PolishPatriot ago

Ok, so You're suggesting that hitler wasn't a murderus motherfucker. If so then who invaded Poland?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You're suggesting that hitler wasn't a murderus motherfucker.

It must be hard being a dumb nigger like you

MarielleBlackwood ago

I look at the history I’ve lived through getting memory holed even given the resources of the “Information Age” and I wonder what we don’t know about from 50, 100 or even 1000s of years ago.

Qfan2020 ago

Thanks for all the links. Gotta say the more you know the sadder it gets. My question is always how do we get out of such a intentionally corrupt and destructive system. That’s the worst. I am glad to know others know.

ButterMyPopcorn ago

Thanks for the extensive list of information.

jc99ta ago

Age of aquarius, great post!

FirstKind ago

Dude, I know. I see the picture. Sometimes. Sometimes I'm just an animal as they want me to be. Redpill is hard to swallow even after sometime.

I assure you that Q is getting there. Think strategy.

You can't just tell everyone the truth in one page.

They have to see it, thats how it works. For you to see, you have to know. For you to know, you have to see.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You have to give them the choice. The deeper we go.

Sirnotabot ago

I'm disappointed .... I thought you were going to redpill the Qanon "normies." Nothing here is anything that hasn't been dug up before, or discussed. You've just shown you have an understanding of what Qanon is, and also that you had no idea that this is what Qanon is.

What you did do is compile a list for those new to the movement to use as a starting point to do their own digging, so thanks for that. You are also redpilling voatfags, because any mention that NASA and CIA started by Nazi's in response to their Third Reich did nothing wrong masturbation ... gets dismissed as bs. Also ... Hitler was a Rothschild.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

No shit you dumb nigger

Super_Elite ago

So this is how I'm spending my Friday night.

pby1000 ago

The Jews have been around for about 3800 years. What was the source of evil before then?

Tarrypaulsack ago

Thought i was woke. Came here after GA was banned. Realized that i have much to learn. Im gonna stay and nig around for a while.

dundundunnnnn ago


thankful_4_tomorrow ago

It's the Jews! No it's the Jesuits! No its's Jews! It's the Jesuits! This shit is hard af to follow. Maybe it's both working together, idk.

dundundunnnnn ago

Jesuits, Jews and Freemasons, oh my!

thankful_4_tomorrow ago

The Jews run alot of things, but I don't think they are at the top. If you read, Orwell's 1984, he talks about 3 groups, the masses, the outer party, and the inner party. The inner party rules things from behind the scenes, you never hear about them. But the outer party interacts between the masses and the inner party. This is the public face of ruler ship. It's all public info that various bankers, media, etc... are Jews. So therefore it seems like they run things. But really, I think they act as an intermediary between the masses and the inner party.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I don't understand, can you put it in a small cookie and stick it up my ass while you're looking at Uranus?

Pickzilla ago

Fack. A whole lotta research presented here. I guess that's why we call it an "awakening"... We aren't fully awake yet. Few as as willing as I to admit that I'm still quite ignorant, but thinking in new ways.

But so far into my research here it all fits and isn't something my heart didn't already suspect. A lot more to go.

You might be brash, but I don't think you're full of shit.

Hugh_Mann ago

Wow. Thanks for the mass of interesting reads. This is gonna take a while.

Intheaether ago

Great research. As I started looking at the links, I realized that I had watched or read it before years ago. My 2 cents is that 9/11 was a mass societal cultural fear mk ultra psyop and for the last 17 years, we have lived in fear culturally. We have given away our privacy out of propogandized threat protection. Many do not realize what the USA was like before 9/11. It truly was great and all eyes (the world) were on us in the best of ways. Another pill to chew on. Joe Biden wrote most on the Patriot Act back in the 80's and it sat in a drawer until 9/11. https://youtu.be/0aXVzLMVdWM

krissieQ777 ago


Q 916 March 10 2018 **

We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time. Q** **

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Not missing.

Its the normies turn to wake up.

dundundunnnnn ago

Q can't say it because a huge wave of "OMG ANTISEMITISM" would spring up. I've asked and told a few family members about the Jew Question and one completely couldn't handle it and another was like, "hmm yup, that actually makes sense!" and we HAVE JEWISH BLOOD.

My family came from Hungary. We're Hungarian Jews. Maybe even Ashkenazi. I don't know for sure. Anyway, my Jewish bloodline mom (who loves God and Jesus) understood the JQ but my Chirstian Zionist father couldn't handle the information ("it's not all Jews!")

Just anecdotal. Thought I'd share.

Ceirwyn ago

Anti-semitism is a code for anti-satanist, that much is true.

You know what I want to know? How do all these "jews" know they're ethnic jews (hint: they don't). Note in the Bible, lineage is traced through the father, but modern jews trace their ancestry through their mothers. Why? Satanic reversal.

dundundunnnnn ago

Very very interesting!

I'll dig on it. Thanks for the lead!

Glockluvr65 ago

Wow! New from GA. I knew some of this but just wow! Thanks for all the work you put in. Ill definitely be educating myself.

DarkToLight ago

It's fucking hard to find my voice when it has been silenced for so long due alienation by sheep in the entertainment world I work in. There are a few that are woke but we all walk on eggshells to keep our reputations, jobs and health. If there has ever been a time to come out of the shadows and preach cold reality, the time is now.

To fight however you need the power of knowledge because our enemy is mentally blocked from it...you have to POUND the truth in but subtly and with calm understanding and with facts the rebut their "false facts" in a non condescending way. I look at it like taming a feral animal that has been beaten into submission.

It is fucking tiring, aching, infuriating and soul sucking but when I FINALLY beak through and see the light flash on...fuck yeah, it is worth it.

I see a space like VOAT as a place that allows me to express that anger that I have been bottling up for so long. It helps me to refuel and go back "in" to the Matrix to battle mainstream.

THIS is my safe space - because it is CRUDE, HONEST, IN YOUR FUCKING FACE TRUTH. The truth IS the underbelly and it IS NOT Politically Correct.

That's all I got, for now.

LibTearsNoBrakes ago

Your post is so obnoxious I didn't read any of it.

Captainfancypants ago

I highly suggest folks read the Venona papers - you will never trust FDR or his policies again...his history has been whitewashed. Eleanor was no saint

WokeByTheStorm ago

this thread has me turned upside down..i am pathetic, but i don't want to be. I will spend the day reading as much as I can..but the last time i delved into pizzagate it made me sick and so upset i couldn't sleep. I'm not young anymore and i just want the truth..i may not be much of a researcher or as internet savvy as some, but i'm not stupid.

Thank you all for all the work you've done for humanity. wwg1wga

abattoirdaydream ago

You are NOT pathetic. You toughed it out. You are here. You are ready. You stuck out a trial by fire when everyone else fled.

The OP here brought a LOT of content and material to read and watch. It is worth your time. However, as is seen over and over again, newly redpilled folks often overdose, because it is just so much and hard to take. So go slow. If you OD take a break and play outside. Redpills can make things look grim, but they aren't hopeless. Also a lot of newly redpilled folk fly past the "finish line" and find themselves in the woods. It is very important to make sure you learn to use REAL discretion and to not trust ANY source of info, no matter how charming, that isn't a confirmed original document.

WokeByTheStorm ago

thanks, all i had to do was get out of my comfort zone aka reditt . Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

I do lurk on 8chan but damn they're vicious ... in that awesome sort of way

Azurenightsky ago

Do you know who is truly pathetic? The Moderation staff over at GA. Do you know why? Because they sheltered the lot of you from this. I lost count of the number of messages I had removed for violating Rule 6. "It must be Q related". The irony, or the faggotry really, is the fact that every one of my messages was on point. Every one of my messages was relevant and not one had anything one could consider off topic; assuming of course, one had done the required digging and wasn't talking out of their power hungry little ass. The moderation staff were cowards of the Highest Order. They would allow no dissent, no research they didn't personally believe was real or valid and refused to accept anything outside their narrow world view.

Tell me, does that sound like someone who should be in a position of power and curation?

It is not you who the OP calls out, friend. It is the ones who still seek out that curated space that the Mods were so eager to form for them. The ones who want the Dog Whistle cheer of "I'm Awake" but who are unwilling to do the digging to really, truly, know. I lost count of the number of times my posts were dismissed by people. I lost count of the mockery, the utter insanity of trying to awaken the people over there. Who had their lovely little curated space. I can assure you, you aren't part of the problem if you're willing to seek out the Truth, no matter how sore it makes you.

WokeByTheStorm ago

Thank you for your encouragement. Even at my age i'm still a work in progress

dundundunnnnn ago

I've tried to post about the occult and their symbolism MANY times and had my posts rejected by GA mods.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

this thread has me turned upside down..i am pathetic

YOU are not pathetic, you are hear thinking for yourself! You got this! Look at the information, weigh it in your mind. wwg1ga!

WokeByTheStorm ago

thank you patriot . I did go through the info and learned more. I do tread careful with the pizzagate stuff. Its true those who know can't sleep

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Azurulia ago

I've known bits and pieces of most of this through my own investigating of things I heard or seen, but to have so much of it all laid out is great. Thank you very much for making this post. Finding more then shreds of true at a time on the casual normie internet is rough. It's good to have a point in the right direction.

Because ultimately, some of us do wish to know the truth of the world around us. As a big military history buff before all of this, I noticed a lot of inconsistencies in what I have seen and read over the years about WWI and WWII. It didn't take me long to figure out that something wasn't right, as some things just didn't add up. I've never been afraid of the truth. I have a hungry and open mind, however I am a naturally skeptical person. I don't simply believe something that sounds crazy or really out there without solid evidence. However if presented with the evidence, I'd rather look deeper than simply look away. This has only been more reinforced since I discovered Q two months ago.

The journey has been quite fascinating. I've all but put my hobbies entirely on hold while researching and following leads. I don't know, maybe it's my autism speaking here, but I don't find grasping this stuff all to difficult. However I'd be a liar if I said some of what I have already found didn't make me feel physically ill upon revelation. I just think it's a damn shame how much is kept from us and how much we've been lied to.

I still remain on the fence, skeptical of some of the more far out in left field things due to lack of evidence.(Shape shifting lizard people and other things to that degree.) However I'm not about to dismiss them. I'm a firm believer that just about anything is possible, and just because we don't see it or know of it, doesn't mean that it isn't there.

Sorry for rambling on, I just wanted to get my thoughts out there. I imagine many of us coming from Plebbit have never really encountered such concentrated doses of red pill before. Thankfully I've dabbled prior, however I can only imagine what it must be like to those who are only just starting to wake up.

Thanks again. Looking forward to what else I mind find while here.

robertawearefree ago

Shit. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse. ThanQ. I think.

dundundunnnnn ago


BIBLICAL scale of evil.

Kahlypso79 ago

You need to read these books to be woke the fuck up.

http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/PROOFS_OF_A_CONSPIRACY_John_Robison.pdf (the original Illuminati conspiracy.. discovered because the guy carrying the documents was struck by lightening..)

http://www.carrollquigley.net/pdf/the_angloamerican_establishment.pdf This is why America and UK and so bosum buddy and why everyhting kicked off in the Boer Wars.

https://archive.org/details/TheSecretsOfTheFederalReserve Why the Federal Reserve needs to be shut down..and its not because of all the child abuse going on with top level bankers..well.. yes it should be shut down for that as well, but there's a shitload of other reasons too.

https://archive.org/details/WallStreetTheBolshevikRevolution The communist Revolution (ie Lenin and the bloodbaths..) planned out by USA bankers and UK bankers..

Articles that help to understand HOW the US government turned into the Nazi Zionist Communist market MonoParty.. :

http://emperors-clothes.com/analysis/gehlen.htm So the OP covered Highjump and Paperclip.. Do you know how the CIA was created out of the bloody corpse of the Nazi SS? This link explains it really well.

As far as most people are concerned, MK Ultra is the brainchild of the Nazis..OK, but do you want to really know what the fuck you're talking about ? (WARNING DO NOT CLICK ON THIS LINK IF YOU THINK YOU ARE AN SRA OR MKU SURVIVOR, it may trigger : https://archive.org/details/OperationMindControlResearchersEdition

https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP90-00845R000100170004-5.pdf Nazis, The Vatican and the CIA...hand in hand since the early days..

https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_mediacontrol03.htm You've heard about Operation Mockingbird but do you really know it? Why is 4am and talking points so important?

Ask yourself a question.. WHY do they want to control the narrative?? What did we see turn up on Hollywood screens soon after 1947? What was declared missing 1 day before some tall buildings fell down in New York city..How much does it cost to make a Spaceship?? http://www.openminds.tv/wp-content/uploads/Rockefeller-Briefing-Document.pdf (UFO stuff.. TL:DR?? The Nazis started up anti grav tech at the end of the war and traded most of it into the US Military-Industrio-Complex for their freedom and passes to Argentina, The US MoD set up 'private ' companies like Lockheed and started wild experimentation.

https://archive.org/details/TheFranklinCoverupByFormerGreenBeretJohnDecamp How long have politicians abused children? (TL:DR? heres a link to a banned documentary made about the Franklin Coverup, its an incomplete version as all other copies were destroyed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttT6FrMosBk)) Articles that may help to understand why it's become so pervasive.. and its all to do with Psyops and Satanism..

https://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/04/23/the-strange-case-of-ted-gunderson/ For those who wish to really wake the fuck up then spend months wishing they hadnt been so fucking eager... https://archive.org/details/TedGundersonReports

http://www.whale.to/b/aq4.html PRESIDIO and AQUINO..

Aquino may have been involved in this as well. https://www.nytimes.com/1972/12/17/archives/drug-feared-sent-in-bodies-of-gis-court-told-that-smugglers-used.html

SRA necessary for MONARCH https://archive.org/details/Volume1TheyKnowNotWhatTheyDo_201604

Satanic abuse..so prolific in US.. I wonder why theres a SERIAL KILLER problem in America.. How is it.. that there are so many satanic cannabilistic serial killers in America?? I 'recommend' that people watch this Youtube series.. This is part 1.. there's almost 100 videos in the series.. about 7 mins each.. but its mostly text, so you can fast forward through and read the text in about 2-3 minutes.. Special relevance.. Check out the Serial Killars who 'claim' to be part of a larger network, or that they were procuring people for snuff films, or being convicted for crimes that they couldnt possibly have done alone, or people who seem to have special protection from police.. Apply that to what you NOW know..


ButterMyPopcorn ago

Thanks for the information.

JohnChimpo ago

Looks like I got some reading to do; thanks!

Ashamandre ago

Many thanks for this trove of useful intel.

Kahlypso79 ago

you're very welcome, i hope it helps you. Let me know where your interests lie. I may have other books to send your way :)

dundundunnnnn ago

I cannot thank you enough for this list.

Kahlypso79 ago

You're welcome, let me know where you're interests lie, I may be able to give you more material to read :)

Ceirwyn ago

Kudos for the book references! I've been trying to get me a library together of these things, but finding good factual books is difficult.

Kahlypso79 ago

You're welcome, let me know what you're interested in. It's likely that I have the books that you need :)

NotTheMeanest ago

Fantastic post. I haven't watched all the vids yet, but wondering if any of them mention vaccines?

The vaccine propaganda is OUT OF CONTROL, and there is an agenda to mass medicate ALL of us - not just our vulnerable children. hey Most vaccines haven't been tested for whether they affect fertility, or mutate our genes, or even whether they can cause cancer. With ingredients that are KNOWN carcingens!! Nothing to see here.

And if anyone comes at me with 'i got all my vaccines and I'm fine', they are a fucking fool sheep. The vaccine schedule TODAY is insane - first shot (for fucking Hep B) is recommended to be had within 12 hours of birth. Welcome to this cesspool of fuck-ery, baby.

And if you want to come at me with 'vaccines do not cause autism' like the CDC said in 2012 (they said 'smoking does not cause autism' in 1958, just saying), then you best be all up to date on the EVIDENCE from CDC whistleblower Dr William Thompson, which proves that the CDC manipulated and deleted data which proved that African American boys, DO have a much higher probability of autism, the younger they are when they get the MMR.

I have high hopes for voat - redditors HATE questioning vaccines, there's a lot of cognitive dissonance there, combined with egomaniacal ignoramuses.

If anyone has any genuine questions, I'm more than happy to discuss, provide sources etc - after 7 years, I've amassed a lot of data!!

Ceirwyn ago

Iodine is a big part of the solution. It's what's been removed from much of the American diet. As the heaviest of halides, it binds to lesser halides and helps expel them from the body. Those would be mercury, lead, etc. It also kills viruses, bacteria, and fungus from the body, while leaving our natural healthy bacteria alone. It can also target cancer on organ locations with Iodine receptors.

NotTheMeanest ago

Agree with you about iodine, and will also throw in vitamin c protocol!

But the biggest part of the solution is for vaccines NOT to be mandated, and for people to educate themselves, BEFORE allowing the govt to vaccinate as per its insane schedule!

Azurulia ago

I've also been quite curious about vaccines. I personally don't know much about them, but I wouldn't doubt for 1 second that there isn't some kind of fuckery about when it comes to them.

NotTheMeanest ago

Mate! Follow your gut on this one... even just lurking facebook vaccine pages is highly informative DYOR of course. I think the worldwide massive push lately for mandated vaccinations has more than a few people start to look into them.

One of my sibs is a scientist, she got me onto the hoax, but what convinced me wasn't even the science, it was what I had seen on my own lifetime: as children our mum wanted us to get chicken pox - we even went to a chicken pox party. NO ONE was afraid of getting chicken pox, it was understood that getting it as a child will reduce your chances of getting shingles as an adult - much more serious, and actually potentially deadly. And then the Varicella vaccine came out and wouldn't you know it, the propaganda machine went into OVERDRIVE and in less than a decade, chicken pox became a deadly and feared disease - but I'm sure the timing is totally coincidental /s

Thanks for your open-minded comment - restores my faith in humanity! A bit lol

Azurulia ago

I've never heard of this Varicella, but I find that absolutely hilarious. I'm 32 and have always know the chicken pox to be nothing more than an irritating discomfort at worst. Have some people died from it? Of course. However a handful of people die from even the most mundane of illnesses, but that doesn't make them deadly.

I would imagine some vaccines are important, but others? Not so much. I don't trust big pharma. However this makes it difficult to sort what if useful and what is not.

I have never once in my life had a flu shot (well, maybe as a little kid I might have, but none that I can remember at least.) and I cannot recall a time I have ever caught a bad case of the "flu." Beyond the typical 24 hour bug from time to time that is, but nothing that lasted days.

NotTheMeanest ago

Varicella koster is the scientific name for chicken pox :-) I guess it makes it sound more scary lol

I wouldn't get a flu shot, or any further vaccines (I had nowhere near as many as they try to give kids these days - and most before they are 7, when their brains are more susceptible) for any reason.

It's all about the risk vs benefit, and in my mind there are no important benefits to vaccines. Certainly not prevention!!

Mylon ago

Roswell. CIA. Highjump. Paperclip-Bariloche. NAZI tech. & MORE.MUCH MUCH MORE Listen to every word.

The real reason tech advances is because it's fairly easy stuff. Prior to the 20th century, about 99% of all human effort has went into sustenance. Growing food, keeping shelter upright. Including keeping shelter upright from other people that don't have it. Then something radical changed in the 20th century. No, not the combine harvester. Socialism. Once we agreed to stop working so damn hard for the right to even have a job, we had more time to develop new technology. Now of course the combine harvester was instrumental in enabling this, but it was not the fulcrum.

Fast forward to today where the labor protections that enabled us more leisure time have been chipped away, racial tensions are being stoked to distract everyone, political lines and wedge issues are being waved around to distract us, and more. We're sliding back into the 19th century where we're spending all of our efforts into treading water again. Who is doing this? Who benefits? That's the huge red pill right there.

HouseHawkwood ago

Socialism is old hat. The Romans fucking did it, ever hear of bread and circuses? That was the Roman elite giving away free food and entertainment to the masses. They appropriated land for distribution as well, most often from conquest, but also from out of favor Roman patricians. In the later years of the empire the dictated what your occupation was, how much you would be paid and how much you would produce. Things became so bad that plebians and lesser nobels sought patronage from the few wealthy that could either pay, or had enough influence to avoid, paying the crushing bursens, resulting them and their offspring being indentured and thus began the feudal system.

Socialism is the grand failure that won’t fucking die.

Mylon ago

Capitalism is old hat. There's not enough room for business to grow, so it's devouring itself. Our economy is choked by insufficient demand. Like in the 1930s, we're producing absurd amounts of goods, but there's no one to buy it and thus business cannot grow. As the economy fails to grow to meet our new technological abilities, we have a bunch of left over workers that further suppress wages, reducing aggregate demand further. Resulting in a spiral very much like the Great Depression.

The solution to the economy then was more socialism (Social Security, 40 hour workweek, etc). Why is it so hard to understand that we're repeating that environment and that solution then applies now? Though the details of course are different, we need similar measures that boost worker pay and thus boost aggregate demand, enabling the economy to grow.

HouseHawkwood ago

Capitalism is old hat. There's not enough room for business to grow, so it's devouring itself. Our economy is choked by insufficient demand. Like in the 1930s, we're producing absurd amounts of goods, but there's no one to buy it and thus business cannot grow. As the economy fails to grow to meet our new technological abilities, we have a bunch of left over workers that further suppress wages, reducing aggregate demand further. Resulting in a spiral very much like the Great Depression.

Your synopsis of the economic issues of the 30s completely ignores the dustbowl which was so severe that it yielded a modern equivalent of $440,000,000 in losses per day. The dustbowl resulted in tens of thousands of farmers going belly up which in turn put tremendous stress on the banks as those same farmers defaulted which . All told over 3 million Americans, the equivalent of 3% of the population, migrated away from the plain states. The dustbowl caused tremendous economic damage and had fuck all to do with an inability to buy produced goods. In fact it was the opposite issue for the dust bowl, the land could not sustain production that we required of it.

The argument that our economy is chocked by insufficient demand has lost all weight given that this was the SAME argument used to flood trillions of additional dollars of debt and multiple rounds of quantitative easing all of which yield an average real GDP growth rate of a paltry 1.875% over this last decade. Our current President, by simply not being Obama and cutting a few regulations, is achieving a 2.6% and we were on track for 3.2% for this year; but but but but I thought that was supposed to be impossible because Obama told me that low growth rates were the new normal! Oh and then there is the the unintended consequence of this government intervention. All that debt was funneled into financial markets resulting a massive bull run in the stock market and record lows for the costs of taking loans which in turn has resulted in yet ANOTHER real estate bubble that would not exist were it not for government intervention.

As for the left over workers, the New Deal did fuck all for them, unemployment above 10% throughout the 30s and only dropped back below the historic 5% once the national mobilized. The surplus workers we have now are due to the gutting of American industries.

The solution to the economy then was more socialism (Social Security, 40 hour workweek, etc). Why is it so hard to understand that we're repeating that environment and that solution then applies now? Though the details of course are different, we need similar measures that boost worker pay and thus boost aggregate demand, enabling the economy to grow.

How did Socialism work out for Venezuela, Cuba, India,Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, Yugoslavia, Romania? Anyone of those countries is either now, or became, a flaming dung heap or wisely began to implement some sort of capitalistic market to prevent outright collapse. Why is it so hard for socialist apologetics to wrap their brain around the fact that their precious economic and ideological system doesn't work.

Mylon ago

The dustbowl resulted in tens of thousands ...

The dustbowl was a manmade ecological disaster caused by the rapid conversion of plains to agricultural purpose. This rapid conversion was done in response to the crashing price of grains so farmers tried to compensate by growing even more! This was a key event in the creation of the farming subsidy program where farmers were paid NOT to grow. The dust bowl is a great example of unchecked capitalism!

The argument that our economy is chocked by insufficient demand ...

No, that's supply side economics. That supposedly there is insufficient supply and that we just need more liquidity to fund the construction of new factories. Supply side economics is giving money to "job creators", while demand side economics is giving money to consumers. The first has been tried for over 40 years and it clearly doesn't work. We know the latter works (unions, minimum wage, etc).

What about Venezuela!

Foreign policy. These countries aren't being good little banana republics so the US government destroys all of those countries in Centra/South America. China is doing surprisingly well, growing year after year despite an economy that is still in large part centrally planned. But that's not really relevant. For a more detailed writeup on Venezuela's situation, check this out: https://np.reddit.com/r/ChapoTrapHouse/comments/93dnrh/a_response_to_the_classic_what_about_venezuela/

But the proper solution isn't full communism or full socialism, but Universal Basic Income. The notion is socialistic, but ultimately it empowers people to participate in the capitalist system and removes the implied coercion behind labor, making the trading of labor for wages more voluntary and thus more along the capitalist ideal. UBI is a method to empower capitalism. But you're too blinded by your hatred of socialism to understand it.

HouseHawkwood ago

No it was the unintended consequence of true homestead act of 1862 which encouraged immigrants and Americans to settle the Great Plains by way of an offer of 160 acres of land to those willing to settle west. There were over 1.6 million claims made introducing permanent settlement and agriculture on a scale the region that previously only had migratory communities. The top soil in the area is very shallow and the region receives less than 10 of rainfall a year which means that this was a man made disaster that was certainty needing only a major drought which is what happened. Moreover despite the explicit efforts of the New Deal government was wholly unable to rectify the situation.

“Demand side” economics is stealing from the future to have more in the present which is a nice segue to Venezuela. They did exactly what you suggested, utilizing their oil revenues to give people things like free refrigerators, toasters and a bunch of other gibs. The US didn’t fuck em, we didn’t have too, they did it to themselves. They voted for Chavez, they voted nationalize industries and drive away foreign investment, they voted to take their oil money to buy themselves those nice new things rather than investment to improve their oil production efficiency (which would have occurred under a free market system), they choose to not diversify their economy and be utterly reliant on the price of oil. As for China they have entire industries that they have to subsidize at a loss and their government has allowed financial leveraging to occur that far dwarfs three Financial Crisis in he states.

My problem with socialistic policies isn’t due to hatred it’s due to inability of others to realize that until you have a post scarce future it doesn’t work. The UBI would not work due a) inability to pay for it without debt and b) moral hazard. Why bust my ass for 50 or 60k if I could do nothing and get a UBI of 30k. Unironically I would take HALF of what I make now working 60 hours a week if I could get that money without working. Right there is your problem.

Mylon ago

And why were people moving west and claiming large plots of land? Because they had no source of income and expected farming to give them what they needed. Which is exactly why farming subsidies were used to mitigate the ecological disaster and the economic disaster of grain no one wanted to buy.

I see you've drank the kool-aid about New Deal failed, you're discounting one of the most long lasting features of that New Deal: the 40 hour workweek. The New Deal empowered workers to barter for higher wages. Higher wages in the hands of workers stimulated demand which created real jobs. So while no government bureaucrat waved a magic wand to instantly conjure a middle class, they did plant the seeds. To credit a well structured orchard to nature and not credit those that planted the seed is very dishonest.

A core element of a UBI is that it is in addition to anything you earn. It restructures existing welfare programs such that benefits do not disappear rapidly as you work. That is, busting your ass for $50k, or taking the gibs for $15k is exactly the system we have now. UBI means you would collect $15k, and if you bust your ass for $50k you add that to your income and now you have $65k. That baseline however gives you the ability to tell your employer that you think $50k is too little and that you're worth more and that's one of the most profound effects it will have on the economy. As for where the money comes from, UBI checks don't simply vanish. The money gets spent and circulated, creating jobs and more taxation opportunities. Wealthy people will have more consumers to sell their products too and will make that money right back. Idle rich that collect dividend checks are the losers in this system. They'll be giving up most of their gains to the administrators running the companies, which is much more meritocratic.

If you want a glimpse at what a future without UBI will look like, look at South Korea or Japan. In South Korea, kids compete from cradle to adulthood for the right to even have a job. It's viscous and they sacrifice their childhood to live in that society. In Japan, there's barely any work to do, but workers compete via loyalty signaling to keep their job and that consumes most of their day. Both countries are a capitalist dystopia that exist because they have no maximum workweek like we do here in the states. But automation is reducing the need for labor and we're seeing similar systems appear in the states where workers have to compete for the right to have a job at all.

Azurenightsky ago

Arguably, it was the death of Slavery that brought about the sudden prosperity. Once you were free to work for Self Interest, you were able to take pride in your work. Advance your business and your causes without restraint. It's why I refuse to work. Society is willing to foot my fat ass, I'll take it. That same society also expects me to surrender upwards of half my income if I were to achieve my fullest potential. I have no interest in supporting this parasitic society as it currently stands. Things change? I will change with them. But none have a right to my work, none have a right to claim it. If they are willing to have their earnings stolen and handed out, let them. I'll have none of it and I'll gleefully help it burn.

Mylon ago

That same society also expects me to surrender upwards of half my income if I were to achieve my fullest potential.

The capitalist expects you to surrender most of the wealth you produce and be grateful for the small amount left over. Why would you bitch about taxes when your employer takes far more?

Slavery has been over for a while. But we did not see an explosion in the middle class until the 1950s, where the groundwork laid in the early 1900s finally reached peak momentum. Today, neoliberal policies are giving us the same shtishow that the laissez faire types gave us in the early 1900s and history is repeating itself.

Azurenightsky ago

Why do I bitch about taxes? Because I'm not a retard. I can understand and appreciate the effort the Employer puts in that the Employee cannot hope to match. Do you want to run my business? Do you want to have the responsibility on your shoulders? Do you want to run networking and contact with countless other people, some good, some bad, just to make ends meet? Do you want to run the whole business putting EVERYTHING ON THE FUCKING LINE so faggots like you can get some gainful employment and fucking complain like the entitled little faggots they are? DO you have any fucking concept of how much God Damn training I've undergone in order to understand management of piss ants like you? Do you know how much fucking effort and energy it takes for me to keep something that size going good? The kinds of skills and talents that are required to make it function? No. Of course you don't. Because you're a parasite.

The fact that you think you have your productivity skimmed off the top is a mark of your apaling levels of IGNORance. Just keep on ignoring reality, I'm sure that will work out for you fucking famously.

Just between you and I, do you know what the fundamental difference between my relationship with my employer is that my """GOVERNMENT"""(Read: Guvernare:Control and Mentes:Mind, Literally Mind Control) forces itself on me. I can make any fucking deal I want with anyone I fucking want. No amount of your piss ant bitching makes the Men I deal with care about you enough to strike up those same deals. Fucking deal with it you little shit. Grow the fuck up.

Mylon ago

DO you have any fucking concept

"Waaaaaah. My job is so hard." A programmer could probably cut your workforce needs in half but you're too busy whining about the gubment taxing you to think a small investment could reap you even greater rewards! But that's the problem. Investments rewards only go to a select few. Meanwhile those programmers have their wages slashed by H1Bs and non-poaching agreements. The people slashing wages like that are the parasites because they're stealing a slice of the pie that belongs to the people building modern civilization and keeping it for themselves.

Cid ago

I don't understand all pics yet, and haven't watched and the videos, but that War Is Out, Truth Is In video is...I don't know. I'm just sad and angry now.

The truth has been in front of us the entire time, the choice to KNOW has always been yours.

It's frustrating how true this is, and for as much as I know - and think I know - there's so more that I'm missing because I'm just not looking, and I don't even know it.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

It's frustrating how true this is, and for as much as I know - and think I know - there's so more that I'm missing because I'm just not looking, and I don't even know it.

This is literally all you need and you have it. THINKING FOR YOURSELF. Which starts off by admitting to ourselves that we don't know a thing that wasn't meant for us to know. Realize that and you are on the right path.

Take some comfort in knowing this isn't the only history distorted and that things are much stranger than they appear.


Azurenightsky ago

Which starts off by admitting to ourselves that we don't know a thing that wasn't meant for us to know.

The first stage of Mind Control and the simplest, is simply to obfuscate or outright hide Knowledge. You cannot intelligently act upon that which you do not know. Anyone who doubts we are under some form of mind control simply has to reconcile that simple Truth.

Qdog ago

Excellent MFer

wwwwww ago

This wave is atleast trying to defend itself. They will fimd out how woke they are.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Its sad watching people think they are out of the woods while they stand so clearly in the forest. Instead of learning to navigate they cling to a leader and so they are in effect no better than their counterparts.

wwwwww ago

Look if puttitout is who you reference he is just a normal dude no one actually cares unless the site goes down. Which then we go to phuk or poal to shit post with old waves of attack against voat. Yet, what reddit does is makes cults and we have a lot of the aftermath.

WTFChuck ago

"fappening ban" ?

wwwwww ago

Really? 14 celebs nudes leak like crazy. Reddit censors voat published. Voat had more standards for free speech.

WTFChuck ago

Remember the leaks. DIdn't remember "fappening" but then I wasn't following reddit at all in 2014. Started out on voat/pizzagate as soon as that sub was on voat (different username back then which I lost the password to stupidly). Was following MegaAnon, FBIinsider, then Q on 4chan & 8chan (lurking only), in r/CBTS , then r/GA until the fuckery started and moved to r/T_GA while still following some of the stuff going on on voat. Anytime I posted a voat link in reddit, they gave me various levels of shIt. Did it anyway because some people found it helpful and thanked me. Sometimes we're small voices in a crowded room, but a couple people hear something you say that they find helpful. More and more people are listening to Q everyday. The Great Awakening IS happening.

buffalorev1 ago

What I look for is meaningful comment often in the form of memes so I can redpill other social media accounts. So far this platform has offered nothing of use. Just people complaining about each other.

Cid ago

so I can redpill other social media accounts

You mean redpill other people. We're all more then words on a screen and stupid fake profiles.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Did you read the post?

So either you already knew about the filthy jews,

or you didn't read the post.

If you knew about the filthy jews im surprised you are dumb enough to search voat comments for redpill memes about filthy jews

You dumb cunt

buffalorev1 ago

You don’t mess with Gods anointed. It hurts in the long run. I don’t have to agree with everything Jewish, but I will always pray for and support the Jews. And by the way the Jews are not the only remnants. They are only two of the twelve tribes. Search the history of the other ten lost tribes it will freak you out lmbo.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I don’t have to agree with everything Jewish, but I will always pray for and support the Jews.

Praying for your own enslavement.


Blacksmith21 ago

I thought only girls called other girls "cunt" when they catfight.

wwwwww ago

We do this so productive convo will only happen if logic and truth can be found. Otherwise enjoy how we meddle. Us goats have been perched high on the internet shit dick Mountain. The fact that you guys are just finding us is the lol.

Blacksmith21 ago

Marginally productive. Ditch the confirmation bias, the Jew-baiting, and throw in a modicum of writing ability and maybe it will be conducive to research.

And yes, the fact that these people just found their way here is the big LOL. While they were busy calling each other niggers and famefag, we've been busy on v/PG and v/GA doing our best to conduct real Q-related research and discussion or exposing pedos over on v/PG.

wwwwww ago

Why it is a Trojan horse. Posted on protect voat. We are again mod raided. Shall see how long this will last.

Neskuaxa ago

Posting in a huge red pill thread complaining there is nothing of use here.

Check the side bar there's dozens of meme archives and collections

brandnewset ago


derram ago

https://files.catbox.moe/8jsdxz.png :

https://files.catbox.moe/di5c7w.png :

https://files.catbox.moe/f7ich5.png :

https://files.catbox.moe/1qkylm.jpg :

https://files.catbox.moe/ecl9ea.png :

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=aDejwCGdUV8 :

Joe Rogan Experience #725 - Graham Hancock & Randall Carlson - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=0H5LCLljJho :

Joe Rogan Experience #872 - Graham Hancock & Randall Carlson - YouTube

https://files.catbox.moe/kzj2rq.jpg :

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=Tv70Wln6H2Q :

War Is Out, Truth Is In. - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=Vwku0UFB8_s&feature= :

https://files.catbox.moe/06fjrz.png :

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=y5UyynjxAyw :

Incontrovertible - New 9/11 Documentary by Tony Rooke - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=kj_VwszvqdM :

What They Don't Tell You About Money - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=fOB6f-h2Mpk :


https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=2DEntS_iM3c :

You're Not a "Birther", Obama's Birth Certificate is just a Forgery - YouTube

https://invidio.us/watch?v=jk3KRxTfkLM :

WOW: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Releases New Information on President Obama's Birth Certificate (FNN) - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

ButterMyPopcorn ago

Good bot.

Skeeterdo ago

for anyone who doesn't know derram is an automated bot that archives/directs images and videos to different sources away from major media companies so none of us give them money or clicks.

Azurenightsky ago

That's a fucking kick ass bot idea.

Emperor_Jack_Tunney ago

This right here is that real dolphin fucking shit. Good job.

dundundunnnnn ago

real-dolphin fucking shit

or real dolphin-fucking shit?

What's real dolphin?

Is this referring to that meme with the dolphins on the bottom?

Thanks :)

MarielleBlackwood ago

Real dolphin.

Ask for it by name

dundundunnnnn ago


Emperor_Jack_Tunney ago

Look at OPs name.

dundundunnnnn ago

I don't make a habit of checking usernames. Sorry. I see clearly now the answer to my question. TY, fren.

voatmein1 ago


Go to conspiracy, politics, etc., and label your normal posts WWG1WGA.

And it's not illegal to discuss Q in conspiracy, politics, everywhere else. Discuss Q even more.

Reddit wants us afraid and hiding. GO BACK AND INFILTRATE.

If they delete your post, so what? Use ProtonVPN if you have to (you should be using it anyway, it's free).

Find out what normal Q stories they will accept and flood them with it.

Go right up to the line, and keep discussing Q.

GO BACK AND INFILTRATE. It's what they're most afraid of - and it's what's best for us.

TheDirtyOne78 ago

Hell yes! I've already been doing this low-key with throwaway accounts. Predictable responses, but a few buyers here and there.

voatmein1 ago

That's great! Slip in WWG1WGA. What are they going to do? Outlaw a string of letters?

exoter60 ago

Just fyi - r/DRAINtheSWAMP now re-opened on rEddit. Somehow they were able to preserve their previous posts, etc.

NellerBean ago

Fuck Reddit. Not giving them any more time, focus and intellectual property just so they can delete it all because the Truth is scary.

voatmein1 ago

yes, but you can FUCK reddit best by going back and aggravating them.

Mcdrogon ago

Those fucks even purged r/christian_awakening. Fucking cum stains

indianindian ago

Slight correction: Voat for QAnon news and coordination, Reddit for guerrilla pushes/skirmishes in other subs! :-)