fogdryer ago

I’m gonna jump to the end here , there are no Coincidences ! Removal of evidence !

letsdothis3 ago

Framlingham Castle - Season of the Witch SEASON OF THE WITCH IN EAST ANGLIA

Many people remain unaware of how Bury St Edmunds in particular influenced witch hunting and trials all over Europe and particularly in the United States. The presence of Matthew Hopkins, the self styled ‘Witchfinder’ led to East Anglia becoming synonymous with witch hunts and his continued activity was guaranteed by the fiscal benefits it offered- he made a small fortune because local parishes paid him a fee for his investigations

This frenzy that gripped the Bury area in the 17th century served as template and encouragement for the Salem witch trials in the States resulting in around 200 witch trials in the area in the mid-17th century- another more grotesque link to add to the already strong connections between New England and East Anglia.

As a result, East Anglia has a plethora of visitor attractions and events that seek to remember this interesting period of history from museums to special attractions at local stately homes and parks. In Bury St Edmunds, the local museum on Market Hill called Moyse’s Hall has well curated exhibits of witch bottles and accoutrements, dead cats and shoes, either donated or recovered from houses where they were bricked up behind walls to ward off witches/evil spirits. Usually single shoes and not pairs were entombed near doors, windows and chimneys. Sometimes other items were hidden with the shoes- coins, pipes, spoons, pots, toys, goblets, food, knives, gloves, chicken and cat bones.

Framlingham Castle moat formed the backdrop to the ‘swimming’ of another suspected male witch named John Lowes, the elderly vicar of Brandeston who was accused of witchcraft in 1642. After being ‘swum’ in the moat, and found guilty after floating to the surface, Witchfinder Hopkins (Yes, him again) “kept Lowes awake several nights together while running him backwards and forwards about his cell until out of breath… till he was weary of his life and scarce sensible of what he said or did”.

Escape from Salem

The hangings in September 1692 were the last in the colony, and the remaining accused people were eventually released from jail, as long as they paid their jail costs. In 1711, the colony passed a bill, which restored the rights and good names of the accused, and granted restitution to the heirs of the victims. Sarah Clayes was the central character in a 1986 television movie called “Three Sovereigns for Sarah,” starring Vanessa Redgrave. In 1957, the state of Massachusetts issued a formal apology for the events in 1692.

Ironically, back in Danforth’s hometown of Framlingham, England, witches had been tried and executed in large numbers about 50 years earlier. The pond in front of Framlingham castle was often the scene of a “witch ducking,” considered a foolproof way of identifying witches. The accused was bound with rope and tossed into the pond. If they floated, they were a witch. If they sank, there was good news and bad news. The good news was they were not a witch. The bad news is…they sank.

There was another so-called witch who took up residence in Framingham for a short time. Back in the mid-1930’s, actress Margaret Hamilton lived on Gilbert Street with her husband before taking on her signature role as the Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz in 1939.

letsdothis3 ago

Well,that thread on Ed Sheeran and James Blunt, which was always an odd story gives me an excuse to put this link here to Blunt's Art on ICE show.. odd..


letsdothis3 ago


Another, less likely, is said run for nearly two miles from the Cathedral, south-east to Stuntney Old Hall

The former manor house of Stuntney Old Hall (TL556785) is on a slight slope just north of the village, and south-east of Ely. Oliver Cromwell's mother was born here, and he lived here himself for a time. An old history of the area claims that "Several hillocks in the vicinity of the hall are supposed to have been thrown up by [Cromwell], when he was preparing to level his cannon against the cathedral." There don't appear to be any 'hillocks' nowadays, and the story isn't true anyway: Ely cathedral wasn't attacked at all during the Civil War.

[See all Ely Cathedral and Eel Pie Island pizzzagate voat posts.]


Soham - There are several rumoured tunnels beneath Soham, all centred on St. Andrew's House (TL593731), the former vicarage south of the church. There may have been a vicarage on the same spot as far back as the 15th century, although the present building (now flats) dates to about 1840. Extensive cellars underneath were investigated when redevelopment was proposed, and as usually happens, blocked-up doorways were suggested as entrances to the tunnel network.

One such passage is alleged to lead to St. Andrew's church (TL593732). In the 1950s, a group of people were said to have negotiated this tunnel, ending up amongst coffins in a crypt under the church - which actually has no crypt. Another tunnel is mooted to pass beneath Church Alley, emerging in a house in Clay Street, while a third leads to the Fountain Inn in Churchgate Street. This inn (TL593733) may be 15th century in origin, although mostly rebuilt in 1900. Used as a local court from the 1780s, some have suggested that the tunnel was used to take prisoners to holding cells under St. Andrew's House. The least likely passage traditionally heads for Spinney Abbey at Wicken, several miles away across marshland (TL554718).

See voat posts referring to Soham murders

letsdothis3 ago


a tunnel is said to stretch for 11 miles beneath the Fens, between Lakenheath and Ely.

Ely Tunnels:

Local tales tell of an underground passage from Ely Cathedral (TL541803) to the King's Arms pub (TL540804) in St. Mary's Street. Another, less likely, is said run for nearly two miles from the Cathedral, south-east to Stuntney Old Hall (TL556785).


St. Audrey's Well:

St. Audrey (also known as Etheldreda - see Exning) died at Ely in 679AD, and was buried somewhere near the present St. Mary's church, which stands a few hundred metres west of the Cathedral. 16 years later her sister Seaxburh (Sexburga) disinterred her apparently incorrupt body and reburied it elsewhere. But at the first site of her burial a miraculous spring welled up which, for several centuries afterwards, was renowned for its healing qualities. One 12th century book describes how the waters cured one man of dropsy (edema), and a woman of blindness. (For another St. Audrey's Well, but without any healing powers, see under Ely in 'Other notable wells & springs'.)

Related voat posts:

The Secret Life of Ely Cathedral, the diocese of Westminster and Eel Pie Island

The Project Gutenberg eBook of Ely Cathedral, Fermilab and Freemasonry

MK Ultra back in the news - on Big Pharma links, Thiel's Ambrosia, the Transhumanism movement and the Dutroux case

letsdothis3 ago

Another tunnel in Suffolk

Lakenheath - Secret tunnels::

With roof and sides of English oak, and reputed to have been used 'in Hereward's time', a tunnel is said to stretch for 11 miles beneath the Fens, between Lakenheath and Ely.1 The Saxon called Hereward the Wake rallied the Fen people in a doomed resistance fight against William the Conqueror, from 1067 to 1071.

Latterly trading as the Lakenheath Hotel, Goward House (TL716825) was advertised as having been built in 1655 for a 'master of the royal falcons'. In fact the present building dates to the mid 18th century, with a core probably of the late 16th. In 1881 it was being sold as a grocers and drapers shop, with 14 cottages attached. There was said to be a priest hole within, along with tunnels (plural) leading to St Mary's church, just 400m away further along the High Street.2

Sources: 1. W. G. Clarke: 'In Breckland Wilds' (Robert Scott, 1925), p.164.; 2.

November 2018 article: Body of missing American teen found on RAF Lakenheath -

The body of a missing 18-year-old U.S. dependent was found by British police on RAF Lakenheath Saturday. Matthew Strasbaugh, the son of an airman stationed at RAF Mildenhall, was last seen Tuesday, Suffolk police said in a statement.

“Officers, assisted by members of Suffolk Lowland Search and Rescue conducted a search of the area and a body of a man was later located within the base at RAF Lakenheath,” the police said.

An investigation is ongoing to determine the cause of death, but Suffolk detectives do not believe there are any suspicious circumstances involved, according to their statement.

Mildenhall and Lakenheath are separated by a roughly 15 minute drive.

Related voat post:

US Air Force Commander Pleads Guilty to Child Porn Charges .. In comments:

Someone REALLY needs to check out/expose the American Air Forces bases in Europe, in particular, the infamous Lakenheath and Mildenhall, in Cambridgeshire, UK

I know someone who used to work there and it is a hotbed of extremely frighteningly manic and improper behavior. The Airforce men and women are given $$$$$ in AMERICAN TAX DOLLARS to piss away on drink, drugs, porn and hookers, underage sex, sex parties with each other (banned but happen every day, all the time) and general erratic and compromising behavior. The worst offenders are the immature female so called 'psychotherapists' (usually idiots from 'for profits' graduate schools who are paid upwards of $200k a year, again, from American Tax Dollars) to supposedly listen to air force grievances/are privvy to highly confidential secrets, but just piss away money and expenses on themselves and happily sleep with all their clients. Someone needs to rat em out to their employer, BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON and GET EM FIRED.

Again, yes I know someone on the inside and the stories I've heard would make your blood boil (again, YOU, the tax payer, are paying for it all.)

Saddleworth Moor in pedo ground zero YORKSHIRE, UK conveniently goes up in flames; lots to bury - Ian Brady, Myra Hindley, Jimmy Saville, Pedo Elite, YORKSHIRE GROOMING GANGS.

Share, share. While we're here; Ian Huntley and Maxine Carr were patsies for American Airforce Base (RAF LakenHeath) satanic pedos.

How many of you really know of the true facts of the Soham murders case . How many of you know that the girls bodies were found on a USAF base at Lakenheath.

How many know that USAF servicemen contaminated the scene where the bodies were found and not even 1 USAF serviceman was questioned about it.

How many of you know that at the time of the Ian Huntley trial that hard evidence that the monster or monsters who murdered Holly and Jessica might well reside inside the razor wire at USAF Lakenheath, was provided at a Courts Martial held on 23 July 2003. A military judge found against Technical Sergeant Randy Bitter on three charges of child sex abuse. Tech Sgt Bitter pleaded guilty to carnal knowledge with a female child under 12 years of age, and two counts of indecent acts with the same victim. He was sentenced to six years imprisonment with dishonorable discharge from the United States Air Force. Despite the fact that Bitter was convicted less than 500 yards away from the exact point at which Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman's bodies were dumped, not one British newspaper or television network anywhere in the land reported these horrifying crimes, details of which were made available in "Immediate Press Release #073103-4" dated 31 July 2003 at USAF Lakenheath. Predictably perhaps, these frightening lookalike offences and their obvious implications have been withheld from the jurors in the trial of Ian Huntley.

How many of you know that Ian Huntley was drugged and tortured after his arrest and before his trial. Even when he was "confessing" he was clearly stating he didn't know what was real and what was imaginery, even though he was perfectly 100% ok before his arrest he was suddenly brain damaged only a few months later, obviously a result of the neurleptic drugs and the treatment he was subjected to. The Home office wanted to frame someone to totally deflect all attention away from the USAF base at Lakenheath.

letsdothis3 ago

More on Parham Airfield

The museum comprises the 390th Bombardment Group Memorial Air Museum and the Museum of the British Resistance Organisation operating under one Management Committee.

390th Bombardment Group

The 390th Strategic Missile Wing was a United States Air Force Strategic Air Command organization, stationed at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona. Its mission was to maintain and control intercontinental ballistic missiles. The wing was first organized as the 390th Bombardment Group in January 1943 and equipped with the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress. After training in the United States, the group moved to England, beginning combat operations in August.

British Resistance Organisation

The Auxiliary Units or GHQ Auxiliary Units were specially trained, highly secret units created by the United Kingdom government during the Second World War, with the aim of using irregular warfare to help combat any invasion of the United Kingdom by Nazi Germany, which the Germans codenamed Operation Sea Lion. Service in the Auxiliary Units was expected to be highly dangerous, with a projected life expectancy of just 12 days for its members; along with orders to either shoot each other or use explosives to kill themselves if capture by an enemy force seemed likely.[1]

Urged on by the War Office, Prime Minister Winston Churchill initiated the Auxiliary Units[2] in the early summer of 1940. This was to counter the civilian Home Defence Scheme already established by SIS (MI6), but outside War Office control. The Auxiliary Units answered to GHQ Home Forces, but were legally an integral part of the Home Guard.

Churchill appointed Colonel Colin Gubbins to found the Auxiliary Units. Gubbins, a regular British Army soldier, had acquired considerable experience and expertise in guerrilla warfare during the Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War in 1919 and in the Irish War of Independence of 1919–1921. Most recently, he had returned from Norway, where he headed the Independent Companies, the predecessors of the British Commandos. In November 1940 Gubbins moved to the Special Operations Executive (SOE).

Related voat post:

Continuing with the mainstreaming of satanism. Invictus, the Satanic Temple and the CIA.

By the way, ATS stands for Auxiliary Territorial Service and was the equivalent of our WAACS or WACS. The most famous "ATS Girl" is her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, pictured here in her uniform along with her mother, Queen Elizabeth, her father King George VI and her sister Princess Margaret.

letsdothis3 ago

The landlord of the Dennington Queen pub was previously the landlord of the King's Arms in Meopham, Kent. Another place with tunnels and ties to Prime Minister John Major..

letsdothis3 ago

Parham Airfield

Parham Airfield Museum is a museum in Framlingham in Suffolk, England. The airfield was named after the village of Parham in Suffolk famously linked to the Aldeburgh poet George Crabbe. Burke introduced Crabbe to the literary and artistic society of London, including Sir Joshua Reynolds and Samuel Johnson, who read The Village before its publication and made some minor changes. Burke secured Crabbe the important position of Chaplain to the Duke of Rutland. Crabbe served as a clergyman in various capacities for the rest of his life, with Burke's continued help in securing these positions. He developed friendships with many of the great literary men of his day, including Sir Walter Scott, whom he visited in Edinburgh, and William Wordsworth and some of his fellow Lake Poets, who frequently visited Crabbe as his guests. The Lake Poets were a group of English poets who all lived in the Lake District of England, United Kingdom, in the first half of the nineteenth century. As a group, they followed no single "school" of thought or literary practice then known. They were named, only to be uniformly disparaged, by the Edinburgh Review. They are considered part of the Romantic Movement.

The three main figures of what has become known as the Lakes School were William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Robert Southey. They were associated with several other poets and writers, including Dorothy Wordsworth, Charles Lamb, Charles Lloyd, Hartley Coleridge, John Wilson, and Thomas De Quincey.

When is a paedophile not a paedophile? When, among many other possibilities, he is a fell-walker...

My trip to The Lakes – where there is indeed a wealth of beautiful lakes as well as mountains – also reminded me that I may be far from the only “paedo” who has found it possible to express other aspects of their identity here, including several prominent figures who are known mainly for their poetry, philosophy and love of the region’s natural beauty rather than their sexuality. Famously celebrating that beauty in verse at the turn of the 19th century were the romantic poets William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Robert Southey, names which are closely associated with two others of particular concern here: Hartley Coleridge, son of Samuel, and Thomas De Quincey, best known these days for his memoir Confessions of an English Opium-Eater.

What is a great deal less well known about De Quincey than his opium addiction (apparently he took the drug medicinally to start with, for the relief of neuralgia), is his love affair with a toddler. An author, journalist and poet himself, De Quincey had “sleepovers” with little Catherine Wordsworth, William’s daughter. She was just a toddler and sadly died at the age of three. De Quincey recorded his grief over her death, writing of his love for her and saying “as it happened that little Kate Wordsworth returned my love, she in a manner lived with me at my solitary cottage; as often as I could entice her from home, [she] walked with me, slept with me, and was my sole companion.” By implication the whole “affair”, written about openly, was conducted with parental permission and was held to be as “innocent” as Wordsworth’s famous daffodils. Perhaps it was, but the language suggests a degree of attachment to the child that would be considered highly suspect today in an adult who was not her parent....

...This is a very familiar story in the literary world, and there have been numerous attempts to explain away Ruskin’s feelings as having nothing to do with paedophilia: as with other child-oriented intellectuals, such as Lewis Carroll, J.M. Barrie, Benjamin Britten and Vladimir Nabokov, the dread diagnosis is always the one that admiring commentators are desperate to avoid.

letsdothis3 ago

There are reports of a lost tunnel that once stretched from all the way from Leiston Abbey to Framlingham Castle. It is said to have an exit at the site of the former Angel Inn which is on a direct path between the two destinations.

Standing in the grounds of the renowned Framlingham Castle the Inn has long been a favourite of the inhabitants of the Castle.

The Castle Inn being the oldest pub in Framlingham is also haunted by the ghost of a young boy reputed to one of the boys from the poor house in the Castle. Late at night you can still hear the cries and the request “spare a bob for poor lad sir”.Tips go missing regularly from the tip jar on the bar and a a faint jingling of coins can be heard late at night.

There is a rumour that there is a tunnel that runs from the pub to the castle but it is still undiscovered.

The pond opposite the pub was the old “Witches Ducking Pond” where many a poor lass met her end.

Next to the pub stood a brewery that dates back to early 1800’s, sadly closed in 1903.

During World War 2 the pub was also used by the service men from the local airfield at Parham and there are pictures of the men drinking at the bar. Sometimes at night a low rumbling noise can be heard of a ghostly bomber circling overhead looking for its lost comrades.

derram ago :

Fire crews tackle early morning blaze at Ed Sheeran's £1.5million country estate | Daily Mail Online :

Ed Sheeran purchases two more houses next to mansion | Daily Mail Online

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pgd7 ago

“The fire service could not confirm what caused it and said there will be no further investigation”

Nothin’ to see here, move it along.