[PSA] DuckDuckGo was founded by a Jew that openly gathered personal information before (technology)
submitted 6.3 years ago by kmccormick
I am seeing a lot of links here in voat about the increment in usage of "privacy oriented" browser ddg. It has not yet be proven that DDG violates your privacy, but it is highly probable given the previous history of its founder. It is openly known (even wikipeda has info about it)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DuckDuckGo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_Database
Alternatives? I am using searx, it is an aggregator, you can choose which engines to use, it is opensource and there is many instances so you can use which ever you want, and even host your own. https://searx.me https://searx.me/about
Edit: Thanks @sbt2160p for this link: https://8ch.net/tech/ddg.html
Edit2: You can make voat a source (preferences > engines > social media > voat) and search directly in voat with !vo (Example https://searx.me/?q=%21vo%20duckduckgo)
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SukkhaMadiqqa 6.3 years ago
The default image search on searx.me for "white inventors" lists black people.
I suspect settings need some modifications for it to be a trustworthy search engine.
In fairness even DuckDuckGo does this.
mrfetus 6.3 years ago
(((They))) are shilling the shit out of DDG, DO NOT USE IT
https://voat.co/v/technology/2784773 ⬅️ clear shilling https://voat.co/v/technology/2784586 https://voat.co/v/theawakening/2780454
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SukkhaMadiqqa ago
The default image search on searx.me for "white inventors" lists black people.
I suspect settings need some modifications for it to be a trustworthy search engine.
In fairness even DuckDuckGo does this.
mrfetus ago
(((They))) are shilling the shit out of DDG, DO NOT USE IT
https://voat.co/v/technology/2784773 ⬅️ clear shilling https://voat.co/v/technology/2784586 https://voat.co/v/theawakening/2780454