PraiseIPU ago


HateCumbuckets ago

So, what happened to your warning and supposed last post?

TheAmerican ago

What are you talking about?

HateCumbuckets ago

Octocopter ago

Too bad fat niggers like you lack the intelligence to appreciate such concepts.

TheAmerican ago

It's funny how you would even use the word intelligence in that response you wrote.

Octocopter ago

All that endless space around us and the insignificant word nigger gets you all in a huff. What a whiny faggot you are.

TheAmerican ago

you're a complete loser and incapable of doing anything about what you think. You lack the resources, social skills, contacts, planning capacity, and just about every other element needed to present any kind of credible threat to the government or anyone else.The truth is that Voat is an adolescent level gripe forum where people who don't matter blow off steam and entertain themselves with delusions of their own importance and grandeur. Get over yourselves loser. You don't count and never did.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

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Octocopter ago

I was baiting and waiting for the chimp out, thanks for validating my efforts to mind rape you.

So lets clear some things up, not all blacks are niggers and not all niggers are black, you however are definitely a nigger. I provide more to the USA than their average citizen in taxes and employing several US veterans, and far more than lefty wannabe commie fucktards. Also I don't follow or even believe in Q, call me when something real happens.

Again thanks for confirming you were paid/directed to come shill here for the Q folks, I will give them a nice heads up.

TheAmerican ago

You should consider picking up a dictionary and trying to expand your vocabulary faggoat.

Octocopter ago

I will keep talking however the fuck I want. You can take your shill ass and get the fuck out. You are already on the lists, hope it was worth what little they paid you guys.

TheAmerican ago

It was a joke you moron. God the stupidity of some of you people is unbelievable. You'll believe any and everything, for example your lord and savior Q.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'A shill alert for new goats.' was posted in v/GreatAwakening by @Octocopter and refers to this comment.

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