ChimpStenographer ago

Hope you didn't take my comments yesterday too personally.

The photo yesterday. It was of them training prior to. Now it all makes sense.

[good work dude.] (

Conejo_loco ago

naw man I don’t take anything personally... this is above me... I do this for all the children (and adults) who have been tortured, murdered, used and thrown away like trash. I share info for my brothers and sisters. Nothing will silence me. I may not always be right, but I WILL make people think and question their reality. We are not enemies but brothers in this fight. Every family has a disagreement now and then...

Espy- ago

I agree with everything you said above. However, as a family it's important that we share ACCURATE information and analysis with one another. Inaccurate information like this are what give the shills and doubters more ammunition. Not only that - false info just muddies the citizen investigation...

ChimpStenographer ago

Look closer.


Wwg1wga1972 ago

They are well trained. Well positioned defensively. I'm sure active shooter protocol engages all availble officers on and off duty to respond. I am no fan of the glorified tax collectors but this picture is not convincing enough to me...but after a high level official puts a skinned alive face of a little girl on hers and dances around...nothingbwill surprise me anymore.

truthseeker2017 ago

The one guy looks like his shirt doesn't look black, has rolled up sleeves and body armor on. I believe the shooter they showed on the news had a black short sleeved Tshirt and no body armor.

Chasmaniac ago

Damn dude, don't you know that, like its a FF because everyone knows to pull off a good FF you need to use lots of guys where there's tons of cameras and witnesses so that you can then do a Jedi mind trick double, triple fake by NOT having multiple shooters arrested. Its obvious once you connect all the dots.....

Btw, you are completely correct.


They are cops. Nothing to look at here ... believe it.

dieusor ago

It’s like some of these posts are meant to discredit voat

Chasmaniac ago

That, my friend, is the real false flag operation.

Zanbato ago

this is dumb, because Walmart has like 100 cameras so everything is on video tape

Dolli ago

I thought they said the three gunman were in shorts.

ChimpStenographer ago

By the way, I really do hope the pic is real. stupid. just hoping you could help to prove it.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Oh that was just the Mossad agent who works for Schumer and Trump. They will just let him go

ChimpStenographer ago

Well, they say the truth comes out eventually. Lets just say I could do this forever. Why should I believe that it's is what you say it is? have you read any of your replies? I'm not alone here.

selpai ago

Every time. This explains the 8chan attack then.

Wazhappenin1 ago

Body armor?

ChimpStenographer ago

I hope is't what you say it is. We all have copies now. lets just make sure we'er not looking at couple of cops.

danthi ago

That is the response team. Come on let's not go chasing ghosts.

slumbermachine ago

Wow, you are over the target, shills going apeshit in here.

Conejo_loco ago

Yup... my last post explaining how all three shooters have “Jew lips” is voted into the negative! Jew lips... meaty and red, with a thin upper lip and a fat bottom lip... almost as if you put a black mans lips on a white dude... combine that with the buggy eyes a little further apart and the undefined flabby jawline. I think ALL these sleepers are of Jewish descent... don’t forget Jeffrey Epstein was trying to seed over 200 of his own children.... imagine how many psycho rich Jews out there with 100s if not 1000s of children.

zxcvzxcv ago

You are right. he is a jew. there is irrefutable evidence.

SavageCainite ago

oh god so the jews are so bad they run the world and are also killing their own kids for propaganda purposes? ffs you morons are hilarious lol. muh jooz bad muh jooz muh jooz. Get the fuck over it - the jews are better than you, so fucking what. We're all shit compared to someone else and SOMEONE else is always in charge so get on with LIFE which dictates that you do whatever the fuck you can to overcome your inherent limitations and stop blaming muh jooz for all your problems.

zxcvzxcv ago

hello fellow white person. you is so rights, man. like, jews is dah bestest. shaloms and praise israel. penis blood so delicious.

SavageCainite ago

yeah bruvs! The asians are smarter than us dumb white cunts too so we got nothing to cry about. Some niggers are better off than many of us white cunts and theyz even dumber than us so what does IQ and family connections amount to? Pure chance. So get over it and get on with it and pass the penis blood instead of crying cos you ain't as good as a joo! YEAH!

Conejo_loco ago

Israel has about 900 nuclear bombs right?

ChimpStenographer ago

If I didn't know any better Id said your a (((shill))) trying to throw us all off. Oh wait i don't.

Conejo_loco ago

You mean “you’re” a (((shill)))?

ChimpStenographer ago

By the way what are 11 years old? that's the faggyest Kike Shill comeback I've received yet. Your defensiveness is only making me more skeptical. .

Conejo_loco ago

Because I speak English and not Ebonics? Go back to Israel shill, you and your 900 nukes are NOT welcome here

fullthrottle1949 ago

Check out X22Report from yesterday. ..has a lot of pics to question, we want answers.

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago


29again ago

I'm trying to figure out why they heard shots INSIDE the mall while the only shooter was outside the walmart..... and then every witness said there was more than one shooter.

ChimpStenographer ago

yeah, this is shotty at best.

ErrorHasNoRights ago

Voat needs an IQ test for posting. More and more of these dumbass fake posts are making it to the top of /all.

Chasmaniac ago

Posts like this make me very afraid for the future. Critical thinking skills are becoming rare.

Maximus_Dinduicus ago

And a filter for shit being reposted fifty times after a week.

ChimpStenographer ago

Reddit migrants.

Conway2 ago

God you people are dumb. Neither of those is dressed like the guy they arrested. Clearly a cop and a plain cloths cop.

Armadino ago

A cop with an AK. Are we in Russia or something?

Conway2 ago

The only gun you can make out in the picture is defiantly a milspec style AR. The "carry handle" and front sight are a dead giveaway.

Conejo_loco ago

A cop in all black? riiiiiiiight

Espy- ago

Pictured "assailant" on Walmart cam and the video of "assailant" being put into a police car show the man with a black v-neck shirt. The sleeves of the shirt rode noticeably high on his arms.... this picture does not show the same dude

Thep1mp ago

Dude..... there are plenty of cops who dress in all black. Like most of them. Even more so when entering a tactical situation like this. Don’t be a retard.

Conway2 ago

So uh, how about those israeli nukes...

iDontShift ago

nukes don't exist.

Conejo_loco ago

Israel has over 900 nukes!

Wazhappenin1 ago

No they don't NFW.

ChaosFrog ago

That doesn’t look like a Walmart entrance to me. The poles guarding the door should be blue for starters.

hamdoguhoh ago

It clearly says dillards in the post.

ChaosFrog ago

Shooting was at Walmart?

hamdoguhoh ago

Walmart, sams, and the mall, according to initial reports.

JacobJaredKenworthy ago

Patrick Crusius was wearing a black shirt, as seen on the surveillance video screenshot. This guy is wearing tan pants, but his shirt is clearly not black

Blacksmith21 ago

Imagine if the photographer had an AR and could use it. Would you fire? You know they are trained and will fire back. How will you determine friend or foe?

29again ago

Wouldn't the cops know what their uniform looks like? And what the SWAT team wears?

Blacksmith21 ago

If you were armed, and you saw that picture, would you take the shot?

29again ago

Probably not. Then again, I might, it all depends on what I know of the situation.

Blacksmith21 ago

Yeah, it's a tough call. IRL context would help. I'd have to see them fire on a civilian before taking the shots. Work from left to right. Two shots under the armpit.

Persistent3 ago

The guy on the left is wearing headphones and wearing the same clothes as the guy arrested. That's they guy that was arrested. One man that was interviewed said he saw the shooter and he was wearing ALL BLACK. (Just like the guy in the image posted). It is the shooters; not the law enforcement officers. The swat team was all wearing swat gear.

ChimpStenographer ago

I want to believe you. Can you prove it?

clintoris76 ago

Plain clothes person on left is a right hand shooter... press released pic shows dude holding his AK left handed. ....that’s what convinced me these guys are LEOs

showbobandvagene ago

You sure that isnt the armed response team?

I-Know-Right ago

Does look like police response,but doesn't mean they're weren't multiple shooters.

Conejo_loco ago

Why no uniform? One plain clothed and one in all black but no uniform... not buying it, they would be in uniform

Espy- ago

Pictured "assailant" on Walmart cam and the video of "assailant" being put into a police car show the man with a black v-neck shirt. The sleeves of the shirt rode noticeably high on his arms.... this picture does not show the same dude

Chasmaniac ago

Responding officers are sometimes in street clothing, especially SWAT.

Conejo_loco ago

No way you can convince me these are two cops that are working together but one is in street clothes just like the suspect and the other is in ALL BLACK like several witnesses who said there were 3-4 shooters. Occam’s razor.

Chasmaniac ago

"No way you can convince me..."

That's exactly what every brain dead liberal says when presented with facts.

Just a note: You used Occams razor incorrectly.

"the principle (attributed to William of Occam) that in explaining a thing no more assumptions should be made than are necessary."

The easiest, minimal assumption, answer is that it is indeed police officers, not a cabal of local and federal LEO's working in collusion with the local and national press who then cover up a shooting.

Yes a few people report hearing or seeing "shooters", but eyewitness reports in high stress situations are one of the LEAST reliable pieces of evidence.

I think there are question that need to be answered, but the number of shooters isn't one.

Ask yourself a question: What's to gain by FFing a shooting with multiple shooters out in broad daylight in multiple locations with dozens of security cameras and untold numbers of phones, when you can do the SAME DAMN SHOOTING with just ONE SHOOTER? What do you gain?

ViperCarbz ago

Guy on the left does not have an AK-47. The cops has an AR.