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MrPim ago

Let's assume Q is real. It's someone close to the president, or even a group that includes Donald. They keep stating that there's a plan, trust the plan. So what exactly are these people supposed to do? What is their function within that plan?

I can't really take any of the Q people because they seem to be blindly following something without even knowing the goal, the plan or their own role within that plan. And within these groups here they blindly follow the mods of their respective subs.

They are the essence of sheep.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'Q-Post #2233 - "You are many tens of millions strong"' was posted in v/GreatAwakening and includes this reply from @NoisyCricket:

Please take the time to read this thread. IMO it nicely explains the importance of sharing even if people don't understand or agree. It also has some links to some "proofs" which are easy for laymen to understand.

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user1212 ago

I think the stated goal Q has for people who follow is to let other people know about Q. There needs to be a certain level of support for some of the actions that are hypothetically planned, such as bringing people to justice. High profile arrests of politicians would be an easy way for DS to cover up any damage they want to do and blame it on Trump etc. If more people are aware of the tricks then they cannot fall for them. That is the role of Q followers. Make more followers and hopefully more people aware of what is going on.

everlastingphelps ago

It's the "past proves future" thing. The point is to leave a public trail of warnings. When shit starts going crazy, there needs to be a critical mass of people who were warning about this to the normies who called them crazy. The idea is to 1) push the Overton Window to where people don't just meltdown when it happens and 2) provide a framework where it all at least is realistic, even if it doesn't make sense.

delicious_grownups ago

The entire premise of QAnon theory is that Trump is the moral paragon of goodness who is going to defeat the hordes of evil and save us from our former amoral masters, as if Trump himself isn't every bit as evil and amoral as those people that the Qultists are claiming that Q is claiming that Trump is fighting against. We've got 40 years of well documented history that shows Trump as being a greedy, malicious, dirty player with questionable motives and an obvious disdain for working class people and anyone who wasn't a kiss ass. He is the person they claim to hate, and it's obvious.

QAnon theory, at least as presented on the GreatAwakening sub, forced you to accept Trump as a benign figure smart enough to crush the deep state. The premise can just be outright rejected on its face

Acerphoon ago

Exactly. The only reason I like Trump a little bit is because he pisses off liberals. And I hate those even more.
But he isn't a saint.

delicious_grownups ago

Personally, I'm not a fan of trump, mostly because he's clearly a giant retard and I think his incompetent and egotistical nature is just not conducive to running a country or even a business very well. And hey, that's just my opinion, right? Well, I think the one thing that most Trump supporters and those who oppose him can agree on is that he's just not a nice, moral, ethical, or even just a good person in any real substantive way

1True_Morty ago


one thing that most Trump supporters and those who oppose him can agree on is that he's just not a nice, moral, ethical, or even just a good person in any real substantive way

No. We can't. Stop pretending to be a reasonable person.

delicious_grownups ago

I know plenty of people from both sides who agree that he's a shitty human. That didn't seem to stop them from voting for him, but it doesn't negate my point

1True_Morty ago

I know plenty of people from both sides who agree that he's a shitty human. That didn't seem to stop them from voting for him, but it doesn't negate my point

Hang it up, shill. Nobody is buying your ad hominem campaign

delicious_grownups ago

Shill? Please. I wish I was paid

albatrosv15 ago

Most women are already sold to the idea.

jewlie ago

BOOMERS, the jews greatest ally. They love Isreal, big pharma, or anything jew related really.They shit on CNN all the while watching fox news like it's any better. Watching them trying to figure out voat or any of the chans are golden entertainment though. It's been a fun week fucking with these jews and retards. I really cant wait for them to die off in the American govt. Sad to think our government is run by the demographic of Qtards, 90% boomer and 10% jew.

shrink ago

Watching them trying to figure out voat or any of the chans are golden entertainment though

I believe you mean ultracringe

I can't be entertained by it, it sets my brain on fire with pain

jewlie ago

It's so painful all I can do is laugh. The best is telling them how shit their parenting is, they never have a rebuttal because they know it is true.

NoisyCricket ago

So what exactly are these people supposed to do?

Let's say the POTUS engineers the mass arrest of 60,000 Americans in a short period of time. How many people are going to scream dictator and demand a civil war. Especially when a corrupt MSM finds they are also guilty of sedition and subversion and they starting pushing a civil war agenda.

Why do you think it's called the Great Awakening?

You can't fix anything so long as everyone is ignorant and controlled by corruption. What do you think it means? Honestly, it's amazingly obvious as to the implications and that plan even though fine details remains obscured.

The important thing to realize is that it doesn't matter if you believe. All that matters is that you know. Understanding will come later and it will become obvious. That in turn will determine how you perceive future events. Which in turn determines how you communicate with others around you. Which in turn will impact how they perceive things and how they react.

Like it or not, you're part of the plan. Knowing is all that is required. You are now participating even if you refuse to accept it.

Welcome to the Great Awakening.

lipids ago

While neat, why not publish their crimes for all to see? To much of this nonsense is vague hints.

NoisyCricket ago

It's been happening. It's been a steady stream of released information. The better question is why haven't you been hearing about? That's the point of Q.

The FISA application details will soon be released which will literally name traitors within our federal government. Thereby legally establishing an attempted coup against Trump.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

How many people are going to scream dictator and demand a civil war?

How many people are desperate to give them a dictator, let them start a hot civil war just to finally get the fucking chance to kill them all.

NoisyCricket ago

The entire purpose of the Q movement is to put down the Deep State without igniting civil wars all over the globe and especially to avoid WWIII.

Of course, never hurts to be prepared.

ThebeanofbeansQ ago

Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet

shrink ago

The important thing to realize is that it doesn't matter if you believe. All that matters is that you know.

...knowledge is a subset of belief. It's belief with an extremely high level of confidence. If you disagree, the entire field of epistemology would like a word with you.

So that being said, no, I don't know. I don't even believe. And, whether you like or not, contrary to your desperate wishes, you don't know either.

NoisyCricket ago

So that being said, no, I don't know.

Logical fallacy. Choosing to remain ignorant is stupidity. You can't claim that you're stupid and therefore everyone should ignore knowledge.

You can't change the fact that you do in fact now know.

Welcome to the Great Awakening.

shrink ago

Logical fallacy. Choosing to remain ignorant is stupidity.

One, it's not a fallacy. Two, it's not choosing to remain ignorant, that isn't what I said, I don't know if you just fail at comprehension or what. My point about epistemology was said for a reason.

Three, the other point is that I don't know that Q or any of the Nostramus-tier idiocy that results from it is in any way legit, and you don't know either. The only thing I know is that the phenomenon exists, just as I know that the Flat Earth movement actually exists. That does NOT mean I know the Earth is flat.

MrPim ago

If it doesn't matter if I believe it doesn't matter if I know. If Trump were to start mass arrests there would be protests and he would have an equal number of supporters. The news would go insane, the hill would go total nuclear meltdown. All of that would happen if there were Q believers or not.

NoisyCricket ago

You're literally arguing that knowledge = ignorance. Your position is entirely built upon a logical fallacy.

MrPim ago

No I'm not. I'm arguing that if there is really a Plan, your knowledge of that plan is immaterial. If that plan exists, Trump and team are working on it everyday and you knowing changes nothing because you have no role in the plan. You sit and decipher cryptic messages from Nostradamus and that's your entire job. You might as well go play golf.

NoisyCricket ago

I just explained you do. Sticking your fingers in your ears doesn't invalidate it. Reject it all you want, but the truth remains. You need not believe.

MrDarkWater ago

Without our link to q, and without a small trickle of truth getting out, the public will be less vulnerable to believing Trump is pulling some evil dictator shit. What don't you understand?

delicious_grownups ago

This is some grandiose megalomania. You delusional fuck, stop jerking off to your Christ fantasies for ten seconds and realize that you believe in a fiction that is somehow almost less credible than flat Earth theory, which is entirely without credibility. Donald Trump is very much the person that you claim Q claims that Trump is fighting against. You want a GreatAwakening? Wake up to the fact that the man your cult forces you to worship is every bit the monster that your cult wants you to fight against. You are sad and confused and probably deeply disappointed in the continued failures of this abortion of a presidency and that's fine. But don't you dare say that the deep state won when in the end nobody gets sent to jail but Trump

squarebush ago


delicious_grownups ago

Regardless of what you think of him as a president, there's no denying that he's just not the moral savior that these evangelist baby boomers want him to be.

White_pride_cis ago

No one voted him in to be. Ben Carson or Ted Cruz would’ve been the better option in that regard.

delicious_grownups ago

Well, I don't know about that either, but yeah. Although the Evangelical boomers who follow Q really seem to think that he is some kind of divine deity meant to defeat evil

White_pride_cis ago

Everyone wants a something to believe. A David to the Goliath of power and corruption. The Deep State has made it clear that they play by their own rules. Look at the Rosenstein indictments versus the Clinton exoneration.

delicious_grownups ago

Rosenstein, the guy appointed by the guy appointed by the president?

BearDolphin1488 ago

i like this angle

White_pride_cis ago

Oh man this is getting good.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

So what exactly are these people supposed to do?

"Research," apparently.

srgmpdns ago


recon_johnny ago

These folks are going to be very disappointed when the Presidency is over.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

What if despite disappointment they don’t stop, though? was theoretically just a temporary movement to keep Bill Clinton from being impeached. But once they’d established the name and infrastructure, they refused to go away. If these guys keep going, I’m not sure if I would find it more amusing or more annoying.

elitch2 ago

Anyone with an IQ over 120 thinks this.

Trust the plan! Sit on your hands and do nothing!

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Not only that, but following the plan of an administration who loves Israel like their own mother.

Maybe E Michael Jones is right and Trump and his people are sucking up to Israel to protect themselves from the Deep State, but that is speculation.

Regardless, the primary problem of a multicultural democracy has yet to be addressed, and no amount of Q posting or the reinvigoration of America First (aka MAGA) is going to fix that. Democracy is "the most dangerous form of government", period.

An ethnically homogenous republic can work (see Venice), but Lincoln killed the American Republic and it is never coming back short of a similarly bloody conflict complete with an ethnic makeover which will have to include religious homogeneity if it has a prayer of being successful.

Q is not going to fix any of this. If we're lucky... really lucky... Q can buy us a few decades.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

the primary problem of a multicultural democracy has yet to be addressed

The primary problem of a multicultural democracy is the same problem of a homogeneuos society: fucking socialism.

Being forced to transfer money to niggers muslims is only so much worse to being forced to transfer it to "fellow whites".

A multicultural socialism is not worse than a homogeneous, merely less stable, because you can see the fucking niggers and you can see that they are all fucking unemployed and you can see that theyre still not starving and you know that it is your forcibly collected tax money that is keeping them alive and breeding.

Which even homogeneous socialist societies eventually collapse, the multicultural socialist societies collapse faster, but not because of the multiculturalism but because of the fucking socialism.

Until that satanic ideology is banned at a constitutional level, which means no voting on it, no advocacy, no "free speech" involving it, fucking nothing, all the other discussions about race, ethnicity, religion are just worthless waste of time.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Not necessarily true, it just depends on what your society values. Marxism is evil, yes, but every society practices some form of socialism which do not have to be based on Marx.

NSDAP Germany for example used their version of National Socialism to buy social capital in the form of helping families and funding programs to build up society. For example: families with a father who worked were compensated so that the mother could stay at home and raise the children.

Taxes are going to be collected in every society, whether it's giving some of your bison to the Chief or tax on your property, every society has some sort of tax. The problem now is the amount of tax. Rome at its height took something like 3-5%... compare that to the 30-50% we have now.

The other problem is where it goes... maintaining the empire, paying for single mothers to pop out kids, funding degenerate artwork, etc...

The problem is Marxism, which is really just the ultimate end of the same Liberalism from which the United States sprung. Liberalism is the problem.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

families with a father who worked were compensated

compensated by taxing whom?

Liberalism is the problem.

there would be no liberalism without taxation. they would all fucking starve without taxation.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Grow up. Taxation is inevitable in every society. Your Libertarian anarcho state is impossible and cannot ever happen.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Eat a dick, commie.

TheTrigger ago

It's easier to get through the day when you believe that someone else is going to solve all your problems, for you, while you sit at home sipping monster energy drinks, playing pokemon blue on your PC emulator and watching hentai all day.

Acerphoon ago

Love how people downvote this, but they can't really say anything in their defense either, because it's correct.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Oh come on. Everyone knows Redbull special edition releases and Pokemon Red are better than Monster and Pokemon Blue.

LoveTheFloor ago

Redbull Kiwi was great, cranberry was really good too. My favourite by far was the grapefruit flavour.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

hey fuck you Its Lager, Final Fantasy VII and Theres a difference!

DependasaurusRex ago

Well, I will give him the Monster part, but with vodka and/or rum. I need the pain killer though.

recon_johnny ago

Hadn't thought of it like this, but yeah....It's like the leftist cunts who put their faith in "government"...More (government) will solve my problems. Let Big Brother (or Daddy) fix it for me. They can provide all of my wants, I just need to give up control.

It's the worst kind of Dom/little relationship I've seen.