think- ago

@letsdothis3 @new4now - did you ever stumble upon Roy Cohn when researching the Bronfmans? He is said to have been connected to them. Thanks.

new4now ago

Not sure, but have come across him so many times

Am sure there is a connection

think- ago

Thank you. Currently doing some research about him. He allegedly ran a child trafficking racket for Hoover. One of the sources for this allegations is retired PD Jim Rothstein.

Any info that you think is important welcome; you can always dump stuff in my v/thinkdraft sub. (Going to send you and @letsdothis3, and @shewhomustbeobeyed a submitter invite.)


new4now ago

I do believe this path will seriously piss off Trumpsters

Past is future


I have kept that one on the back burner, always the niggling in my head, doubt

Not sure if I even want to go down this path,

I have a feeling it gonna get ugly

It really needs looking into though

think- ago

Yes. The more I have been looking into this rabbit hole, the sicker I got. Cohn had a friend who was a pedo, Craig Spence. He also was involved in child rape blackmail operations.

@shewhomustbeobeyed @letsdothis3

new4now ago

I believe he has connections everywhere

LoL, I started looking,

didnt know Roy died of AIDS

What I have seen so far, the guy is CIA/ Mossad

think- ago

Yes, definitely CIA.

new4now ago

Seen his name with HW enough times

think- ago

Weinstein you mean? Interesting.

letsdothis3 ago

Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior Presidenctial advisor, Jared Kusherner, aquired 666 Fifth Avenue with financing from Vornado Reality Trust that also co-owned Trump's two largest properties. Vornado Realty is held by Rothschild-Bronfman, of Rothschild-British's 'cutout' bootlegged booze-turned-narcotis trafficking Bronfman fourtues protected by mafia gangster, Meyer Lansky, whos lead lawyer Roy Cohn would rear Trump to power.

think- ago

You rock! Thank you!

TrustTheTruth ago





This is only The Beginning.



Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

letsdothis3 ago

I don't know why the article was removed. Got a hint?

letsdothis3 ago

Re: the Belzbergs...

Voat post:

From New York High Society to riots in Haiti - Podesta Group - Jet Blue and Spirit Airlines- and accusations of human trafficking

Mr Bronfman, former chairman of the Governing Board of the World Jewish Congress, is the son of billionaire Edgar Bronfman Sr.

He has six children with his two previous partners and was once married to Lisa Belzberg. Clinton was once reportedly heard boasting to a friend at a Super Bowl party he threw that Miss Belzberg 'married a guy worth $6 billion, but she still likes to flirt with me'.

Lisa Belzberg is an adjunct professor at Columbia University and founder of education not for profit PENCIL. Ruth Cohen is adjunct assistant professor at NYU, Senior Director at American Museum of Natural History and president of PENCIL, here pictured with Bill Clinton

PENCIL Founder Lisa Belzberg Hands Reins to JetBlue CEO Dave Barger -

Founded in 1995, PENCIL began with Principal For A Day®, an awareness program designed to provide leaders from all sectors with an opportunity to spend a day experiencing a New York City public school. Today, PENCIL's Partnership Program has helped to build relationships between private sector leaders and public school principals in hundreds of schools across the five boroughs, with affiliate programs now operating in Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Rochester.

letsdothis3 ago

According to this book Prominent Families of New Jersey, Charles Engelhard's grandfather was Philipp Holzmann who built one of the first railroads in Germany

The company was founded in 1849 by Johann Philipp Holzmann (1805-1870) at Sprendlingen in present-day Dreieich near Frankfurt am Main as Philipp Holzmann & Cie. Initially, the former sawmill company was concentrating on the supply of ties for railway construction, but then began to expand into building construction and civil engineering. In 1856, the headquarters moved to Frankfurt where in the late 19th century the company experienced rapid growth.

The first large building contract to be finished was the opera house completed in 1880,[1] followed by the central station in Frankfurt am Main completed in 1888[1] and the Amsterdam Centraal railway station in 1889.[1] Holzmann also built the original Reichstag building completed in 1894,[2] the Hamburg city hall completed in 1897 and several railway projects in East Africa and Asia, especially the Bagdadbahn built from 1903 which incorporates the Istanbul Haydarpaşa railway station finished in 1908, as well as the Varda Viaduct at Taurus Mountains in southern Turkey completed in 1916.

.. In 1917, Philipp Holzmann & Cie merged with the Internationale Baugesellschaft and became the publicly traded Philipp Holzmann Aktiengesellschaft. In 1938, the company had 20,800 employees[4] and contributed to several major building projects like the new Reich Chancellery in Berlin, the Nazi party rally grounds in Nürnberg, the Prora complex as well as the Westwall and numerous sections of the Reichsautobahn. In World War II, Holzmann constructed large parts of the Atlantic Wall by order of the Organisation Todt

letsdothis3 ago

Engelhard and Apartheid pdf

Engelhard inherited a family industrial empire, based on platinum, silver and industrial gold. Engelhard Industries Inc. is the principal arm of the organization, having plants in Canada, the United Kingdom, Italy, Switzerland, Australia and Colombia. It is the world's largest refiner and fabricator of precious metals and holds a monopolistic position in the bottleneck between miner and consumer. Engelhatd Hanovia, which is mainly owned by the family, has 72.2% of the stock of the dajor company. Now Engelhard Industries has no interest in South Africa, though it cannot be denied that Engelhard Hanovia is involved in that country's mining and industry. Originally the tycoon's movements were backed heavily by Dillon Reed and Co., but it must be admitted that now nearly all the oapital for the South African industries comes from local loans or the plough-back of indigenous profits. Certainly in 1958 Engelhard had organized the American-South African Investment Corporation, raising $30.million in the US, but since then, the Corporation has of course been self-sustaining.

..The principal Engelhard organization in South Africa is Rand Mines. Rand Mines is efi'ectively an investment company with 56% of investments in gold and uranium mining in 196/ :ixn: and 66% of its income flow from that source. However, the proportion of mining investments is declining, viz. in 1963, sixty per cent (60%) of the investment was in mining and 71% of the income flow from this source.6 The purely financial and industrial aspects of the company are broadening, but being in an early stage, such investments are not yet providing a concomitant return flow

Charles W. Engelhard directly controls nearly 15% of South African gold production and almost 20% of uranium production. Through his other directorships, particularly of Anglo-American Corporation, Charter Consolidated and the Rand Selection Corporation, he influences mineral policy decisions of producers of two-thirds of South African gold and uranium. Interest in more minor metals has been demonstrated. We should further note that Engelhard fabricates all US platinum supply. The principal quantities of platinum imported are from International Nickel Company in Canada, but 28% has its immediate aouvce in the United Kingdom. South Africa supplies 40% of free world platinum and most of that finds its way to the United Kingdom.

letsdothis3 ago

The Silent War

An exploration into understanding the complexities of the Chemical Age, the Synthetic Chemical Revolution, and the toxins that impact us all

Archive for the ‘Bayer (IG Farben)’ Category - Acquiring Genomes, Symbiotic Bacteria and Breastfeeding, and Capitalist Products that Destroy Immune System and Brain Development in Infants.

Origins of The Council of Gods and The Original War on Drugs

The Germans were world leaders in another class of substances as well: the companies of Merck, Boehringer, and Knoll controlled 80 percent of the global cocaine market. Merck’s cocaine, from the city of Darmstadt, was seen as the best product in the world, and commercial pirates in China printed fake Merck labels by the million. Hamburg was the major European marketplace for raw cocaine: every year thousands of pounds were imported legally through its port. Peru sold its entire annual production of raw cocaine, over five tons, almost exclusively to Germany for further processing. The influential Fachgruppe Opium and Kokain (Expert Group on Opium and Cocaine), put together by the German drug manufacturers, worked tirelessly on a close integration of the government and the pharmaceuticals industry.

A drug manufactured by Merck in Darmstadt, it came on to the market as a painkiller and cough medicine in 1917, and was so popular in the 1920s that the word “Eukodalism” was coined. Its extremely potent active ingredient is an opioid called oxycodone, synthesized from the raw material of opium. The substance was a hot topic among doctors in the Weimar Republic because many physicians quietly took the narcotic themselves.

The head pharmacist, Dr. Fritz Hauschild, had heard how the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936 had been influenced by a substance called Benzedrine, a successful amphetamine from the United States—and still a legal doping product at the time. At Temmler all development resources were now pooled in that direction, since the company was convinced that a performance-enhancing substance was a perfect fit for an age in which everyone was talking about new beginnings. Hauschild turned to the work of Japanese researchers who had synthesized an extremely stimulating molecule called N-methylamphetamine as early as 1887, and crystallized it in its pure form in 1919. The drug was developed out of ephedrine, a natural substance that clears the bronchia, stimulates the heart, and inhibits the appetite. In the folk medicine of Europe, America, and Asia, ephedrine had been known for a long time as a component of the ephedra plant and was also used in so-called Mormon tea.

Hauschild perfected the product and in autumn 1937 he found a new method of synthesizing methamphetamine. A short time later, on October 31, 1937, the Temper factory patented the first German methylamphetamine, which put American Benzedrine very much in its shadow. Its trademark: Pervitin.

The molecular structure of this pioneering material is similar to adrenalin, and so it passes easily through the blood and into the brain. Unlike adrenalin, however, methamphetamine does not cause sudden rises in blood pressure but works more gently and lasts longer. The effect occurs because the drug tickles out the messenger substances dopamine and noradrenaline from the nerve cells of the brain and pours them into synaptic gaps...

Pervitin became a symptom of the developing performance society. Boxed chocolates spiked with methamphetamine were even put on the market. A good 14 milligrams of methamphetamine was included in each individual portion—almost five times the amount in a Pervitin pill. “Hildebrand chocolates are always a delight” was the slogan of this potent confectionary.

...Performance pharmaceuticals like Ritalin and other amphetamine derivatives are in widespread use today here in the States…

A little justice did come to Hitler for his deal with the “Council of the Gods” and his cruelty towards his fellow human beings. Getting pumped daily with synthetic vitamins called “Vitamultin,” synthetic hormones, meth, cocaine, oxycodone (Germans called it Eukodal, the pharmacological cousin of heroin), and other IG Farben products destroyed his health. Hitler was their guinea pig as well and look at the results.

The Origins of CIA’s MK Ultra Program

Dr. Kurt Plotner of Leipzig University… In Dachau concentration camp, as department head of the Institute of Practical Military Research, he had tested “chemical methods for the aborgation of the will. They were based on experiments undertaken in the Auschwitz extermination camp by Dr. Bruno Weber, the director of the Hygienic Bacteriological Research Center in Auschwitz, with barbiturates, morphine derivatives, and mescaline. These experiments were inspired by the Gestapo, where there was frustration at their limited success in gaining information from imprisoned Polish resistance fighters. Unlike Sachsenhausen, which was chiefly concerned with endurance tests, Auschwitz was focused on brainwashing and consciousness control....

epinephrine is related to ephedrine >> adrenochrome

Related : Adrenochrome, Schizophrenia and the Scottish Rite Masons

Lansing-Michigan ago

Recently watched a movie about old hollywood, true story.........the main character got kidney disease at the end of his life. He said that it was taken from anti malaria medicine he took during his 3 years in Europe during WWII. At the same time , US govt. was issuing these anti malaria pills, a large prison was issuing them too. TEST CASES. No reason for US troops to take this medicine in Europe..... A dear friend has an auto immune disease , Sjogren's disease. (she has stage III kidney disease) Anti malaria properties are in her medicine.Anti malaria in medicine for auto immune disease as well as aspartame. US medical system is nazi........taken over by rockefellas in the 30s.

letsdothis3 ago

The Silent War

An exploration into understanding the complexities of the Chemical Age, the Synthetic Chemical Revolution, and the toxins that impact us all

Archive for the ‘Bayer (IG Farben)’ Category - Acquiring Genomes, Symbiotic Bacteria and Breastfeeding, and Capitalist Products that Destroy Immune System and Brain Development in Infants.

Origins of The Council of Gods and The Original War on Drugs

The Germans were world leaders in another class of substances as well: the companies of Merck, Boehringer, and Knoll controlled 80 percent of the global cocaine market. Merck’s cocaine, from the city of Darmstadt, was seen as the best product in the world, and commercial pirates in China printed fake Merck labels by the million. Hamburg was the major European marketplace for raw cocaine: every year thousands of pounds were imported legally through its port. Peru sold its entire annual production of raw cocaine, over five tons, almost exclusively to Germany for further processing. The influential Fachgruppe Opium and Kokain (Expert Group on Opium and Cocaine), put together by the German drug manufacturers, worked tirelessly on a close integration of the government and the pharmaceuticals industry.

A drug manufactured by Merck in Darmstadt, it came on to the market as a painkiller and cough medicine in 1917, and was so popular in the 1920s that the word “Eukodalism” was coined. Its extremely potent active ingredient is an opioid called oxycodone, synthesized from the raw material of opium. The substance was a hot topic among doctors in the Weimar Republic because many physicians quietly took the narcotic themselves.

The head pharmacist, Dr. Fritz Hauschild, had heard how the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936 had been influenced by a substance called Benzedrine, a successful amphetamine from the United States—and still a legal doping product at the time. At Temmler all development resources were now pooled in that direction, since the company was convinced that a performance-enhancing substance was a perfect fit for an age in which everyone was talking about new beginnings. Hauschild turned to the work of Japanese researchers who had synthesized an extremely stimulating molecule called N-methylamphetamine as early as 1887, and crystallized it in its pure form in 1919. The drug was developed out of ephedrine, a natural substance that clears the bronchia, stimulates the heart, and inhibits the appetite. In the folk medicine of Europe, America, and Asia, ephedrine had been known for a long time as a component of the ephedra plant and was also used in so-called Mormon tea.

Hauschild perfected the product and in autumn 1937 he found a new method of synthesizing methamphetamine. A short time later, on October 31, 1937, the Temper factory patented the first German methylamphetamine, which put American Benzedrine very much in its shadow. Its trademark: Pervitin.

The molecular structure of this pioneering material is similar to adrenalin, and so it passes easily through the blood and into the brain. Unlike adrenalin, however, methamphetamine does not cause sudden rises in blood pressure but works more gently and lasts longer. The effect occurs because the drug tickles out the messenger substances dopamine and noradrenaline from the nerve cells of the brain and pours them into synaptic gaps...

Pervitin became a symptom of the developing performance society. Boxed chocolates spiked with methamphetamine were even put on the market. A good 14 milligrams of methamphetamine was included in each individual portion—almost five times the amount in a Pervitin pill. “Hildebrand chocolates are always a delight” was the slogan of this potent confectionary.

...Performance pharmaceuticals like Ritalin and other amphetamine derivatives are in widespread use today here in the States…

A little justice did come to Hitler for his deal with the “Council of the Gods” and his cruelty towards his fellow human beings. Getting pumped daily with synthetic vitamins called “Vitamultin,” synthetic hormones, meth, cocaine, oxycodone (Germans called it Eukodal, the pharmacological cousin of heroin), and other IG Farben products destroyed his health. Hitler was their guinea pig as well and look at the results.

The Origins of CIA’s MK Ultra Program

Dr. Kurt Plotner of Leipzig University… In Dachau concentration camp, as department head of the Institute of Practical Military Research, he had tested “chemical methods for the aborgation of the will. They were based on experiments undertaken in the Auschwitz extermination camp by Dr. Bruno Weber, the director of the Hygienic Bacteriological Research Center in Auschwitz, with barbiturates, morphine derivatives, and mescaline. These experiments were inspired by the Gestapo, where there was frustration at their limited success in gaining information from imprisoned Polish resistance fighters. Unlike Sachsenhausen, which was chiefly concerned with endurance tests, Auschwitz was focused on brainwashing and consciousness control....

letsdothis3 ago

Philanthropist, and precious metals magnate, Charles William Engelhard Jr., was born February 15, 1917 and died March 2, 1971. He was the only son of Charles Engelhard, a Prussian, who emigrated from Hanau in 1891 as the sales representative of a platinum firm.

A pillar of the Boys Town Organization, a non-profit dedicated to caring for children and families, Engelhard contributed to the care and upbringing of the youngsters there. The Engelhard family visited them and they looked forward to visits to the Engelhard home. “We all must begin to realize the dignity of man as a basic concept.” Engelhard once stated. He was very much a humanitarian in his aid to numerous venues of support for social welfare and education.

(Other accounts seem to remember him differently..)

Hanau is a large town in the Main-Kinzig-Kreis, in Hesse, Germany. It is located 25 km east of Frankfurt am Main and is part of the Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Region.... The town is known for being the birthplace of Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm and Franciscus Sylvius. Since the 16th century it was a centre of precious metal working with many goldsmiths. It is home to Heraeus, one of the largest family-owned companies in Germany.

In the 19th century, Hanau was a centre of the German democratic movement and contributed significantly both in 1830 and in the Revolution of 1848. As part of this movement the German Gymnastic League (Deutscher Turnerbund) was founded here in 1848. Hanau was finally annexed to Prussia like all of Hesse-Kassel in 1866 after its Prince-elector took the Austrian side in the Austro-Prussian War. It remained part of Prussia until 1945.

During World War II, the Jewish population were persecuted with the last Jews being deported in May 1942. Hanau was for the most part destroyed by British airstrikes in March 1945 a few days before it was taken by the U.S. Army. Around 87% of the town was destroyed.[3]:35 The town housed one of the largest garrisons of the U.S. Army in Europe. Being an important strategic location in the so called Fulda Gap, the military community had a population of 45,000 military members, U.S. civilians and family members at its peak during the Cold War. The extensive U.S. facilities included Hanau Army Airfield, also known as Fliegerhorst Langendiebach. The garrison was closed in April 2018. Most of the former military areas have been converted to civil use in the meantime.

letsdothis3 ago

Franciscus Sylvius

This historical review is devoted to Franciscus (Dele Boë) Sylvius, one of the greatest physicians of the 17th century.,, Sylvius occupies a crucial position among the highly gifted scholars who, in the middle of the 17th century, undertook a major reform of medicine, which progressively departed from the highly theoretical scholastic Galenism to become a much more practical field of knowledge based on Vesalian anatomy and Harveyan physiology...He saw medical learning as being based on three major pillars: bedside observations, autopsy of deceased patients, and animal experiments. The first two were part of Sylvius’s daily work as teaching physician, whereas live animal experimentation was considered an extracurricular activity. Through his clinical and experimental observations, Sylvius was able to demonstrate blood circulation and convince his Leiden colleagues of the validity of Harvey’s theory.

In contrast to Descartes, Sylvius viewed the human body not as a machine but as a chemical laboratory. He was one of the founders of the so-called iatrochemical school, which used chemical concepts to explain physiological and pathological phenomena. First advocated by Paracelsus (ca. 1493-1541) and Jan Baptist van Helmont (1579-1644), these views were further refined and carried on in the heart of the 17th century by Sylvius in the Netherlands and by Thomas Willis in England. Rejecting the Paracelsian Archeus concept, Sylvius held that the physiological phenomena in the body are wholly chemical. His physiological theories were essentially based on the binaries of acid spirit (spiritus acidus) and alkaline salt (sal lixiviosum) and the effect of their effervescing fermentation. All physiological processes were understood according to the model of digestion – the inner alchemist of Paracelsus – and its processes as recreated in the chemical laboratory.


Tim Alefantis vaccine scientist and cousin of James A, the H1N1 virus, Bioport, and Dynport of Dyncorp. Why is the child trafficking industry and public health industry seemingly so closely connected?

I started looking into adrenochrome a bit more (for a number of reasons) and found some interesting history on corpse medicine, Paracelsus, the Knights of Malta and cannablism- planning to do a post at some point. But for now, you might find this Smithsonian article interesting:

NEW photos inside BESTA PIZZA - They are worshiping Egyptian gods and goddesses

Movements Rosicrucianism Orders Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor Hermetic Brotherhood of Light Ordo Templi Orientis Topics Hermetic Qabalah Influence and influences Occult and divinatory tarot People John Dee Aleister Crowley Israel Regardie Thābit ibn Qurra Paracelsus Giordano Bruno Ahmad al-Būni Samuel MacGregor Mathers William Westcott Franz Bardon Jakob Böhme

comment by @NOMOCHOMO

Human Blood/Corpses were used in ORAL medicinal remedies by ROYALTY, PRIESTS, & SCIENTISTS throughout Europe.. Noble’s new book, Medicinal Cannibalism in Early Modern English Literature and Culture, and another by Richard Sugg of England’s University of Durham, Mummies, Cannibals and Vampires: The History of Corpse Medicine from the Renaissance to the Victorians, reveal that for several hundred years, peaking in the 16th and 17th centuries, many Europeans, including royalty, priests and scientists, routinely ingested remedies containing human bones, blood and fat as medicine for everything from headaches to epilepsy....BLOOD WAS PROCURED AS FRESH AS POSSIBLE, WHILE IT WAS STILL THOUGHT TO CONTAIN THE VITALITY OF THE BODY. This requirement made it challenging to acquire. The 16th century German-Swiss physician Paracelsus believed BLOOD WAS GOOD FOR DRINKING, and one of his followers even suggested TAKING BLOOD FROM A LIVING BODY. While that doesn’t seem to have been common practice, the poor, who couldn’t always afford the processed compounds sold in apothecaries, could gain the benefits of cannibal medicine by standing by at executions, paying a small amount for a cup of the still-warm blood of the condemned. “The executioner was considered a big healer in Germanic countries,” says Sugg. “He was a social leper with almost magical powers.” For those who preferred their blood cooked, a 1679 recipe from a Franciscan apothecary describes how to make it into marmalade.

letsdothis3 ago

The dynasty is of German paternal descent and was originally a branch of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, itself derived from the House of Wettin, which succeeded the House of Hanover to the British monarchy following the death of Queen Victoria, wife of Albert, Prince Consort.

The House of Hanover (German: Haus Hannover), whose members are known as Hanoverians (/ˌhænəˈvɪəriənz, -noʊ-, -ˈvɛər-/), is a German royal house that ruled Hanover, Great Britain, and Ireland at various times during the 17th through 20th centuries. The house originated in 1635 as a cadet branch of the House of Brunswick-Lüneburg, growing in prestige until Hanover became an Electorate in 1692. George I became the first Hanoverian monarch of Great Britain and Ireland in 1714. At Victoria's death in 1901, the throne of the United Kingdom passed to her eldest son Edward VII, a member of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. The last reigning members of the House lost the Duchy of Brunswick in 1918 when Germany became a republic.

The formal name of the house was the House of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Hanover line. The senior line of Brunswick-Lüneburg, which ruled Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, became extinct in 1884. The House of Hanover is now the only surviving branch of the House of Welf, which is the senior branch of the House of Este. The current head of the House of Hanover is Ernst August, Prince of Hanover.