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Geo_synchronous ago

The mall next to Walmart went into lock down during the shooting. The film showing cops scrambling was in Dillards in that mall. I understand people want to end his crap by proving there is some back room criminals but You gotta get the facts straight. The shooter was at Walmart. Was it a FF or a rogue shooter ? We don't know yet. Probably a FF by the Deep state thugs. Not a fake event with crisis actors but a real shooting but still... Instigated by the Deep state.

Patranon1 ago

Maybe you dont know the meaning of a false flag. People were shot and killed. Nobody is stating no one died. Only that there was a drill practiced in advance to get pictures and have time to edit them. Then mk ultra mclovin shows up

Geo_synchronous ago

There are three main types of false flags.---- One where crisis actors are used and its all faked. Another type is where actual shootings take place and the military level false flags that instigate wars. Im sure there are even other types like corporate hostel take over false flags. market rumor false flags ETC. Relax bro. This happening at many levels.