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ChimpStenographer ago

Hope you didn't take my comments yesterday too personally.

The photo yesterday. It was of them training prior to. Now it all makes sense.

[good work dude.] (

Conejo_loco ago

naw man I don’t take anything personally... this is above me... I do this for all the children (and adults) who have been tortured, murdered, used and thrown away like trash. I share info for my brothers and sisters. Nothing will silence me. I may not always be right, but I WILL make people think and question their reality. We are not enemies but brothers in this fight. Every family has a disagreement now and then...

Espy- ago

I agree with everything you said above. However, as a family it's important that we share ACCURATE information and analysis with one another. Inaccurate information like this are what give the shills and doubters more ammunition. Not only that - false info just muddies the citizen investigation...

ChimpStenographer ago

Look closer.