20265931? ago

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20238850? ago

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20080897? ago

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20079199? ago

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20079151? ago

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20064816? ago

khakis were 100 some at the mall, too expensive... so he went to walmart where they can be had for 20 bucks. lol

20063712? ago

Please use spell ck. The INFO is GREAT...you appear to be intelligent...seen? or SCENE?? Not picking, but don't want your good info to appear coming from someone who was not schooled. WWG1WGA. Plz forgive if...

20057894? ago

Where are you seeing that this is video from an active shooter drill? It looks like an employee or plain clothes officer instructing them before evacuating the store.

20057494? ago

That doesn't look like the interior of any Dillards I have been in. It looks like a Sears.

20054801? ago

FBI can't even get their entrapment MKUltra instructions correct to the woken sleepers.

20053587? ago

Yeah, I saw the reports of the mall shooter then couldn't find anything else on it besides the Walmart shooting... I thought that was strange. Obvious ff is obvious. The d.s. is a terrorist group. And the liberals supporting them are as well. Let's start the trials already.

20052954? ago

But this flies in the face of the muplitple shooter reports from walmart patrons. If the MKULKTRA victim went to the wrong place, shouldn't the hired goons, dudes in black like at Parkland, have been in the correct local?

20052819? ago

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20052136? ago

Can you link some of these initial tweets you referred to?

20051339? ago

The only Stop I can find on the road is on the west most corner but no doors there. Images on google earth are from april 2019.

However at the Cielo Vista Mall there are a couple doors with stop lines.

IF it is Walmart, then It's the Home and Living Entrance... that one looks the closest.

20050644? ago

This goes for Christchurch shooter as well.

They had both mosques open the following Friday for service. Are you fucking kidding me.

Guess they didn't feel the need to treat them as crime scenes. Pre filmed.

20050446? ago

One question -- at what point will one of these crisis actors come forward? There are a lot of people in that video. They can't be paying them so much that they'll never talk. Some day there will be a book about this time in history.

Remember when hijacked airliners were all the rage? We had a couple of years where we heard about it monthly. Now - NADA. And it sure as hell isn't because TSA knows what they are doing...

20056549? ago

These crises actors are the same type of retards that call themselves antifa. Their brainwashed into thinking their deception is righteous.

20051717? ago

One question -- at what point will one of these crisis actors come forward?

I'm certain they do a detailed background check on all the crisis actors, so they are all on the same page politically, and all understand if they squeal they will be sued into oblivion and they will make sure nobody believes them.

20051476? ago

You apparently are a concern fag if you have these kind of questions. At least that's what I've read in earlier comments here

20050527? ago

Hmmm... what if the majority of people who participated in the active shooting drill were ILLEGALS ?

and because the drill was many months ago, why would they come forward when they would be deported or attacked as 'insane' by the entire MSM ?


20050659? ago

yeppers. And they were promised immunity or free pass into the US. -- EH- purty smart, anon! Good point

20050221? ago

Nothing after your "This is the Kicker>>> " Was something supposed to be there?

20051161? ago

It's the YouTube link below it.

20050049? ago

In regards to the woman sitting on the Sam's club cart, wouldn't a through and through bullet wound through the calf be bleeding on atleast one side? Especially a 7.62 size round.

20051333? ago

I thought that was over-hyped as well. People were actually/supposedly dying and they are rolling her out like she is seriously injured. She could have been injured as a result of trying to get away, but it doesn't appear to be serious. Also leads to it being at Sam's and not Walmart. Witnesses were interviewed with Sam's uniforms in the background. I know they're both in the same area and are sister companies, but according to the security cam pic (as noted by another anon), the markings are different than what is on google maps. And each store has their own/different uniforms.

20050084? ago

her leg would be half off

20049844? ago

I don't doubt any of this. But I always get stuck on how do they keep the people quiet who participated in those drills if there were that many. And mall employees had to know the drill was going on. Do they not wonder WTF when they watch the news now? Just trying to understand how this part gets pulled off.

20050008? ago

Disclosure agreements signed to get their cash I would think but yeah you'd think there would be at least one that would do the right thing unless they are all Dems.

20050035? ago

Or one that when approached said no thanks. Or one fool who told a friend.

20050471? ago

They must be paid pretty good or terrify easily. There phones etc. could also all be monitored. Look at what happened to the witnesses after Las Vegas

20060090? ago

Supposedly the mortgages for the homes around the school in the Sandy Hook shooting were paid off.

20049912? ago

payoffs, fear, non-disclosure agreements and a deep hatred of White Americans and the President by a 5th column of invaders

20049969? ago

Seems risky to trust that many people would stay quiet. There are just so many that have to be wondering wtf is going on and will tell someone.

20050099? ago

Probably many actors involved are actual deep state people. Also, they rely heavily on the power of suggestion, most people being not observant of their surroundings, and just lemmings.

20050034? ago

you have to be kidding?

The entire MSM, Leo's and politicians are promoting a false narrative and you think people are going to speak out?

These cunts are collecting in mass protests of Trump and white people lol

Your concern fagging ignores every word of this submission that clearly points out what actually happened.

20050234? ago

Not kidding. Thinking logically through the questions people have when I try to explain it to them. So you're suggesting to just call these people waking up with questions concern fags?

20050309? ago

you're EXACTLY concern fagging

maybe it's you that needs to get your priorities straight

20049515? ago

UPDATE 8:30 a.m.: Del Sol Hospital officials said they received 11 shooting victims Sunday morning. Eight are in stable condition, but three are still critical condition

At least seven of those patients had surgery on Saturday, officials said. In the days to come, many of them will have to go back into the operating room.

Officials said many of the staff members came in on their day off to care for the influx of patients.

The hospital had recently practiced an active shooter response mock drill, so there was some preparation in case of a mass shooting, according to hospital officials.


More on the active shooter drill at the Hospital about 1 year ago.


20049428? ago

I’m not sure which Q drop specifically but didn’t he say “Nobody is killed, you’re watching a movie.” In regards to these types of FF? Seems like they’re losing their producers.

20054504? ago

Kind of. Drop 813.

People kill people.

You are watching a movie.

They want you WEAK.





20055857? ago

Ahh much better thank you.

20049994? ago

I personally know of a couple who died in the sutherland shooting. Unless they abducted them and put them on another planet somewhere. They were here one day and gone the next. Absolutely feel the shooter was controlled though.

20552394? ago

Ironically, the southerland shooter had gotten a job where i worked at the time.

They fired him within a week...

He was sufferobg from some type of mental illness.

About 1 year and few months prior...

Kinda bizarre

20062549? ago

I think Sandy Hook was a hoax (fake shooting) and they realized how sloppy it is to not have actual dead victims (except for Lanza who's death certificate says he died the day before the shooting), so since then they have all been real, but staged to some extent (several trained shooters, during or after a "drill", blamed on a young white male patsy - who is MK Ultra'd into going along with everything).

20051381? ago

I, too,believe people are dying and injured in the attacks. The shooter and some of the witnesses, are IMO controlled well.

20049311? ago

The video where they are treating people looks like the sam's club. It's next to the walmart.

Pretty clear this is a hoax since they have no footage of any injuries or actual panicing people.

20052768? ago

YES! They are clearly milling about pushing carts and shopping unconcernedly!

20049419? ago

people were shopping lol

( I'm calling it Walmart for simplicity, because it's the same building )

20049309? ago

This explanation is on point. Would be interesting to somehow go back and listen to the police scanner from the beginning and see if it matches up with this.

20049247? ago

Seen of Drill Months Earlier.

I don't understand. Who was seen?

20049199? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=LoCbnN6kFfY :

Victims of Cielo Vista Mall Shooting Treated by First Responders - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

20048894? ago

Wow this needs to get posted on 8chan when it is working again

20050333? ago

4chan /pol/ works the same and that's where everyone should be going while it's still up.

20048822? ago

I hope Trump can expose who is responsible for this FF.

20048680? ago


20048662? ago


Here is some footage of the practice at the mall... they talk about Dillards

20048720? ago

Also there is an interesting thread at 4chan right now questioning the entrance the shooter used. They cant find the same pavement marking on google maps (images taken from 2019) as the "security tape" that was released

20051197? ago

One video I watched on CNN of all places showed this location. In the video the guy is speaking Spanish and there are two victims on the ground, one in the parking lot and one by the wall closer to the entrance door. The same vending machines can be seen in google maps and the video.


20049898? ago

The "stop" in the security tape appears to be at the the end of the parking aisle before approaching the lane that runs along the front of the Walmart. The "yield" markings in google maps image appear to be next to the side walk along the front of Walmart. Different locations, so of course, the comparison here isn't going to match up. One needs to look for the "stop" at the end of the parking aisle before the lane running along the front of Walmart. Not along the sidewalk. The security cam angle is distorting the distance so that the "stop" appears closer to the entrance than where it is actually across the lane running along the front of the building.

*Edited for spelling

20050156? ago

that's just it, though.. there are no painted "stop" signs at the end of the parking aisles in the google earth imagery. The image was taken less than 5 months ago according to google. Looks too faded in the surveillance image to be new (imo).

I see 1 painted "stop" at the end of an aisle at the very south west corner of the building, but it doesn't line up with an entrance.

here is the coordinates for the store:

lat: 31.777234°

long: -106.384340°

20050557? ago

I was wondering if the Horizons Walmart has the markings. Since there was a call in prior at that location that subsequently turned out to be someone with a carry licence. I had read that this particular Walmart or Walmart in general (not sure) was a gun-free zone. Also it was noted that the employees were wearing Sam's uniforms. Could the security cam footage be from Sam's? Or the Horizons store? Or from one of the entrances to a store at the mall, such as Dillards? I agree many things don't add up. Now the news is reporting that the shooter drove 10 hours and got lost and hungry and that's how he ended up in that location. WTF?

Edited to correct spelling and add this:

Could he have been a backup shooter since their 1string guy got busted a couple of days prior in the hotel purchasing an AK after his grandmother turned him in, (article is out there sorry no link)? They recruited this guy who had to drive 10 hours, he got lost, ended up at the wrong location, and now the stories don't add up. Anyway, that's what I'm thinking. Trying to see if that theory fits what actually happened in this instance.

20050890? ago

I noticed in the video too, that they were using a Sam's flat bed cart to bring in victims... never seen one of those at a Walmart.

Also interesting about your theory, I posted this on Sunday morning after the shooting... it was a go fund me to a victim at the El Paso Mall shooting (said he was killed AT THE MALL)... that was posted 2 Days Earlier! The page has since been removed, but I took a screen shot. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3365513/20017431

That would align with your theory that the originally planned shooting was thwarted and a back-up had to be called in.

20049484? ago

My first thought was that entrance is to narrow. Most Walmarts that I have been to have a much larger entrance to fit their elephant sized shoppers.

20049708? ago

might also explain why the shooter appeared to have on different pants in the arrest photo.. if this was staged earlier and filmed at a different location.

20049039? ago

Googles satellite images may just not be up to date in this case. Someone should physically go there to look for the marking.

20052608? ago

Anyone got a friend in El Paso?

20049351? ago

I checked for this as well. The STOP in the security picture appears like it’s been there for a while. We need someone to verify this In person ASAP.

20048609? ago

The word is scene** you dumb nigger

20049603? ago

Grammar Faggot dropping the N-bomb ... gotta love Voat

20048636? ago

typo = nigger ?


nigger = typo police

20048686? ago

No, you made the mistake more than once, you're a dumb nigger and your mother hates you.

20048996? ago


I can unravel Deep State False Flags in simple, easy to understand terms.

and you know how to spell SCENE


20050096? ago

You replied to someone else, obviously other people agree with me and think you're a retarded nigger.

20048967? ago

nice brigading faggot

20048704? ago

Just admit it. You're dumb as fuck and have a poor grasp of the English language.

20049195? ago

why are you even here? Most of us have been here since the beginning so we're friendly with each other, and we don't talk to each other like that. such a FOOL and SO OBVIOUS with your INSULTS! just amazing that you can't figure that out!

20049504? ago

Because obviously they are shills. Just ignore

20050081? ago

Lmao paranoid dumb niggers. You act retarded you'll get called out for it. Stop being a pussy and take responsibility

20048562? ago

I have been going through all the pictures using shadows to create a time line. all outside pics seem to fit the 1035 timeline or later except one. The only pic that is different is the one where the shooter enters Walmart, that one is about 0933. I have not checked the mall pics though.

20048489? ago

Who's the mayor? Any sort of kick back scheme in place? What's the motive for the shooting? Any links to people from Broward County ?

20052668? ago

This was Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourkes district. Just a coincidence.

20048715? ago

El Paso is as blue as they come. It's like 99% beaner.

20048486? ago

Their dumbing of critical thinking skills has apparently affected them as well.

20048398? ago

Where is the security footage of all this?

20052453? ago

No doubt! There are entire zip codes full of nothing but illegals within the Dallas metroplex alone. There are pockets of entirely illegal Hispanics who don't speak English (that's how you know they're illegal for sure) such as in Farmers Branch, TX and the far NW section of Dallas county.

There are other pockets of the Dallas metroplex that are almost entirely taken over by Muslims with mosques on every corner like 7-Elevens (i.e., Richardson, TX) and people from India (e.g., Carrollton, TX and large sections of Plano, TX and Frisco, TX).

He did NOT need to drive across the whole state to find a store full of illegal Mexicans - not by a long shot.

20051022? ago

Maybe, because the Antifa crisis actors were in El Paso. And the 1st guy got busted buying an AK after his gm turned him in. This guy was recruited as the backup and had to drive to where the "actors" were on location in El Paso, but he got lost on the way there, ended up at the wrong location and was late to the scene. Just a theory.

I'm truly sorry if innocent people were killed or injured in this horrific incident. The constant lies of the msm and the Jusse Smollets out there make me question everything and suspect all the narratives being broadcast across all media outlets as being a lie.

20048359? ago

Rense.com is a great resource for researching things like this. He has a lot on both shootings.

20049238? ago


20048314? ago

Someone check and see if there is "STOP" painted on the asphalt outside the door and the curb heights of the mall. Walmart has "Yield" painted.

20049214? ago

good idea

20049057? ago

check yourself faggot

20051401? ago

Be a team player kike

20049040? ago

lol i'm seeing the following as a review on google for the mall as i'm looking at maps

No "stop" painted at the Walmart entrances

20051419? ago

Looks like the home and Living Entrance at Walmart, but no stop there on april 2019.(google Earth)

20048297? ago

And this is the reason why we got to see no footage from 3000 people, most of them with camera phones, except some running people. Because nothing happened and the prepared "footage" from the drills could not be used because it shows the false location.

This time their magic trick trick went wrong.

20057411? ago

The photos of the shooter entering the store are fake. There is no "stop" markings on the pavement as seen in the background. Go to Google maps and see for yourself. The image is dated 4/19. El Paso PD is not going to release the crime scene photos. Also, there is a 25 yr old walmart employee who claimed to be near the main entrance by McD's and never saw a shooter but heard about two shooters in black. She made it to Dillards where there was more loud shooting. How can she hear shooting from inside Walmart? Look at the video from Dillards. Huge police presence there as well as a fire truck. Why? We're told everything happened at Walmart. Sorry VOAT won't let me post URLs but there easily found.

20049229? ago

Finally a motherfucker that can explain shit unlike a fuckin shizo

20048992? ago

Doesn't Walmart have tons of security cameras....? Most of them have facial recognition cameras at eye level when you walk through the door even.

20050994? ago

Yep. Go check out places like the fishing lures where they put a camera and screen in your face to show you're being surveilled.

20049444? ago

300 per store per an employee

20054435? ago

365 at my local walmart i belive they said when i worked there. worked many places.

20051863? ago

hmm, they must have missed that isle or those cameras malfunctioned. we'll never see the footage for whatever reason they come up with.

20053991? ago

No we won't because wal*mart = arkansas = waltons = clintons

20057022? ago

Well, someone will see it, but you and I won't get to see it.

20048268? ago

Let's hope releasing evidence of this is part of the plan.

20048180? ago

Media, Walmart all in on it. Look how the Dayton shooter has been dead since 2014!

Can't post a URL but look at Jim Stone's web site. Great information

20050002? ago

Dayton local here. That shooting was real, not motivated by politics. I lived in the Oregon district for about five years. I have friends that were there that night.

El Paso is definitely suspect. The Dayton shooting’s timing was just coincidence.

20069551? ago

The Dayton shooting is suspect as well, shooters mom and dad darpa tech company Altrimira and mom is tied directly to Weiner and Epstein. Shooter might be a stand in for dead son.

20075164? ago

As facts are being dug up, it’s starting to take a shape, isn’t it? An acquaintance of mine, friend of a relative, works in the same office as the father; I’m trying to get any information I can out of him without being too pushy. Trying to see if there were family photos in the office, and who were in them.

20050578? ago

I seriously doubt it was coincidence. Mass shootings frequently occur in "clusters".

On many of those occasions, they're copy cat style or someone who was already planning something and seeing someone else do it gives them the nerve to go for it.

The Dayton shooting, though, seems to be more of a "retaliatory" event, in my opinion. He was probably already planning on doing it at some point, though.

After seeing all the coverage of a "white supremacist" shooter in El Paso, I think he decided, being a leftist, that he would retaliate by hitting a target that he figured would have a lot of conservatives in it. Pretty sure I read the owner of the bar saying it was a "country music bar". Can you confirm that?

My whole theory could be wrong but, given his social media history and the timing, it feels like the right track.

20050730? ago

It’s possible, but dude did shoot his sister and her boyfriend at the alley intersection, then went into the main drag. Seemed to me to be more of a murder/suicide. Your point about the retaliatory nature of the timing makes complete sense. Local interviews with friends are confirming that the guy was very anti-gun. One friend even stated that he thought the shooter bought the stuff “to prove how easy it was to get armed”.

The bar he was shot in front of happened to be the biker bar. But the bouncer at that bar, a Marine, was hollering for people on the street to come into it. Many people ran in there. He followed, running to the door, only to be wasted right in front of it. He wasn’t even shooting at that moment. He was running from a hail of gunfire.

There are usually about a dozen cops with gear in trucks on those two blocks on Friday and Saturday nights. He went to school about six blocks west of the district. There was no way he thought he was getting far. I’m proud of the guys down there who fucked him up.

20052766? ago

Gotcha. Thanks for the additional info.

I guess we'll never fully know his thought process. Hate it for your community.

20054828? ago

I appreciate that. It’s the price of freedom. Gotta protect yourself.

20048166? ago

You should really post some links to back up your claims.

20065825? ago

Why? So you can demand that we wipe your ass next? How about if we all just line up and give you a blow job so we and open dialogue and post possible evidence that needs to be scrubbed?

You fucking control freaks make censorship possible through good intentions. Just like a well trained useful idiot.

20066562? ago

The fact that you're getting angry about someone asking for a bit more to go on says everything about what you are.

20067271? ago

Angry? I'm not a control freak. I'm just pinging a social justice whore doing the back door censorship thing.

On a public "opinion" forum. How hard is it to comprehend the simple "Truth" to post an opinion on an opinion board?

You want proof of personal opinions? Ha, fucking control freak on the rampage.

Wipe your own bloody ass in private and leave the shit flinging for the domesticated monkey's and feral Proggies.

20069043? ago

You sound angry. Did you shit today? Maybe try some Chamomile tea or something.

20048564? ago

Backing up claims for an opinion by control freaks is like grooming others to wipe the freaks unwashed ass. Spoiled rotten punks who demand proof of personal opinions and educated guesses. Idiots.

20049187? ago

If you're stating an opinion, say so. An educated guess? Based on what knowledge. You have to support your info with info.

20065181? ago

You demand others to explain for each post on an Opinon Forum that an Opinion is being posted?

Are you stupid or something? That's called an opinion based on your demands to have your ass wiped because you already used 10 digits to clean off that diarrhea you keep spewing.

20065338? ago

Context and clarity dipshit. If you say something, say where it's coming from. This isn't an opinion forum. What ever gave you the idea that it was? However, opinions are fine as long as we know it's an opinion and not your version of a fact that has no support.

20065660? ago

Context and clarity by a control freak is why you demand hand holding. Wipe your own ass in private and quit shitting in a public OPINION forum.

Once you can define "opinion" and "freedom of speech" your maturity level will earn the respect you so cautiously spit on.

Next step for your devolution into shit flinging is to demand proof of a personal opinion.

Fucking control freaks like Antifa freaks have always weaponized public opinion forums, because assholes like you do the heavy lifting.

Prove me wrong has always been a joke for the rational discussion.

20065858? ago

QRV is not an opinion forum. Who ever told you that?! It's here to spread information. Opinions are always welcome of course. If you actually knew how to pay attention you'd know that I didn't demand proof of a personal opinion. I just said that we should know if what you're saying is your opinion, or something your posting as fact. Facts have to have supporting proof. Opinions don't because they're not factual, just opinions. Again, QRV is not an opinion forum!

20048363? ago

This isn't Reddit where you are fed packaged information from bots and scripts. You can find everything he's talking about in 10min of searching. Make up your own mind and let us know what you've come up with. Maybe you can see ho something fits that we are all missing.

20048521? ago

That isnt how research and news works, buddy.

Do you just assume everything you hear is true without some sort of sourcing?

You make a claim and you back it up. People do not have time to independently verify every piece of info. How doltish does one need to be to do the work of finding something but not bother letting others where they found it? It is a simple copy and paste.

20048139? ago

Excellent critical thinking! These people are stupid! Citizen logic will contribute to their downfall.

20048695? ago

Yet "citizen logic" can't seem to lock up the traitors like Hillary Clinton....

20047989? ago

Excellent observation Patriot!

20047984? ago

It seems the DS is using the "B" or "C" teams.

20064889? ago

This is what happens when you outsource to Cognizant.

20048251? ago

They keep killing the smart ones off.

20048207? ago

They're running out of staff.

20047813? ago

EXACTLY! watched and couldn't understand what they were doing. Film from both buildings and witnesses mostly from the mall. It was crazy, Also one shot of people running from walmart in front of the mall and people standing around in front of the mall wondering what was going on.

20051467? ago

I posted this on Sunday morning after the shooting... it was a go fund me to a victim at the El Paso Mall shooting (said he was killed AT THE MALL)... that was posted 2 Days Earlier! The page has since been removed, but I took a screen shot. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3365513/20017431

20049109? ago

I don't see how the Walmart would be confused with the mall. Maybe the mall shooter didn't show up or backed out.

20050166? ago

Mall .. Wall ... they both sound alike. Shooter probably heard Wall and thought Wallmart. Lol 😂

20050219? ago

If there was more Wall and less Marts up in this bitch, I wouldn’t have to gun down Mexicans.

20047721? ago


20047675? ago

Would be funny if they can't even get their Mass Murders coordinated and organized.

20052625? ago

Been wondering if the 19 yo whose Grandma turned him in (Texas) 2 days before the shooting was intended to shoot up a Walmart?


Perhaps that's how the coordination failed! Also makes sense how reporters were talking of "more than one Walmart" at times.

20053823? ago

That makes a lot of sense. Grandma screwed up the plan so they had to grab someone quick and he just wasn’t up to par, went to the wrong place.

20053380? ago


20049767? ago

I mean, that's happened since wtc 7. This isn't new sadly

20071175? ago

oh it's "news", in the sense that it's "new" but yeah, get your drift patriot

20049255? ago

Possible that patriots knew about the mall event and were in place to foil the plan. Which means deep state knew the patriots knew

20052043? ago

If all that is unfolding, its a big war.