A shill alert for new goats. (GreatAwakening)
submitted 6.4 years ago by Octocopter
You Q guys have brought along a lot of shill effort so here is a heads up on one. As you get more used to seeing them you will be able to bait them out like I did.
Here is me baiting him into sperging out.
FuTz 6.4 years ago
I can just picture this fuckwad sitting in his/her Mom's basement drinking soy lattes, what a kike.
eles1776 6.4 years ago
Skinny biceps. Low energy.
DamnLiquor 6.4 years ago
Chum the water's, reel em in
clamhurt_legbeard 6.4 years ago
g8 b8 m8
would r8 8/8
Octocopter 6.4 years ago
Thanks mate, such a great reward for so little effort.
FuTz ago
I can just picture this fuckwad sitting in his/her Mom's basement drinking soy lattes, what a kike.
eles1776 ago
Skinny biceps. Low energy.
DamnLiquor ago
Chum the water's, reel em in
clamhurt_legbeard ago
g8 b8 m8
would r8 8/8
Octocopter ago
Thanks mate, such a great reward for so little effort.