Deep State and the Media fucked up YUUUUGE on this one....
Did anybody else catch this?
It's been my belief since Sandy Hook that events are shot out of sequence as footage is used from planned active shooter drills, edited, and then promoted as real footage from a mass shooting.
>Instructions for Crisis Actors in Active Shooter Drill @ Dillard's in Cielo Vista Mall
All initial media tweets about the shooting indicated the Cielo Vista Mall was the scene of an active shooter. Some reports came in before the shooting was even initiated. Not only was the shooter LATE to the planned event, HE WENT TO WALMART instead.
That is why there is no shooting or live fire footage from Walmart and all the evacuation footage is coming from the Mall ( more on Walmart footage later ).
EXCUSE ME.... Why were the cops evacuating citizens into the shared parking lot, which was in the line of fire from Walmart where the actual shooting was going down? They should have been sheltering in place, while all law enforcement resources were committed to the Walmart while perimeter was set up around the Mall.
Furthermore, media receives their reports from Law Enforcement, not the other way around. Why did LEO's end up inside the Mall and why were they and the ((( MSM ))) both WRONG about the location of the shooting?
This is the KICKER >>>
Evacuees from the Mall being TREATED AT THE WALMART!!!
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TheresABlackOut ago
Another thing, the dark blue shirt/khaki pants guy they nonchalantly arrested outside as a diversion.. every walmart employee wears dark blue shirt and khaki pants. This is the one outfit you can guarantee other people would have been wearing at Walmart so if you needed to photoshop a quick walmart patsy image and make aquick fake arrest, this is the logical outfit you'd choose. Heck, maybe they took his image directly from a shooting range security clip which is why he's wearing earmuffs and eye protection.