GlendaleBurbank ago

File a FORMAL FCC COMPLAINT. FCC doesn't screw around. This is what they are PAID by the taxpayers to do...investigate crap like this.

TurquoiseLover ago

Well you don't have to pay him! I think all our good ideas should be passed around and research expanded. No, he shouldn't be quoting you word for word that's lazy and wrong BUT you have to admit it's also a big compliment to your idea.

I would hope all your ideas are researched further by some form of the press.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I'm not going to lose any sleep over this, for sure.

My main concern is somebody slapping me with the Patriot tag to discredit my research contributions.

I was banned by corrupt mods of v/greatawakening and new mods are also faggots upholding the bogus ban.

So yes, I'm over the target frequently.

SavageCainite ago

And what a great big faggot you are for crying about it like a little bitch here. Sort it out instead of shouting and crying like a little faggot being fucked by his daddy.

Six_Cents ago

Gotcherback. I posted this over at the plagiarists site:

"Why would I support this website? THIS SITE IS GUILTY OF PLAGIARISM!"

"Two days ago I read an article posted here: Now, yesterday this website posts this nearly IDENTICAL piece without giving credit to the original author. Disgusting."

Oh_Well_ian ago


Six_Cents ago

Anytime, Fren.

Alderwolf ago

Never heard of that site. Took a look around and quickly got slammed by full screen ads forcing me to disable scripts in Brave to continue unhindered. I was not impressed and it seems to me that this is a small time operation plagiarizing multiple sources to generate content. Your article was probably lifted off QVR and because it's an "anonymous" post they probably felt they were within their rights and might actually be according to law.

Either way the least they could have done was rewrite it a little adding something here removing something there. Copy paste indicates a level of laziness which I don't appreciate. I, for one, won't be using that site.

stahrchild ago

Whatta cunt.

Asking for funding to host a site is not a big deal, but not accrediting the work is extra niggerfaggoty. In the end, though, is the site helping or hurting? Maybe don't be so butthurt about a nigger if you aren't doing this for fame or money in the first place?

Thank you for your service and dedication.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Looks honeypot-ish..

May be attempting to incite people he plagiarizes into doxing themselves by contacting.

stahrchild ago

Never went there or heard of them so wouldn't know, but I will not plan to start :P

Oh_Well_ian ago

Never heard of them either, until this thread popped up in v/conspiracy:


G0P2 ago

That's a funny way of spelling @texasvet

Oh_Well_ian ago

haha... yeah, that guy is a hack