20091858? ago

Be honest, do you want credit for you work? I mean, if you're good enough to steal from, then couldn't you just build your own site and ask for money?

I realize you do what you do for no money. What they're doing is definitely shady, but what recourse is there? I mean on one level, they're getting the information out there, and taking the risk of getting shut down, meanwhile obfuscating the legitimate source. I guess it wouldn't kill them to write you a thank you note... but you get nothing?

20084213? ago

Great OP OG. This is prolly a kike stealing the goy's treasures.

20083492? ago

Dilly did the same yesterday but he manipulated the info. He had tons of people DM him what was up and he acted like he already knew and manipulated the part that would help people wake up to the shootings. Amazing.

20081732? ago

Beware who you follow! Shine the Light! Keep up the Great Work!

20080499? ago

So you care about money more than the truth getting out? Op are you Jewish?

20080190? ago

Welcome to half the Q movement. All a bunch of useless cunts trying to make a quick buck.

20079971? ago

Could be a disinformation guy. So when normal people search they always see some douche asking for money. Always associate diggers with panhandlers. Great to see you call them out!

20079605? ago

I saw your post on Gab after I saw it here, and they linked back to Voat. So at least it's being shared responsibly there.

20079641? ago

thanks for the heads up

do you have the gab link?

20079471? ago

I've read your original post. Great dig!

I think it's positive that all the info is spread on many platforms. But the source must always be credited. And taking money for other people's work is disgusting. It would be fair if he would forward the money to Voat.

20083281? ago

NEONREVOLT does the same shit. Now he released a Q book. Fuck that paytriot faggot.

20094720? ago

Give it a rest with Neon. He works harder than you to dig through all the information. You jealous?

20080899? ago

same here. read the original, upvoated and commented

20079395? ago

What a niggerfaggot move.

20079245? ago

Government Slaves have been stealing other people's work for over a decade. They cover themselves by claiming they aren't a news organisation, but rather a "news aggregator" which they believe allows them to take other people's work and claim it for themselves.

20079846? ago

What a fraud. You've got to attribute it if you want to aggregate it, and how exactly is one to attribute a work that's published anonymously without directly linking it.

20079238? ago

The PayPal username is RDA746. Whoever did this owes you an apology and perhaps some compensation.

20079254? ago

That weasel should at least give VOAT Qanon's credit

I don't want any $$$.

20080030? ago

Nice attitude for real. As long as the information is getting out. But I agree there should be some sort of citation.

20079275? ago

I didn't expect that you did want compensation, because you gave the info for free. However assholes that steal should pay. Thank you for your contributions sorry an asshat is using it for their own gain

20079293? ago

much appreciated, anon