pizzagatecharlotte ago

Gerard Butler was also in a bike accident on the same day - thought it was strange - not that I'm bothered in the slightest.

cantsleepawink ago

Geostorm trailer ('we can control our weather')

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you. Just posting this article here about that for future reference. Apparently his film Geostorm came out on October 13th

Also, released on October 13th: The Ritual - apost I deleted

carmencita ago

WTH is this? There is something strange about his whole story. The questions I am raising, what was he doing at the Knighting of James Blunt? I don't think Sheerin is that big a deal to be included in that. I am with you, I don't care for him either.

cantsleepawink ago

Read my follow up's a bit incoherent but: