19matthias52 ago

www.der-friedensvertrag.de peace treaty now! Peace Treaty now!

Donald Trump - Peace for Germany? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UkDZWPOP4s

The community Neuhaus points the way to peace - Volkslehrer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l64ERb2j4c0&t=558s   The community Neuhaus at conscious TV - The way to the peace treaty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeNG-oYTKNU

Peace Agreement Part I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Nw0maJLFfs&t=142s Peace Agreement Part II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJSfckE3y84&t=18s Peace Treaty Part III https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ur5tfO0YUgI&t=1086s     "We now know what is at stake: not the fate of Germany alone, but the fate of the entire civilization.It is the crucial question not only for Germany, but for the world, and it must be solved in Germany for the world: Should trade in the future govern the state or the state trade? " Source: Oswald Spengler: "Prussianism and Socialism" - Chapter 6 "The International" - 1919   "Out of fear for the share of loot, the German republic emerged on the grand-ducal velvet chairs and in the pubs of Weimar, not a state form but a company. Their statutes do not speak of the people, but of PARTIES; not of power, of honor and greatness, but of PARTIES. [....] " Quoted after Oswald Spengler, philosopher 1924 (two-volume work on the "decline of the West"). Source: Time Online, July 9, 1993

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

They are hoping we will all assume we are outnumbered and just stay home. Generations before us were lulled into a sense of "all is well," which resulted in years of complacency, just as the wicked predicted.

No longer are we lulled

No longer do we succumb

We have Identified the enemy

We have Nothing to lose and Everything to gain!

It's up to us to fix it or our kids will be assimilated and Not Even realize it.

It's what they always counted on. Not On Our Watch!

We're Awake, we're Ready, We Won't Back DOWN!

eyeswim ago

we , the people , fell comatose whilst those elected inserted and activated their demagogue of the leftist communist ideology. We did not take much notice when the presidency's of Clinton , Bush , Obama , hired, appointed , endorsed , and nurtured those like minded in their goal to redistribute the wealth of the American people . The goal was to vilify Christianity . Basically undermining the very foundations which made this country the best ... (thus we see the Anti Christ agenda in play and still going .. why else are they pushing Islam? ) Along with the UN and the extremist ecology ideas , plans , and focus groups , etc,. those communist American's were able to place criminals and radicals into federal positions that mattered and enabling them to move their policies . They fund their evil with whatever bills they scoot through a browbeaten and flaccid congress .The Federal Reserve , the Council on Foreign Relations and the SES , Executive orders , secret deals of on the technology and availability of our resources and military secrets with the Chinese , etc,.NAFTA , etc,. The globalist elite whom all ascribe to the Luciferian global control and take over , fund , and pay out , and put into place NGOs , Trusts ,etc,.funding candidates that follow their goal for a one world order , virtually taking over by owning , American media American education and American Communications... Passing laws that enhance their reach , our liberty has been whittled away to nothing. Over taking pushing their demagogue , with the push to brain wash students to take this type of government to radicalism by totally redefining our society , and turning upside down a culture that once loved what was good and true. These people have been indoctrinated in the highest degree , the minions that do the foot work , the chaos class.WE need to fight and fight hard . You need to know what those in power are up to. Listen to them , Study them , Read their words . Liar? Cheater? NOGO... They reveal who they are for every time. Wake up and get them out. We need to do our part to drain the swamp as well. Thank God for Trump right now.

vladtep ago

I just want them gone, don't care how, if it's fair or not.

MrWizardsFizzard ago

Tomorrow on CNN. "Far Right Nazi Website VOAT Threatens to Exterminate Journalists and Democrats!"


FIGHTING among ourselves is what DS wants. The weapons of our warfare today are words of TRUTH, HOPE, PROSPERITY. The pen is mightier than the sword. IT is not the body that must be destroyed, but the ideology a mind of wrong thinking. These people believe they are right. Just as much as we believe we are right. Q is far to strong a meat for a newborn to consume. They must be feed with the tender loving care of a mothers milk until they are strong enough for strong meat. Some will not survive.

qwsp0 ago

Blaming an entire group for actions committed by a minority while at the same time hyperbolizing actions taken by those people to paint a picture of actual civil war.

Nothin like good ol divide n conquer.

TexasInfidel ago


his is a subverse designed to encourage adult discussion spanning the entirety of the political spectrum. All are welcome, from Libertarians to Authoritarians, Democrats to Republicans, An Caps to Anarchists, Socialists to Fascists to Communists, Green, Blue, Black, White, Purple with Yellow Polka dots, whatever color, persuasion, or affiliation, this is a place for you to post your thoughts, articles, and engage in discussion meant to foster understanding.

Politics is best when we try to avoid personal attacks, limits on discussion, censorship, trolling, shilling, racism, homophobia, antisemitism, or any other forms of bigotry and malfeasance.

TexasInfidel ago

Real adult dont cater to fags and made up word label like antisemitism.


BIG'OTRY, noun Obstinate or blind attachment to a particular creed, or to certain tenets; unreasonable zeal or warmth in favor of a party, sect or opinion; excessive prejudice. 1. The practice or tenet of a bigot. Q much? fckn hypocrites

Pulverizor ago

This fucking jew is having a conversation with itself, inbred retard.

Ricoiyte ago

It seems to me the left declared war on us a long time ago

This is registering now?

Imightnotbetrolling ago

Most people have forgotten the first two incidents.

witchybitchy ago

I have an idea on how to get Judge Kavanaugh, voted into SC & sworn in, after POTUS/PS Sanders makes this announcement. But I tried to post it & I don't know how, help??

lord_nougat ago


pflv4angels ago


W0ukcLTkY2Ou ago

What can we take from them that would show we aren't playing anymore?

MrThursday ago

The problem is everyone's waiting for the "shot heard round the world" yet nobody wants to lose everything by doing it themselves.

Strelok_ ago

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

John F. Kennedy

LibertysCrossing ago

Why? They have made a covenant with Death and Hell!

majenny ago

When your enemy yells louder, throws tantrums and receives more publicity, they will always win simply because they are the only people who are being noticed. Because they are being noticed, they are easily "considered" the majority by the ignorant and they also give our enemy more power. Unfortunately, we have an abundance of ignorant in this country and when you pair them with the enemy, that makes the group even bigger. In fighting a bigger enemy, I believe there is only one way to win and that way is to hit them where it hurts -- in their wallets. Personally, I have already began my war. I don't have Netflix, I don't go to movies, etc., etc., etc. Some say that it is wrong to boycott and to them I say, I do not support people who want to destroy me. What is the difference of us giving money to Iran so they can kill us or, us giving money to Netflix so they can promote our enemies and give them more power to destroy us?

Hand_of_Node ago

hit them where it hurts -- in their wallets.

They own the fed, print our money, then loan it to us and charge us interest. Welcome to voat.

Drakgan ago

Pic related.

Cooking_with_Alf ago

Republicans cannot and will not fix it. The very problem is the government itself, which is bought and paid for be special interests, including Jewish and Chinese communists. The Federal government no longer represents the people and hasn't for a long time. If you think voting for some Jew friendly Republican is going to save you, I have a nickel plated hand gun you can taste test.

ForTheUltimate ago

Are we waiting on the brains or the balls of the right?

cantaloupe6 ago

Not a follower - Alex Jones mentioned the media staging a gory false flag on CNN for midterm gains and gun control. The MSM has declining viewership.

Saneromeo ago

Need some upvotes as I am new

TheWorstImaginable ago

I'm game. I see these fucking trannies everywhere and it's hard not to bash them in the head and throw them under a bus. The race traitors, the faggots, the niggers. They have to go.

bdmthrfkr ago

Hint: it's da joos. Unironicaly btw.

serjsbeard ago

I find most republicans laugh at the democrats while the democrats have a deep seeded hatred for anyone who disagrees. We keep saying "when the time is right" but it needs to be today. It shouldve been years ago.

Hand_of_Node ago

deep seeded Deep-seated

serjsbeard ago

oof ya got me. I would have never stopped using it that way.

Hand_of_Node ago

Phrase meanings in the common lexicon can be like the telephone game, and if you hear it from several sources, it seems real. If you haven't looked it up, being deeply seated means firmly established at a deep or profound level, and refers to (in my understanding) as the degree to which a thing is attached, or placed firmly in or on something as a base.

If your thing, object, or metaphorical concept is placed in a shallow 'receptacle' or base, it will be unstable and not deep-seated. If the base receptacle is deep, your object (or hatred, as above) will be solid and deep-seated.

serjsbeard ago

yeah I googled it. I guess it refers to horseback riders. I figured "deep seeded" would be a figure of speech referring to a seed that has been planted deep into the soil like an idea in someones brain.

Horatio_ ago

I'm to the point where I view them as enemy combatants.

AnothervoatAcc ago

BE careful about honey pots goats. Also, please don't be silly enough to think a civil war is a easy solution. I'd recommend you look into Kosovo. Then decide if you can stomach severe acts of brutality against civilian populations.

One could make the argument that the United States hasn't been a constitutional republic for nearly one hundred years. only it is now more blatant. I suggest starting to think of the US as the empire it is. Ruminate on the good and the bad. Make preparations for the worse.

Don't forget that the face of warfare has changed. We live in the information age. We live in a world where Empires fear Julian Assange more than small nation states or militia. Haphazard violence will only play into the hands of the elites.

HornadyT2_TAP ago

Pretty sure the Swiss had a pretty easy civil war. The conditions don't seem much different

AnothervoatAcc ago

The united States is the leader of the NWO. If you think it's going to be a short and easy affair you are sadly mistaken.

HornadyT2_TAP ago

You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin!

con77 ago


Tall_Bones_51 ago

War they have raged against us for decades, that is how we got here now. Is war against an armed civilization wise? No. Knowing this with more people waking up everyday to the true terrorist in our country Q and the now over 60 million armed Americans are trusting the plan. Should that plan fail you may see the worst blood bath in our history. This is not what I want, no any of us so called patriots. Weapons have been used which we intercepted. Think Hawaii. The deep state will rather kill us if they cant own us. So I sit trusting the plan. One thing is certain. If the plan fails, all hell will brake loose.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

ITT: edgy kids who don't even know what war is

HornadyT2_TAP ago

So the Patriots know -

The best weapon for a second American Civil War / Revolution will be the Back Pack concealable AR 15. A standard 10.5" barrel SBR / "Pistol" with folding stock will fit in to this bag - "5.11 Select Carry Sling Pack" with 5 seconds from concealed to target. US Armor will make custom body armor for the bag, which doubles as a chest shield.

The 5.11 Select Carry Sling in use -


US Armor -


Gendo_Ikari ago

CIVIL WAR NOW! seriously, they don't want to just humiliate use, they want to kill use and our families, WAKE UP WHITE FOLK

AnarchicAlpaca ago

We are a republic, not a democracy.

Optional-Reading ago

This is a full blown cyber war. World war 3 is happening right now. It is happening over the internet/free speech. We have been in a psyop war for at least a year.

watts2db ago

yep we have to make goats, patriots etc that bullets/guns are mere weapons (more adaptable to previous conflicts). while AR15s etc may play some role and may be useful in certan defensive roles and in a specialized sense

psychological, information, command, control, intelligence financial, infrastructure and technical aspects will be critical

satisfyinghump ago

What if this is an especially conniving member of the left, and they are posting this to either use as an example in a screenshot later, when showing "proof" that conservatives are planning violence against the left...?... or worst, trying to actually rile people up to not think and act but just act based on emotion (something the left does frequently...) and drag us down to their level so they can point and say how much lower the right is then the left...?

DONT FORGET, we are being kept busy with this fighting between the right and left, or liberal vs conservative or wtvr vs wtvr. Stop being distracted

If you want to do something, that's your decision, but know you will be seen as a representative of an entire group. Maybe act accordingly?

Memediana_Jones ago

Its not though, I've been on voat for a minute

Okjunk ago

ENOUGH! is ENOUGH! Time is up for this abuse on the people of the USA. Call in the military to wage war for the sake of the great people of the USA. Time we fight back.

Stakker ago

"... wage war for the sake of the great people of the USA" Against who?

Okjunk ago

Idk let's start with Soros and take it all the way down to Hell. Why do let the Dems and Rnos,and MSM tell us we are the problem when they know they are the ones shopping for children and eating human brains. How does HRC get away with crimes against us. The people in high positions that steal our money. I am sure we can start to protest against corruption in high places. I am tired of hearing about there crimes and no one does a thing to stop them. I am praying POTUS can get the job done. I would sure like to help him. I am out raged, just want do something. You know what I mean?

Stakker ago

You can do something: help yourself. To be honest and it might seem a bit cold, potus isn't going to help you. In fact no one is, but you. And you know what you are already doing it by reading and learning about the driving forces in culture and globally. Many put the blame and responsibility outside themselves. But fact is that we are to blame for the situation we are in (in the most general sense) We allowed it to happen and in the metaphysical sense we created it ourselves. Now deal with it and bend that rage to a force of positivity in the world. Don't let Q or these goat fuckers, how funny or sensational it seems to be, tell you what to do.

Furthermore: "shopping for children and eating human brains" Better stay away of these kind of projections, there is no evidence on any of this. Imo you have been listening to people that watched to many Indiana Jones movies. Listen to your intuition it probably gives you better information.

hmmm, that sounded almost buddhistic :)

Okjunk ago

Believe me I do blam myself, for doing nothing when those evil pedo's, took over our Goverment. Was to young when they killed Kennedy. Have been aware or had a feeling something was not right with our Gov. Since "Q" came to my attention, it all came together for me. You have,a different opinion and I respect that.

Stakker ago

Our opinions aren't that different. I think we can agree that evil or negative forces are acting in our governments and that something should be done about it. We probably disagree on is the importance of Q. For you it played a role in gaining an other perspective of the world; for me not at all. And yes taking responsibility for our passive behavior is a start to grow to a new understanding, indeed.

hafen ago

Jesus was also a judge. So was God.

Stakker ago

wtf do your imaginary friends have to do with it, faggot?

hafen ago

Shave your neck and maybe you'll see.

That's of course, unless your (((identity))) directly prevents you.

Stakker ago

You are mixing up ego and identity. What a cheap tactic. Is that the best you can do?

hafen ago

The 'shave your neck' dig is an allegory for atheists. First if you weren't a clueless tard, and then if you weren't a fedora wearer, you'd maybe understand that god also judges the wicked.

Stakker ago

https://imgflip.com/i/2inbia :))

Some god you have then; judgemental over people that acting in their free will. You must be scared shitless all the time. Let me ask you something: If god didn't want to have people with a free will and their own judgement why did he created a creature that is capable of doing just that. In your world: Isn't conscientiousness the gift of god that made us different from the animals?

hafen ago

Some god you have then; judgemental over people that acting in their free will.

Like a teenager still mad at his parents. Yes, you'll be judged in life. Judged by God even. You can't do whatever you want and not be. There's also plenty of stuff to be afraid of. You get to choose choose what you do. Satan, to give an example, needs a case to attack/act in order for God to honor it, in honor of mans free will. How will you act?

Stakker ago

Please look objectively at what you wrote. You write about Satan and God figures as if they are real entities, for which is zero evidence. Maybe if you translate it in terms of karma your example might have some value to it in the sense that a good force attracts a good force and v.v. That principle even could be understood with science. I think most atheist can accept this way of thinking about it. But real entities nope, sry.

hafen ago

Spoken like a kabbalist into Jewish mysticism, or a confused goy turned golem. I'll say it's objectively that bad things will happen, if you put man before god as a real entity.

Stakker ago

It is sad to see you can't bridge the gap and choose to keep the divide.

For you reference karma is a term from Buddhism. It has totally nothing to do with kabbala or jews. But you can call me any name you like. It just shows how weak your argument is.

By what objective standards can you say that? Do you have any proof of this? I will answer it for you: No, because it is a believe, and believes don't do very well under objective scrutiny.

Qtopia ago

It's interesting to watch it all play out. Patriots didn't get this far to start doubting. Rosenstein is about to 'resign' and the media is still spinning it like Trump is going to fire him.

Apply_Filters ago

Just remember to stay calm, trust the plan. Don't let your emotions get the best of you. (That's what the lefties are counting on: everyone's lack of self control.)

Hand_of_Node ago

trust the plan.

What plan?

Tallest_Skil ago


Q-LARP is a proven hoax. Everything it says is a lie. It’s a fucking paid jewish shill.

EndTheFed4 ago

Want to know how I know you're a kike?

Tallest_Skil ago

Because I want all jews, everywhere, killed? Because I want all traces of jewish psychology and culture wiped from the face of the Earth? Because I not only want white nations back, I want the reconquista of former white lands and their repopulation with whites? Because I want race traitors and shabbos goyim to get the hanging they deserve?

I’m drawing a blank. Please, tell us how you know I’m a jew when everything I say is the exact opposite of what jews want.

Q-LARP is a proven hoax. Everything it says is a lie. It’s a fucking paid jewish shill.

zavala ago


MrJohnBongo ago

When your enemy is making a mistake, dont intervene

Fetalpig ago

Why is it,when i go to the grocery store and can pick 12 different catsup/ketchup variations, but only have to choose from the lesser of two evils when it comes to political choices?

Hand_of_Node ago

Market demand.

Stakker ago

Because the US voting system is one big mess. btw with the ketchup you are choosing the lesser of 12 evils. Pick your poison. Check the vid. then ask the question again.


TrueAmerican ago

All bark and no bite.

watts2db ago

once people are barking together there shall be bite. grouping up and implementing in group preference is key

TrueAmerican ago

Yeah, but as soon as a leader emerges they get taken down. Need to take back the internet or educate the masses on how to remain anonymous online so true organizing can occur. Imagine if 100 million Americans collectively boycott a specified company/product/service for 30 days. We control the stock market if we can act and spend/not spend money collectively.

pppkkppp ago

When I saw this I assumed we would see posters trying to incite violence.

Hand_of_Node ago

When I see Member for 8.9 hours, I expect to see something inane. The Qcumbers tell people to sit back and trust that everything is going to work out, if everyone will just keep calm and do nothing.

TurtleTurtle920 ago

This needs to be noted, me thinks: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-09-23/hordes-bussed-protesters-preparing-dc-disruption-ahead-kavanaugh-confirmation SOROS has funded buses and all sorts of protestors to swarm on DC. Maybe it's time for a RED WAVE??? Is there anyone local to the area that can get a large group together??

recon_johnny ago

He's not wrong.

ollieclyde ago

If it happens I will not take to the streets wearing a vagina hat .......

toastyfritters ago

But what is the solution? Seriously. How do we fix this?

Tallest_Skil ago

Either start killing these people or you have already lost.

watts2db ago

man I really wish it was that simple I want them to die too but we have to be smarter and more cunning than our enemy expects us to be they are counting on us to do this.

be patient if we do this right there will come that time where justice will be enacted on our foes

Hand_of_Node ago

Nah, Tallest is correct. And yes, it would be helpful to do it in a "smarter and more cunning" way than just stumbling around and attempting to murder people.

watts2db ago

I never was truely disagreeing with him and fully agree with the sentiment but fuck if Im in command I certainly don't want the damn loose cannon rolling around the deck on the ship know what I mean?

Hand_of_Node ago

Yep, wish we could put Tallest on some drug that makes him more patient. When he's on, his words are electrifying. You should see his non-monotonous screed on liberty in v/guns (I think) from about 6 months ago.

watts2db ago

eh I got thick skin my feels are not hurt at all but if the guy is serious I want him to chill and sliw down a bit so we can develop a cogent strategy

Tallest_Skil ago

man I really wish it was that simple

Thanks for admitting that you are brainwashed by the jews.

we have to be smarter and more cunning than our enemy expects us to be

So… we have to grab our guns. Because they expect us not to do that.

they are counting on us to do this.

They are literally not. They are literally counting on the exact opposite. WHICH IS HOW THEY STILL HAVE POWER.

Pop quiz, dipshit: If you kill all of your enemies, do they win?

watts2db ago

duh of course they win the key is killing all of your enemy. can you get thisdone guns ablazing?

Im not saying that direct action and violence of action will not be required but be smart

remember sun tzu the art of war attack what is weak and avoid what is strong thats what they are doing

lets not give them an opportunity to redirect our own force and use it against us

you know im right

Tallest_Skil ago

duh of course they win

Kill yourself, Justin Trudeau. We’re done here. You have exposed yourself as a paid shill.

the key is killing all of your enemy. can you get thisdone guns ablazing?

That’s what guns are for, yes.

be smart

You have no argument.

attack what is weak and avoid what is strong thats what they are doing


lets not give them an opportunity to redirect our own force and use it against us

What force? We have no force.

you know im right

You’re objectively wrong in every single way and are clearly a jewish paid shill.

watts2db ago

WRONG paid shill? you project much ?

Im actually beginning to suspect you are the enemy attempting to get people to do shit thats not going to work in their favor and expose themselves all the while giving you all the propaganda tools you need. Nice try schlomo

You don't need to tell me what guns are for I think I have a far better understanding of warfare than you ever will.

at least thats the impression that I get from your statements

of course you may know more than you let on and are on this platform seeking to motivate some of us into playing into your hands

Tallest_Skil ago

WRONG paid shill? you project much ?

Fuck off, dipshit. You have no argument.

shit thats not going to work in their favor

“OY VEY, you’re telling people to actually fight back against the enemy instead of doing what the enemy wants! YOU’RE OBVIOUSLY THE ENEMY!”

Kill yourself.

You don't need to tell me what guns are for

You have proven that you don’t know.

watts2db ago

"Kill Yourself ". you first faggot I once sort of took you seriously thanks for curing me of that. If the shit ever does go down I know exactly how to make good use out of dumbshits like you.

like I said if your diahrea I mean posts are any indication I have clearly given this way more thought than you have now scurry along and when you are needed as fodder youll be notified accordingly

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting you were proven wrong and that everything you said is jewish propaganda. Thanks for admitting you’re shilling for white genocide.

watts2db ago

I never admitted that at all I want to play to win

If your going to proceed in some reckless manner then please before you do this make it well known that you where from the #resist/pussyhat/antifa crowd I don't want our guys getting associated with that shit that will cause loss of a good portion of tge population being sympathetic which if you you know anything about war is a critical tenet

Hand_of_Node ago

proceed in some reckless manner

Where does this assumption come from?

Tallest_Skil ago

I never admitted that

You did; you refuse to do the one thing that will stop the genocide, so you admit to supporting it.

If your going to proceed in some reckless manner

You are literally the only one talking about this.

watts2db ago

here's just more shit for you to think about consider direct fire augmented with indirect fire


Tallest_Skil ago


watts2db ago

I didn't say I refuse to stop white genocide where the hell did you get that?

Tallest_Skil ago

If you don’t physically fight back, you instantly lose for all time. You call for no one to physically fight back. You are, thus, in support of the genocide.

watts2db ago

I didn't say that just pick the right place and time to do it.

conserve your forces concentrate your forces where it makes sense ensure unity of command (this vitriolic exchange we had was unproductive especially since I am for the most part in full agreement with you). but if we are in a battle and you are giving the irder to fire and I see the enemy is out of the effective range of your weapons for intance I might be the first to say hold up don't fire just yet

Tallest_Skil ago

just pick the right place and time to do it.

Here. Now.


B166-ER ago

You're a third generation farmer. One year it becomes apparent that there has been a steady increase in the number of and the resillience of various pests eating away at your crop. You start to piece together some evidence and witness accounts and find that (((someone))) is intentionally spreading these pests in your area which is known for farming. Suddenly pesticide prices rise dramatically, and this super fancy new and expensive product called round-up ready seeds shows up on the market. Your water restrictions by the state get cut in half...

You're instinct might be go up against this directly and fight. But you quickly realize that your enemy has more leverage in this game and that it is his intention that you fight him. Instead you put all that energy into building an indoor farm, its kept sterile on the inside so no pesticides are needed, you are solar powered and off grid, you utilize auquaponics to filter your water and recycle it so your water usage drops 90%. You can grow 2-3x per square foot, increasing your yield, plus you can now also sell fish and the fish food is also grown in your farm. At the end you can thank them for helping you revolutionize the food industry for us goy and we are now much better off.

Don't waste your energy attacking vermin like cockroaches. Just build a cockroach proof house/life/culture/community and move on and reap the benefits.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Then they just criminalize the collection of rainwater to feed your farm. You think there's a way around the jew without killing him? There isn't. The jew will stick its beak into our business for all eternity. They fucking cannot help themselves.

B166-ER ago

It's an analogy to demonstrate a strategic tactic. If you haven't already, as cliche as its become, an easy to digest starter on this is 'The Art of War.'

Your enemies will do what they do, your ONLY choice is how you will react. Of all the options you have as a reaction to your enemy, some play greater favor to you, some greater to ypur enemy, some to neither, some will force the enemy to react to you and some leave you always playing defence and any mix of the above in a single move.

You can look at Game Theory with computer models or look at books written by wiser men than me. The consensus appears to be that if your enemy is setti g you up to play a game your best bet is to not play it above all else.

getmeofftheplanet ago

You are a smart man. It's very clear they are setting up white men to play their game.

Original_Dankster ago

Good fucking point. Well articulated.

KryptoKoins ago

This is what I want to do Totally OFF grid

HornadyT2_TAP ago

Building a cockroach proof community is proposing starting a new country and just ignoring the old. I'm not against this but we need to propose the new constitution (original) and get a movement behind it first.

watts2db ago

this is a great way to think about and view the situation

B166-ER ago

I truly hope more people can grasp this as we are reaching a breaking point here. (((They))) want us to lash out violently, that is their endgame. For reasons more than I can list here. The only thing they don't want or can'tvhandle is for us to simply adjust course to avoid them and retain all of our energy focused on moving us forward. This is what Hitler advocated.

Stakker ago

They are always looking for ways to create tension between groups. In that sense it is not the endgame. Their objective imo is gaining more and more control by creating tension and the regulations afterwards. Once in control you can siphon off the proceeds

Whitemail ago

We're still trying to not be racist and fix all the third world savages they're letting in.

We're still trying to convince them even with the media and schools taken over by communists.


You have to unfuck people from public school and television first.

wt1984yb ago

This sexual harassment bullshit was tried in the 90s with Clarence Thomas too. It didn't work then, and hopefully it doesn't work now.


EyeOfHorus ago

Anyone here bitching about the left, democrats, jews, mainstream media that continues to use Google, Amazon, Twitter, Paypal, ATT, banks


Please continue your diary entries below. Cathartic.

watts2db ago

banks are a tough one but im working on it. I realized this far to late in life

EyeOfHorus ago

If you must, at least use a credit union instead of a bank.

watts2db ago

I have always done that

JohnWinning ago

Ouch, and Agreed. We are all supporting a bad cause unwillingly, whether we like it or not. Using an electrical device requires Coal, Bureaucratic Regulators and Crooked Commissioners in the Energy Sector, as well as that Jerk at the office that puts you on hold for 6 hours just to pay last month's bill.

captainpixystick ago

Agreed. I've made a massive effort getting off of these platforms. It's been hard but I don't want any of my money funding the enemy. There's too many enemies, we've given them too much control.

GreatGazoo ago

The Military has jurisdiction over rebellion and insurrection, I think Trump just has a kind heart and understands the people on the ground who are acting out on behalf of the "talking heads" like MAXINE WATERS and the PUNDITS who are indirectly calling for violence like SNOOP DOG and OTHER ACTORS AND ENTERTAINERS they all just talk while the desperate citizen listening is radicalized and is the ONLY ONE EXPECTED TO CARRY OUT THE VIOLENCE, they just say stuff and sit back and watch and wait for some guy to shoot up a baseball field full of republicans, and if it doesn't happen they will double down and continue, it's the same way ISIS operates they just say stuff until the listener becomes radical, if you commit some act of violence and say MAXINE WATERS told you to do it you will be laughed at,

watts2db ago

lorreta lynch called for blood in the streets too

Tallest_Skil ago

Get the fuck off our website, you retarded paid jewish shill. Q-LARP is a proven hoax. Nothing you say or believe is true.

IsaacJan ago

You ALMOST made a GOOD POINT but I can't READ past the second line because you type like an INSUFFERABLE RETARDED FAGGOT

colway4 ago

I will say it again....this is a war against Good vs Evil. We patriots know the players, and we are prepared to fight.

WagonBurner ago

It is domestic terrorism, I guess there is a line drawn some where between that and free speech. The same laws that someone writes today will be applied unevenly by somone else tomorrow. So to answer that question, it depends on who is drawing the lines. It is not the Rep or Dems, so the line drawer is incognito and unaccoutable, and thus untouchable. It's the Democrats!!! No, it is the ones ALLOWING the Democrats to do it.

16tons ago

The picture used by the anon is from the 1993 movie Falling Down. It's a good movie about a mental breakdown of a man who has had enough. If you haven't seen it it's worth a look.

CouldBeTrump ago

Seconded. I watched this years ago without knowing what it was called or what it was about, ended up being pleasantly surprised. Now that I know what it's called I can recommend it to people.

Crackrocknigga ago

It's not "the left". It's a ((particular interested party)) who has no home. They could be in Moscow today, London tomorrow. They feel at home anywhere yet are tied no nowhere. They operate with lies and subversion, rather than truth and diplomacy. They are a secret society which wishes nothing n kite then to gain extreme power at the expense of everyone else.

captainpixystick ago

I can't even say what I would like to say without some glow in the darks looking up my ass. I have a DECADE of slow brewed rage and it's at boiling point right now. I'm not stepping down from this, there will be consequences. My normative adult years were robbed from me because of globalist democrats and pussified RINO republicans. And now I must endure being belittled and targeted because I love my country and they hate that I'm a proud white man. I'm done with the left and these faggots on the right. The line has been crossed and we, as a collective, are just working up the courage to do something other than voting. Because clearly all peaceful means of reaching an end are gone. I'm not going to do anything violent, but I can tell by the rage I feel that there are others experiencing it and who knows what they're going to do.

EndTheFed4 ago

You're part of the American Patriots defending the constitution. Your rage may be needed one day brother. 2nd Amendment ftw

KryptoKoins ago

My dad is buying ARs and stocking up on ammo. He always said I was crazy for doing so. I don't know what changed his mind but he's not the only one who is preparing for the inevitable. Many have the same feeling Trust in God but also on your rifle.

redcandles ago

Do your patriotic duty by voting. From the rooftops.

Stundo ago

The thing is... For the first time in my life time I feel like 'the people' have a chance. The mid-terms are going to be very telling. For the first time in a long time, only citizens that are alive will be allowed to vote. And then... They will only get to vote once. We are going to find out what happens when we have honest and fair elections.

Plavonica ago

A chance at what? Vote for literal socialists or Israeli/bank owned RHINOs? Yeesh, what a choice.

kalgon ago

To be fair, they are all kike bank owned

It's just that one group really wants to transfag your kids

dark-to-light ago

There is already proof of your point in Texas. Blue flipped red for the first time in many years. No illegals could vote or dead people. Is going to be a glorious year!

sbt2160p ago

Did any other states follow Texas’s voter ID law change?

dark-to-light ago

Not that I know of

fluhthreeex ago

...honest and fair elections.

heh... decades of illegals who've had kids and are now voting.. "fair"? hackable voting machines... "fair? no place for free speech on the internet, television, or radio... "fair"? Controlled media. Controlled search. Everything about your life is controlled and constructed. Come on now.

Stundo ago

That part is true... But right now we need to stop more illegals from coming here, and birthing more 'citizens' that are going to keep supporting the corrupt Democrats.

I think it would be a good idea to have some ICE agents on standby at every polling facility. When ID's are checked... If the person doesn't have an ID that says they are a citizen they get hauled off in a Paddy wagon to the deportation center.

tendiesonfloor ago

I'm not going to do anything violent,

Then you've already lost.

smokratez ago

Another jew faggot pushing for civil war. The only people going to die are all you jews.

0rion ago

Fuck off...did you miss the entire point of his post? Offer something useful to the discussion, or fuck off to the Q sub, faggot.

captainpixystick ago

I posted with what I felt comfortable posting on a public forum. Read between the lines, faggot.

cantaloupe6 ago

Looking at history memes worked, upset people had no long term benefit. Who has been successfully and how?

Tallest_Skil ago

Too bad. You’ve already lost. You refuse to actually do anything and you never will. They won already. You’re a fucking waste.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

What do you do, you blackpilling faggot? Absolutely nothing, that's what.

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey truth is a blackpill

Try again with an actual argument.

Mylon ago

Did you forget you had swapped accounts?

Tallest_Skil ago

Probably not, since I only have one account.

Kill yourself immediately. You can’t prove him wrong. You can’t prove me wrong. Either grab your guns or you have already lost, you fucking coward.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

You proved yourself wrong, lol.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting you were proven wrong.

captainpixystick ago

You're a top tier edge lord. You do something then.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for proving me right. Kill yourself immediately. You refuse to actually do anything and you never will. They won already. You’re a fucking waste.

captainpixystick ago

Fuck off faggot. From the sounds of your miserable ass, you sound like you're pretty close to offing yourself.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for proving me right. Kill yourself immediately. You refuse to actually do anything and you never will. They won already. You’re a fucking waste.

captainpixystick ago

No one is refusing shit. You're pushing your own delusions on what I'm doing onto me as if you actually know who I am.

Tallest_Skil ago

No one is refusing shit.

You have admitted to refusing to fight back against the genocide of whites.

You're pushing your own delusions on what I'm doing onto me as if you actually know who I am.

I don’t give a shit who you are. You are completely and utterly meaningless, and you will always be as long as you don’t fight back.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Who have you killed? What have you done to advance the white race? Nothing. You're as bad as the Jews.

Tallest_Skil ago

doxx yourself goy

You’re cute. Thanks for admitting you will never fight back in any capacity.

captainpixystick ago

Congratulations, you win Voat's biggest faggot award. Le epic trolling, bro! At least you're good at one thing.

Hand_of_Node ago

I'm not going to do anything violent,

He does kind of have a point, as this has a "Personally, I'm going to sit back and watch" feel to it. Better might be: "I'm not going to encourage violence in a post on the internet".

The specific language you use can have widely varying effects.

Tallest_Skil ago

I can’t prove you wrong, therefore you’re trolling



sir_andy_of_bad ago

As the officiate of this voat argument, I'm proud to present you without the soyboy ass fucking award of jewish excellence. You've demonstrated a resolve to faggotry beyond what would be expected of any other jew.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting that you will never fight back, have absolutely no argument whatsoever, and can’t refute a word I said.

The collapse of civilization is complete. The purchasing power of the US dollar is worth three cents, compared to the dollar of 1913. Taxes? Where do we start. ✡Income tax✡, which exists solely to pay for the existence of the Federal Reserve–taxes going to the pockets of private individuals for the ‘privilege’ of printing worthless currency. An unconstitutional marxist welfare state to steal more income from the working and give it to the lazy, the nonwhites, and the foreigners. Endless war solely for the sake of other nations with no annexations or financial benefits for the US, wasting trillions in taxes and tens of thousands of lives. All laws, everywhere, at every level, are completely ignored by the government. The governing class is universally guilty of multiple felonies, and at least half of whom are guilty of outright treason. Genocidal invasion from the third world. Rape, murder, theft, etc. running rampant throughout once-safe streets as niggers and dune coons reap the fruits of their invasion. Terrorist attacks against people who are imprisoned for fighting back against the terrorists. Faggots and trannies holding parades where they spew their juices riddled with incurable STDs all over the streets. You get fired from your job or arrested if you so much as disagree with this shit. And gun confiscations from actual citizens so they can’t even defend themselves against any of it or reverse it. NOT THAT THEY EVER WILL. And that’s the problem. One hundred fucking years of this. Never stopping, never slowing. And what have the people done? NOTHING.

  • They didn’t rise up in 1913 when the US stopped using gold and silver as money and started using private paper currency.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1917 when the jew puppet Wilson said, “We’re going to war for the Europeans and getting nothing out of it in return.”
  • They didn’t rise up in 1920 when jewish feminists brainwashed men into granting women the vote, setting a deadline on the collapse of our nation at no later than 2020 (every single civilization in human history that enfranchised women fell within 100 years).
  • They didn’t rise up in 1933 when FDR unconstitutionally made “owning gold” illegal.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1934 when the National Firearms Act unconstitutionally banned the ownership of weapons.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1935 when the marxist Social Security Act was passed, nor during any of other FDR’s illegal acts.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1941 when the jew puppet FDR said, “We’re going to war for the Europeans, again, and getting nothing out of it in return, again.”
  • They didn’t rise up in 1946 when Bretton Woods was signed.
  • They didn’t rise up against any of the proxy wars in the Cold War (which gave our nation absolutely nothing–no annexed land, no reparations, and we paid to rebuild our enemies).
  • They didn’t rise up in 1965 when the Immigration & Nationality Act openly committed genocide on Americans. The politicians admitted it. No one did anything.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1968 when the Civil Rights Act unconstitutionally destroyed freedom of association.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1973 when Roe v. Wade legalized murder of the innocent.
  • They didn’t rise up after all the contra deals in the 1980s showed the US was deposing democracies and installing dictators.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1990 when the first Gulf War began the march for Greater Israel.
  • They didn’t rise up in 2001 after 9/11 when jews false flagged the US yet again for Greater Israel.
  • They didn’t rise up in 2003 when the Second Gulf War was declared. Nor when it was proven the war was carried out under false pretenses. Nor when any of the post-Cold War wars STILL failed to get us land or reparations, and we paid TRILLIONS MORE to rebuild our enemies.
  • They didn’t rise up in 2008 when the economy collapsed and the banks were given trillions of dollars to give bonuses to their executives who caused it.
  • They didn’t rise up in 2015 when faggot “marriage” became “legal.”

watts2db ago

you sir are definitely not alone

Deflo56 ago

I think the power of the sane voter has gotten us to this point. Those around me try to muzzle me. Bill Clinton is a rapist. Ban the muzzle.

Alhambra ago

but BASED ben shapiro assures me that the left is just reacting to neon nahtzees and are totally justified. also, send shekels to israel.

EndTheFed4 ago

Ben is and always will be a jew

duncandog ago

I don't see a blue wave, I see a red tsunami that will be a blood bath for the demonrats. Not all liberals are insane, it just seems their representatives are.

Tallest_Skil ago

Yay! Jew Party A will win instead of Jew Party B, meaning the jewish narrative continues anyway! What a great thing for whites!

EndTheFed4 ago

Zionism will die. The kikes will die. Whites and western civilization will triumph

Tallest_Skil ago

That’d be great. So stop voting like jews tell you to do and go make it happen, you fucking coward.

slowburn ago

First, this is not about left or right. We have to vote that way, but this problem is far beyond our political affiliations. This is a cabal that has control of the leftists, the liberals. To take back control of our country and restore her to her people, we have to destroy the cabal itself, first. There will never be a war against the left. Rather, this is a battle to save all humanity, all brothers and sisters, who have been lied to and influenced by powers that are dangerously corrupt. I just want to clear that up - but yes, we are in that war. The STORM has come.

Therealnickcage ago

Goats, don't fall for this trap!! You don't fix stupid with more stupid. They want us to lash out, just so they can point a finger and say "see, we told you they were barbarians!!" No, we must stay the course and fight with our calm knowledge, dollars and our votes.

UKD ago

The first battle must be a battle of minds.

Omnidempotent ago

Who cares what (((they))) say? Dont let them control your behavior through shame.

Therealnickcage ago

True, buy also don't let (((them))) get you to kill yourself in a flash of faux bravado. The people who control the action are rarely on the battlefield. They are the thinkers, planners, and ones with money. So let's do that. Think, plan, and make as much fucking money as you can. And keep it, or spend it wisely. That's how we win the war. I've met a lot of liberals and fiscal responsibility is not generally one of their strengths, which is why they are always crying for free shit.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

We need to preemptively target them. Find out what airports they keep their private planes at, what their s travel schedules are like, how long they're in the Hamptons versus their higher rise pent houses, how much and how well-equipped their private security is. All legally acquirable information.

captainpixystick ago

The true red pill is they will make up shit to justify anything they want. It's not about giving them any more ammo, they bruteforced their way into our culture and institutions without any push back from the right. Don't be a faggot, sitting on our hands has done us no favors. How many more times can you continue to get punked out like a bitch before you start losing sleep over it and decide to fight fire with fire? Find your balls, white men. RISE UP TO THE FUCKING OCCASION.

Igpolly ago

Your right, we all feel the same way. But fighting back to there stupidity is going to do nothing. For one we need to vote, get others to vote. Keeping getting ready for the real fight, not there little bitch drama. That does nothing, there creating the red wave acting this way. While we're all working, getting our emergency shit together, ammo all the stuff we may need. You never know. When they bring a real fight we'll be ready. Way more prepared than any of this stupid shit there doing. Look while there trying to send or us, all there doing is forcing us even closer together, all in one place. There not nearly as smart as they think, with there fake polls, paid protests. Half of them don't even know what there fighting for. If they truly had to survive on there own, or fight for themselves. I guarantee half of them couldn't do it.

Therealnickcage ago

Balls is not being the first to pull the trigger. Balls is waiting to pull the trigger until you know your shot is going to kill. Don't let your anger be used against you.

Patriot1124 ago

... this is the right direction, mind over matter

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Exactly If it came to down to it we hold the firepower to retake everything tonight. They don't. But we want legitimacy. We want whomever is left after to say "we did the best we could, we gave them every chance".

fellowkikepeople ago

Don't get caught in the left/right bullshit narrative we've been force fed for generations.

It is, and always has been, elite/people.


Someone tell the left be careful wht they wish for after 8 years of combat and losing good guys, then finding out the truth, about what we were really fighting for, I am kind of pissed off, so bring the skinny jean wearing pussys on it wont take long to destroy them and move up the food chain, throughout trusting the plan, not once has anyone given a ROE if they pull something stupid soon...

The_horus_heresy ago

When we play we play for keeps. To do that you need the support of a majority in the branches and civilians. Otherwise the civil war that would erupt, albeit likely short and decisive, would leave the country exposed to more foreign control than we already have. Its an operation that will require precision, excellent timing and execution across all planes if we our to see our country survive the aftermath. The land is just land, the oath I swore was to the Constitution. The Constitution and continuity of law and order are paramount to survival of the set of ideals we hold.

SaveTheChildren ago


Ocelot ago

Too much "but muh GOP" for me to take it seriously.

8_billion_eaters ago

Yeah. Some of us remember. https://imgoat.com/uploads/3ec517d68b/80880.jpg

We are not allowed by rules or prudence to call for death and killing. But that fucking line has now been erased.

CaptnObvius ago

The left is building our army for us.

kalgon ago

"Why do you hate america? Why are you always lying?"

GentleRenegade ago

It's very hard for me not to get overwhelmed by anger when I realize how much a little elite is abusing us without any remorse, transgressing the laws, killing here and there. In fact(s) what they are doing to this country, this collective of good people, can rightly be described as 'terrorism'. When you look at what these people are doing, you realize you don't need foreign enemies and you wonder if there was ever one since the WW2.

Hand_of_Node ago

how much (the) elite is abusing us without any remorse, transgressing the laws, killing here and there.

It's because they can. Most have accepted the role of cattle, and the elite are essentially the dairy farmers. Think about being in that position and ask yourself how much you'd respect people who willingly accept the role of cattle.

GentleRenegade ago

You are right. Reminds me of Einstein who said: The most dangerous people are not those who commit crimes but those who let them do this. Sheep we were. Sheep we are not anymore.

EndTheFed4 ago

Once corrupt tyrants in the government start dying, the other politicians will take the hint

GentleRenegade ago

I pray with you for that. I know there will always be bad actors. But groups of bad actors like those who have enslaved humanity for centuries: thank you very much. I'll pass nest time !!

8_billion_eaters ago

There was no enemy in WW2 except the KIKES in Communist Russia. The USSR. The CCCP. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republic. THEY WERE ALL JEWS.

Who is trying to exterminate you? Look at what the JEWS are doing to Europe and America. Australia and Canada. All Jews.

FUCK THEM KIKES. Enough is enough.

If Adolf Hitler would have had the internet, the Jews would be isolated on Madagascar these days with no possibility of controlling worldwide banks.

TurtleTurtle920 ago

with all due respect, it just is not that simple. I am going to suggest that everyone watch Edge of Wonder on youtube...they are doing a series on the Deep State. Most importantly is when you get to part 3, they explain that there are the 12 Tribes of Israel, AND there are the 12 Bloodlines + 1 that are a Mirror and are tied to Satan. These are Khazarian and not really Jews. They hide under that label. I highly recommend watching and they found this info on the Clowns' website! It really is Imperative, imho, to KNOW your ENEMY. Direct all that Anger in the right direction. And spread that information, because it is very important to direct our attention to the REAL enemy. Just a thought.

vladtep ago

Bullshit, all white jews are Khazars you mental midget.

What jews do you see in the West that aren't white? That's fucking all of them! lol

Hand_of_Node ago

Edge of Wonder on youtube...

Went to their channel and listened to the first 24 seconds of that auto-play video. "Mystery men that don't exist, showing up and saving the day? People caught in mid-air by invisible arms... Voices from beyond that save peoples lives?"

Um, believe I'll pass on this.

KryptoKoins ago

I was just saying this yesterday Israel is not ran by Jews. The six pointed star represents The Black Cube Religion or The Saturn cult what ever you want to call it. Saturn is where we get Satan. it is truly the synagogue of Satan that we are fighting against and the evil Roman Catholic Empire

sir_andy_of_bad ago

The six pointed star is called the star of Remphan. Remphan is their God, along with Baal and Moloch

Tallest_Skil ago

It is literally that simple. I suggest you kill yourself for suggesting anyone watch youtube propaganda.

The jews are the jews. It is all jews. There are no good jews. They have no other names. They are jews, and they do it because they are jews. Reported for supporting jewish hoaxes.

alluphill ago

Great recommendation. Edge of Wonder on You Tube are interesting and eye opening. Watched the first two and need a break. We are so screwed, it will take tens of millions of us to make a dent into the plans of the evil ones and their idiot followers.

Doglegwarrior ago

Just ask a liberal this and watch there head explode.. explain to them that you truly believe divereity is a strength.. in fact you have an orginization that is a non profit that is trying to move white south africans i to south america to hell them have more white people and less all brown countries.. you are also trying to move swedes i to the congo.. watch their fucking tiny headz explode they will also call you a nazi

Original_Dankster ago

Good point... How come settlement for one group is evil colonialism but the other group is diverse migrants?

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Because that's how they portray a non-existent dichotomy when one group is slated to be scrubbed from the earth.

8_billion_eaters ago

Let them call me whatever the fuck they want. I have passed the point of caring.

kalgon ago

Righteous anger is virtue

smokratez ago

We don't declare war on the left. It's war on the jews. Time to string up some kikes. No white people have to die to resolve this issue.

Tallest_Skil ago

The left is 100% jewish and you’re retarded for not comprehending what the left even is. We’re killing all the race traitors and there’s nothing you can do to stop us.

smokratez ago

Please do kill all jews. I'm not going to stop you there my retarded friend.

Kr1ll1nX ago

Wrong. Plenty of traitors, no matter how much you wish there weren't.

smokratez ago

Who lose their marching orders without jews.

Vorce ago

Their beliefs are too deeply ingrained that the damage is already done.

smokratez ago

According to what?

Tallest_Skil ago

Yuri Bezmenov. You know, the guy you know nothing about.

smokratez ago

Are you legit retarded?

Tallest_Skil ago

Said the moron who wants to keep race traitors and communists alive.

smokratez ago

I rather not kill white people if I can avoid it. What is wrong with that?

Tallest_Skil ago

You can’t avoid it.

smokratez ago

We will see what happens.

Tallest_Skil ago

We’ll see you swinging from a lamppost right next to the traitorous whites you refused to kill.

smokratez ago

Who is this we, you faggot?

Tallest_Skil ago

Whites, shlomo. Run along now and write your will.

smokratez ago

Got my answer. You are legit retarded. Farewell faggot.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting that you are a traitor to the white race.

BlowjaySimpson ago

That dude red pilled the fuck out of teenage me.

TheGasMan ago

There is room in the oven for them all

smokratez ago

The holocaust never happened. Go gas yourself.

Kr1ll1nX ago

They don't even realize the connection. They are that dumb all on their own. Regardless of how you feel about it, a traitor is a traitor, and must be dealt with accordingly.

smokratez ago

Regardless of how you feel about it, a traitor is a traitor, and must be dealt with accordingly.

Sure, put em in a labor camp. No murder is all I am saying.

Onlio ago

There will be no war declared on the left because we are the biggest pussies in the history of the world

RedditIsForLiberals ago

Oh look, another black pill faggot.

Go fuck yourself you kike.

Tallest_Skil ago

Prove him wrong. The last century proves you wrong, so prove him wrong. Why can’t you do it, faggot?

EndTheFed4 ago

The kikes will lose, kike

Tallest_Skil ago

What’s your evidence of that?

EndTheFed4 ago

Swamp is being drained you fuckin kike

Everyone is waking up to the kikes. The masses are angry. Trump has 6 more years. Little by little things change

Tallest_Skil ago

Swamp is being drained you fuckin kike

It’s literally not. Nothing Trump promised has been done.

There are no net deportations. Trump is legalizing 800,000 nonwhites per year.

There is no wall.

There are no arrests of anyone in the government, despite public proof of treason by thousands of individuals.

There is no draining. No one is waking up. You are clinically insane.

EndTheFed4 ago

Tallest_Skil is a Lying KIKE

Hand_of_Node ago

You appear to have zero argument for anything your account is saying.

EndTheFed4 ago

wtf are you talking about noob?

-I've been on voat for 2+ years and yes, America is waking up

Hand_of_Node ago

wtf, are you talking about noob?

Am guessing at the intended comma placement, but that looks about right.

As far as America waking up, I'm seeing a LOT of people falling under the spell of a riddle-master on a chan site. Were the Breatharians waking up? Were the Sannyasins waking up? Is Ananda revealing the truth? While I'm thankfully not in the target market, nor apparently susceptible, the technique and effectiveness is Quite impressive. It's like the Pet Rock of cults.

xenoPsychologist ago

Am guessing at the intended comma placement, but that looks about right.

thats gold right there.

Hand_of_Node ago

Gotta love a good set-up.

xenoPsychologist ago

'tis a thing of beauty.

Tallest_Skil ago


What now, paid jewish shill? GO SUCK TRUMP’S COCK SOMEWHERE ELSE.

EndTheFed4 ago

Nice try you kike shill

Tallest_Skil ago

Yawn. Try harder, sockpuppet.

EndTheFed4 ago

Nice try long nose kike shill

Tallest_Skil ago

You were proven wrong. The link is right there. Go suck kike cock back on Reddit. Trump is a jewish puppet and does whatever they say.

EndTheFed4 ago

Wrong, nice try

long nose kike

Tallest_Skil ago

You were proven wrong. The link is right there. Go suck kike cock back on Reddit. Trump is a jewish puppet and does whatever they say. ˚

Stakker ago

You are a strange faggot, aren't you? Just shouting and insulting without an argument. You should indeed fuck off to the Q sub.

EndTheFed4 ago

Ok kike

Kippering ago

you guys are still getting played, America needs a centrist party, Trump is unique in that he is probably outside the established corrupt McCain Hillary Republican Democrat game show

Tallest_Skil ago

Kill yourself, HORSHOFEEREE faggot.

shutupfaggot ago

shut up faggot

ReAwakened ago

America needs a second major party. For now, there are two factions of the statist party.

GlassSmith ago

Centrism is just another way of saying compromise, of giving ground.

The (((left's))) primary goal is the extermination of all white people, and you want to compromise with them; the only compromise they are willing to accept is on the method of torture they will use to brutally exterminate all white people.

Also, O’Sullivan’s Law has yet to be disproved so any organization that is not explicitly right wing will become left wing over time. A centrist party is will be nothing more than a second democrat party.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

hey kid wanna blow up a federal building?

nice try, FBI

MrWizardsFizzard ago

Ding, ding, ding!!! We have a winner!

Original_Dankster ago

My thoughts exactly. Sheesh...

Skyrock ago

*hey fellow kid

RuthnDon ago

Talked to a random guy at the local homecoming game the other night. Just a normal dad there to watch his kid play. We eventually got to discussing politics. He was ANGRY. Said if they think Republicans can't see what's going on and are gonna stay home and not vote, they've got a wake up coming. Then two grammas sitting next to us chimed in. Both said they had voted for Hillary and now realized that Democrats are shameless. They thought what the left is trying to do to Kavanaugh is despicable. For them, their red line has been crossed. They plan on voting red in November. Very interesting and encouraging...

tommyboy70 ago

This is happening across the country. I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EndTheFed4 ago

VOTE RED OR DIE (literally because of the kikes globalist policies

Vvswiftvv17 ago

Most of my family never votes. At family functions I'm the one they groan at because I'm spewing politics. While I was growing up my mom told me I was too political and that I would never...find a job (well I did)...get a husband (well I did, we met fighting over politics)...in '16 she claimed my children would never make friends because other parents wouldn't want their children exposed to a ranting political mom....well this week, she asked me when our voter registration deadline was because she wants to vote against the Dems. That's what prompted me to create v/VoterRegDeadlines

SexyLoverBoy ago

just registered, thanks

fluhthreeex ago


Vvswiftvv17 ago

Post! We need to start making noise on v/all to motivate everyone to get registered! It's only going to be effectiveif goats see reminders over and over before they finallyget curiousenough to click. I'm going to crank my postings up this week. We have got to galvanize the lazy!

discipleofflies ago

A couple months ago I was jogging, ran out of breath, and walked past two old ladies in a dense-tree park. I overheard one (grandma) saying, "I just don't feel I can trust anything the cameraman says." I presume that means the media ... fairly certain from the context.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

... And everyone wheezed and clapped

drj2 ago

Keep it at reddit

discipleofflies ago

Well, where to start? You niggerfaggoted at the start by not even getting the meme right (wheezed? never part of the meme). You niggerfaggoted again by missing the whole general concept of the meme, which is to ridicule someone giving themselves bravado. (I did not do that.)

You have collectively failed on every possible angle. There is nothing redeeming about you. What do you have to say about yourself, sir?

ReadPastHeadlines ago

See, there's this running joke where people tell a story that would never happen but they pretend it's real, usually telling someone off or some kid saying something overly political for their age and they make the claim that everyone around stood and clapped. The end of your post reminded me of that so I added the "everyone stood and clapped" comment but modified it to fit more in line with what you said.

I hope that helps!

TheCool ago

I agree, fellow patriot.

Can we get some upvotes over here?

TheUltimateQuakerII ago

No, but I can donate a downvote for you for free!

UrAShillHarry ago

He played you like a fiddle there



SpaceIsFakeAndGay ago

Prepare your anus for downvoats

22trilionAsecond ago

not a good time to be asking for upvoats

fellowkikepeople ago

What made you want to waste your time by trying to become the most downgoated goat in history?

E: upgoated btw

lipids ago

Both sides are despicable. We need a system that allows us to really vote instead of pick the lesser of two evils.


zxcvzxcv ago

The deep state has its tentacles in both sides. Drive out the snake, and you will see just how well the democrats and the republicans really can be to one another. We are all Americans after all. Well, not the deep state traitors. They can all hang.

parrygrin ago

There was a guy running for president on exactly that platform for about 5 minutes in 2016. You never heard of him because the DNC silenced him.


ianadba ago

Unless our method of election changes from first past the post, this will never happen in any sustainable way.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Electoral college keeps the checks and balances. We need a third party platform too.

sbt2160p ago

{hanging noose.jpg}


but Trump is based

EndTheFed4 ago

Democrats are the party of globalists and pedophiles. There are at least some good republicans, if only a few.

pizzaequalspedo ago

There are actors on the Republican side that are despicable too, but I would estimate that at least 35-45% of them are patriots. Whereas I would say maybe 10-15% of Dems are honorable patriots.

Maybe one day, we'll have a true patriotic party (or both parties will be filled with patriots), but for now the R's are all we have.

kushtian ago

You're right. Tbh, it's basically turning into good vs evil at this point, but we've seen a list of people who NOT to voat for in this midterm election.

lissencarak ago

Patriots = agree with all leftist premises and willing to use force to enforce them.

And willing to use the military to fight Israel's enemies and spill white lives like water to do so.

Tallest_Skil ago

I would estimate that at least 35-45% of them are patriots

No, you’re a retarded faggot. Every single fucking one of them is owned by jews, just like the dems.


CrudOMatic ago

You're the guy GLR warned us about - the guy who believes the Jews are omnipotent & omnipresent. The one who'll be the first to tell us there is no hope, and even try to get us to go against our best wishes and interests. Repubs right now are the only party not losing their collective shit like a bunch of gibbering niggers. I'll vote red to keep shit out of blue's hands, instead of what shills like you want me to do - which is stay home and not vote so you can have your blue wave.

Tallest_Skil ago

the guy who believes the Jews are omnipotent & omnipresent.

Nope, this is not what I believe. Your entire narrative is instantly destroyed.

The one who'll be the first to tell us there is no hope, and even try to get us to go against our best wishes and interests.

Try again, paid shill.

Repubs right now are the only party

Reminder that the republican party is completely owned by jews and operates exclusively as controlled opposition to maintain the theater of resistance to communist rule.

not losing their collective shit like a bunch of gibbering niggers.

THEY LITERALLY FUCKING ARE. Where is anyone calling to repeal the NFA or other unconstitutional gun bills? Where is anyone calling to get rid of faggot “marriage” since it’s unconstitutional? Where is anyone talking about deporting any illegals, rather than full amnesty?

None. Not a single one of them. Explain why I should vote for my genocide, moishe.

I'll vote red to keep shit out of blue's hands

They’re the same hands, faggot. No one believes you.

you can have your blue wave.

You realize they’re the same party, right? You’re literally voting for marxists.

Stakker ago

Exactly this. It is one big show in which they give the sheep the idea the have actually anything to say. Divide and conquer.

pizzaequalspedo ago

If what you say is true, then your only option is a military coup unfortunately.

lissencarak ago

The military is completely and fully indoctrinated. The proper term for any whites in the military is "Janissaries".

Real Americans - the posterity of the founders - are a conquered and broken people. Slowly but surely the Empire's elites will do everything possible to replace them and erase them, and they have almost succeeded doing so already.

Tallest_Skil ago

military coup

The military is a jewish puppet. The only hope is the people grabbing guns and rising up.

CrudOMatic ago

kike shill trying to entrap & goad people into violence

I hope the 30 pieces of silver are worth it, but then again, you're probably a kike.

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey goyim you’re a fed if you tell people to rise up

oy vey goyim you’re a blackball if you say to never rise up

Reported for admitting to being a paid jewish shill and having absolutely no argument. Everything I said is proven fact.

ProgNaziGator ago

Military is owned by group C! Don't bother!

See how easy that is?

itsFine ago

Put the two together and we have ourselves a patriotic majority. Sadly, I think your numbers are optimistic or maybe I’m just a pessimist.

pizzaequalspedo ago

First you eradicate the Dem Party, then you move to reform the Republicans, IMO.

GapingAnus ago

Here we go again, I guess.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

So basically people who haven't heard of Distributism?

GapingAnus ago

It was just a joke. People don't like either of the two positions and want a third position. Like third positionism.

kalgon ago

Literally hitler

Doglegwarrior ago

Fuck ya! Couldnt agree with you more.