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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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TheAmerican ago

Yes. It is true. They told me I have to stay.

SearchVoatBot ago

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TheAmerican ago

It's absolutely true

Omnidempotent ago

All of us participating in this campaign can identify each other by one commonality in all of our usernames. I'm sure the smarter people of Voat can decipher this.

So... every account that starts with "The"? Paging @TheBuddha

TheBuddha ago

LOL The dude's an obvious liar. Note how many 'last post really' instances they have had?

I'm assuming they are off their meds.

IheartSwimming ago

Q predicted this

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'4chan anon asks a legitimate question.' was posted in v/politics and includes this reply from @pppkkppp:

When I saw this I assumed we would see posters trying to incite violence.

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TheAmerican ago

I'm a double agent working for the Christian Defense League

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Say goodbye. The Qs now run Voat.' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from @LostandFound:

JDL or so he said

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SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Do you ever think about the fact we exist on a tiny speck of of dust in the incomprehensible vastness of space?' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from @HateCumbuckets:

This post of yours,

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FuTz ago

These kikes need to buy a bullet and rent a gun...

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'A shill alert for new goats.' was posted in v/GreatAwakening by @Octocopter and refers to this submission.

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Neinlife ago

Yeah dude people been calling you a shill for a while but ty for confirming it.

TheAmerican ago

Dont tell the others. Would you like to join us?

Neinlife ago


TheAmerican ago

Do you think people are going to be upset with me? Will they be mean to me?

whereisthemountain ago

It doesn't matter what others think of you. It matters what you think of yourself.

TheAmerican ago

Im back on the operation so fuck you nigger

Obeastiality ago

They consider this an extremist anti-semitic website.

It is. So what? Leave it to the kikes to have nothing better to do than blow their money on stupid shit

Halstan ago

Are you top or bottom?

Zen-Zinxe ago

So what you're saying is Jewish pedo fags are planning on planting CP on voat and then using that to shut us down? That's what it sounds like. Also yeah this is overly dramatic. What will happen when our internet manganese supplement trading forum is shut down? Move to another place obviously. kikes will have to control the whole internet to stop us (on the internet), and that's still a way off.

If they would just stop trying to control everything and leave people alone we wouldnt even care, but of course the are told to enslave goys. Jews never learn, so much for them being smart

TheAmerican ago

They're not going to plant pornography of any kind.

Zen-Zinxe ago

Well I'd ask what the plan is to get us taken down then but I doubt you'd tell me.

TheAmerican ago

For me to have fun.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Feel free to down vote this liberal garbage on JewTube' was posted in v/funny and includes this reply from @Laurentius_the_pyro:

>Imagine making a fake account so you can validate your gay ass LARP

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Qtiepie ago

Got any proof?

DeeplyDisturbed ago

During the last big Voat blackout, I assumed that the site had been taken over. Having full access to the backend of the site would give someone total control an the ability to track user content, connect IP addresses, dox people, cross reference alt accounts, see passwords, etc. Most people here know that this is possible, but not all. I just assumed that the ADL or SPLC or an agency had just "hijacked" the site.

In fact I always assume this is true.

Many of us know that here is no place to hide anymore - only wys to foolishly out or dox yourself. There is no privacy - only your ability to be anonymous to amateurs. There is no resistance - only the illusion that individual resistance will matter. Our votes do not count, our values are not respected, our voices are not heard, justice and the rule of law are gone, and our loyalties have been betrayed.

I say all of this to say that whoever is behind your plot will basically get a few people angry and scare a few, but not much more. It may get this site shut down, a la silk road or backpages,com. Hell, I could do that single handed. It doesn't take a genius to figure out how to play the system.

But here is one thing to keep in mind - the world is waking up. All over the world, people are finding out what is being done to them. People are talking IRL in ways that are not trackable electronically. There are tens, maybe hundreds of millions of people around the world who are sick of the control your friends have over them. From anime creators in Japan, to southern rednecks, to NY elites, to former military, to the average Polish man on the street. Europe is waking up too.

A reckoning is coming soon, my friend, and there is nothing YOU or anyone else can do about that. There is a craving for justice for all of humanity and the millions of crushed lives, and lost liberty, and human rights abuses that this ideology has caused, The genie is out of the bottle, and shutting down this site or even jailing or killing or shaming or framing a bunch of us will not turn the tide of history on this one. In fact, I hope it DOES happen. That just makes it clearer to more people what is being done to them. More sites will go down, more people will be cowed into submission, but like history shows us, this always comes back around. Unfortunately it is the common folks among you who suffer the most. That part is sad. Maybe this time they will stand with us and against their ideological overseers.

Thanks for sharing, but your news is not news to most folks here. They are just not stupid enough to waste their time writing like I am.

sguevar ago

I outed you as a shill in the past. If this is larping iy is a good one. If this is real I thank you for your effort.

But I say this to you and your former colleagues, our eyes are never shut. We are ready so do your worst.

Hand_of_Node ago

He's sounded like a shill since he's been posting, but notice how he doesn't actually reveal any information in his big "reveal". He's either a larp, or if there's another group trying this, this is just another probe to generate and observe reactions.

If you had a lot of resources, you could gather enough data on individual users to do some manipulation. People have 'triggers' and unconscious associations. People respond differently to data that's presented using the different representation systems: See what I mean? How does it look to you? Do you hear me? Sound familiar? Got a sense of what I'm saying? Does this resonate?

And that's just the surface. People are as complex as the computers we've created, and can be manipulated just as easily.

2,882 total commenters

While we've got about 1,000 or so more daily commenters since the invasion, voat is still pretty small. But maybe it's our ideas and knowing that 'concerns' them.

sguevar ago

I guess we have to wait and see if anything unfolds or not.

However I do have a hunch that not all was LARP and not all was truth. He maybe a psychotic - schizophrenic that is able to enact real emotions without even noticing after. But I my guts tell me we should be vigilant about this shit.

Ahilter ago

no shit u kike

Red_Pilled ago

this is a real thing behind it, but jesus christ yall cant tell me you believe this nigger. like yeah sure we have shills and people here, but this nigger is here stating the obvious and outing himself, which why the fuck would you do that when you can dig deeper and expose the entire thing? annoying and shitty shit post you fucking fake kike. go get fucking raped

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I always thought your questions were a little weird!

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Sarcasm/ Extra Extra This just in: Jews are jewing, covers microphone kerfufle.... "Wait what? is this real?.. I gotta call my wife".... kerfufle. Please stand by for updates while try to verify this potentially ground shaking revelation voice trails off ....kerfufle "fuck you larry I dont get paid enough! Go home, we should all be with our loved ones"........ tyres screech

looking4truth ago

nice spoopy larp faggot

bill_the_dog ago

Sorry but I'm not buying it.

Do you know how many other forums exist where people with money, education, and position of influence express the same sentiments that are found regularly on Voat?

Lots. Have a look at one. Visit Read the articles and the comment section.

These are the kinds of guys the government might be interested in. Professors, lawyers, businessmen, guys with assets and power who express many of the same sentiments that one sees on Voat, but in a much more measured and thoughtful manner. Nobody on the is writing "gas the kikes," but the majority of the people there are quite hostile to the Jewish elites.

I am not trying to be insulting, but come on guys. You are just not that important in the scheme of thing.

Why? Because you're incapable of doing anything about what you think. You lack the resources, social skills, contacts, planning capacity, and just about every other element needed to present any kind of credible threat to the government or anyone else.

There might be one or two ex-military guy around here who could possibly be a problem if he got too riled up, but those guys are all monitored anyway through other channels.

The truth is that Voat is an adolescent level gripe forum where people who don't matter blow off steam and entertain themselves with delusions of their own importance and grandeur.

Get over yourselves losers. You don't count and never did.

Whitemail ago

Even 4Chan has made a name for themselves outside of 4Chan. Voat is known for having a accomplished anything. Some people on Eddit are aware there's a site that functions similarly, but it's full of evil racists and bigots or some shit like that.

watts2db ago

tgere is actually alot of great information and knowledge floated around here on many various topics

TheAmerican ago

It's not the government. Friend.

bill_the_dog ago

Whatever. You're full of shit. And I'm not your fucking friend.

TheAmerican ago

Why dont you just tell them who you really are, or i will.

bill_the_dog ago

Hey cocksucker, fuck you and the fucking horse you rode in on. You tell "them" whatever the fuck you want. I couldn't fucking care less shitbreath.

TheAmerican ago


bill_the_dog ago

What's that? You want a LARP? A Long African Ringwormed Penis in your ass?

Well go for it you little faggot. This is 2018. No need to be ashamed of your homosexuality.

TheAmerican ago

You guys have zero sense of humor around here and take yourself way too seriously.

CaptainChurch ago

They're not people. They're bot arrays.

Most the stuff you see on reddit and voat is bot curated content, including the upvotes.

Raxotic ago

You misunderstand. It's not that we don't know about shills, it's that we don't care.


Because what would we do about it anyway?

And how exactly would they be able to harm Voat? It's doubtful.

And even if they did, somehow, totally bring down Voat, so what? Oh no, just another place that used to exist. We'd just congregate somewhere else.

Whitemail ago

The Jewish shills are getting to me. Jews are harmless and 6 million died. Jews own the media, but it doesn't matter. Jews own the bank, but banks are inherently evil.

Just kidding.

TheAmerican ago

You guys have no fallback location. Someone should get the ball rolling on that.

TheAmerican ago

They could plant illegal material.

freedumbz ago

Tell us some specifics like who else is involved with this op and what they want to accomplish. Otherwise you're just a larp

TheAmerican ago

I'm afraid of giving out any more information than I already have because if my friend tells these people who I am in real life I'm afraid they will hurt me.

Hand_of_Node ago

And you can't just make another account to spill the beans. Meh, sounds like this is just another probe to see how everyone reacts. (If "TheAmerican" is even your real name...)

But sure, you might accidentally inject too many drugs, or "slip up" with your auto-erotic asphyxiation technique if you're not careful. Have you been depressed lately? Suicidal? Hope you don't become the victim of a robbery. You know how many people die after being hit by a car? It's a good thing you've revealed nothing in this post...

PuttItOut ago

You seem too grounded to be that deceptive.

But what do I know, everyone is @SaneGoatISwear to me.

TheAmerican ago

Some of my posts were genuine containing truthful information. They told me my overall persona should be that of a "dumb asshole" to get a rise out of people. They gave me a list of questions to post and guided me on strategies to use to provoke an emotional response out of people. One of these strategies is fat shaming. Others are using different strategies and personalities in order to gain a full spectrum of information. I'm not overly intelligent but the people doing this are and they mean business. I made a legitimate post about having to put my cat down, people were very kind and my opinion of Voat started to change making me question if what I was doing was the right thing.

Hand_of_Node ago

They gave me a list of questions to post and guided me on strategies to use to provoke an emotional response out of people. One of these strategies is fat shaming. Others are using different strategies and personalities in order to gain a full spectrum of information.

"Okay, now make post confessing to being part of a powerful enemy group that's going to take down voat, and that the site is filled with a large number of operatives collecting data on everyone."

Dang. Looks like we're finished now.

Pumbadog ago

Why can't you just grow a fucking pair and name the jew already. You act like they are some supreme beings that control all. They are fucking rats. And (((they))) should be treated like rats. When the day of the rope comes you better know who your enemy is and be able to fucking name them.

TheAmerican ago

Harvey Weinstein.

freedumbz ago

Can you post a list of those questions? Like scan them, or screencap an email or something?

PuttItOut ago

Well obviously I don't know what to believe but I can say if you personally seek truth, you will find it.

Sounds like Voat has somewhat changed you and hopefully in a good way more than not.

NotHereForPizza ago

So, NOW do you believe me?

I've explicitly said these things would unfold... and not just for a short time, now.

strongsad ago

We'll be forced to use carrier pigeons and Morse code eventually, but it will be like the days of old and a true American revolution.

TheAmerican ago

For sure another user who is part of this group is on the front page right now and I'm pretty certain one of the responses in this post is from a another member. Someone had a pretty accurate guess as to what part of their plan consists of and I can guarantee if they succeed this place will be shut down. From the very first second I was on here I was surprised you guys didn't have a rallying point, a place to regroup when this place goes down because sooner or later it's going to happen. You can call me what you want but I risked a lot to bring you this information. I'm going to lose at least one long term very close friendship over this. If this person gives up my identity I could legitimately end up in real trouble.

Hand_of_Node ago

Sooner or later, we're all going to die. Since you're already "risking a long-term friendship", where is the information that would make this post an actual "reveal"?

Are you guys getting the data you wanted from this post? Feel free to PM me for some pointers. I'll cut my rate in half and only ask $5K per hour, but I'll need a 10 hour minimum. Talk it over with your people.

SupermanReborn ago

What a faggot liar. Carry on eating your dick sandwich

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

So everyone with the "q-[insert faggot ass letters]" anyone prefaced with a "the" and . . . . 1.3 month old accounts got it.

Atticus_Lowry ago

We know.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

Q predicted this.

r3j3ct_supr3m3 ago

Things are getting to that point that the more suppression is implemented, the more tension will develop, and it's only a matter of time before that tension reaches an unmanageable point at which the snap isn't only witnessed online. It's going to be the sort of thing that reverberates throughout all of society, and though it sure as hell won't be televised (positively, anyways), it will be spoken about, and it will be seen by many firsthand.

New_years_day ago

Us real refuges are fully aware of the subversion tactics, yall are literally transparent.

Only retards and faggots fall for the concern trolling and nigger speak.

It's like the bull shit that goes on in the chan's but with text.

Regardless, welcome to the good side.

The side that actually has morals, even if those morals are grounded in saying niggerfaggot and hating fat people.

SanchezSucio ago

Users of Voat are not individually being targeted at all.

If this is true then I will feel awful silly about taking all those pictures of my butthole imagining some kike somewhere having to stare at it...

I am selling copies if anyone is interested...don't judge, I got kids to feed.

Low_Paid_Porno_Noob ago

He is fucking lying because many people have been individually targeted.

C_Corax ago

I meant the code to shut down Voat. I mean we're still here right?

Thrus2 ago

Easy enough to do if a group really wanted to, send traffic our way, lots and lots of traffic while keeping the language that advertisers don't want associated with them. Traffic means bandwidth and translates to $$$ as well as server performance also meaning $$$. cash is the way to take voat down as we don't have a solid income to support the site.

C_Corax ago

Sort of like a DDoS attack you mean? That's been tried over and over again.

Thrus2 ago

If you took a network of systems able to execute the DDoS attack and just had them start surfing the site jumping link to link every 5 minutes but with a large number of them you would avoid some of the automated detection as it isn't concentrated, the goal is simply to up the amount of traffic that passes through the site to raise bills not the standard DDoS attack that is out to take the site down directly. This wouldn't be an attack to take id down for a day it would be an attack to spend months to disrupt the budget of the site over 6 months or a year.

Vic_V ago

the idea that shills only follow a specific naming pattern is surely false

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

OH NOES! We're all going to be shitposted to death!

C_Corax ago

Munches popcorn

So in 2 months you think you have cracked the code that no one has managed for over 3 years, huh?

goatsandbros ago

Is the commonality two-word Pascal-case names, like, oh idk, ArizonaVeteran, for example?

TheAmerican ago

I know for sure another user who is part of this group is on the front page right now and I'm pretty certain one of the responses in this post is from a another member. Someone had a pretty accurate guess as to what part of their plan consists of and I can guarantee if they succeed this place will be shut down. From the very first second I was on here I was surprised you guys didn't have a rallying point, a place to regroup when this place goes down because sooner or later it's going to happen. You can call me what you want but I risked a lot to bring you this information. I'm going to lose at least one long term very close friendship over this. If this person gives up my identity I could legitimately end up in real trouble.

SpaceIsFakeAndGay ago

So.... you admit to being a shill, compromising your morals for some "greater cause"?

Good causes dont have you comprimise morals.

Elbower_of_Quants ago

Duh. There will never be a digital haven safe from the onerous and evil.

Cincosiber ago

What is the commonality in the user names?

Le_Squish ago

The names and users behind them lack an individual unique identity. Everyone's user name means something to them. Everyone has likes and dislikes. Persistent single topic posters and commenters should always be assumed to be florescent (see-I-a niggers).

MrDarkWater ago

Probably something Jewey


OK, so who and wtf is JDL please? I missed the boat or brain farting...

Pulverizor ago

Wow what a nice fella.

NiggadermCQ ago

I don't normally call people niggerfaggot. but here, I can, and it seems to be the thing to do. this shows I have the ability to say stuff that may not be pc. also roodypoo candyass.


using language I think is disgusting

You fucking monster.

Fancy451 ago

I assume youmean things will be downloaded to peoples computer without them knowing it. When it starts use a VM to acess voat, install a clean OS, and set it up to wipe any changes to the VMs hard drive when you shut down.

even better is using a device only for this, and never connect it to your home or loved ones home internet.

middle_path ago

Specifics or GTFO.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

No shit Sherlock its the JEW

hangry ago

@TheAmerican has been obvious from the start. He/she/it never quite got the tone of voat in its posts.

Hand_of_Node ago

He/she/it never quite got the tone of voat

Correct. However, I can see it as being part of the testing process. Still, I doubt they could do as much damage as all those redditards that flood in here with their television viewing and faceberg using.

oldzeke ago

See also @AmericanJDF

HighEnergyLife ago

The single biggest threat to voat (right now) is keeping the site up. There's no authoritative fallback. Yes I know about 8, and the dev site, but there needs to be site redundancy

Asshat69 ago

Well it looks like some of them are getting redpilled in the process so looks like we're winning

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

No shit sherlock.

totes_magotes ago

No shit. The username collection making stupid /r/thathappened type posts on /whatever and then /askvoat wasn't a big enough fucking clue?

We're not stupid. We've been through this before. They will fail just like everyone every time before them. They will fail because there is something these dumbasses don't understand:

  1. We're tired of being beat down with this kind of bullshit. We're sticking together and that's it.

  2. We're tired of being demonized for standing up for ourselves. We're going start fighting back soon.

  3. Every time they double down, we quadruple.

  4. They are nothing but pure cowards, unable to make their stands in real life. We aren't afraid of that shit.

AllHeadsDowntoBow ago

"We're tired of being demonized for standing up for ourselves. We're going start fighting back soon"

This. This. This. This. This.This. This.

I'm not even like most of you goats, I'm a gay native american veteran, not even white, but to me there's not much real difference between what's affecting your lives vs what's affecting mine. We have the same fucking problems and they come from the same fucking people. I am sick and tired of all this white/antiwhite bullshit and I just want to have a simple fucking life.

But that's the correct response. Enough bullshit. Time to get ready to fight.

QriousDan ago

Well said but the narrative will shift now like Q said. Then sudden destruction comes upon them. The nation will be rocked and the world will be watching. We must band together ready to fight but we must also remember we are not fighting each other. The left is experiencing a mass Exodus. And I would venture to say that the Great Awakening or the loud cry (think election of Trump) was Genesis. Leviticus is next. Holiness. Points to Jesus, the Messiah. His appearing? But first the copy, Lucifer? Every religion is waiting for some deity to appear. Could this be the moment? ...

AllHeadsDowntoBow ago

Every religion is a cult of nonsensical bullshit designed to make make people into property. Fuck that nonsense. But I will say that Trump is becoming a kind of cult of personality lightning rod for the rapidly, inevitably disenfranchising left. Hell, against anything I ever thought I would believe, Trump is just hands down a better option than anything that's happened since the fucking Boomers let Bush send us out to do Israel's fighting.

Hand_of_Node ago

You might be a rain-dancing faggot, but you're our rain-dancing faggot!

Vic_V ago

hell yeah dude fight by my side with a tomahawk. also what do you know about skinwalkers

rootbeervloat ago

bullet dipped in white ash. Whatever the hell that means. But some people also claim silver bullets work. That's how you know it's bullshit. Silver bullets aren't a thing that can be done. Maybe silver plated bullets, but I'd say someone would have specified that somewhere in lore if it was actually true.

TheSeer ago

For years they have tried to spread defeatism. You esp. see it when the discussion on South Africa pops up, and you get a bunch of people saying "They should just all leave". When those same tactics are used in Europe and inevitably America, will people still be advocating for those affected to "just leave"?

Hand_of_Node ago

Meh, I thought they were idiots for voting to hand their country over to their enemies that want to kill them. Then they stayed there! So I kind of do think they should leave. That, or take their country back. But not just sit around waiting to be killed.

TheSeer ago

You have to understand they were propagandized for close to two decades, same as what SJWs are doing in America and Europe today. Took over higher education, media, and infiltrated the Churches. People were told that the blacks were peaceful and just wanted to co-exist with them, in peace. Land appropriated was EXPLICITLY EXCLUDED from the deal. Get it? Assurances were made. "[the government] attempted to show white South Africans that the government was not giving up power to the ANC, but negotiating on the basis of "power sharing". It warned the white voters that a "No" vote would mean continuation of international sanctions, the danger of civil war and worsening chaos in South Africa. "

"The "No" campaign, led by Andries Treurnicht warned of "black majority rule" and "ANC communist rule". The Conservative Party also advocated white self-determination and argued that white South Africans had the right to rule themselves. During the campaign, the "No" side also started to advocate an independent homeland, or volkstaat, for the white minority.

The "Yes" campaign had a significant advantage, as it was backed by the government, the opposition Democratic Party, the media, the international community and the vast majority of commercial and business organisations"

"Youths" or what we would today call extremists, terrorists, militants.

The reason people don't leave is because it is difficult to take your entire family. So do you leave grandma and grandpa behind? Or the families with young kids, and little money? Then it is difficult to be accepted into another country (they won't be given refugee status as we see time and again), and if you own a farm right now, no one will even bid for it!

Hand_of_Node ago

I know it's easy to criticize, but still... That was a monumental fuckup that was obviously going to destroy everything they built. Would be great if the vast majority of people weren't easily-manipulated morons, but that's never going to change.

Ajaxofbarbaria ago

Whites only when we colonize Mars.

Creggieb ago

But who will do the jobs i don't like, but dont pay well either?

blackguard19 ago

Never going to happen in a million years bud. The moon landings are fake, the Mars rover is fake, and the landscape of Mars seen in the photos presented by NASA just happen to exactly resemble landscapes on earth such as Devon Island and Greenland.

Hand_of_Node ago

Since I was just recalled to this thread, are the Japanese robots that landed on that astroid fake too?

blackguard19 ago

I was actually waiting for a good opportunity to reply to your last comment because it deserves more than a minute or two on my cell phone as a response. Recently I posted to v/conspiracy with a video showing evidence of fakery on the ISS, for starters.

Hand_of_Node ago

Not seeing anything in that video besides the video makers unfamiliarity with human interaction. They're orienting to the camera because the whole point of making the video is for people to watch it. Oddly oriented faces make people less comfortable, and repel viewers. The bit with the wires is not credible. I mean, he's trying to disprove space doesn't exist, or something (?), but then focuses in on the most mundane details that he believes disproves all of it. Everything about his whole approach to the issue makes it apparent it's a mental health problem.

This strikes me as 'somewhat' related to that gender dysmorphia craze that's going around, only with a different aspect of reality. Conspiracies certainly are a part of the human experience, but so is brain malfunction.

To be fair, that guys issues have no effect on the underlying question of whether space and the ISS are real or not.

Hand_of_Node ago

Wires and harnesses are used to fake International Space Station videos.

That? I'll take a look at it later, but I tend to be pretty skeptical of unsupported extraordinary claims. (A recent "alternative-reality" person linked me to a source that claimed NASA is covering up the civilization that inhabits Mars.)

On another note, OP is a major troll. Look through his history of submissions and comments.

Hand_of_Node ago

What other parts of reality do you believe are fake?

Wahaha ago

The part where Atlantis supposedly doesn't exist.

blackguard19 ago

NASA’s frauds and hoaxes do not encompass all of “reality.”

Hand_of_Node ago

Was just reading some youtube comments (yeah, I know..) before coming back to this tab, and you may be interested in this one. She's apparently an LA dweller with some 'non-standard' beliefs. (Mandela Effect, flat earth, and ?) She also may or may not be between boyfriends at the moment. Has had bright blue hair down pretty close to her butt, too. (I mean length, not that her butt hair is blue.)

So, what was the process you used to acquire the belief that all the above is fake? And, where do you diverge? Are rockets real? Can they exit the earths atmosphere? Is the moon real, and could a rocket "potentially" travel to it?

Looked at this before, but the last guy linked me to a page of someone that believed there's a whole civilization on Mars that "they're trying to hide from us", and tbh, it didn't sound very credible. However, there clearly are some non-standard beliefs that are true, so I have a degree of interest in them.

Res_Publica ago

And we should rename it “SPACE AMERICA (no Jews)”

Res_Publica ago

I’ll be on the first fucking rocket I’m allowed on

gazillions ago

So. All the non profits have had their payroll info taken. All their names, all their addresses.

I feel sorry for them when it goes real.

speedisavirus ago

Fuck off. It's probably not true and even if it was you are a fucking retard nigger for not just listing the information.

Banned4Truth ago

Then you need to contact the owner and dox everyone involved explaining everything you know about this. Otherwise, you're full of shit.

TheAmerican ago

J.D.L. shalom.

ESOTERICshade ago

Ok tell us what the similarity is in their usernames.

TheAmerican ago

They all have letters.

Hand_of_Node ago

No underscore between words. Wait a minute...

jollux ago

Even if they kill off voat, we'll just keep talking shit elsewhere. They have a Sisyphean task.

Windmill_of_Peace ago

More larping leftists with delusions of grandeur. It's nothing new, the twinks take themselves too seriously.

hungry_mungry ago

You can kill Voat but you will never be able to kill the philosophies and ideologies that have brought us together.

wgtt911 ago

and we always have a place to congregate be it here or elsewhere.. numsayin?

i_scream_trucks ago

niggers and faggots.

magic3383 ago

Maybe it's just me, but I think kikes are infinitely worse than niggers.

Lilchadthunderguns ago

Kikes won’t gang rape your daughters

justalittlecancer ago

Their Jewwie gaze alone is enough to make any nigger feel molested.

watts2db ago

kikes are the ones behind it though

Helbrecht ago

No, they'll just import niggers to do it

TheWorstImaginable ago

ye but if you were to lock 3 generations of kike into some kind of re-education center you could probably get them loyal to the white man instead of their tribe. With blacks... I doubt it.

knickers ago

it's the other way around my dude. the nogs were docile under slavery

TheWorstImaginable ago

They wouldn't be allies though, just pack animals. Jews are smart enough to be useful if you beat the religion and tribal nepotism out of them.

knickers ago

did we manage to do that in two millenia?

TheWorstImaginable ago

Have we ever locked them all into a re-education camp for 3 generations?

knickers ago

very ambitious. one could think there are easier, more straightforward solutions

TheWorstImaginable ago

all I'm saying is niggers aren't even useful, it would be better to use white labour and build machines than deal with niggers. Either way it's all fantasy because niggers were invited into our societies and jews own all our currency media education etc. It's not going to happen.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

Niggers, faggots, jews and trannies have brought us all here together. It was destiny

klobos ago

And hating fat people.

HitlerDinduNufin ago

I thank god every day for niggers, trannies, jews, Muslims and Fat people. They bought us all together.

i_scream_trucks ago

and incels

bman0321 ago

You got turned out by @henrycorp, HAHAHA.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

This is nothing new in these parts:)

Shills will shill - it's their job. Evil people with bad intent.

They are pretty easy to spot after a while.

They would kill Voat if they could, or even better capture it - but in the end it doesn't matter. People just migrate to new locations and it starts all over again. The spirit of the Goat is unstoppable, regardless of how it is named. And so the battle never really ends. It is as old as humanity itself.

VoaterFraud ago

It's a tale as old as time.
The truth will always prevail in the end, thought it may be hidden for a while.
Those who lie and cheat sometimes win in the short term, but truth and integrity will ALWAYS TRIUMPH.

TheAmerican ago

JDL, you have a serious enemy this time. I've tried to warn you. This will be my absolute last post, do what you want with this information.

ParsedOutput ago

Can't work out who is the bigger cunt. You, or these evil people you're deflecting about.

New_years_day ago

lmao, freedom and liberty will always have enemies. And we will never surrender, not to jews or musliems.

Duchozz ago

Lmao fuck off you overdramatic cunt. They shut down voat and we all just go somewhere else, not like this hasnt happened our entire lives. Just because some faggots want us shut down doesn't mean thousands of people will stop feeling this way


Dont you see that we were right about the jews all along?

tally-ho ago

Cool, so what's the secret commonality in their usernames?

HouseHawkwood ago

What information? If your serious then drop specifics or at least give us bread crumbs to follow.

MrDarkWater ago

Cp. Careful saving pictures (memes) around here because they can have cp coded in

HouseHawkwood ago

Did not know that thanks for the warning.

massiveprivilege ago

KYS nigger

CrustyBeaver52 ago

They are always here:)

It's not new. But here is the funniest part for your consideration - all of the various agencies and their full time agents here - how much time they waste spying on each other - how badly does all of that activity corrupt the data? Same is true for the Chans, etc. How many real Nazi's? How many real racists? vrs... How many are really just paid employees of the various intel agencies pretending? It's agency A vrs agency B trying to outracist each other while they all point to the site and say look at how racist they all are and isn't our job just critical for the future of our own survival.

Meanwhile enough anonymous contributions pour in to keep the site open - which is especially critical if you consider that when our little site disappears hundreds of these stupid fuckers will be out of a job. We can't have that now can we. No.

They are not going to get rid of us - we give their lives meaning. We are the very reason they exist. Without us they have to go back to reading Arabic.

Have you ever considered how many agencies have at least one full time operator here? Here's a hint - it's ALL of them.

This is a war of hearts and minds - agents have hearts and minds too - they are just as susceptible as anybody else, and if they spend too much time here they inevitably become goats themselves.

Hand_of_Node ago

how many agencies have at least one full time operator here? Here's a hint - it's ALL of them.

It would be kind of cool to get paid for the time I spend here, but they'd undoubtedly want me to say specific things, or even treat it like a "job". Ugh.

But hey, if anyone reading this is interested, read over my comment history and see if you'd be interested in paying me to keep promoting the opinions you see there. I'll shill for bottled water, shooting police pursuit suspect, hot peppers, and several other things. Lets talk.

And for the JDL/SPLC/ADL, I do believe you should be truck-bombed at your annual Christmas Dinner, but I'll also keep cheering on the elimination of your (Pals) terrorist neighbors! Think about it...$$

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Truthfully it does seem an incredible bargain:)

I know I was shilling for Putin myself when I first got here, but then the value of the Ruble crashed and so I demanded a raise. There was a brief inquiry as to if I would accept physical barrels of oil instead and I asked "Where the fuck am I supposed to put them?" They haven't got back to me on that.

So now I'm just freelance... some temporary Soros contracting, classified ads, that sort of thing. I do miss Natasha though, she reminded me of the Red Sparrow; the Russians have the very best handlers.

Hand_of_Node ago

At least in a geopolitical sense, Putin does seem to have some admirable traits. Domestically, there are issues.

As it turns out, @Natasha arrived here the day after me. There were a bunch of us that showed up here around then. :^)

But seriously, if I was into shilling, I'd go back over to reddit where the big bucks are, although it's probably harder over there for free-lancers these days. Man, back in the days of "authentic relationships", was like the ground floor in a gold mine. Pfffft, now google doesn't even bring up the relevant result anymore.

Hitler finds out Saydrah gamed reddit

Doglegwarrior ago

I would enjoy this..

A cia asset to come out and admit he is with the cia and he is here to see what is going on.. he could provide credintials even have a damn phone number we could call for a week or so and get confirmation.. he could do an ama and we could try to figure out why the fuck they care if americans are having free speech. Just a wild idea.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

They should at least send in a PR rep or something.

Our shitposters need a better financial offer:)

TheSeer ago

Sounds like the types of problem the East German STASI and KGB used to have back in the day, when they paid half the population to spy on the other half. One half is working, to pay taxes, so that they can be spied on, LOL

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Yup - it's a weakness inherent to intelligence systems - garbage in garbage out. The output can only ever be as good as the input, but usually less so - and in this case the input is so scrambled with false data that the output is entirely useless.

At least we are creating employment:)

TheSeer ago

Do they not tell the people collecting info that there are people spreading disinfo? And the people spreading disinfo that there are people collecting info? I put it down to confirmation bias. There is someone saying exactly what 'they' told you people on Voat say, and then you are sitting there "Ah ha! They were right!" When really it is just one of your fellow agents...

CrustyBeaver52 ago

I've worked for the government - In my experience the most important part is to generate meaningful reports that show how hard you are working and all of the good results you are generating, but also how you are desperately short of resources, and how a much better result could be obtained if you can only get more troops.

So yeah, you got all these agencies reporting on each other - and the money spent ever increases. So they come here to infiltrate - and to disturb, disrupt, document, etc, with the majority of their reporting actually unknowingly about the activities of other agencies. So you look at anyone here - can you say for certain I don't work for the CIA? Even if I did - can I say for certain that I know it is the CIA I am actually working for? Nothing is certain - hence the intelligence is garbage. What is not garbage is the paycheck - so keep writing those reports shills - we will do our best to try to at least keep it interesting for you:)

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

If you really want to warn us about some new spooky enemy then spill the beans on who they are.

We already know ShariaBlue, Qtards, CIA-Mossad all shill here.

Give us something or you're a LARP until proven otherwise.

TheAmerican ago

J.DL. shalom.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

lol JDF is the big scary threat?

We've been getting shilled by CIA/JIDF/Mossad for years now.

TheAmerican ago

JDL. Yes.

GreyGears ago

JDL can't even shill properly on /pol/, and there is more shills than actual users there.

Thanks for the warning, but we will manage if it's only good ol' JDL.

TheAmerican ago

I can't keep posting. I don't think you understand who I'm referring to because if you did you would know how serious this is. If they knew my identity I would be in real danger when they see this which I suspect they already have.

lord_nougat ago


Bye felicia. Rest in pieces!

birds_sing ago

Ok, I'll play along.

If they knew my identity I would be in real danger when they see this which I suspect they already have.

You have nothing left to lose. They know it's you. They know you're compromised.

Tell us EVERYTHING. Don't only tell us that it's JDL. Tell us everything about them, everything they're doing, how they work, policies, tactics, everything.

Again, you have nothing to lose. They already know you're compromised.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Dude, JDL is a fucking Joke.

We get shilled by actual JIDF-Mossad-CIA agents daily, fucking US/Israeli intelligence agencies are incapable of doing shit here.

MrDarkWater ago

Is it the relatively new group set up in silicon valley?

constitutionranger ago

Look, we have known what CTR/Shareblue has been up to for years. They may have fucked up reddit, the chans, and other sites, but I guaran-fuckin-tee they won't be able to affect goats the same way. The real threat is trolls that post CP and other bullshit to try to get a domain shut down. If Voats domain is ever seized, then it will only hasten the deployment of decentralized DNS systems like Namecoin.

TheAmerican ago

Ding ding ding

mostlyfriendly ago

So ... what you are saying is that the JDL (or some other organization) has an archive of illegal material that they can use to incriminate other people?

Yikes! Seems like an American would want to report that material source to the local sheriff, right?

TheBuddha ago

No, he's saying he's a liar. Notice how his 'last post, forever this time' was not actually his last post? Man, some of you folks are gullible.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

I'm just pretending to be gullible:)

TheBuddha ago

Sure you are... Uh huh! I believe you!

PuttItOut ago

You had me convinced ;)

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Ouch -

gabara ago

Fuck you drama queen.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

But he said it's serious this time. It wasn't serious all those other times but this one is serious

gabara ago

Super. Cereal. Now I'll remind you that shitposting never involves actual shit.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

Shitposting is unbounded and unregulated. Scat is fair game

gabara ago

Banning is unbounded and unregulated. Banning is fair game

SyriansAreTerrorists ago
