DeathTooMasons ago

Nigel Farrage warned us to watch out for her right after he won Brexit, and stepped down.

kazza64 ago

its a big club ..... and we arent part of it

equineluvr ago

"Abel Danger was on this back in 2012."


1st link -- Search for May (Alt-F) revealed ONLY "May" as part of "Mayor" and the MONTH of MAY. NOTHING about Theresa May therein.

2nd link -- OP is an RT article. Search for May (Alt-F) revealed NO HITS, NOT FOUND.

Abel Danger is A DISINFO OUTFIT. Obviously, the poster "Eddie Munster" is SHILLING to get HITS to the Abel Danger POS website. He does that by MISREPRESENTING what is posted on the site.

equineluvr ago

Ha! I was just about to post this. Cantsleepawink, you beat me to it. ^

This is a story of INTRIGUE. It contains child sexual abuse on a MASSive scale, a possible murder, and a huge COVERUP. Highly recommended reading.

Silverlining ago

My feeling is that both Boris and Angela Leadsom were blackmailed into standing down at the last leadership election.

Silverlining ago

The KEK is super strong with this post - 5555

Bill Maloney reports Terry May was alleged aboard Edward Heath's yacht and part of his pedo ring. Suggestion it might be Theresa May.

[I have not got to the bottom of it and am not sure I have the story straight, but I have seen it crop up a few times] I can't find where it is mentioned.

privatepizza ago

Excellent piece and research. Goodness, what can May be hiding? Good to see you @sleep : )

sugarskull ago

Look at the others that have had that job before her....all demons....well a great majority of them anyhow. I think that its a prerequisite for getting that position!!

equineluvr ago

"Demons?!" Oh FFS!! LMAO!!

How about leprechauns, brownies, and pixies? They are about as plausible. LOL

sugarskull ago

So you think that Sir Edward Heath WASNT A DEMON? They also claim that Thatch used to love the pedos because she could have them bend to her will. If that doesn't sound like a demon to you then you are an ass...

Gorillion ago

Look into the two weirdos who helped her draft her bizarre manifesto in the lead up to the election:

That whole thing stank. The three of them apparently cooked it up in private and other conservative politicians didn't know WTF was going on. Very strange elements included like bringing Fox Hunting back and re-legalizing the Ivory trade. That's some old school elite arcanery right there.

cantsleepawink ago

Theresa May is a grammar school girl, so not really from the 'fox hunting set'. She was originally a Remainer as far as Brexit goes and ran one of the worst campaigns for this election. At one point I was wondering if she was deliberately trying to lose. At any rate we certainly have a big fight developing between the right and left in the UK...much like what is happening in the U.S. Those on the left think that Corbyn has all the answers when some are aware that he also covered up child abuse in his borough of Islington. In my view, it's all a 'school play'.

42times5 ago

I absolutely think she was doing it on purpose (trying to lose). "They" needed it to be a really close election so that they could bring in the DUP and create their hung parliament (another old trend for more control grabbing across Europe particularly). The state of the UK right now is frightening to me.

It is a farcical descent into totalitarianism and not enough people are willing to face up to this reality.

I have shared this story and it is being ignored. FML.

cantsleepawink ago

Not surprised it is being ignored. Most people can't face reality.

Shillaxe ago

A school play where kids get drugged & raped unfortunately.

cantsleepawink ago

Here she is wearing the same necklace with new buddy DUP leader Arlene Foster from the Daily Mail article :

Ian Paisley the former leader of the DUP had connections with the Kincora Boys' Home child abuse scandal:

Theresa May was criticized for her handling of the scandal:

cantsleepawink ago

Good catch. I saw that a while back and thought, 'Nah...can't be what I think it is..I've been on voat for too long'. Then along comes this article on her background. Crazy, crazy world.

Piscina ago

That is such a great read. No hyperbole, just facts.

cantsleepawink ago

Yes. And now I'm just watching the forum slide operatives.

SuperHappyFunBall ago

It's difficult to appreciate the total and complete take over which the satanic Jew/NWO/Globalist have accomplished throughout our societies, our governments. The worst elements of humanity are in complete control over our collective futures...

remedy4reality ago

not for long

carmencita ago

Oh God I am praying too. I hope you are right. I have a feeling that their bubble will burst soon. And when it does, stand back. When it hits the fan I will be wearing my splatter guards.

smokratez ago

They are all satanists.

Skankhunt1 ago

It's either that or being JFK'ed