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reichnarok ago

Thanks bro, I was hoping there would be a link. Keep up the good work.

Chad88 ago

If this was plebbit we'd all have been band for brigading lmao

Areuyiddingme ago

This is the true spirit of the goat.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Thanks I had fun!

slwsnowman40 ago

Danke schön!

hangry ago

Thanks for the opportunity to downvoat, that was sweet.


Can a brother get a downvoat or 10?

TheCool ago

You don’t have to beg for downvotes. Just speak out against the hive mind.

RumpRangerRick ago

I gotchu, faggot.

thantik ago

For that I'm going to upvote/downvote to keep you as close to 0 votes as I can. :P

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Currently at -109 lol

Jaegerjaques ago

Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me


Oh yeah? Well then upvoat me.

Jaegerjaques ago

You haven't cornered me yet, nigger. I will neither upvote nor downvote you. Looks like I walk away with the prize.


Im not black.

Jaegerjaques ago

Sounds like something a nigger would say


I'm not so sure about that. They're always calling themselves the n-word.

Donky_punch ago

With so many words beginning with N, which one are you referring to?

14011002? ago

It's okay to say nigger. Nigger nigger nigger! Come on and say it I'll upvote you.


I dunno...that sort of language is looked down upon in my house. My wife is a coon.

14011985? ago

Nigga for her. It's feminine or something.

Words can't hurt anyone, only actions. And if nigger gonna nig then don't say it to your wife she might chimp out and hurt you. Maybe even accidentally kill. Which is okay she will get off with slap on the wrist while you get six feet deep...

ratsmack ago

If you can't say "nigger", then don't say anything.


Is that what your mom taught you? Lol

Jaegerjaques ago


This is the shit you were talking about right? It's rampant with the new users. @BEER4DINNER, why censor yourself. You can say what you want here. Words have no power here, you are not going to get banned because you say a nasty word like on Reddit or Facebook. You will however get constantly ridiculed for cucked behavior such as self-censorship.