ImperatorRex Locked Out of Twitter Account After Suggesting Bombshells to Come Out at Kavanaugh Hearing Today (
submitted 6.4 years ago by Joker68
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WhiteSipsialist 6.4 years ago
I bet you couldn't even C4 people at Twitter that aren't conFUSEed.
pppkkppp 6.4 years ago
Keep an eye out for calls for violence. It's most likely what This guy was talking about.
I wonder why everybody calling for violence lately has intercaps in their username? funny that...
Puns aren't a call for violence. C4 = 'see four'.
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WhiteSipsialist ago
I bet you couldn't even C4 people at Twitter that aren't conFUSEed.
pppkkppp ago
Keep an eye out for calls for violence. It's most likely what This guy was talking about.
I wonder why everybody calling for violence lately has intercaps in their username? funny that...
WhiteSipsialist ago
Puns aren't a call for violence. C4 = 'see four'.