LostandFound ago

I liked you more when you said you were leaving

TheAmerican ago

Fine. Im gone then.

LostandFound ago

But are you really?

KosherHiveKicker ago

You don't run anything except that thing under your nose that doubles as Q's cock-holster, Jew-Fag.

TheAmerican ago

Q is non-binary so i can suck his weiner and not be gay so i guess your wrong.

Hydrocephalus ago

You mean the Q's are now going to become red pilled race realists.

Le_Squish ago

You said you weren't coming back.

Who did you say you worked for again?

TheAmerican ago

The Christian Defense League, CDL

Le_Squish ago

You gonna keep milling around or you gonna help out?

The qcumbers are plenty but not bright. They can be turned.

wgtt911 ago

yes, they are sheep following a letter... it will be slow but they will come to understand how much cool-aide they drank..

MrWicked ago

Jdl I think is what he said.

Conspirologist ago

They are mainly teenagers who have fun being the resistance. You must be fucking demented to take them seriously. Are you a shill, or a genuine idiot?

LostandFound ago

TheAmerican ago

Check my most recent posts and then you tell me.

Conspirologist ago

I checked your empty bio, demented shill.

Ina_Pickle ago

They have been massed blocked by the site and contained in their sub. Beyond spamming them with red pills, why should we care about them? If they don't contribute to the server costs though, they will likely find their stay here short lived.

TheAmerican ago

You might want to check out my last few posts, I have provided proof of........