divine_human ago

100th monkey effect anyone?

there seems to be something like a 3% rule - when 3% of all people concerned are dedicated to an idea, it starts manifesting. think 1st american revolution and you get the drift.

thebearfromstartrack ago

1 smart man is worth 100 stupidheads....With God that's about the kill ratio of his sponsored mortal armies against the heathens.

Don_Tomaso ago

I dont know. Tens of millions strong sure sounds like a minority in a country of 300+ million.

I would be much happier if it said we are hundred(s) million strong.

Holcosu ago

We definitely are millions strong. I wore my Q shirt to work today. I was so excited. I felt proud and strong. One of my coworkers is a BELIEVER too. We have daily Q readings and discussions. We are slowly adding to the movement, one red pill at a time.🇺🇸

Lurker009 ago

Ummm... I would be fired if I 'Let my voice be heard.' THAT is the reality right now.

HouseHawkwood ago

Okay, plebbit tier post but god help me I cant help it this is what I'm thinking after reading thiss.

wokeasfook ago

Brexit, Trump and the screaming from citizens all across the western world proves this

Ezekiel_Balderdash ago

What's a brexit?

wokeasfook ago

I assume you're joking but if not Brexit is where the people of the UK voted to leave the EU. There government haven't followed through yet though. Remains to be seen if they will defy the will of their people. I hope they follow through and i hope Ireland, Poland, Italy, Spain, Greece etc. etc. follow quickly

AUSAFVet ago

LOL visa versa..Imagine if we weren't, the mass we are, communicating with you. Sounds like someone is copping an attitude eh Q (smile) We will see this through even though we decipher the messages from different sites...might even be better this way
wink, wink, nod, nod

raglan40 ago

And we are all waiting patiently

german_bro ago

Brothers and sisters, it's about solving the deep state issue in this world now. All the things like bloodlines and the structure of the universe are very interesting. But right now we are in a war. And during a war everything has to be done with tactics and the will to fight to eliminate the enemy. We have to position ourselves and must not let ourselves be divided in this fight. We must elect our leaders and fight at all levels. Religion can help many of us to survive in this struggle. Others will fight without a religious background. The most important thing is the common goal. We or them, nothing else.

Rutland_Iowa ago

Well, Trump got 63 million to vote for him.

jonnyquest ago

The left is absolutely the minority. In the few days we were able to see un-manipulated polls, supporters appeared to be coming in around ~80% to the lefts paltry 10% or less...

The silent majority supports the crap out of our president. Just today I saw people I'd never have expected blasting pro-trump interviews on their phone speaker ... in walmart.

They're spending a shit load of money to say otherwise, but as Q and OP says, we're the majority - and growing!

Mem1 ago

Remember also to pray. Daily, Fervently Whatever your convictions, beliefs, etc. Positive thought and prayer for the success and safety of our Mission is vital. WWG1WGA is not just a slogan. It is a living breathing movement, based upon principles of freedom, truth, honor and loyalty. There is no greater nor graver fight than this. Remember to pray.

NoBS ago

The deep State is using crazy folks as vigilante loose cannons to paint us ALL as foolish nutters.

Psychological Warfare is what we are fighting and to call our enemies "stupid" and "dumb" is why they have been kicking our ass for over a hundred years. The False flags will be fast and furious.

Buckle up, it will be rough.

LatinoGringo ago

We ARE psyops!

tango_whisky_blunt ago


jewyork ago

  • 10,000,000 - 50,000,000 < - estimated Twitter followers of Trump

  • 300,000,000 - 400,000,000 < - cat ladies and belching dads with children opting-in for people hair and anime pedo porn

Information is meant to be FREE.

ChiefMAGA ago

Trump probably has 100 million followers worldwide on twitter.

Invicta ago

There are more sane people in the world than insane. On that note, given that Democrats are insane and have terrorist inclinations to boot, those who love this country—We the Patriots—are the majority.

BullShits ago

Stuck in the middle with Q

Syndicalism ago

Maybe 'Q' is for quantum. Q is all of us.

DanijelStark ago

This is similar what I think also ... but also that Q is for Quantum Computing . Quantum computer would make any intelligence agency capable to break any code .

wrdvent ago

There seems to be a lot of blockage of the ear in this day and age that could benifit from a.....Q-tip

LastoftheBoomers ago

Go down to your local craft store and buy a Q sticker, (if you can find one). Slap it on your vehicle. You will be surprised at the reactions you get.

muzzieniggerjew ago

today working in manhattan as a construction worker i brought up Q and two older coworkers i never have spoken to and they follow Q. very surprising. we are everywhere but we dont show our hand. it is a beautiful time to be alive and woke.

ChiefMAGA ago

Where you working at. I can walk by with my white rabbit t shirt...

AUSAFVet ago

That is sooo cool! I have not run into any Q followers in my business BUT I keep passing the information to all that want to have a conversation. Some will even ask me "what is going on?" I give them the information I have and prompt them to jump on board

kestrel9 ago

people discussing 2233

Please visit QRSP link on sidebar for ways to help Let your VOICES BE READ (HEARD). Once these QMap reading pages are complete everyone can get a comprehensive read on EACH QDrop!!! You can simply link a reading page on your social media.

Kathaleend ago

Yes, information is meant to be free. Correct information. I'm a follower and I'm doing my best to get the word out. That said - the pentagon was not hit by the plane as reported in BS media. Reply by Q that a plane hit it needs clarification. I'm on board as long as the info is real and truthful.

ChiefMAGA ago

I think 911 first, than JFK and lastly space.

Qdini ago

It's officially a movement! A revolution!

wooqy ago

Notice how team Q communicates differently in each phase.
We have a new Q talking to us.
We have CodeQ, SocratiQ, ChattyQ.

finessa ago

FatherlyQ, PeptalkQ. It's really quite fascinating. Need a nickname for the snarky one who loves to bring the pain.

whacko_jacko ago

I believe this is a result of compartmentalization. Different military intelligence operators and support teams are given partial information to complete their own individual missions. Nobody knows the whole plan outside of the top level team consisting of Trump + 3 civilians + some military brass, but let's face it, these high-level guys aren't logging on to 8ch and posting all day. By compartmentalizing the information, they can task entire teams in military intelligence to work on planning, scheduling, and drafting the drops, but teams only knows what they need to know. If any one team or operator is compromised, the bulk of the operation is shielded.

ChiefMAGA ago

I believe one of the Q's is AI that they control but what do I know.

Blacksmith21 ago

I like this ^

Nunyobizness ago

If we really ARE the majority, how do NEw York and California always go blu? Is it illegals voting?

tally-ho ago

Outside of the major cities, most of NY and California is solid red.

Nobody said we were the majority, though, just much larger than media would have it seem.

LatinoGringo ago

Oh no, my friend. There are plenty of NYC neighborhoods that are red. You just never hear about them. I can walk around all day with a Q or MAGA shirt and nobody says nothing but "alright." And these are not lily-white neighborhoods. Don't believe the MSM.

(These neighborhoods are also the best places to live!. If you're interested, I'll send you a list.)

ChiefMAGA ago

I'm a latinoGringo living in Manhattan too and wear my Q shirt. Not a peep from anyone but its probably cause i can kick their ass but we are here.

Caractus ago

All we can do is plant the seed. People have to come to the understanding of Q in their own way. I grew up in a USA loving, God fearing, military family and it difficult to learn that things are not as they seem. This shit has been going on for years, this didn't just happen overnight. Leaders we have trusted were corrupt. I believed that people serving in the government had this country's best interest at heart, only to find out that they were only in it for themselves. We've allowed real history to be stolen from the pages of our schools text books and now we have snowflake Millennials needing safe spaces for god-sake! Once this plays out and we take this country back we have to demand TERM LIMITS. No more career politicians!! To hell with them all!

WeTheElite ago


ReadyForThe17Drop ago

'Merica! FUCK YEAH! God I love these posts!

LakotaPride ago

notice how the Democrats and MSM fake news allow our voices to be silenced, it appears they think they are entitled to tell us to shut up. again the slave Master mentality. Ring the phones off the hook and demand our Freedom of speech gets protected or they will be voted out.

Laskolurch ago

I won't be surprised to learn Q = Potus.

NamelessMofo ago

I've often thought Q+ is DJT posting himself, or dictating what to post.

GranimalSnake ago

He is most certainly one of the team.

CovfefeFan ago

"Imagine the frustration if we weren't here communicating w/ you."

This is so true. I used to complain a long time ago, until I realized how deeply corrupt the system is and how much they are doing. I don't want to be hanging over Q's shoulder telling him how to do his job. I don't know all the ins and outs. I know how much I hate it. When people who don't know my job try to tell me how to do it.

I do wish I could help Q... I just don't know how.

Papaeck ago

Prayers for q

Tastemyrainbow ago

Vote Republican

niggerfaggot1987 ago

Do not punch right.

If Richard Spencer says we need to end affirmative action and forced school intergration them don't get in his way.

Hand_of_Node ago

What? Should we also avoid criticism of people against stealing? I seem to be missing your point.


Rock that voat!

nednederlander ago

Exactly, we should be grateful we have been given any information at all, and are lucky to be given a chance, no matter how small it may be, to help take out corruption and the deep state and Make America Great Again. This is history in the making.

'Ask not what can your country do for you, ask what can you do for your country' -JFK

Foxfire1028 ago

We should be grateful at THIS point but in the future we have every right to up to the minute information from our government

CovfefeFan ago

Best History Ever in the making. Lovin' it!

DanijelStark ago

You can help - let your voice be heard . Tell others , regardless of what they think at the moment ... and if everyone does their own research on path to truths ... all will open .

If Q werent communicating with us - we would feel like were isolated , alone and with much less hope ... not knowing that behind the curtains , there is a full plan to destroy the Cabal on worldwide level .

CNNfakeNews ago

I sometimes think the purpose of Q is not to bring down the evil powers. It is to convince us that we are more powerful than any evil powers and we can bring them down ourselves.

Ashamandre ago

I try to bring it back local. I let people know that my President and the good guys are fighting the good fight at the federal level. We need to make sure those efforts aren't wasted in a generation by fixing things at the local level. Make America Great Again isn't about one person, it's about all of us, WWG1WGA!

Boomstickred ago

I try to always bring it back to missing and exploited children. It's the one thing everyone is concerned of. The normies are just looking in the wrong direction. I find this is one thing regardless we ALL can agree on...point out the IG report and the laura silsby trafficking with hrc and obummer. Than show them Laura's new job in the US working in missing and exploited children, courtesy of hrc. It's a good red-pill start!

GranimalSnake ago

This is the message.

kestrel9 ago

aQMapPubCurator team needs our contributions for everyone voices to be heard by reading our collective research contributions on the QMap reader pages being created as we speak! Check QRSP link in sidebar, make sure to click the discussion page while you're there! Spread the word!

NoisyCricket ago

Please take the time to read this thread. IMO it nicely explains the importance of sharing even if people don't understand or agree. It also has some links to some "proofs" which are easy for laymen to understand.


CovfefeFan ago

These are exciting times with Q in my life, I must admit. It's like a relationship. Whenever I see a Q drop I get all giggly like a school girl. And when there is a dry spell, I feel lonely, missing my lover.

FLmom ago

do you picture him with aviator sunglasses?

ApoliticalProle ago

I do now.

CovfefeFan ago

Depends on my mood... Sometimes a speedo.

FLmom ago

thought so

kestrel9 ago

Research project has changed to QMap Research Summary Project --Because QMapPubCurator endorses v/GA in helping compile info for EACH QDrop! See QRSP on sidebar for info :)

Nunyobizness ago

Me too. And with the new confirmations, especially the "red carpet event" it helps show ppl that think this is fake actually believe. P.s...But omg my facebook feed ia FILLED with ppl believing in this new white nationalist "ok" symbol. Ugh. (Its NOT!)

Hand_of_Node ago

Tell them about smiling. "It means you're okay with the current white supremacy..."

nednederlander ago

lmao this is so true.

nednederlander ago

They try to make us think we are the minority, when it is actually the left that is in the minority. They control MSM which creates the narrative that Trump/Q supporters are few and far between.

We are the majority and we are taking back this country.


Q_Tip ago

The MSM believe that their sycophant reporting is impacting large swaths of voters. All it's doing is further indoctrinating their kool-aid drinkers. The MSM tries to influence people with their Polls. . . just like 2016 and all that does is set their sycophants up for a big letdown in November.

The MSM still doesn't get it: WE DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THEIR PROPAGANDA! We silently, patiently, wait for the midterms so we can send yet another message to the Socialists. They truly are insane. . . they do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. . . and never learn.

What will get interesting, is how the Republican Obstructionists will react when the GOP retains control of both the House and Senate. Either way the election goes, there will be blood in the streets.

ChiefMAGA ago

The big question is when can we take control of the media. That's going to be huge.

nednederlander ago

that is a million dollar question, but what a glorious day that is going to be, I can't wait

Paladin_Diver ago

"We are the majority and we are taking back this country."

We are the majority AND we have truth, justice, and the rule of Constitutional law on our side.

DerivaUK ago

And It ain’t just your country that’s depending on it. Many others are with you and the US all the way. It truly is WWG1WGA

Joe10jo ago

Very nice to hear, DerivaUK! Thank you! WWG1WGA👍😁

CaptnObvius ago


Xenophobic ago


Acemagedon ago

Exactly and even Biden lied (again) the other day saying we were a small minority of people, before calling us the dregs..

madhatter67 ago

Then groping a startled preeteen

robot7247 ago

Am old enough to recall that talk about "dark" subjects got you branded a kook. You learned to hide it and maintain a facade. 30+ years of this and now seeing suspicions on the cusp of a BIG reveal. Behold the power of the interweb! If not for it everything would still be bottled up, controlled, and steered by the MInistry of Information, the MSM,

niggerfaggot1987 ago

What is happening now could have happened with TV and radio to but it was quickly regulated.

madhatter67 ago

The interwebs are an amazing thing....an industrial revolution of information.....I'm sceptical about most technology but was an early adopter of that one.....government and big business and clowns have tried to take control of it...but at the end of the day the hivemind of humanity might just be able to use it to make a better world

DanijelStark ago

Absolutely ... theyre outnumbered , and their "power" is built on lies and fakery .

All lies will meltdown ...

akilyoung ago

Think wizard of oz.

niggerfaggot1987 ago

They did in Russia to, but not before 40 million died.

You can't just sit and loose gracefully with the left. You have to fight them back at all times.

Hand_of_Node ago

Probably won't need to be 40 million, but it won't be under a million.

nednederlander ago

dark to light.

It's about to start happening super fast too.

niggerfaggot1987 ago

Gee, where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, a year ago.

UGM ago

Thanks for this gem.

People all over the world are noticing this more and more, another one from Holland here also. Member of the reddit banned pizzagate sub. Keep it all up - we are doing this!

DanijelStark ago

Yep . There is no stopping it . And not even slowing it down .

Were now days from it .

Nunyobizness ago

I hope so because my family who thinks Im crazy always reminds me that NOTHING is happening.

niggerfaggot1987 ago

The 50k sealed indictments are not a larp.

Iwashbeforeipee ago

Nor are the mass resignations / droves of politicians not seeking re-election.

Nunyobizness ago

Do any of you know where the spreadsheet is that shows ALL of the resignations for ceo's and everyone?

Iwashbeforeipee ago

Qmap.pub has tabs with all of that info

bopper ago