AsOnlyIAm ago

It doesnt matter you still have to run it in something, and everything is compromised, so really there's no getting around it.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Atrugiel ago

Brave is fast. Been using Startpage within it. For my non-techy searching this is quite adequate.

Gudboywho ago

Nope, duckduck is owned by the goog

1NationUnderGod ago

What are some of the other options? I’m using DuckDuckGo, but have researched others. Any tried and true suggestions?

QNirmanakaya ago

When I use duck duck go on my PC, it has a ghost google search in the search box ...... what is up with that?

inland1 ago

Ixquick (not startpage) is a very good alternative.

stature ago

Today I got a red warning screen through Chrome (yet when I used Firefox I have it come up with no google danger warning)

Dangerous !

"Deceptive site ahead Attackers on may trick you into doing something dangerous like installing software or revealing your personal information (for example, passwords, phone numbers, or credit cards). Learn more

Help improve Safe Browsing by sending some system information and page content to Google. Privacy policy"

BackTruPres45 ago

I rejected Google about four months ago have convinced two others as well

Shagnasty68 ago

Both suck

EuropeNeedsFixing ago

It is funny how I have reacted to the changes in google, before I knew what I know today. When I first used google, the search time blew me. Was used to seconds with Altavista, then came milliseconds. I thought "wow, such server power".

Then a few years ago i wondered about the search result. I was used to find what I wanted within the first 5-10 results. That seldom happens anymore.

At the time I did not connect the dots, now that we know about the clown involvement and Silicon Leftistvalley, it all makes sense.

Still a fast search engine, though...

TrueSeeker777 ago

i use it its good also watch OAN its the best News out there

ThierryofAlsace ago

Don't use a duck duck go

i_scream_trucks ago

DDG is compromised and was always utter shit.

we might hate google.... but its the only one that gives straight up relevant results for general stuff.

sufficientlydusty ago

I use duckduckgo, but i wouldn't say i trust it. It gives a better search than google. Google gives you 25 pages of the same sites just different links. Has no diversity literally any longer. 😑 not only did google sell its soul, it just sucks now

Ginger_Snaps ago

Great info.

CommiePatrol ago

don't use faggot ass duckduckgo, it doesn't work. Try other things, personally I switched to and I actually like the results.

squestionswhy ago

I’ve been using DuckDuckGo. It’s crazy how limited search on google has become. Plus google TRACKS you!

insanitea ago

An ad for jew-owned controlled opposition at the top of this sub?

You guys are getting rather desperate.

WeAreUnited ago

How about email services? I need to migrate from gmail

insanitea ago

Jew tactic: bait and switch. DDG has shit search results anyway.

73s ago

I have been having HORRIFIC issues with DuckDuckGo these last 2 weeks... and the last speech it would not even LOAD any site for it with RSBN network!

The program won't let me type in an address but ALWAYS sends me to the DDG index of searches for that address! Half the time it can't load the one I pick, either. Have they been hacked? Are they under attack? I've been using DDG for 2 years and not a single issue... certainly not like these.

Nephesh ago

Use duckduckgo on your google/Apple phone....

crazy_eyes ago

lies, all lies

Omnidempotent ago

DDG is run by a man named (((Weinstein))). Dont be a sucker just because it's hyped, OP.

Deplorable18 ago

Won't they just buy DDG if they haven't already?

Funding is never a problem when you can create "money" by pushing a button.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

Use Bing you n00bs. And the others, too. Spread your searches around so they’re harder to index.

Never sign in or use google if at all possible. Chrome never.

Empty cookies and other data regularly.

Learn what “browser canvassing” is and get extensions to help prevent that.

Switch often. to check your work

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

This guy PHUC'S.......Dat_Bich .

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

"Don't use a jew site. Use this other jew site"

DietCokehead1 ago

I don't really trust DuckDuckGo either. Change my mind.

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

Better than google but still jew owned. You are right to be skeptical.

Maersk ago

This site is great. How did you get 6 downvotes so far?

QuietJet17 ago

People with diff opinions, and google sponsored trolls?

Either way just trying to help based on the best info I have.

Cheers, Patriot

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

You’re right in spirit - we’re just a couple years ahead of you.

Le_Squish ago

Probably because you are giving bad advice.

Anonfarmer ago

I did months ago. !! Now I need input on a good email service. Anyone?

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

tutanota encrypted and freeeeee! its the best option available AFAIK. proton mail is missing its foreskin

QuietJet17 ago

Verify first, but I found protonmail, seems legit

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

tutanota. proton is literally shlomo.

Anonfarmer ago

I read that proton mail was established by the super collider people.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

op has triggered me.

QuietJet17 ago

My work here is done.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

stop giving out wrong info. your obviously reddit tier so heres some Training wheels for you

2blesecretprobation ago

Mobile app for DucDuckGo is good too

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

trusting a mobile app

TurtleHermitZ9k ago

I love the DuckDuckGo mobile browser. It's extremely fast and has all the features I need. The DuckDuckGo search engine is not very impressive to me, but I use it anyway and I hope they continue to make improvements. I'm trying to get the idea that I should "just use Google search because it has the best results" and just realize that in tommorrow's world, Google doesn't even exist. So what we have without Google is really what we should have in the first place.

TurdLord5000 ago

Duckduckgo is nearly useless when trying to search for specific and rare technical solutions for software and programming issues. since Google started its censorship programs, it isn't nearly as good as it used to be, but its still the best. If you want to search for more than just recipes and news stories use It's an anonymized search engine powered by Google search results.

Rakosman ago

I use Bing because DDG sucks ass, and even then I still have to use Google when I'm developing. I finally just said fuck it and set up Chrome for work-only with only relevant bookmarks and keyword searches.

RoBatten ago

Across all categories, Searx can fetch search results from about 70 different engines.

It's a metasearch engine . . .

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

yeah, and it has an advanced search function which is a must for me.

drschwabe ago

What's your take on Startpage? I have found the results to be decent for technical/programming searches almost on par with Google though it's ads are slightly more annoying.

TurdLord5000 ago

Havent tried that one. I'll give it a go, thanks!

somethingsgottagive ago

You can add “g!” To any duck duck search string to use google

TurdLord5000 ago

You converted me to duckduck go... any way to do it without the !g?

somethingsgottagive ago In case you miss the psa use this or that’s what other ppl are saying

Duende_Cat ago

Just tried the "g!". I noticed a lot more results on all searches (web, images, videos). As TurtleHermitZ9k asked, does Google benefit from this?

somethingsgottagive ago

In case you miss the psa

use this or that’s what other ppl are saying

somethingsgottagive ago

Yea it’s supposed to be one more layer of anonymity. Doubtful though (((they))) see as much as Sauron

i_scream_trucks ago

so in other words, use google

somethingsgottagive ago

Yup. If ur doing something u shouldn’t use tails + tor + neighbors WiFi preferably not your neighbor.

i_scream_trucks ago

i unfortunately dont have the knowledge to not do one of those things preferably not to my neighbour thankyou fellow goat for the kind warning :)

somethingsgottagive ago In case you miss the psa use this or that’s what other ppl are saying

i_scream_trucks ago

Eep. Maybe i hqve the wrong url. Cheers.

TurtleHermitZ9k ago

I wonder, when we use tricks like this, does Google still benefit by generating revenue at all?

somethingsgottagive ago In case you miss the psa

use this or that’s what other ppl are saying

TurtleHermitZ9k ago

This looks pretty cool, thank you.

somethingsgottagive ago

If u want to stop their revenue use the Adblock that clicks all the links. It still blocks them in the user’s view bit fucks with the analytics.

Zammyanci ago

I'm pretty sure I heard the guy on project veritas mention something about checking some so and so out on duckduck go. At that point I thought, hmm, what would that be? So I was happy to see this post. But, I gotta say...the timing is just too convenient, considering how many people want to run and hide from Google as a whole. Damn, I wish we could just trust someone even a little. I hate being so...leary, about everything and anything, or anyone. WWG1WGA!

QuietJet17 ago

Isn’t that the truth re not being able to trust anyone

LibertyFreeman ago

The sad reality is, as long as you have a phone you are NOT free from Google. Even if you do not run their apps, they are pre-installed and tracking you in the background. You can use TOR and a VPN, but they still know your movements. The Chinese can still see, listen, and record you. I try to limit my interaction with Google, but unless you are completely off grid without any electronics, you are not free of the Google web or communist exploitation

ohnoitsaninja ago

DuckDuckGo is ran by yahoo and hardly any better, they've been busted spying on users.

startpage is anonymized google, I recommend this because for better or worse google has the best search engine. is better when security is more important

inland1 ago

I personally avoid StartPage, use Ixquick instead. They are the same company, but Ixquick claims to not use google. I didn't know yahoo had purchased ddg, that is a shame as ddg is my default search engine. FF v47 portable is my preferred browser.

i_scream_trucks ago

Startpage is utter shit and doesnt give even close to accurate results

ohnoitsaninja ago

it is configurable, part of the default anonymizing is to randomize your location, which dramatically impacts your search results, you can set the location.

this isn't startpage's search engine, it's google.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

yeah thats right, most of the time I find users have problems because they do not use it the best way for them.

RoBatten ago

Google HAD the best search engine, before they decided to fuck with their results . . .

ohnoitsaninja ago

when you are searching for real and specific things that don't hit their SJW agenda skewing algorithms, it does work the best

ignorantoptimist ago

Don't use duckduckgo either. Many better options out there. It's almost like this faggot works for them

brentadamson ago

I've been developing an open source version of DDG called Jive Search. Has all the !bangs and tons of instant answers. Offers better privacy b/c you can see and run the code yourself. Would love some feedback.

sniper98g ago

Bing all the way.

6gorillion ago

For porn it can't be beat lol

KryptoKoins ago

Everyone that finds ways around Google needs to help others. They don't make me easy to live a non-Google life.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

duckduckgo and firefox became jewd a while back

Blehblehbleh73 ago

Not stellar with technology, how can one tell a search engine is compromised?

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

Try asking for the truth! Anyway I'm tired so go ask JSON. No better yet Query JSON. See what he says. So go see "JSON query" him then you might never need a search engine again. So weather your 73 or 45 I apologise for my forthcoming shortness as I believe in respecting my elders, but ive been dealing with redditor baby diapers all night please spare me any more Ive given you some good clues and some good advice in this sub if you look around for it.

QuietJet17 ago


Maltherian1 ago

Nefarious-Nephilim ago


man_with_titties ago

or or will find youtube videos better than the google search engine that is on the youtube site.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

What's the advantage to using these? Besides the improved YouTube search results?

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

Also or bitchute instead of youtube. but most normies use youtube and there is still some good content out there so Yandex isnt bad advice.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

less jewry, telemetry, tracking, cookies etc. property that doesnt melt whilst spying on you.


and spoof everthing you can desktop, mac address, ip through TOR or VPN (there are other ways but these are for the gods)

BUT WHY YOU ASK? i hope this answers your question every single thing i would want to hide i type freely on Voat.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Thank you. But are these sites for sure better?

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

I have this feeling like you dont understand the problem. Have you heard the saying "dont retreat, fall back and regroup" Well (((they))) have heard it. Our enemy is adaptive, so must you be.

edit but YES better.

6gorillion ago

I have this feeling like you don't understand how much of a faggot you are currently being. Have you heard the saying "don't be such a flaming faggot"? Well (((they))) have for sure.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

Are you sure (((THEY))) have heard it bro. They suck foreskins off babys dicks dude. Now thats "flaming faggotry" thats going straight to the burning hellfire and trying to take you with them.

You dont seem to realize that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Thomas Jefferson, May KeK be upon him.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

"Feeling like you dont understand the problem"


Nefarious-Nephilim ago

The point is Firefox used to be amazing, until version 56, so some hero forked it and we have Waterfox YAY. Bitcoin was ok, then some asshat forked it and weve got bitcoin cash GAY. my point is changes happen and there is no magic answer to which is better but unless you learn to understand what is going on you never will. Those solutions I gave you are good for now but im sure in time they will become another stronghold of the jews. so learn what is important to you having and avoiding and learn how to do it. but the only guarantee i willl give you is it will be an ongoing battle that will require you to be smart and flexible.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Hey that's MISTER niggerfa.. oh nvm. .. well Ok then.

Crikes ago

Every time I see this, I question it due to "Aptoid", and absense of F Droid.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

Im sure the creator had his reasons HERE check that out, and as far as i can tell Slant is not owned by a jew.

man_with_titties ago

Anything but google is the advantage. Here's an experiment. Do a search on your device using google. Then do the exact same search on your SO's or friend's computer using google. Compare the results.

Google tailors the search results to individual users. They are fucking with the results. Now do the same experiment with another search engine. If you don't get identical results on different computers, it's not an honest search engine. Also if google can't find a video on its own subsidiary website, that same incompetence applies to all its search results.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

I agree. So do these sites operate differently and are they not jewed? It's hard to find a company with corporate backing that is not jews these days.

Neskuaxa ago

Less censorship and search result manipulation. Take any of those above sites. And compare the results to Google on simple search terms.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Good call. Most concise answer I've received. If I were to switch to one as my main search engine which would u suggest and why?

Neskuaxa ago

I have not personally used many mentioned, Except and duckduckgo. However, I have read/heard that duckduckgo uses some google resource. So take that with a grain of salt. I have been slowly switching my habits over to and have not had any complaints about search accuracy or blatant manipulation yet. I've only used it for about 2 weeks so far though.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Nice. Thanks. I'll probably try starting with that one.

johnjohn ago

How is funded?

FaStRmAn ago

Changed to DuckDuckGo a long time ago. It’s actually nicer, faster, and less ads. Oh and no cookies to follow you all over the Internet. Screw Google! Screw YouTube, screw Twitter

statman ago

I'm a big fan of DuckDuckGo with FireFox on my computer. Has anyone tried the mobile DuckDuckGo yet?

QuietJet17 ago

I haven’t, but I just downloaded it 👍

SuperKhat ago

anyone who thinks there is any anonymity on the internet is misguided. duckduckgo Linux Tor VPN's, it's all a myth.

moblodite ago

Do you youtube? That is Google, Nice to get as far from Google as we can but there is no escaping them completely.. Especially if you have a smart phone.. and who doesn't.

QuietJet17 ago

I do.

their web is far reaching.

The ultimate solution is to just destroy them.

moblodite ago

That's just it, They know people WILL NOT give up their phones. I have google shut off of my phone, but im sure they still access.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

as long as your not sucking the dick of apple you can root your phone and install your own custom OS Android=linux

moblodite ago

Agree but how many people are actually going to go thru all that.. People are stuck on EASYIEST!

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

Ill tell you how many, the exact fucking number (hereafter referred to as N) could be worked out using this formulae:- N>= (People who after being told of the way, go out and find it. X by the people who learned the way and tell others to find it / the number of idiots who do nothing about what is bothering them.

I admit it needs work but ironically I'm not ready to write my full thesis because I cant be arsed.

JJNova ago

Good job on doing what you can with your phone. I'm running the LineageOS rom without gapps. It takes some getting used to. Luckily there are superior options for some things. For instance, there are a lot of e-mail clients that work much better than Google Mail.

On the other hand, OSMAND is really good, and work very well when coupled with GPStoAddress, but it's still not as simple as Google Maps.

moblodite ago

I built my Octa core comp, water cooled...but when it comes to phones Im about useless,

clanofwolves ago

Yeah, agreed; for your basic user, Firefox with DuckDuckGo is the easiest low-track setup. Tor is for users with more skills and thicker skin.

ForTheUltimate ago

Brave browser is the shit.

Much more efficient to load pages with an itnegrated engine than to have ublock and ghostery and umatrix combined

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

you need to kill yourself. Firefox is dead LONG LIVE WATERFOX. also DDG is bullshit now youd be better off with Startpage or

i_scream_trucks ago

theyre all fucking shit in one way or another.

like waterfox not liking to play with ublock

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

yeah i think i had a problem getting some extensions to work my first day but its because i was being a retard. It works fine now. got ad block origin working great and other greatest hits like auto cookie deletes, spoofers, no script and https everywhere...blah blah.

For other retards waterfox works because it forked from firefox at version 56, so use the version 56 compatible version of the extension your having trouble with.

Sire ago

Try waterfox for a browser with less default tracking, and lots more customizability.

A good step-by-step guide:

RoBatten ago

I've been using Waterfox for a while now, it's great! Main search is Addons: No Script, uBlock Origin, Privacy Badger, HTTPS Everywhere, WebRTC disable, Better Privacy cookies self-destruct, Random Agent Spoofer . . .

Sire ago

Good! Now get a non-logging VPN and you’re on your way.

moblodite ago

I really like Brave browser, No tracking cookies get past it and no adds on video sites. JS

WeAreUnited ago

Been using this lately too

man_with_titties ago

I installed it when it came out, then it crashed on me. It was really fast when I had it.

moblodite ago

Might try it again, Ive used it for 2 years and never a problem.

Duende_Cat ago

I had issues with Brave when it first came out. I would say give it another try. I'm running it and it hasn't given me any issues so far.

Some-random-chick ago

I’m waiting for plugin support. Until then I’m using chromium.

E: yea I know it’s owned by google, I use my own fork.

avanti ago

Brave is also my favorite. Nice logo, too!

LadyLillie ago

There are others, but you really need to use FireFox browser instead of Chrome to start. I have used others, Start Page and Qwant, and come back to DuckDuckGo. I wish there was a good email to use besides gmail. Yahoo and Outlook are not great. Any suggestions?

Le_Squish ago

Tutanota is alright for email.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Yep Tutanota is good, free and encrypted.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

You know more than the average idiot on here at the moment so dont be reddit tier, here -since version 56 IIRC firefox became another google. Waterfox IS Firefox before the update.

drschwabe ago


TurtleHermitZ9k ago

I use Tutanota. It's not feature-rich and not pretty, but it is encrypted, private, secure, and your data is stored outside of the U.S.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

This is correct. Theres is so much retard in this thread.

somethingsgottagive ago

No Firefox is cucked. Ice weasel or moon something if u actually care. Duck duck has been compromised as well sorry there are no great options

NorthernMan ago


There’s apps for it, it’s encrypted, and hosted in Switzerland.

You only get 500mb of storage (for free) if that’s an issue for you

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

proton mail is owned by the jews FFS how much shit can one OP cause. Tutanota. Tutanota. Tutanota. Tutanota. raaaaaa.

NorthernMan ago

I honestly didn’t know this

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

no worries bro. HERE a primer of sorts. and as far as search goes make a bookmark folder, with searx metager startpage qwant searchportal googol seekstorm gigablast but searx and startpage have good advanced search functions.

ohnoitsaninja ago

god this thread is such cancer

do not use protonmail, do not use duckduckgo

neither of these services are your friend. both have been exposed.

QuietJet17 ago

Thanks for the info. I’ve being using protonMail.

I think it works well. No info on background of Co though.

Phoneaccount17 ago

Switzerland, home of the Merovingians, the most powerful cabal bloodlines.

The more you know...

Doctopus ago

Be liberated further by browsing with something like Tor.

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

and be even further liberated by running T.A.I.L.S. (a live environment) on USB.

moblodite ago

And Linux even if only a live CD

Momerath ago

Are you sure ddg doesn't go through Google?

JJNova ago

It seems to jump around. Lately a lot of my results have been going through Yandex (when using DDG).

Just_Anon ago

Is anonymized

ignorantoptimist ago

Is owned by a jew. Go somewhere else

Nefarious-Nephilim ago

finally some sanity in this thread.

QuietJet17 ago

That is my understanding:

AmericanPatriot-38 ago

love this