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Tiptoper619 ago

there are plenty of Hispanic markets and stores in the area.... why a mall or Walmart...? want to kill mexicans for sure...go to Mexico....

ArcAngel ago

shit... wait it out by the border... bury your gun in the dirt incase border patrol rolls by & have a camera handy as an excuse.. it aint rocket science..

fucking ametures....

Tiptoper619 ago

THIS RIGHT HERE !! just ambush them as they cross we all know exactly where they are crossing....question is who is willing to go there and end their illegal migration into the US with extreme prejudice

ArcAngel ago

do you know how to make a ghilie? basically, get some old fishing net... bleach some jute or hemp twine.. cut 2' sections, clove hitch them onto the net at every knot, then tie on bits of local flora.... you will belnd right in.. unles they have FLIR.. i have been down there, but dont have a rifle w/ can any more

Tiptoper619 ago

yes I do .... homemade claymores are easy too.... wire 9volt combustible liquid molding clay ball bearings electric lighter mechanism .... Anarchist cook book 101