TurretPress ago

It's called Killadelphia for a reason.

mrgreenjeans9 ago

what was Colbert's tagline? Truthiness? mmm, that would make this 'Newsiness' PROPAGANDA

Quasarback ago

Anyone have an archive of the article from 2016? I can't find it.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

"You don't understand, goy. It's rising, it's just not terrible."

Lynch_Tree ago

I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same "author."

con77 ago

Obama still won't talk about black on black crime

weezkitty ago

Not will "black lives matter"

con77 ago

Living in and loving that double standard

IheartSwimming ago

Truth. It's vital to democracy.

goyphobic ago

Notice that message is suspiciously absent from the 2017 story.

jewsbadnews ago

At this point we should being killing journalist openly.

HappyMealBullshit ago

This is fucking impressive. It would be nice to have some avenue to throw this kind of thing back in the face of the mainstream media and make them accountable for what they've said. Right now it's just so easy for them to make these lies and then ignore them.

IntrovertMisanthrope ago

Thank you kind sir for taking the time to do this, it was fucking glorious!

TheTrigger ago

Holy shit. There's so many links in that post that it was easier to paste your comment's source, write a quick regex in Atom and wget the links, instead of doing it manually. Kudos. For anyone else who just wants a file dump: https://ufile.io/gkwdi (self-destructs after 30 days).

voltronsdicks ago

I used to save headlines. At a certain point I gave up. Too many. It was becoming beyond aggravating. It's like reading the president's Twitter feed. It's just fucktard after fucktard parroting the same echo chamber of lies over and over and over again because the opposition has been censored.

Norn ago

Is there a sub you could put these in as individual submissions? It'd be handy to have an easy to find place to refer to and add more too.

thantik ago


AlaricTheFirst ago

You’re doing Gods work, good sir. Keep ‘em coming. The only way to keep the media in check is to call them on their bullshit.

SeriousSarcasm ago

Doing good work, more for the collection

HyperbolicGasChamber ago
