SearchVoatBot ago

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geovoat ago

Are there any WASP white anglo saxon protestant owned or run search engines or social media sites or tech companies ?

SearchVoatBot ago

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amlopoko ago

It gets harder and harder to get them out of our tech.

iLuvJews ago

Biggest alternative to anything is usually just an illusion of choice and most likely the second best alternative is either suspiciously good with no funding, or so horrible it's not really much of an alternative.

JackJenkins ago

[SweepstakesCentral Win Cash NEW $1000]

BreederBasher ago

You will never stop the Jews no matter what, so just surrender and convert to Judaism right now or die.

Lavender7 ago

Can we still say niggerfaggotjew?

CommiePatrol ago, I'm telling you try that shit

Frontholeblues ago

searx always gave at least 1 porn result...... i dont watch porn and it was irritating.

boekanier ago

What about Startpage,"world's most privacy-friendly search engine"?

semo42 ago

And I just switched to DDG a week ago. Hope there is an alternative soon. I feel like the same thing is happening with NordVPN. Pushing the service too hard...

Broc_Lia ago

Thanks for the heads up, I've been using it for years.

nyrosis ago

Have you considered the peer to peer approach? It's decentralized, powerful, and works well enough.

boekanier ago

I'll give that a try...

ForTheUltimate ago

My primary concern would be that there be no list of my searches associated with my IP.

Can we trust search x to not store info on us?

thatcoolmartian ago

Searx is great, been using it for a little now after moving away from startpage. Love the agreggator, less biased results. Makes finding everything much easier.

Social_Construct ago

Well fuck

KOG007 ago

What the quack?? then who are we supposed to use as a search engine?

boekanier ago


CaptnObvius ago

If its associated with Jews, run away, back to searx for me.

boekanier ago

You can't trust a jew, you can't trust his 'products'.

Fuckyounigger ago

I don’t mind you reminding us but where the fuck is amalek when you really need a reminder

videocodec ago

The alternative I use is yandex. The best test to see how biased a search engine is is to search for "jailbait" Dogpile gives an example of a SWJ site if you use that approach

Mayhawk ago

We were spitballing in another thread earlier about how to re-engage American programmers, who have mostly left the field. An open-source web spider sounds like a great project.

Goys-R-Us ago

Yeah some shill is pushing jewjewgo. Remember what zuckthefuck said. "They trust me. Dumb fucks."

rootbeervloat ago

Fuck! I knew it was shilled too hard...

DrLizardo ago

FUCK next you’re going to be telling me a Jew is behind me fucking my wife! Holy shit wtf are Jews not involved with!

Thanks for the info, going to spin up a server. Danke

boekanier ago

They come and haunt you even in your dreams (nightmares).

ArcherMcTaco ago

DDG sells your info. I don't know if it did in the begining but I remember a lot of issues with DDG partnering with Yahoo and a change to the TOS saying they can sell anonimized profiles of you.

Not as bad as other search engines, but not what they claim to be.

Hand_of_Node ago

Oh hello again @voltronsdicks

Hey, at least you're not posting that as an autoloading PDF anymore.

curbstompfun ago

We meet again hand of node!

Too many faggots were making bullshit claims about some IP tracking bullshit embedded in the PDF (the older faggots remember this smear campaign as well) so the tech guys handling the project changed the format.

Hand_of_Node ago

People dislike autoloading stuff in general. All I remember about those (and maybe this one...) is those cheerleaders with the blue butts about halfway down. And frankly, the writing was terrible back then.

Technical question: Assuming you had more than 99 pages of comments, did the comments past page 99 advance forward as you deleted, or did you have fewer than 99 pages?

curbstompfun ago

Nobody gives a fuck about whether writing is good or bad. If it was really all about bad writing, they wouldn't have tried so hard with their faggot smear campaign. That's just a bullshit excuse to say they got butthurt by hearing the truth and don't want to admit it.

As far as the comments go I have no clue. They weren't all that important to me anyway.

TNLunatick ago


Vevencio_Jr ago

You SAVED my brain! Thanks for the info!

Newmemba ago

Yandex works for me

kmccormick ago

I dont trust the russian equivalent of google any more than google, but if you dont care about privacy, and you dont have interest in what russia censors, whathever

Newmemba ago

I also use DDG to a lessor extent and to an even smaller extent I use Ixquick. Depends on what turns up Yandex does a pretty good job usually.

It seems to me that any value my searches have to anyone will be the least to the Ruskies.

What's your recommendation for a search engine?

sir_andy_of_bad ago

I trust it more than Google, that's saying something

Metanoiac ago

I love Qwant. Been using it for a few years now. Generally finds what I want right away.

Metanoiac ago

I use Qwant. Anybody have any dirt on that one? Cause it is great...

kmccormick ago

As far as i know is bretty good, but you can never know with propietary. I have it as an engine in my searx config

kaonashiii ago

searchencrypt makes a good homepage; or Gibiru .

ThoughtForFood ago

Lmao, "I don't have any real evidence, but my fee-fees and this guys last name sure make me suspicious!"

Whentwurf ago

Start typing sam hyde into DD G. Its pretty pozzed.

NoRoyalty ago

DDG gives you the option of selecting foreign servers which is the only way one can access certain sites. It's possible that goggle and your ISP can determine which sites have been visited but the use of a VPN in addition to DDG reduces that chance. Frankly the Muslims on this site constantly screaming "kikes" discredits almost any claim they make.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

I scream kike and im no shitskin Muslim. Boom, theory annihated.

NoRoyalty ago

Can you prove it?

chemlord11 ago

Is there any other better search engines I can trust then? (I don't think I can trust the one you linked any more the DDG)

kmccormick ago

The one i linked is opensource, if you dont trust it you can inspect the code and run your own instance (the best, because the info remains in your control). There is also qwant, that is the same as DDG (propietary and claims to respect your privacy) but based on europe instead of USA (France is not part of PRISM so thats better). Startpage uses google result but preserves your privacy, and lxquick is similar to startx and by the same guys from startpage

chemlord11 ago

thanks for the options and will check them out.

NoRoyalty ago

What do you mean by "not trust" DDG? Can you reach sites you want to reach when you use it?

chemlord11 ago

you missunderstand. I use DDG as my main search. This person is saying DDG can't be trusted and when I checked out the engine he recommended I found it to be no better then DDG. My comment was asking for a better search engine that was objectively better then DDG with that in mind.

NoRoyalty ago

I did misunderstand.

therealsharpie ago

Thanks for this, OP. I appreciate you keeping us all accountable.

That being said, until something better emerges I'm going to keep using DDG to keep data from Google at all costs.

mememeyou ago

Thanks for posting... I'm concerned that some VPNs are compromised in the same way

ThoseFeels ago

Is there any hiding from the Jew's consolidation of power??

sniper98g ago

Hey, your last link just showed me how to fix my search bar URL for in Vivaldi (

Thanks, that's been bugging the shit out of me.


Also if you like Startpage, they explicitly state they pay Google.

retractableclaws ago

The benefit of startpage is it doesn't include your search terms in the website title or URL.

autoencoder ago

If it's HTTPS, the URL is encrypted; only the domain name is visible anyway.

beece ago


Yes, I'm looking for an alternative you might say. LOL

autoencoder ago

While Yandex and Baidu track you, you might get different patterns of censorship to help give you a fuller picture from different perspectives (Russia and China).

x13 ago

Thanks for the longer list. I need to stop using DUCK DUCK GO.

DUCK DUCK GO caught CENSORING HERE less than a month ago!

Duck Duck Go for 24 hours until exposed here on BANNED AND TOTALLY DELETED the infamous website and brower plugin from "" that puts ((( ))) echoes on jewish names from a remote database.

Search v/Technology section archives and you can find a substantial thread on the TOTAL CENSORSHIP of by DDG

typing even the COMPLETE DOMAIN NAME "" got 0 hits on any page!!!

It was programmatically shoah'd by that Jewish company.

They were starting to get noticed quickly for that shit, and relented the next day

VapidGopher ago

Well... shit.

Anson ago

I tried really hard to use searx 2-3 years ago as my primary but its search results were reminiscent of the non-google search engines from the ninties and ought 2000s (nearly totally irrelevant most of the time).

Also, who makes searx? I did research back then however I'm not convinced it's not Chinese based as the x sound in Chinese words makes the ch sound and makes sense with the spelling

kmccormick ago

It is opensource, according to its github, some autist from Hungary is the creator.

Anson ago

Great. Thanks

WhiteMan ago

Microsoft owns github now

moviefreak ago

I'd like to see you face when you realize how much of your reality that is a construction.

I'd also like to see you face when you realize how much of it you construct on your own.

Welcome to a travel through reality, may your aim stay true.

mrfetus ago

Voat immune response hard at work, thanks goat.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Drendoid ago

So you use wikipedia as a source? Fuck that shit

kmccormick ago

I used as an example that even wikipedia has the info, then after a comment I put in the edit a link to a page that has more info, and other sources about this very issue

Drendoid ago

We all just want the closest thing to facts as we can get. Its cool I just hate those type sources but I did get "searx" out of the post and Im going to check it out.

Cambidillio ago

Fuck. Thanks for the info, but what a disappointment to find this out. Still, it is best to know.

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

I fear it is all Google in the end.

Schreiber ago

All search engines are 100% kosher.

heretolearn ago

google funds ddg and firefox so there ya go.

AlaricTheFirst ago

Seriously?! That sounds counterproductive.

heretolearn ago

it's to drive some traffic to their sites. I don't recall the exact reasoning. but I do remember reading about it a few years ago.

StandUpForEuropa ago

Anyone have any strong opinions on

Drendoid ago

It doesnt work worth a shit when compared with other search engines.

kmccormick ago

Privacy wise it is great, but the results are taken only from google, so you wont see what google doesnt want you to see. It is good if you specifically want to see google results without using google

StandUpForEuropa ago

Thanks. Yeah, I like the anomymous aspect of it, but using Google still kind of defeats the purpose of going to another browser for me.

ShinyVoater ago

If your going to make a social network out to be something more malicious, how about not offering proof otherwise?

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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J_Darnley ago

I support people using anything to get them out of Google's clutches. Just because you think DuckDuckGo isn't perfect doesn't mean it isn't a vast improvement.

Tallest_Skil ago

literally gets caught stealing credit card numbers and selling them


Kill yourself immediately.

J_Darnley ago

Sure, since you asked.

Fuckyounigger ago

Fuck off jew show me a white person who made a white search engine and I’ll support it but just because it isn’t google doesn’t make it any better it’s controlled opposition and accepting it is treasonous to whites

x13 ago

DUCK DUCK GO caught CENSORING HERE less than a month ago!*

Duck Duck Go for 24 hours until exposed here on BANNED AND TOTALLY DELETED the infamous website and brower plugin from "" that puts ((( ))) echoes on jewish names from a remote database.

search tech section archives and you can find a substantial thread on the TOTAL CENSORSHIP of

typing even the COMPLETE DOMAIN NAME "" got 0 hits on any page!!!

It was programmatically shoah'd by that Jewish company.

They were starting to get noticed quickly for that shit, and relented the next day

SearchVoatBot ago

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B3bomber ago

You do realize DDG doesn't have an actual search web crawler like jewgle does and simply aggregates results from jewgle, bing, and some other search engine all on 1 page. Bang feature allows you to do direct searches that way.

x13 ago


We tested, and and "coincidence detector" - > GREAT RESULTS

We tested, and and "coincidence detector" - > GREAT RESULTS

We tested a few others.

ONLY ONE SEARCH ENGINE BANNED AND CENSORED COMPLETELY and it was the Jewish Owned and Run : "Duck Duck Go"!!!

You seriously can't change reality. Duck Duck Go has BAN FILTERS, and we proved it. In fact it was banned nearly a whole day and only unbanned when exposed here on !!!

B3bomber ago

Oh I need to mention, DDG doesn't like to post results for direct links to sites anyway. It will usually post the other pages of it (if it has any). I know that because searching for and alone will not return results for those sites main URLs.

B3bomber ago

For DDG to know/care would mean they read instead of having a bug report/complaint contact link. If it was really banned, it would stay banned.

x13 ago

Or an employee or contractor on voat. It was a big deal here.

Thetiedyeguy ago

Oi vey.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Exactly. This jew information about DuckDuckGo won't make me use Google or Bing ever again. I will stick to DuckDuckGo seems preference manager is the same as DDG. The dot me is out of MONTENEGRO? I use Brave Browser which it does not support anyways. But regardless I won't use a EU based search engine SearX.

GreyGears ago


Convincing normies to switch to Bing or DDG is reasonably doable. Searx and other "spookier" stuff can come later.

Breaking Jewggle's monopoly is the priority - even splitting it between several other jews would already be an improvement.

Mustard_Monkey ago

SearX is a DDG clone though. If you compare both setting options and default language is Arabic on SearX. I use Brave Browser with DDG I am happy. I am protected. Fuck SearX dot me I don't support EU shit.

TheDaoReveals ago

DDG doesn't seem to directly say that it doesn't use Google, only that they use "over 400 sources", mostly for featured content. The search manipulation is thus only one step removed.

NoRoyalty ago

They DO use goggle results without filtering. But your ISP may be blocking sites if you use DDG's USA servers.

ChelleLe0 ago

Is there a way to bypass that?

NoRoyalty ago

If your ISP doesn't know you're trying to reach a certain site they can't block you. The idea is to hide your IP. You do that with a VPN (virtual private network).They cost a small amount $5 and up per mo.

kmccormick ago

Of course, but there is always room for improvement, and we should try to help others and share information and tools that we find

aGameCalledCountries ago

DDG does bangs right. Bangs in searx suck.

retractableclaws ago

wtf is a bang?

Fambida ago

Bang is nerdslang for an exclamation point.

shekelforce ago

A nigger term? BANG BANG

JohnGoodman ago

The only search engine you can trust is a library.

boredTech ago

Hahaha, no. They send the information on what books you check out to the feds.

GoyimNose ago

A little late, but yeah ironically conspiritards say to use DDG because it's more secure and privacy orientated lmao

UnknownAlias365 ago

Hmm, doesn't searx use the same bs censored biased results that Google and other (((tech giants))) provide? I mean, when I use duckduckgo and Google side by side, there is a BIG difference in results that I get, Google's is left leaning censored horse shit, duckduckgo gives me anything and everything.

drj2 ago

Well that’s because ddg pulls from bing

nonserial ago

Searx is a metasearch engine, which means it doesnt maintain its own index and pulls its results from dozens of other websites (including ddg and voat) instead. Also, searx is open-source:

If you have problems with, here is al list with active searx instances:

MrShekelstein ago

It's an obvious honeypot.

The jews control every alternative, including voat I suspect.

Schreiber ago

The jews control every alternative, including voat I suspect.

No shit, the nazis haven't done shit for decades other than whining on anonymous message boards.

There is no political parties that is not full of jews and endorsed by jews...

Runwithscissors ago

Jews get their slimy claws on everything that’s profitable even voat eventually.

UnknownAlias365 ago

I personally don't think it's a honey pot, but I really wouldn't be surprised if it was. Makes me wonder if EVERYTHING is compromised, which is what it seems, is it really worth worrying? It's starting to seem like a big headache for nothing, and I am definitely not a defeatist normie scum, it just seems illogical to give a damn if in theory everything is compromised.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Heard this argument countless times, if it's their goal it's a massive failure.

kmccormick ago

Searx is configurable, you can (and should) disable google results. You can put ddg as a source, and others too. Even voat can be a source!

drschwabe ago

how do you make Voat a source ?

kmccormick ago

preferences > engines > social media > voat

Pro tip: search using !vo for searching only in voat example try this search and you will find this post:

drschwabe ago

Nice! Here I thought I was the only one searching 'query' in Startpage/Google and also with Searx; didnt know Searx had this awesome integraiton already! And the shortcut no-less. Despite a cesspool of shills and shitposters, I'll take my information unffucking-filtered thankyou very much.

Fuggzin ago

Ahhh, thank you for this. Done!

UnknownAlias365 ago

Okay cool. I'll give it another go then.

RonBennington ago

member for 8 days, don't listen to this shill

mrfetus ago

They're hitting this hard, pulling out aged shill accounts. @Saufsoldat is a perfect example.

Saufsoldat ago

"waaah, anyone who disagrees with me is a shill, waaah"

Go back to reddit.

mrfetus ago

This is my house motherfucker.

Get the fuck in the oven.

Saufsoldat ago

No, shill, your house is reddit. Go back there, where kike migrants like you belong.

mrfetus ago

Half my posts are a variant of "Death to Israel", you don't get to call me a kike.


Saufsoldat ago

Go back to reddit, kike.

sbt2160p ago

The OP may be new, but where’s the lie?

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

The default image search on for "white inventors" lists black people.

I suspect settings need some modifications for it to be a trustworthy search engine.

In fairness even DuckDuckGo does this.

VapidGopher ago

Thanks for the link

murface ago

Just search for "inventors' and you'll see plenty of white inventors. Including the word 'white' pulls in articles where race is referenced. Without the term it's plain to see that there is no such thing as a black inventor.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Exact. White Inventors and "White Inventors" will poll completely different results as well.

mrfetus ago

(((They))) are shilling the shit out of DDG, DO NOT USE IT ⬅️ clear shilling

kmccormick ago

Remember, you can change in configurations which engines are you using behind, and the results will come from those engines (without tracking personalization), so disable google images. On another note, "white inventors" has become famous on itself and many images will come from articles about googling "white inventors", if we search only for "inventors" most of them should be white and no black, thats important. If you want a list of white inventors a search engine is only good for finding such list, but no for compiling it