charge Against Judge Kavanaugh Was Involved in AT LEAST TWO Other Sex Assault Hoaxes


TheQPhenomenon ago

In the past week anti-Trump activist Christine Ford accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh of groping her over her swimsuit sometime around 36 years ago at an unknown place. The three men she accused of being present during the incident have all vehemently denied her accusations.

Ford picked at least two far left attorneys to represent her and top Democrat advisers helped her plot her strategy to stall the process and smear Judge Kavanaugh.

Yesterday a video was revealed of Ford’s far left Attorney Debra Katz talking to reporters at an anti-Trump rally in Washington DC.

In the video attorney Katz is wearing a radical Socialist power fist T-shirt.

It should be obvious at this point what is really going on here.

This is the resistance in action — doing whatever they can to thwart the will of American voters.

TheQPhenomenon ago

The text message from Christine Blasey Ford this summer worried her college best friend, Catherine Piwowarski.

Over their years of friendship — as roommates, bridesmaids and parents on opposite coasts — Dr. Blasey wanted to know, had she ever confided that she had been sexually assaulted in high school?

No, Ms. Piwowarski said she texted back, she would have remembered that, and was everything O.K.? Dr. Blasey didn’t want to speak in detail quite yet, her friend recalled her responding. “I don’t know why she was asking that or what it ultimately meant or didn’t mean,” Ms. Piwowarski said in an interview, but she remembers thinking that the question betrayed deep turmoil.

That was about a month before Dr. Blasey, a research psychologist, came forward with her allegation that Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, sexually assaulted her more than three decades ago when they were high school students in the Washington suburbs.

TheQPhenomenon ago

Let's look at Christine Blasey Ford's Timeline https://twitter.com/H4Ckerrogue/status/1043647336059158528?s=19

QWe4zy ago

FORD's PARENTS LOST A FOR-CLOSURE LAWSUIT AND KAVANAUGH'S MOTHER WAS THE SITTING JUDGE IN THE CASE!!!!!!!! Mic Drop. I bet Ford remembers that very well since she can't remember the high-school incident.

The new information is the smoking gun. Ford says she doesn't remember anything about the high school incident, but I bet she does remember when her parents lost their for-closure case in court and the woman judge was Kavanaughs mother!! It's official. This is a huge motivator for a personaly vendetta and I bet she remembers when her parents lost their house very well. So this is done and she does't even deserve to waste the tax payers money for a hearing. Kavanaugh should however file a law-suite against Ford for libel and defamation of character at least; maybe even fraud charges also since is public government official and affects his career. So she will be showing for a hearing, but as a defendant trying to mitigate the amount of trouble she is going to get in for fabricating this fraudulent lie and defaming Kavanaugh due to her personal vendetta. The next communication should be flat out asking her about the court case her parents were in with Kavanaughs mother as judge that they lost. This is the most relevant thing here at all. If Ford cannot product any info, then that part is a done deal, gone thrown away. But still, Kavanaugh you need to file a law-suite against Ford. It is libel and defamation of character and whatever else fraud charges. You don't need to treat the dems with respect as respect is earned and look how the dems are acting?? They will keep acting like spoiled children until they are held accountable!! Make her go to court and be held accountable for her actions!!!!!

MakeHerPay #FordsVendetta

Rushingspirit1 ago

I remember just about every detail, of the 1st time I was molested. Unfortunately it is seared into my memories. I have had to FIGHT my way into a normal, Confident life. Ford is weaponizing it. It isn't something to be weaponized & it only proves that she is lying!!! There are things YOU DON'T FORGET when you are a Survivor of Rape, Incest, Mental & Physical abuse. The metoo movement can kiss my ass!!

Vibratron ago

Well said~

Rushingspirit1 ago

Thank you :)

dodntint6169 ago

One interesting thing I thought about today. People are saying that it would be a disaster for the Republicans for the Kavanaugh nomination to fail. However, there must be some Red State Democratic senators that are teetering on reelection that could see voting Yes as a way to sway fence sitters in their state. Maybe some blue surprises in the confirmation?

CubanLightningTeam ago

Absolutely it would be seared into her memory! My wife was an early developer, and so by the time she was 14 had not one, but TWO near-rape attempts on her (first one stymied by her kid brother, fortunately, and the other she was able to escape from). She vividly recalls, 30+ years later, time, year, location, how old she was, the name of the boys involved, who else was present--every detail you could wish for.

Oh, and the polygraph test? So what? There's a reason those tests aren't court-admissible evidence. They are REALLY easy to cheat. My friend Dr. Marmol could, without any preparation, pass a polygraph as truthfully verifying that he's a female purple-skinned alien from Betelguese, and that his spaceship is hidden in Antarctica. And the results of a test administered by HER OWN LAWYER should hold even less credibility.

Joanne143 ago

A turd can only float for so long before it sinks to the bottom. Her days are numbered.

3dayfreedom ago

Wow, read an article yesterday that says she teaches a class in mind control and memory suppression. Get this, and I kid you not, after reading the Stanford University class schedule and cylibis. It's part of a C_A internship training program. Oh ya, her hubby just happens to work for a pharmaceutical company that makes mind altering drugs. You couldn't make this stuff up. The article did say he had scrubbed his social media as well including removing his name from company website. Last but not least I found this


Clydar ago

She also sent the same letter when Neil Gorsuch was nominated, if I hear right. So 2 people, same person, same assault charge? Does that give you any more info about this woman? Democrats plant much?


jeronimo7380 ago

One Woman/drunk Bitch, and the whole world stand still. VOTE for Kavanaugh now!

Mariposa328 ago

Exactly look at all the Democrats that have sexually assaulted and used a slush fund of tax payers money to cover up their sexual crimes. Still holding their seats in office! Probably still assaulting women!

Stormanon123 ago

Desperation calls for drastic measures 😩

7777jm ago


7777jm ago

Yes. Sounds like a made up bunch of crap maybe to get even with Kavanaugh’s Mom for foreclosing on the Ford Family home years ago????

Calrootpeg ago

Sexual assault without sex? Beer bash house party wearing a swimming suit? 2 guys, no 4 guys, no 2, well 4... where, dont know, when, dont know...traumatized as if gang raped..yet no sex? Bathing suit? Clueless? Confused? Activist! Feminist! Idiology same as Islam... lie to win? Same as Lucifarians...lie to win? Curriculum taught? Find her students...ask them... what's her mandatory studies? Sexual assault without sex? Where...I dont know? When...I dont know?

Mariposa328 ago

That was not a party that was a get together. She can't name these people? I call BS she can't remember dates? Who were her best friends? Who's house? Who took her there? How did she leave? car? walk? What time was it? Just doesn't add up. Was she on ecstasy? What other drugs did she use? They wiped out her social media posts. Now her high school yearbooks are being pulled and hidden from the internet, Amazon and where ever else they sell them. One guy got the info. She is not what she says she was. The girls she ran with brag about their goals and drinking to black out. They talk about going after the younger boys in their school. She has ties with an abortion corporation. Her brother walks in the swamp and her parents had their bankruptcy case heard by the judges mother who was also a judge. Let's just say they were not happy with her decision.

lollyj6 ago

diane frankenstein dry humped me in 1942. I am traumatized about it! I need tv press, gloria albright and a book deal to feel better! Oh, and a gofundme account! Yeah...well, and a new car...and really a new house. Defiantly a new house. I mean I'm scared in my own home now because of all this....so definitely a new house. 😉

ythehorses ago

And if you can't even correctly identify ANY of the people who were there, that you say witnessed the event - they how can you say you correctly identified Kavanaugh!!!! So it's either made up total fake fraud that never happened, or mistaken identity.

Kymikal ago

Seriously guys. I have been called all kinds of name on Twitter about this. They think I am a real piece of shit because I brought this up. The all think he is guilty. The stuff they are saying is nuts. If you even question it they are pulling the "shame on you" card. Lets say the woman decided not to testify or stated she lied. They would still believe her and say she was threatened or whatever. This is some scary stuff. They all are claiming to have experienced some sort of sexual assault and don't seem to know anyone that has been falsely accused. I have known many guys falsely accused of things like this. Woman make shit up all the time. I have heard friends of mine tell me that they poked holes in condom to intentionally get pregnant and I got pissed. Seriously...it's like they refuse to see that this could possibly be political. This is some scary stuff. Many were indicating in the twitter comments that they all just came forward with old sexual assault this past few years. It is like the MeTOO movement where a touch is considered assault has started something.

therooster194FA ago

I threw up on a dog at a huge party at 15 and from the embarrassment alone, it created the most shameful vivid memory I have. Vivid down to people i was near where I tried to escape to when I was too trashed to stand up straight, the carport porch swing the color of the dog, the damn dogs name (molly, golden retriever). being a dumb ass and getting a ride home from a drunk driver, the color of the car, and the phone call from the girl who owned the dog and the house the next day telling me that she had to clean my puke up out of her yard and her mom had to get her dog shaved because it the groomer said it would be ridiculous to try to get the smell out. All that while black out drunk.. 20 years ago... I hope my memory doesn't go that bad in my next 16 years

Ludogirl420 ago

As a women this story makes me mad. Sounds like horny 17 year old tried to touch a boob and got denied. Not rape! If happened at all!

Mariposa328 ago

She didn't have to go to the room nor get on the bed....I always wonder about when They say meet me at my hotel room for an interview here in Hollywood. What the hell are you going to a hotel room for? Conference room is different for interview, but personal room is always questionable what do you think is going to happen? Everyone seems to forget these where teenagers....what kinda drugs was she on? All her social media posts have been deleted. Now her yearbooks have been pulled for those years. Major cover up. One guy on here got copies. They use to brag about their goals of drinking until you black out. She says she is an alcoholic. They also talked about going and preying after the younger boys in school. Funny they have not brought in her girlfriends she ran with in high school. They could shed light on her past. How about the guys that slept with her? She doesn't remember they want an investigation start pulling her "friends" no one has stood up for her reputation like the Judge......She has deep ties to an abortion company. Brother swims in the swamp. Her parents filed bankruptsy and the Judges mother, also a judge didn't agree with them. To many things cross the "set up". The attorney also is associated with Clinton and Soros foundation to get funds! Holding your nose on this one yet? Stinks to high Heaven of corruption, lies, and set up! Remember what they did with a year book last year. But the difference is these two were kids....no witness, no dates, no address, no crime, no police record, insanity from a crazy desperate group!

Gold_Finger_ ago

Can a brutha get 10 up votes PLZ?

james780 ago

post something worth a vote

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

oh hell no - may you get your ass beat with downvoats, go through a couple of days of mourning the demise of your account, and after a week's reflection, start over and having seen the error of your ways, earn your upvoats honestly and then join the ranks of those who downvoat niggerfaggots who beg instead of earning

You need to break out of the Reddit faggotry where you're a plebe and have to beg for what is rightfully yours: the right to EARN respect, honestly, with quality comments that add value to the conversation

Hey_Sunshine ago

Lol almost made it


you fucking cunt. you and all that beg for voats have not yet realized this shit is literally preyed upon by the oldgoats?

don't embarrass the rest of us reddit refugees like this. Just fucking assimilate and get legitimate upvoats, fucking faggot.

Helbrecht ago

I keep saying this and they refuse to see it

Bigbensbathroomstall ago

It's not even that fucking hard lol

Helbrecht ago

It really isn't. Just go shitpost in a few other subs. Of course, they might accidentally see a naughty word.

And Anyone CAN Spot! A Boomerpost... From A Mile... AWAY

xenoPsychologist ago

this one gets it. keep your grannies in line!

DeadPool666 ago

Fuck you niggerfaggot

satisfyinghump ago

Are you regretting yet asking for upvoats? Have you and the others that seem to be cut from the same block as you, learned yet this one simple rule about voat? And why its important in a society such as voat, for an account to retain its integrity as it accumulates upvoats?

How else can we properly engage one another if we dont have some sort of balance sheet of prior behavior?

TheCool ago

Well said, friend. Can I have some upvotes?

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

If I wanted to see scum like you I'd get a job cleaning toilets at reddit, fuck off.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago


More newfag upvoat farmers, pls bantz these ones too.

jasonco ago

does this sub even accrue CCP? I thought it didnt

draaaak ago

It does now that they removed the DV restriction.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Looks like we got some faggots begging for upvoats' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from @Game_Maven:

Direct link.

This notification (#779) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by adding a query(?) to the Voat link. More information here.

3dayfreedom ago

Here ya go. Help me out too?

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Help? Well I suppose everyone needs a hand from time to time I call mine Fisto! I Know a faggot like you will like him.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

I dont think people actually read stuff in context any more.

freedumbz ago


Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Wut? oh yeah I furgot I iz dumbz too, grug need right S/ for goat understand.

freedumbz ago

Your timing is fucking awful m8

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

ah, friendly fire? I just turned up to fuck with the plebbitors. After I was shown the scale of the problem they were causing. I thought I did some good work down in the comments, but I suppose we all have off days.

Gold_Finger_ ago

Done... Thx sir!

DishingShitLikeA ago

If any of you want some semblance of respect you best cut this shit out. Fuck you. Have a nice day.

Mariposa328 ago

If you do the same back! Love to be a team player!

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

You fucking gaylord, I would beat the fuck out off you but i'm afraid id catch aids from the splashback.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

22hrs old and already begging for death. youll like it here!

Mariposa328 ago

I'm bad...had no idea...learn real fast!

Gold_Finger_ ago

Up voted this and all of the comments.

mqrmqr ago

Down voted this and all of the (upvoat-begging) comments!



3dayfreedom ago

Happy to help you out. Return the favor?

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

It looks to me like your the kinda man to fuck a man in the arse and actually have the goddamned common decency to give him a reach around so your a double fagott, fuck off faggot faggot.

Mariposa328 ago

Love to!! We all need to be doing this to help fellow Q followers out to be able to post information and discuss!

Jaegerjaques ago

What a disgusting circle jerk this is, it's like you brought Reddit over with you. What's next, shit tier puns and cheeky, witty one-liners that get repeated every single thread? You can take a faggot out of Reddit, but you can't take Reddit out a faggot.

Shartdownunder ago

I wonder if their what controlled opposition would look like?

ratsmack ago

This is against site rules... don't do it.

Mariposa328 ago

Thanks for your note. I didn't know. Feel stupid. But hey, I understand now! lol. Can't believe how vile people can be over something like that! Thought we were to help one another. Felt like I had been thrown in the middle of an ANTIFA circle from some notes!

Ludogirl420 ago

To me, as a female it sounds like he tried to get to second base. Was denied. Not rape.

NiggersPost ago

That ladys word is as good as a niggers.

nigger_plz ago

Somebody abuses you and it destroys your life, you think you'd show up ASAP and not come up with all these silly excuses on why you can't make it on a certain day.

Not Monday, I'm moving. Not Tuesday, I need the FBI to investigate. Not Wednesday, I need a female lawyer. Not Thursday, Kavanaugh should go first. Not Friday, I got a nail appointment.

WTF bitch. You're obviously stalling and your buddies Schumer and all his lowlife Dems are coaching you.

Confirm Kavanaugh and quit playing into their hand.

fullthrottle1949 ago

Demand a breathalyzer and piss test before she can testify...problem solved.

Blessed_Revolution78 ago

Amen!! Please upvoat!

3dayfreedom ago

Trade up votes?

Ilovemydogs2 ago

You never forget traumatic situations. And if your wasted on booze or drugs and can’t remember facts then case closed.

silky00001 ago

The thing is she works with the CIA training personnel in NKUltra,her father helped design the methods of mind control that they use. She is a major Clinton supporter her lawyer is a fund raiser for Clinton. Why this is never disclosed is odd. It makes me very suspicious of her intentions.

Gypsynurse ago

I read that whole story...She is in with Soros

Semlow ago

Yes. Source for her fathers MK-Ultra connection :


Coincidence? How many more? Much more likely Julius Caesar is still alive.

Blessed_Revolution78 ago

Her intentions are very clear. She is a last minute opportunity to delay the vote. This is all a stall tactic that will likely work, given the weak Republicans in the senate.

veteran88 ago

False accusers should be punished.

False accusations relating to appointing a supreme Court Justice or political candidate is treason and/or sedition.

FaStRmAn ago

There certainly should be enhanced criminal punishment for this sort of “political hitjob”. The left can’t win with their commie/Socialist ideas, so they use false accusations and liberal courts in conjunction with the Left wing MSM propaganda machine to do their dirty work.

Zudaspace413 ago

The Demo(n)crats are unable to put together a complete accusation and will always rely on the "Fake MSM" to fill in the voids through their so called sources. That is the only playbook they have. They are a bunch of empty headed people with a voided ideology that they cling to with every word they spew relying on " THE FAKE MSM TO FILL IN THE BLANKS!"

Greydle ago

I was raped by Christine Blasey Ford. I'm still in tears, it was last Wednesday. I will never forget how she smelled, beef jerky and cigarettes. I will testify!,...maybe. I have many witnesses that do not know where I was, or what I was doing last Wednesday.

FaStRmAn ago

I was a witness to you being raped Christine “Crazy-Blazy Ford. I cannot testify because this is a repressed false memory second hand that was related to me thru a fortune teller. However I do remember she was a bitter leftist loony that marched in “Never Trump” parades and had a personal vendetta against the Kavanaugh family because his mother was a Judge who ruled against her parents in a foreclosure case. She also had what appeared to be a “tramp stamp” or perhaps it was just a poopy ass.

Mariposa328 ago

Or false memories that were put there. They have proven this goes on all the time. But she is knowingly wiped her social media, and al of the yearbooks are being pulled from Amazon and on the internet for her high school years. One person on here got copies. She is not what she seems at all. They brag about their goals of drinking until blacking out. There are many remarks about their sexual activities. If there was nothing to hide why try to wipe out the proof and documentation of those years?

Greydle ago

Your fortune teller was 100 percent correct and should be brought in as an expert. The eye witness account only confirms my allegations. It was a poopy ass. You were conflicted about it being a tramp stamp, because I finger painted S.O.S. No one rescued me. I'm broken.

FaStRmAn ago

Until false accusations are made serious felonies the left will continue to use this tactic to thwart and obsfucate. They have no moral compass. They have no soul.

Stormanon123 ago

They do have reservations at GITMO!😂

R2077R ago


ChiCom ago

Millions of children lost their fathers due to false accusations that can't be prosecuted . It would be awesome if this dem gambit made that get fixed

Vibratron ago

You're correct, if there is "no cost" , it will continue

Sarevok ago

Cut out their tongue.

Gorillion ago

And limit them to a flip-phone and Windows 98.

AwakeInTheDream ago

People who make false allegations should go to prison where they can live out their fantasies for real.

Too bad proving a negative is nearly impossible and why they continuously employ this tactic.

The-Spiders ago

Seems pretty obvious that this woman is a far left whack job coupled with the Dems doing their best to stall. These people are stupid and desperate. Panic Everywhere.

Vibratron ago

My Question is this.........can Kavanaugh or We the People, hold Christine Blasey Ford and Senator Feinstein accountable for liable, fraud, etc ? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/09/coming-out-victim-of-child-sexual-assault-and-rape-wants-kavanaugh-accuser-held-accountable/

Cloudkicka ago

Yes!! False Testifmony under oath.


Clydar ago

I would say that Feinstein could be held accountable for withholding evidence at the very least. If it's found that Ford did in fact send a letter of similar nature when Neil Gorsuch was in the same process, I'm not sure what the charge would be for her. It's not a trial, and I'm no lawyer, so I can't say myself.

PeachyPatriot ago

This girl would love to see that happen. I loathe her face now. Can’t help it.¯_(ツ)_/¯ I’m praying, I know I should have such a hardened heart towards all these bad actors, but I also don’t see it changing much.

LoveHopeDream ago

sue her for defamation? thats what i'd do

Tiktanaboo ago

And imprison Ford for perjury if Kavanaugh has a solid alibi. Maximum sentence. Five years.

undine2006 ago

That would be one way to stop false allegations for sure.

derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/markdice/status/1042589235197300736 :

Mark Dice on Twitter: "Brett Kavanaugh's accuser can't remember what year the alleged 'assault' took place, whose party it took place at, or where specifically it (supposedly) happened. If such a thing did occur, those aspects would be seared into her memory crystal clear. She sounds mentally ill."

This has been an automated message.

cbramwel ago

And none of the other attendees at the party can remember it either. Is this a mass onset of early Alzheimers?

TeresaStaab ago

How can they even start an investigation! The first thing they ask is Where? When? She has no idea? That really says something about her! SHES A LIAR!!!

ooltapoolta ago

She'll try to claim they were "repressed memories." This could open a big can of worms in the questioning if she testifies. She'll have them all walking on eggshells when she cries on command and takes numerous breaks which will cause the testimony to go into multiple days. This is what they're practicing for.

3dayfreedom ago

She actually teaches a class at Stanford that's part of a C_A internship training program in mind control and memory suppression. Her hubby works for a big pharma that just happens to make a mind altering drug. I'm new from the chan 1:1vote?

Mariposa328 ago

Or false memories that were put there. They have proven this goes on all the time. But she is knowingly wiped her social media, and al of the yearbooks are being pulled from Amazon and on the internet for her high school years. One person on here got copies. She is not what she seems at all. They brag about their goals of drinking until blacking out. There are many remarks about their sexual activities. If there was nothing to hide why try to wipe out the proof and documentation of those years?

TeresaStaab ago

There is going to be plenty of DRAMA!! They will pay the loonies to come in & disrupt & all the hoopla In the end, he will be confirmed

ArbyMcPatriot ago

Those that blatantly lie like this should be sentenced to the same sentence that her accused would face.

FaStRmAn ago

I agree. They should automatically get the maximum sentence for the crime they are wrongly accusing others of