derram ago :

Republican wins Texas district held by Dems for 139 years - YouTube

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Mariposa328 ago

The red wave is coming your way! 139 years OMG talk about Proud Americans want to keep our country and not hand it over to the parties that are trying to destroy us from within.

Mumbleberry ago

Mariposa328 ago

Boy do I feel stupid and beat up! Learn real fast! Shocked at how vicious some out there are! Sounds like Antifa people attacking over a stupid mistake. Thanks for your kinds words though. I got the point!

Mumbleberry ago

Upvote brigades are not tolerated. Ever. At all.

Mariposa328 ago

Thanks or the advise....had no idea how serious that infraction was. Few hours old and wanted to post a comment saw others helping just like they talkabout going after people and down voting thought that was the way of the land. Alice is no longer in Wonderland. Never did Reddit or any of those so purly niave and stupid on my part to assume. Again thank you for extending advise for someone green and embarrassed!

Mumbleberry ago

You're apology and having the ovaries? to come back mean a lot to me personally.

themoreyouknow ago

If anyone wanted proof of a RED WAVE this is it right here...and its gonna gather pace