I don’t follow the logic that states I want to overthrow the government but I don’t want to see the word nigger faggot.
Who is that much of a cuck they want to start a war but not get dirty? Isn’t the idea of Q to basically undermine the FBI, CIA, previous presidents and congressmen, but you can’t stand seeing the word niggerfaggot. You can’t stand trouble. Oh they are trolling us. I quit. Are you functionally retarded?
Think about the implications of not surviving voat. You aren’t prepared for what you seek, you’re just a larping keyboard kike. You know kike? Pretending to be one thing only to turn out to be a Jew.
If you subscribe to the world of Q then you subscribed to a war. You subscribed to put in effort and not be a fucking bitch. You claim all these people, fucked , rape and kill little children and adults and you want to stop it? But niggerfaggot stops you?
Q posts on the Chan’s. Research is done on the Chan’s. Voat is arguably easier to use than the chans and easier to follow. It’s a good platform for this stuff. But the problem isn’t our language or ideals. It’s you.
You the nigger loving faggot who can’t stand those words. You’re the fucking problem.
Xenophobic ago
Cuz muh mods powers bruh...... I need it.....they are my PRECIOUSHHHHH
Goathole ago
I like that they want to be secluded, I know that if we don't inoculate them before they nest here that THIS SITE WILL TURN TO ABSOLUTE SHIT. Slippery slope and all that.
It starts with "can you please call them blacks instead" and ends with voat being a copy of reddit.
We need to separate the wheat from the chaff MORE. Shake the nigger and kike out of them.
OhRutherfordBehave ago
Get these goddamn Qniggers out of here that honestly believe America is "a place for all skin colors" these people are fucking worthless who are already toeing the line to the globalist marxist agenda with that retarded shit. GTFO.
vonbacon ago
It's not we can't handle v/awakening They are to weak willed to handle us. The moment these fucking redditfags moved in here to shit up this place with their fucking kike mods that tried to turn this place into a literal hugbox for the weak We tossed their kike ass in the oven and closed the door.
xenoPsychologist ago
apparently q tells them to sit back and do nothing so the government can fix its self. most of them seemed to subscribe to being all talk, while being too scared to do anything themselves.
srgmpdns ago
To paraphrase Carlin:
Sarevok ago
You forgot kike.
thelma ago
Right, like I am going to post plans on how to overthrow the government.
I keep that in my basement. Its not for general distribution on the internet.
shrink ago
You need to keep in mind that Qtards are 99% bluepilled baby-boomer generation people with maximum tinfoil on who follow something or someone based solely on wishful thinking, but the most important answer to your question is "muh PR." THAT's why. They didn't want the good name of Q and the Q 'researchers' to be tarnished by having an internet space that was defaced with racial slurs, because it gives the wrong appearances and it's offtopic. I'm not kidding, these idiots are so fucking ignorant that they believed harsh language on their sub would give them a bad name and give the MSM ammo to use against them. They somehow believe in lying MSM and yet are retarded enough to also believe in "muh PR."
Crazy, I know.
wutangisforthe ago
Okay so I follow along a bunch of this shit, I don't put all my eggs in on basket. If im understanding this right Q is some controlled opposition and something like truthseekernetwork and freemason scripted things are more the speed voat is talking about?
wutangisforthe ago
ie https://www.instagram.com/p/BnEbJkLgKuN/?taken-by=truthseekernetwork
fluhthreeex ago
Create a new sub. Problem solved.
Get this Q shit off the main subs. Thanks.
Q was killed and this new Q is a shill.
This new shill Q is talking about how we are divided. Well uh, yeah I want to be divided from niggers and jews…. and Divide their heads from their bodies...
Dougal_McHaggis ago
Q is astroligy for science illiterate conspiracy retards who have so little going on in life they need the drama.
There's an actual proven real conspiracy, one NOBODY is allowed to talk about in public. It's the international jew. I suggest start listening to William Pierce's works. He was a real guy, a physicist.
heretolearn ago
so you've been lurking the past year and decided this q thing is what made you mad enough to write more in one post than your whole 3 years on this site, according to your account. seems suspect.
swolejusticewarrior ago
you're an idiot
Koalemos_Grottesco ago
The qlarp demonstrates that right-wingers too can be as functionally retarded as the left. Fuck all of this dumb shit, 99% of people don't deserve a vote.
ShitPostMcGee ago
I want that government they had in Starship Troopers. Service guarantees citizenship! Shit would be so fly.
TrueMask ago
OK guys, I missed a week here. Who is "Q" and what happened? Did Reddit have another purge or something?
Thisismyvoatusername ago
A historical fiction retelling of what has been going on.
SandHog ago
Yes. Here's a summary I cobbled together from a bunch of different comments over the last few days.
ifuckdolphinseverday ago
Reddit fucking retarded cucks who think they are woke and still don't understand that the zionists are the jews and hence are the satanists. Everything you hate about deepstate is because you should hate israel. Isreal and the satanists are on the same team. Wake the fuck up.
Nationalism for me but not for thee
Txgeezer ago
Even REAL wars (WWI, WWII) - where conditions were indeed horrible and over 50 million died - was still fought under some basic rules of engagement. Friendly-fire losses weren't just shrugged off - they were investigated. POW's (excepting the treatment the Japanese gave our boys) were afforded medical care & humane incarceration.
What drives those NOT of the non-8chan culture aghast is the constant barrage of "friendly-fire". For subs where dissemination of critical information & research in & for the Qanon movement is being done, this is unconstructive, distracting, and discouraging - to the point where some of the real contributors are leaving.
I personally don't see VOAT being a viable long-term arrangement for the Qanon Army. We're just short-timers here. When we do leave, I (for one) do offer my thanks for the temporary hosting!
Koalemos_Grottesco ago
I honestly don't consider the "Qanon army" to be friendlies. They tend to be ignorant lackeys for the adversary and are incidentally perpetuating an anti hard-right psyop.
Txgeezer ago
As in EVERY social group, there will be 'chaff among the wheat'. Wisdom (and the Bible) says don't pull out the chaff until the harvest.
Neinlife ago
Your gross oversimplification reveals your lack of understanding of the group.
Hand_of_Node ago
What parts of that are wrong?
Neinlife ago
If you dont understand my sentence i dont have smaller words for you so...
swolejusticewarrior ago
I disagree with your analogy of friendly fire. I see it as more akin to soldiers who have been prepped and told to be combat ready. They've never seen war before, but they shit their pants when the fire alarm goes off.
Txgeezer ago
Your response indicates that you view all Qanon the same. Is that assumption logical? Are all soldiers in any army at the same rank & experience? Truly, some real soldiers have very bad reactions to seeing war up close & personal. But to expect that the entire rank & file are unstable or likely to fold at the first sight of blood does not sound to me like a 'veteran' either.
swolejusticewarrior ago
My response doesn’t indicate what you suggest. Qfags arent soldiers, they keyboard button pushers. I attempted to work with your analogy and I think I got my point across but you didn’t seem to understand what I was getting at and that’s fine.
Le_Squish ago
People are telling you but you seem to have a hard time comprehending.
No, we do not see you guys as friendlies. We see you as a zombie invasion with a possibility of there being humans among you.
dunklederf ago
this is pretty much 100% how i see it as well. the niggerfaggot immuneresponse is to drive the braindead zombies away, the humans that are among them, tend to stick around, suddenly seeing that 'wow, theres other humans here'
Theboatfloats ago
I'll do my best: I joined reddit late in the '16 election cycle. I had reluctantly joined FB in late '12 & started seeing alot of posts that were blatantly false. Eventually lead me to T_D over at commie central.
After hanging around, I noticed the left leaning side of that place relatively quick. Got a ban notice even though I had never participated that sub-banned due to my posting in T_D solely. During this whole time I saw the mentioned 4chan & Storm Front & Voat from time to time. Suddenly we had FBIAnon posting shit on 4chan & everyone on Reddit went jewfuck. GA got started-flow of information was really "awakening" a lot of normal people.
I had always had my distain for the Bush regime. I voted Gore. Anyway, the GA ban essentially did it for me in regards to Reddit. I had a post going, it was getting nuked heavily, then BOOM takedown happened. The chans were at 1st hard to navigate, but I can contribute if need there.
So here I am presently - here @Voat trying my best to fit in without pissing off the masses that Voat is all about. I can handle niggerfaggot, I can handle the goy & most importantly I can handle any WORDS that are thrown at me. Free Speech is the essence of Freedom! Without spoken words, then our thoughts mean nothing.
I'd rather be here, than anywhere else presently. I have a feeling they're going to nuke Voat, as well though. And those that couldn't handle this PLACE, Will be the 1st ones that suffer when shit goes south. You CUCKED yourself when words offend......reality is a MOTHER FUCK!
shrink ago
On 8ch, for those who are more reddit and voat oriented there is a small box in the upper right that says "tree view." If you click that, it will nest the replies based on which anons replied to which posts, rather than in chronological order and post number. It makes it easier for people like you who aren't familiar with the teleporting up and down the thread that the default organization requires to follow a conversation.
hfkmfn ago
Depending on your device, browser, internet speed 8chan is terrible to use! I had the chance to visit on a PC once and it looks totally different... 4chan is usable on mobile (except for my carrier's IP address being blocked from commenting) but 8chan is just awful!
C_Corax ago
I have to ask that whole riddle solving part of it.. You actually believe in that or are you just goofing around?
Theboatfloats ago
The riddle is exactly how I ended up here. If everything I described didn't happen, I doubt I'm here or even know about Voat.
I worked for the elite of the elite, because of my location & job. A very prominent Jew befriended me many years ago. He passed away in the late '00s, not before he told me of the evils. I'm middle of America, small town nobody that was in the right places at the right time.
Neinlife ago
This niggerfaggot gets it.
swolejusticewarrior ago
Then to you I say welcome
freshmeat ago
it's called gatekeeping and both of the subs in the Q lore are co-opted.
TheSeer ago
Pizzagate, Conspiracy sub, Great Awakening, all way over-modded, and I have seen legit content get wiped there. So for a place that is red pilled... It doesn't mean we are censorship free.
freshmeat ago
really any subverse they want is up for grabs with the help of Kevdude and Putt. They tried it with gaming but @ChillyHellion is actually a very cool person and they couldnt get voaters behind attacking him. Think that's the only sub they just gave up on and never tried again.
TheSeer ago
I have seen the shenanigans in /v/conspiracy and /v/pizzagate. GreatAwakening, I saw their terms, which basically stated you HAD to believe in Q and not question or criticize ANY of it, and NOPEd the f*** out of there.
freshmeat ago
They came from still in the reddit mindset and SBBH wanted them to fuck off when thats how the original goats got here, some conditions. Concern trolling on reddit is a real thing and im sure that rule was to keep the reddit shills out but it would not needed to have applied here, they never got the time to figure it out. But it doesn't matter anyways because the enemies of the public once again split a tight knitted Trump voting base. They want us all gone by 2020 and fighting each other, when its co-opposition who remains the last ones standing lately.
TheSeer ago
The Q followers made us look like idiots to our friends and family, telling us there would be imminent mass arrests. Now we are all just standing around holding our *s. Follow the plan? We have no fin' plan.
freshmeat ago
Honestly I think Q is a distraction to effectively keep Trump supporters loyal because whether or not Q is 100% accurate, there is deep state shit that has been going on against Trump since before the elections. I knew Q was going to be a divisive topic when he first appeared on the chans, because it was widely known knowledge the chans are entirely compromised after the 2016 win. Just like reddit etc, literally the same posters. When I see SRS doing the same thing on Voat i know it's because they want to be gatekeeper and divide them.
TheSeer ago
No wall. Swamp hasn't been drained. Hillary is not in jail. And there are troops in Syria! WTF
freshmeat ago
If you expected a construction project the size of a border to be done in one year, along with the gassing of big tech and israel then you are deliberately minimalizing how much of a shit fest the swamp is. Fuckin chomos and trannies are open senators and media is fucked and academia is still pumping out retards. This is why 2020 is important.
Btw wall is already being built, looks good in San Diego.
TheSeer ago
Doesn't explain the troops in Syria or why there have been no arrests by Jeff Sessions.
freshmeat ago
Are you an expert in geo-politics and what time frames are. And Jeff Sessions recused himself so he has what he needs when this retarded Mueller investigation ends. Everything is going fine until we start dividing ourselves over this dumb shit. Would you rather have had hillary, is that what you are saying?
TheSeer ago
I think Trump should live up to his word. If you are gonna talk a big game, you have to deliver, too. My problem with 'time frames' is if Leftists steal the House in midterms then sweet f*** all is going to happen, and we both know it.
freshmeat ago
and this exact post we are in right now is organized election meddling by reddit and now voaters that hurts the right. I think you are just a secular kike or something Larping on here
Blackpilling faggot, shit wont work. Biggest corruption cases in US history dont just come when you snap your fingers. All of this would have been done if you stopped talking like a fag to us and working against the left.
Not scare off a huge boomer demo of Trump supporters. It's clear how this is playing out and Voat needs to take a stand before shills on Voat help reddit win midterms. In fact ill get on contributing right now
TheSeer ago
I was agreeing with you and then you started accusing me of God only knows what. Most people don't buy the Q LARP any more. They want to see arrests. I am one of those people. End of story.
freshmeat ago
I didnt buy it from Day 1. My entire point is we shouldn't fight among our own over the most mundane reason. Some mod was a faggot, we have dealt with them before. Just fucking nuking them with retarded shit isn't just having fun, it's seeking to divide.
really does make me shake my head. Incels were good to fuck with, MDE probably were already Voaters and only brought over a few. Q had thousands that could have been beneficial in some way if they found their little spot and stayed there like FPH etc.
And the most retarded thing is a private sub having whatever rules they want as long as it is legal is in the ToS. If it's not a system sub, then it's just a witch hunt to fuck with subverses and new incomers.
TheSeer ago
They could have been beneficial if they listened to people telling them Q is a LARP, instead they banned them. All of 'em.
freshmeat ago
You will not concede anything in this conversation. You are wrong and they could have learned on their own. Now they know to stay away from a place where people like me would love to talk about Q with people who aren't from SBBH.
I've been saying for yeah SBBH should be wiped from the site entirely due to the literal criminal shit they have done but they are here and still in the front spotlight on voat. It was a clusterfuck that was led by retards on both sides. Shills mods on both reddit and Voat.
RickFlairWOOOOOO ago
Not v/GreatAwakening you concensus crack glow fag.
Datgoyoverthere ago
I’m genuinely surprised anybody thinks that Qanon shit is anything other than a glow in the dark CIA nigger op. If it produces a swell of red voters, cool. But I suspect it will do the opposite, give people the endorphin rush of taking part in “a revolution” without them having to leave their houses. If you were a sneaky hand wringing government and you started hearing growing whispers of discontent and desire for a revolution, would it not make sense to manufacture a movement to cater to that desire while serving the will of the (((state))) behind the scenes. We all know that Antifa and BLM are supported by the powers that be, and I would say given the highly nebulous nature of modern conservatives and their knowledge and aversion to IRL honeypots, I would argue something like Qanon would have the best chance of gaining a following. “Yes goy, just trust your government to lead a coup against itself, you don’t even need to do anything, just trust the plan.” Sounds awfully fucking familiar. New poster that came from the MDE ban, trying to engage with the community, thought I’d give my $.02
RickFlairWOOOOOO ago
Speak for your self. I'm watching things for myself. I subscribe to the subs, but I don't subscribe to the shills. I follow Q and at first I had a heaping healthy scepticism. that scepticism has since been satisfied. I think I speak for others in that... I care not what course others may take... Im ready to pay the ultimate for my country, it's freedom, it's existence. you can keep with your projected reasoning of we just want the easy road and sit on your chair and watch while we do what we do when we do it. you can tell you children about how you fought years later and not worry. Were not going to tell them you lied. you will just have to live with yourself. coward.
Koalemos_Grottesco ago
You haven't done shit, you're fucking shitposting waiting for a LARPvolution that will never come.
Instead of actually organizing hard-right cells or passively building up social capital with real identitarian movements (IE for example) you faggots are wasting time and energy.
RickFlairWOOOOOO ago
Thanks. You opinion and the views of your friends who up vote you have a profound influence on my life. It means more to me than evidence. You dumb ass.
Datgoyoverthere ago
The friends that upvote me? I came over here from anonymously lurking r/mde and shitposting on 4chan /pol/ friendo I have never posted outside of a chan before today, I just think you guys are slimy cunts and apparently the goats think you’re a fag too.
RickFlairWOOOOOO ago
That's called consensus cracking. Nobody really gives a shit. It's a hot air illusion.
Datgoyoverthere ago
Unlike the niggerfaggot I was talking to before you came along, I didn’t make some grandiose claim about being some woke freedom fighter. I just think you Q-LARPers are pants on head retarded. Go ahead and quote where I said I did anything. Oh that’s right you can’t you fucking room temp IQ retard, learn to comprehend what you read so you don’t go attacking a point nobody made.
Datgoyoverthere ago
Keep convincing yourself youre taking part in a revolution by reading infographics 4chan dug up and sourced years ago. You Q fags are nothing but cryptojew controlled opposition. If you guys had any substantial evidence that Q was somebody in the know we would all have seen it, and even if they do have access to secure information, that still in no way provides any indication that they’re doing anything to undo the “deepstate” from the inside. The fact that you think buying into Nostradamus level prophecy is the same thing as “fighting” only shows me what a comfortable bloated boomer faggot you are. I’m a professional firefighter and to me “fighting” involves actual blood, sweat and physical exertion not keystrokes in an echo chamber you coward. “While we do what we do” and what is that exactly, inflating yourself to the level of freedom fighter without ever lifting a finger, and serving as a lapdog to Israel? Don’t make me laugh, you’re no better than the middle class antifa babies calling themselves revolutionaries.
RickFlairWOOOOOO ago
Your desperate. Your sockpuppet accounts attest.
ProgNaziGator ago
Many people haven't developed ability to constructively process information that hurts their feelings.
LostandFound ago
Lets give a big hand to the mods that removed the downvoat option 100% from their sub therefore removing their ability to actually self regulate leaving the only option being a mod friendly hug box, where each spill of the sippy cup needs full assistance from mommy.
Sure these people need to toughen up 100% but hell they didn't even get a fair shake of the stick, I'm of the opinion if you don't like people screaming niggerfaggot within a specific sub, knock yourself out send all the niggerfaggot lovers to internet point hell. I dont think I would last long if my only goal was to say niggerfaggot in the pizzagate sub and I would not blame them for putting me on the naughty step.
We have all had a few slaps in our time, you get over it and toughen up. If someone tied my hands behind my back and said keep taking them slaps I would not hang around long.
acheron2012 ago
I always wondered, when I thought of them at all, what Q was. I still don't really know other than the 100,000 foot description you provided.
But it sounds about right. They seem indistinguishable from their ideological soul mates: antifa. And they are just as prepared for the shooting war they claim to crave. They wish to overthrow the most powerful institutions in human history by calling them big smelly meanies.
Their enemies would literally, not figuratively, roast their dead bodies on spits at a huge satanic BBQ and never look back. It isn't just insane it is legitimately suicidal.
wutangisforthe ago
Am from reddit/greatawakening. I've been on voat before occasionally to check on the pizzagate thing but didn't notice the whole nigger faggot shit. I don't really care that people say it you have every right to. I just don't see it being necessary in every comment. It doesn't add anything to the conversation or content (most of the time). But really I'm here to follow along my interests so it doesn't bother me I appreciate a platform similar to reddit that won't ban a popular sub. It seems voat is a place for free speech but just turned into a circle jerk of people itching to type the word nigger and faggot somewhere they won't get banned for it.
shrink ago
You're right, and if you've noticed, the majority of the time people don't say anything like that. They don't just fling slurs and insults for no reason, most of the time it's arguments or comments that are relatively level-headed and calm. As I told a lot of the Q idiot when they came here, most of us are NOT edgy teenagers randomly saying bullshit because we think it's funny to be edgy. Most of us have maturity and just don't care or have the time/luxury to bother with such a time waster like trolling with offensive language.
But when their mods started banning and deleting like they did at plebbit, they kicked the hornets' nest, and all the nasty language you saw was a defense mechanism. You'll still see it here and there sprinkled in among the comments, like a landmine waiting for some insufferable easily offended snowflake to step on, but we don't just toss that shit around just because or throw them in every comment.
Things are pretty much back to normal. If you lurk the main Voat page and just read through a lot of the popular threads, you'll see it's actually pretty normal.
Thisismyvoatusername ago
I think the fact you didn’t notice it before shows that it is perfectly possible to be on Voat without having the experience be like hanging out with edgy middle schoolers. But you do need to give some time to let it settle down. This always happens when reddit bans people and they come over here.
You do not need to use words like faggot, nigger or kike, but you need to be able to see people use them without it ruining your day. For reference, I do use the word faggot (sometimes for gays, often for idiots), but I never use nigger or kike to refer to blacks or jews. (I do kind of like the terms taco nigger and sandnigger because they strike me as funny, but I rarely use them.) Apart from an occasional downvote and sometimes being called a shill or an idiot, none of this causes me any problems here on Voat. Frankly, I get more downvotes when I question Russia than when I don’t support anti-black or the Jewish Question.
(NB, I do refer to goats as niggerfaggots, occasionally, since that is a voat thing.)
swolejusticewarrior ago
It’s really just a canary of sorts. How niggerfaggot is handled says a lot about personal character and development.
TheAmerican ago
It's definitely a huge circle jerk, everyone is so afraid to go against the current and say something that will upset the group. I love it and do it all the time, this place needs people like me. Nigger faggot.
DiscontentedMajority ago
It'll clam down significantly once we have culled all the pussies from the current crop of migrants.
AnotherGuccifer ago
I wonder if you realize that by "culling the pussies" you are acting just like the intolerant left who instead of accepting that others have different viewpoints and ideas, they try to force their own viewpoints and ideas on everyone else. It's not about having the right to say anything (which I fully support btw), it's about having the wisdom to not say anything all the time in order to win the hearts and minds of the other side... unless, of course, your intention is not to gain more followers, but to push them away... in which case, yeah, keep shouting niggers, faggots and kikes all around. Just don't expect that no one will see right through you.
Hand_of_Node ago
My intention is not to gain followers, because followers are disgusting, needy leeches who failed to develop. I don't want followers anywhere near me.
AnotherGuccifer ago
I didn't mean followers for you. I don't want that either. Followers for Q and the truth, for which we are, shall I say, spokespersons.
Hand_of_Node ago
I've lived in California for quite a while, so have seen a lot of cults come and go. They all tout some version of "the truth" to appeal to followers.
The "Q movement" is definitely a cult. For people outside the cult, the riddles posted to a chan site appear to be nothing more than a gimmick used to lure the unwary. Even in the unlikely event that "Q" is real, and working towards fulfilling the mysterious plan, it's still a cult. From the outside, the fact that it's a cult in the first place makes its legitimacy seem very unlikely.
Le_Squish ago
People need to learn to be self guided and exercise logic and reason.
Neinlife ago
Kikes, niggers, and faggots ARE THE PROBLEM YA DAFT CUNT
TrueMask ago
TheAmerican and Swole have it correct. It is a litmus test for free speech. Think of if like a Social Anti-Virus software. Folks who honestly embrace free speech get through it and are able to speak their minds and put forth an honest comment or a logical argument without getting banned or blocked. Those who get "triggered" emotionally and can not put forth a logical argument on why a thing should or should not be because they can not handle an opposing opinion, end up self-censoring themselves from the site.
AnotherGuccifer ago
My point was different. When you got awaken and saw the truth out there was it because someone shouted faggot in your face and you just said to yourself: yes, let me follow this group, or was it because you were exposed to some intriguing information that you could not get from the mainstream media? In order to awaken more people from the brainwashing that the cabal puts out there, we need to expose them to the crumbs and breads the bakers are putting out on these boards. You know, the actual research that Q is asking us to do. However, if someone who's not (fully) awaken yet, comes here and all he/she sees is people bullying each other with words that (at least to them) are considered offensive, do you think they'll spend hours/days on end trying to sort through all this high school cafeteria drama to find the truth nuggets or they'll just leave, go back to their cocoon and tell all their friends that, yep, the Q army is made up of morons, racists, sexists, xenofobs, etc. just like the MSM is trying to portray us. Then good luck trying to have them come back to us. Now, you'll say that if they don't come back then we don't need them, they're pussies anyway. But this is where you are wrong. We do need them. We do need to have the vast majority of people out there supporting or at least sympathetic to our cause, otherwise when the shit hits the fan and their whole world turns upside down they will look at us as tyrants trying to oppress them and they'll fight us. It's one thing for us to be waging guerrilla war from the underground opposition. It's completely another thing when toppling the regime, assuming power and having to deal with vast numbers of population not supporting us. Why do you think Q has not done all the things we are anxiously waiting for just yet. Because we need to set the stage first and part of that involves growing our numbers and redpilling more and more of the others. Including a good chunk of the pussies that you say are easily triggered. By acting the way you are, you are not helping and thus create the suspicion that you are actually shilling for the cabal and this is your goal. To weaken an reduce the Q army numbers.
Le_Squish ago
Why are you so self centered and think this is about you and your Qult?
Many of us don't give a fuck. We don't need a mysterious anon poster to tell us what is right and worth fighting for.
We've been fighting degeneracy since day one while you are your only cared when it became fashionable. You are a sheep to the core. This Voat, that we voaters built, owes you nothing. However, if you are willing to abandon your weak faggot ways, we are willing to accommodate you.
DiscontentedMajority ago
People are welcome to have whatever opinions they like here, but if they can't tolerate the words faggot and nigger being thrown around, it's best they just move on.
totes_magotes ago
First, advocating overthrowing the government is sedition and carries an extremely hefty punishment. If you don't like the law and the government, you change it within the framework of the system. Our system allows for this so there is absolutely no call for sedition. Otherwise there is absolutely no difference between abandoning the law because you don't like it and anarchy.
Second, they are censorship faggots. Voat isn't about that.
Thisismyvoatusername ago
I fixed your statement to comport with modern civics classes.
heretolearn ago
The tree of liberty must be....
totes_magotes ago
I agree but that is a last resort. You use the ballot box, the soap box, and the ammo box in that order.
heretolearn ago
the first two boxes have been used with no real change. vote repub. vote dem. repeat. change out one rich president for another to represent the common citizen.
Hand_of_Node ago
Neither of the first two have worked in decades.
totes_magotes ago
I don't particularly disagree but Trump did get elected.
Hand_of_Node ago
Pendulums do swing, and I might be very surprised at how this shakes out.
Windmill_of_Peace ago
Jews, it's the jews.
swolejusticewarrior ago
No it’s (((white peoples)))
Kekalicious ago
If you prefer Nogs on the down-low. Does not have as nice ring to it.
GoodGodKirk ago
Cause the boomers were complicit with safe spaces, so they wanted them too.
MrPim ago
Let's assume Q is real. It's someone close to the president, or even a group that includes Donald. They keep stating that there's a plan, trust the plan. So what exactly are these people supposed to do? What is their function within that plan?
I can't really take any of the Q people because they seem to be blindly following something without even knowing the goal, the plan or their own role within that plan. And within these groups here they blindly follow the mods of their respective subs.
They are the essence of sheep.
SearchVoat ago
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user1212 ago
I think the stated goal Q has for people who follow is to let other people know about Q. There needs to be a certain level of support for some of the actions that are hypothetically planned, such as bringing people to justice. High profile arrests of politicians would be an easy way for DS to cover up any damage they want to do and blame it on Trump etc. If more people are aware of the tricks then they cannot fall for them. That is the role of Q followers. Make more followers and hopefully more people aware of what is going on.
everlastingphelps ago
It's the "past proves future" thing. The point is to leave a public trail of warnings. When shit starts going crazy, there needs to be a critical mass of people who were warning about this to the normies who called them crazy. The idea is to 1) push the Overton Window to where people don't just meltdown when it happens and 2) provide a framework where it all at least is realistic, even if it doesn't make sense.
delicious_grownups ago
The entire premise of QAnon theory is that Trump is the moral paragon of goodness who is going to defeat the hordes of evil and save us from our former amoral masters, as if Trump himself isn't every bit as evil and amoral as those people that the Qultists are claiming that Q is claiming that Trump is fighting against. We've got 40 years of well documented history that shows Trump as being a greedy, malicious, dirty player with questionable motives and an obvious disdain for working class people and anyone who wasn't a kiss ass. He is the person they claim to hate, and it's obvious.
QAnon theory, at least as presented on the GreatAwakening sub, forced you to accept Trump as a benign figure smart enough to crush the deep state. The premise can just be outright rejected on its face
Acerphoon ago
Exactly. The only reason I like Trump a little bit is because he pisses off liberals. And I hate those even more.
But he isn't a saint.
delicious_grownups ago
Personally, I'm not a fan of trump, mostly because he's clearly a giant retard and I think his incompetent and egotistical nature is just not conducive to running a country or even a business very well. And hey, that's just my opinion, right? Well, I think the one thing that most Trump supporters and those who oppose him can agree on is that he's just not a nice, moral, ethical, or even just a good person in any real substantive way
1True_Morty ago
No. We can't. Stop pretending to be a reasonable person.
delicious_grownups ago
I know plenty of people from both sides who agree that he's a shitty human. That didn't seem to stop them from voting for him, but it doesn't negate my point
1True_Morty ago
Hang it up, shill. Nobody is buying your ad hominem campaign
delicious_grownups ago
Shill? Please. I wish I was paid
albatrosv15 ago
Most women are already sold to the idea.
jewlie ago
BOOMERS, the jews greatest ally. They love Isreal, big pharma, or anything jew related really.They shit on CNN all the while watching fox news like it's any better. Watching them trying to figure out voat or any of the chans are golden entertainment though. It's been a fun week fucking with these jews and retards. I really cant wait for them to die off in the American govt. Sad to think our government is run by the demographic of Qtards, 90% boomer and 10% jew.
shrink ago
I believe you mean ultracringe
I can't be entertained by it, it sets my brain on fire with pain
jewlie ago
It's so painful all I can do is laugh. The best is telling them how shit their parenting is, they never have a rebuttal because they know it is true.
NoisyCricket ago
Let's say the POTUS engineers the mass arrest of 60,000 Americans in a short period of time. How many people are going to scream dictator and demand a civil war. Especially when a corrupt MSM finds they are also guilty of sedition and subversion and they starting pushing a civil war agenda.
Why do you think it's called the Great Awakening?
You can't fix anything so long as everyone is ignorant and controlled by corruption. What do you think it means? Honestly, it's amazingly obvious as to the implications and that plan even though fine details remains obscured.
The important thing to realize is that it doesn't matter if you believe. All that matters is that you know. Understanding will come later and it will become obvious. That in turn will determine how you perceive future events. Which in turn determines how you communicate with others around you. Which in turn will impact how they perceive things and how they react.
Like it or not, you're part of the plan. Knowing is all that is required. You are now participating even if you refuse to accept it.
Welcome to the Great Awakening.
lipids ago
While neat, why not publish their crimes for all to see? To much of this nonsense is vague hints.
NoisyCricket ago
It's been happening. It's been a steady stream of released information. The better question is why haven't you been hearing about? That's the point of Q.
The FISA application details will soon be released which will literally name traitors within our federal government. Thereby legally establishing an attempted coup against Trump.
no-hurry-no-pause ago
How many people are desperate to give them a dictator, let them start a hot civil war just to finally get the fucking chance to kill them all.
NoisyCricket ago
The entire purpose of the Q movement is to put down the Deep State without igniting civil wars all over the globe and especially to avoid WWIII.
Of course, never hurts to be prepared.
ThebeanofbeansQ ago
Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet
shrink ago
...knowledge is a subset of belief. It's belief with an extremely high level of confidence. If you disagree, the entire field of epistemology would like a word with you.
So that being said, no, I don't know. I don't even believe. And, whether you like or not, contrary to your desperate wishes, you don't know either.
NoisyCricket ago
Logical fallacy. Choosing to remain ignorant is stupidity. You can't claim that you're stupid and therefore everyone should ignore knowledge.
You can't change the fact that you do in fact now know.
Welcome to the Great Awakening.
shrink ago
One, it's not a fallacy. Two, it's not choosing to remain ignorant, that isn't what I said, I don't know if you just fail at comprehension or what. My point about epistemology was said for a reason.
Three, the other point is that I don't know that Q or any of the Nostramus-tier idiocy that results from it is in any way legit, and you don't know either. The only thing I know is that the phenomenon exists, just as I know that the Flat Earth movement actually exists. That does NOT mean I know the Earth is flat.
MrPim ago
If it doesn't matter if I believe it doesn't matter if I know. If Trump were to start mass arrests there would be protests and he would have an equal number of supporters. The news would go insane, the hill would go total nuclear meltdown. All of that would happen if there were Q believers or not.
NoisyCricket ago
You're literally arguing that knowledge = ignorance. Your position is entirely built upon a logical fallacy.
MrPim ago
No I'm not. I'm arguing that if there is really a Plan, your knowledge of that plan is immaterial. If that plan exists, Trump and team are working on it everyday and you knowing changes nothing because you have no role in the plan. You sit and decipher cryptic messages from Nostradamus and that's your entire job. You might as well go play golf.
NoisyCricket ago
I just explained you do. Sticking your fingers in your ears doesn't invalidate it. Reject it all you want, but the truth remains. You need not believe.
MrDarkWater ago
Without our link to q, and without a small trickle of truth getting out, the public will be less vulnerable to believing Trump is pulling some evil dictator shit. What don't you understand?
delicious_grownups ago
This is some grandiose megalomania. You delusional fuck, stop jerking off to your Christ fantasies for ten seconds and realize that you believe in a fiction that is somehow almost less credible than flat Earth theory, which is entirely without credibility. Donald Trump is very much the person that you claim Q claims that Trump is fighting against. You want a GreatAwakening? Wake up to the fact that the man your cult forces you to worship is every bit the monster that your cult wants you to fight against. You are sad and confused and probably deeply disappointed in the continued failures of this abortion of a presidency and that's fine. But don't you dare say that the deep state won when in the end nobody gets sent to jail but Trump
squarebush ago
delicious_grownups ago
Regardless of what you think of him as a president, there's no denying that he's just not the moral savior that these evangelist baby boomers want him to be.
White_pride_cis ago
No one voted him in to be. Ben Carson or Ted Cruz would’ve been the better option in that regard.
delicious_grownups ago
Well, I don't know about that either, but yeah. Although the Evangelical boomers who follow Q really seem to think that he is some kind of divine deity meant to defeat evil
White_pride_cis ago
Everyone wants a something to believe. A David to the Goliath of power and corruption. The Deep State has made it clear that they play by their own rules. Look at the Rosenstein indictments versus the Clinton exoneration.
delicious_grownups ago
Rosenstein, the guy appointed by the guy appointed by the president?
BearDolphin1488 ago
i like this angle
White_pride_cis ago
Oh man this is getting good.
IGiveZeroFucks ago
"Research," apparently.
srgmpdns ago
recon_johnny ago
These folks are going to be very disappointed when the Presidency is over.
Thisismyvoatusername ago
What if despite disappointment they don’t stop, though? MoveOn.org was theoretically just a temporary movement to keep Bill Clinton from being impeached. But once they’d established the name and infrastructure, they refused to go away. If these guys keep going, I’m not sure if I would find it more amusing or more annoying.
elitch2 ago
Anyone with an IQ over 120 thinks this.
Trust the plan! Sit on your hands and do nothing!
LexOrandiLexCredendi ago
Not only that, but following the plan of an administration who loves Israel like their own mother.
Maybe E Michael Jones is right and Trump and his people are sucking up to Israel to protect themselves from the Deep State, but that is speculation.
Regardless, the primary problem of a multicultural democracy has yet to be addressed, and no amount of Q posting or the reinvigoration of America First (aka MAGA) is going to fix that. Democracy is "the most dangerous form of government", period.
An ethnically homogenous republic can work (see Venice), but Lincoln killed the American Republic and it is never coming back short of a similarly bloody conflict complete with an ethnic makeover which will have to include religious homogeneity if it has a prayer of being successful.
Q is not going to fix any of this. If we're lucky... really lucky... Q can buy us a few decades.
no-hurry-no-pause ago
The primary problem of a multicultural democracy is the same problem of a homogeneuos society: fucking socialism.
Being forced to transfer money to niggers muslims is only so much worse to being forced to transfer it to "fellow whites".
A multicultural socialism is not worse than a homogeneous, merely less stable, because you can see the fucking niggers and you can see that they are all fucking unemployed and you can see that theyre still not starving and you know that it is your forcibly collected tax money that is keeping them alive and breeding.
Which even homogeneous socialist societies eventually collapse, the multicultural socialist societies collapse faster, but not because of the multiculturalism but because of the fucking socialism.
Until that satanic ideology is banned at a constitutional level, which means no voting on it, no advocacy, no "free speech" involving it, fucking nothing, all the other discussions about race, ethnicity, religion are just worthless waste of time.
LexOrandiLexCredendi ago
Not necessarily true, it just depends on what your society values. Marxism is evil, yes, but every society practices some form of socialism which do not have to be based on Marx.
NSDAP Germany for example used their version of National Socialism to buy social capital in the form of helping families and funding programs to build up society. For example: families with a father who worked were compensated so that the mother could stay at home and raise the children.
Taxes are going to be collected in every society, whether it's giving some of your bison to the Chief or tax on your property, every society has some sort of tax. The problem now is the amount of tax. Rome at its height took something like 3-5%... compare that to the 30-50% we have now.
The other problem is where it goes... maintaining the empire, paying for single mothers to pop out kids, funding degenerate artwork, etc...
The problem is Marxism, which is really just the ultimate end of the same Liberalism from which the United States sprung. Liberalism is the problem.
no-hurry-no-pause ago
compensated by taxing whom?
there would be no liberalism without taxation. they would all fucking starve without taxation.
LexOrandiLexCredendi ago
Grow up. Taxation is inevitable in every society. Your Libertarian anarcho state is impossible and cannot ever happen.
no-hurry-no-pause ago
Eat a dick, commie.
kalgon ago
"Trust the plan"
TheTrigger ago
It's easier to get through the day when you believe that someone else is going to solve all your problems, for you, while you sit at home sipping monster energy drinks, playing pokemon blue on your PC emulator and watching hentai all day.
Acerphoon ago
Love how people downvote this, but they can't really say anything in their defense either, because it's correct.
Thisismyvoatusername ago
Oh come on. Everyone knows Redbull special edition releases and Pokemon Red are better than Monster and Pokemon Blue.
LoveTheFloor ago
Redbull Kiwi was great, cranberry was really good too. My favourite by far was the grapefruit flavour.
Kekmet-Peperoni ago
hey fuck you Its Lager, Final Fantasy VII and Cfakes.com. Theres a difference!
DependasaurusRex ago
Well, I will give him the Monster part, but with vodka and/or rum. I need the pain killer though.
recon_johnny ago
Hadn't thought of it like this, but yeah....It's like the leftist cunts who put their faith in "government"...More (government) will solve my problems. Let Big Brother (or Daddy) fix it for me. They can provide all of my wants, I just need to give up control.
It's the worst kind of Dom/little relationship I've seen.
Inquisitioner ago
Of course not; the idea of Q is to allow slacktivism to fester on the right by making people feel involved by doing pointless busywork (which they call "research" even though /pol/ has dug the same shit up years prior), instead of actually promoting changes in the nation and society. It's a release valve.
ReAwakened ago
It's easy to protest a system. It's much more difficult to figure out what fills the void when the system falls. When that day comes my position will be no jews... ever. Cure that, and everything else will take care of itself.
Whitemail ago
Cantwell once statated that without Jews and even niggers won't be that much of a problem, because we'd be able to tell them the truth. Right now we've got kikes telling niggers that we're withholding all the STEM jobs from them because we're racist and cops are out to kill, innocent, harmless dindus. They tell them that the rare instance of a bad cop or a cop that fucked up or a cop that got tired of dealing with typical nigger bullshit day in and day out is a huge problem. Meanwhile, Tyrone on Tyrone violence kills so many more of them, and that's not even mentioning how miserable and shitty they make everywhere they go when they're not killing others. Fucking plexiglass stores exist because of them, but those are just white racism also.
elitch2 ago
Democracy is done as well.
This mob rule shit is retarded.
Neinlife ago
That is why we live in what is supposed to be a republic, no matter how many traitors like the golden nigger said it was a democracy
no-hurry-no-pause ago
So how is that your "republic" thingie preventing unemploeyd muslim niggers from voting for a communist that taxes me and gives free stuff to them?
If that is all your republic thingie can deliver, then I shit on your republic because it is worthless.
Neinlife ago
Do you think im a founding father you fuckin retard?
Neinlife ago
Aww, sweetie.
theuns ago
Yea well stated!!! Just see what "DEMOCRACY" done in South Africa!! Soon....NO whites!!! Only God can make Rainbows
swolejusticewarrior ago
My point being they cant really even handle the protest of the system. They can't handle doing anything else than sending their (((positive vibes))) out to people and places.
TheTrigger ago