SearchVoatBot ago

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satisfyinghump ago

Wow. That asshole really did steal word for word this entire post from you. What the fuck. I mea... I guess if you're trying to remain positive, we can claim it's a huge compliment to have your post stolen... no?

VolunteerForTrump ago

I hope the video footage from that Wal Mart made it into the hands of the white hats. Not wherever the footage from inside the Las Vegas hotel went to.

Oh_Well_ian ago

pro tip > There was no shooting at Walmart. They would not be triaging injured at Sam's Club ( in the same building ) if there was a live fire incident at Walmart.

Look at the last linked video. People trying to shop are pushing carts and looking annoyed at the crisis actors. The footage is BACKWARDS for the incident as described by the (((MSM))) and Law Enforcement.

VolunteerForTrump ago

So there was no shooting at all? That would mean any copycats are copying something that didn't really happen?

VolunteerForTrump ago

You won't like this video OP

Oh_Well_ian ago

X22 did not cross any lines here, in my view.

that other faggot lifted it VERBATIM and claimed it as his original work

My feeling is the site is a honey-pot, but I'm not buzzing his email and doxing myself.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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Tlarbb ago

So that's why the headlines have been mentioning the mall; the dimwit couldn't even follow his script. It also points to the fact that this WAS a FF and the MSM was in on it. It's making sense to me now!

SearchVoatBot ago

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AAngel ago

Fine catch. I can't wait for the documentary videos, but they won't be on You Tube!

SilverWolf55 ago

A Walmart anon here, "If" the dupe was always intending shooting up a Walmart then Why that one? In the 900 miles he drove on his way to ElPaso, how many Walmart stores did he pass by? Regarding the cameras in the store, in the asset protection office there are 3 if not more monitors in which you can view multiple cameras at once. Also in the store managers office can they view the front end door cameras among others. So my question is with all the active shooting training we receive Every 3 months How did this guy get by the front doors carrying a rifle Without Anyone warning customers or associates? Another interesting side note is that corporate is closing that Walmart as well as the nearby Sam's Club (even though sam's club s was Never part of this or Any shooting) until further notice. Why put all those Sam's Club employees out of work for? What was the total time frame of this shooting anyway? Far more questions to be answered.

Whattheheck49 ago

F you

peanut-head ago


TheresABlackOut ago

Another thing, the dark blue shirt/khaki pants guy they nonchalantly arrested outside as a diversion.. every walmart employee wears dark blue shirt and khaki pants. This is the one outfit you can guarantee other people would have been wearing at Walmart so if you needed to photoshop a quick walmart patsy image and make aquick fake arrest, this is the logical outfit you'd choose. Heck, maybe they took his image directly from a shooting range security clip which is why he's wearing earmuffs and eye protection.

ArcAngel ago

bad line of script in the programme... ooops!

Phantom42 ago


Don't you guys hate it when you spend a month planning a shooting and accidentally walk into the wrong place! Feelsbadman.jpg

quantum1234 ago

they are trying to cover for the fact the shooter was a Dem targeting "deplorables" in Wamart...wonder if he could smell them?

TheresABlackOut ago

On day one, the Sheriff said there was 1000-3000 people inside Walmart which made no sense to me. However 1000-3000 people in a mall is logical.

SuckaFree ago

Walmart NEVER has that many at one time. Unless it's a Black Friday sale.

Oh_Well_ian ago

look at the aerial views of the parking lot..

not enough cars for that number of people

TheresABlackOut ago

But could 3000 people fit at one time into any Walmart in America? My local Walmart is big but the thought of 1000-3000 people in it is insane.

Now a mall, you could expect 1000-3000 people in it.

I think the early script got changed too quickly without them paying attention to the finer details like the numbers.

Shotinthedark ago

It would be the biggest Walmart I've ever seen

angelCole ago

Maybe on black friday they could fit, otherwise I can't see that happening with all the merchandise.

Tiptoper619 ago

there are plenty of Hispanic markets and stores in the area.... why a mall or Walmart...? want to kill mexicans for sure...go to Mexico....

ArcAngel ago

shit... wait it out by the border... bury your gun in the dirt incase border patrol rolls by & have a camera handy as an excuse.. it aint rocket science..

fucking ametures....

Tiptoper619 ago

THIS RIGHT HERE !! just ambush them as they cross we all know exactly where they are crossing....question is who is willing to go there and end their illegal migration into the US with extreme prejudice

ArcAngel ago

do you know how to make a ghilie? basically, get some old fishing net... bleach some jute or hemp twine.. cut 2' sections, clove hitch them onto the net at every knot, then tie on bits of local flora.... you will belnd right in.. unles they have FLIR.. i have been down there, but dont have a rifle w/ can any more

Tiptoper619 ago

yes I do .... homemade claymores are easy too.... wire 9volt combustible liquid molding clay ball bearings electric lighter mechanism .... Anarchist cook book 101

ChimpStenographer ago

The photo yesterday. It was of them training prior to. Now it all make scene.

Jamcast ago

oh these fucking bastards!

GritD2 ago

Trump, we no longer care about optics. Arrest these mother fuckers and give them a swift death.

Levantine_Leveler ago

At this point drumpf is in on it.

ArcAngel ago

swift PUBLIC executions

GritD2 ago

I'm ok with a rash of mysterious (but public and provable) deaths. None of the Osama bin ladin dumped at sea where no one saw or verified it deaths.

AAngel ago

All three of you, Levantine, Arc and Grit do NOT have up and down vote options after your names, like most on this post. Same with me. Is this permanent? Are we saying the wrong things?

GritD2 ago

Probably. Certainly dont want people to think Obama Biden and Osama Bin Laudin had any agreements in place.

ArcAngel ago

from what i hear, the seal team that dispached obamma, i mean osama, filled him so full of lead they needed a tooth & blood sample to ID.. they dumped his chopped up ass in the mediteranian so he couldnt be whole in paradise, & not matryrd

GritD2 ago

And then there are reports that afterward he was seen in SO CAL....

Should have buried him face down, away from mecca, with pig entrails. There would have been no other middle east bomber after that.

ArcAngel ago

he was one of like 18 sons.. big constuction company.. sure many of its sibling look simular... but cant be too sure..

Geo_synchronous ago

The mall next to Walmart went into lock down during the shooting. The film showing cops scrambling was in Dillards in that mall. I understand people want to end his crap by proving there is some back room criminals but You gotta get the facts straight. The shooter was at Walmart. Was it a FF or a rogue shooter ? We don't know yet. Probably a FF by the Deep state thugs. Not a fake event with crisis actors but a real shooting but still... Instigated by the Deep state.

Patranon1 ago

Maybe you dont know the meaning of a false flag. People were shot and killed. Nobody is stating no one died. Only that there was a drill practiced in advance to get pictures and have time to edit them. Then mk ultra mclovin shows up

Geo_synchronous ago

There are three main types of false flags.---- One where crisis actors are used and its all faked. Another type is where actual shootings take place and the military level false flags that instigate wars. Im sure there are even other types like corporate hostel take over false flags. market rumor false flags ETC. Relax bro. This happening at many levels.

MomQisReady ago

This makes so much sense. I spent over an hour last night on the El Paso Police site and other's simply trying to figure out the printed location of the shooting. You will find nothing. The MSM video's of all of Ciello Mall but the individual photo shopped image of the shooter is walking into Walmart. The gun seems clearly photo shopped from mid arm out to hand. The witnesses say 4 masked gunmen entered Walmart and started shooting. Thank you for this take on what happened.

amusingwench ago

In the still photo of the guy entering Walmart you can see STOP painted on the pavement outside. I looked at the Walmart in question on Google Earth and it is not there. Now maybe at the time Google took the photo, there was no STOP painted there and it was done later. The only way to verify it, would be to have someone local check it out.

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Google maps is just not updated it was there in some Twitter and pol videos

LakotaPride ago

Excellent catch , Patriot. there are two many things that are not adding up, like cargo pants and no cargo pants, witnesses claiming more shooters spotted. we can go on.

Fishdo169 ago

Don’t fall in that trap mate... the cargo pants are in both pics... the pic of arrest does show very faintly the top of the thigh pockets on the guys right leg but I reason those pockets can’t be seen clearly is because of the quality of the pic... and also because in the comparison pic entering Walmart his thigh pockets are full and so are bulging in arrest pic they are empty so less distinguishing add to that the quality and that’s why you can’t make out the thigh pockets very well...

Spreading that point will only undermine the other facts we do know as the cargo pants detail is easily debunked...


LakotaPride ago

Great point Patriot, when one has questions, best to make sure to investigate fully, the only way to find answers is to draw attention to it and research. this way we can dispel or confirm, reminds me of the Vegas shooting, that many LE and acoustics can not be wrong with multiple shooters. Just like JFK when several Korean war vets stated shots came from the grassy knoll, and were listed as not credible witnesses. really, there is a history of this crap. where everything needs to be questioned and verified.

derram ago :

Victims of Cielo Vista Mall Shooting Treated by First Responders - YouTube

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takeshi79 ago