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mrfetus ago

DDG was bought by the JEWS.

It's promoted here several times a day, it's a shill op. Don't trust DDG.

Saufsoldat ago

So linking news articles is promoting something now? Fuck off, shill.

mrfetus ago

Nice aged but inactive account, kike.

It's promoting something when it aligns with kike interests as part of a kike campaign against Voat users, kike.

The only thing I shill for is a future for white women and white children. Glass Israel, vengeance at any cost. 14/88.

We're on to you:

Saufsoldat ago

inactive account

Top kek. Please explain how exactly my account, which I have used pretty much daily for over 3 years is "inactive".

Go back to reddit, kike.

mrfetus ago

Oh, it was masked by your massive down votes.


Show me one comment I've made that's inline with the Jewish agenda.

Saufsoldat ago

Every single one. Nice try shilling for google, kike.

"Look, I post inoffensive things that everyone agrees with, fellow white people"

Go back to reddit, kike.

mrfetus ago

You're boring.

mrfetus ago

@zyklon_b Do you see this shit?

zyklon_b ago

Where was @Saufsoldat in 1990

mrfetus ago

What the fuck is with 1990? Tell me your SBBH lore.

zyklon_b ago

it started years ago with this and has just evolved into a meme

mrfetus ago

Legit. 😆😆😆

zyklon_b ago

yeah feel free to spread 1990 as is hialrious