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MrPim ago

Let's assume Q is real. It's someone close to the president, or even a group that includes Donald. They keep stating that there's a plan, trust the plan. So what exactly are these people supposed to do? What is their function within that plan?

I can't really take any of the Q people because they seem to be blindly following something without even knowing the goal, the plan or their own role within that plan. And within these groups here they blindly follow the mods of their respective subs.

They are the essence of sheep.

NoisyCricket ago

So what exactly are these people supposed to do?

Let's say the POTUS engineers the mass arrest of 60,000 Americans in a short period of time. How many people are going to scream dictator and demand a civil war. Especially when a corrupt MSM finds they are also guilty of sedition and subversion and they starting pushing a civil war agenda.

Why do you think it's called the Great Awakening?

You can't fix anything so long as everyone is ignorant and controlled by corruption. What do you think it means? Honestly, it's amazingly obvious as to the implications and that plan even though fine details remains obscured.

The important thing to realize is that it doesn't matter if you believe. All that matters is that you know. Understanding will come later and it will become obvious. That in turn will determine how you perceive future events. Which in turn determines how you communicate with others around you. Which in turn will impact how they perceive things and how they react.

Like it or not, you're part of the plan. Knowing is all that is required. You are now participating even if you refuse to accept it.

Welcome to the Great Awakening.

lipids ago

While neat, why not publish their crimes for all to see? To much of this nonsense is vague hints.

NoisyCricket ago

It's been happening. It's been a steady stream of released information. The better question is why haven't you been hearing about? That's the point of Q.

The FISA application details will soon be released which will literally name traitors within our federal government. Thereby legally establishing an attempted coup against Trump.