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Thrus2 ago

Feel free to toss insults at me but...

How do they afford to keep an active internet connection, develop their search algorithm, and run the hardware for their crawlers without something for income? While I like the idea I just don't see how to keep it lasting long term without something for an income plan.

mrfetus ago

The Jews. Are you new here? 😆

Thrus2 ago

So you are saying the jews are supporting a site that doesn't track you or record your data or sell the data to others but encourages you to use the net in a more anonymous way? that seems counter to every other thing they have been accused of here.

mrfetus ago

The question I'd pose is why would a Jew buy such a site?

Why do we see a similar post promoting DDG every day or two?

UnknownAlias365 ago

This is the first I've seen of duckduckgo being promoted in a long time.