letsdothis2 ago

The Body And Ritual Abuse, pt 1: Comparing Gurdjieff's Fourth Way, Marina Abramovic's Method (or, how today's intelligence services use the study of shamanism for the development of mass mind control methods) https://steemit.com/news/@whitedeer9217/the-body-and-ritual-abuse-pt-1-comparing-gurdjieff-s-fourth-way-maria-abramovic-s-method

Gurdjieff is directly linked to Marina Abramovic, as well as Bartlesville. His 'Fourth Way' is intimately tied to the development of Abramovic's 'Method' and her 'spirit cooking' via Abramovic's repeated description of Gurdjieff as her spiritual "father." The common denominator between Abramovic's Method and Gurdjieff's Fourth Way is the use of the body, body movement, and physical experience as a medium for "spiritual development" /mental and emotional change and altered states.

I came to that Gurdjiejj article while following through on Kissinger's background: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2647174/13410834


letsdothis2 ago

Links between the Process Church and the military unit SHAEF: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2643401/13369160

The founder of Granada TV, Sydney Bernstein, is the father of Hugh Mountain a.k.a. Michael Mountain and known by his religious name Father Aaron.

UPDATE: Also, Michael Mountain is NOT the son of Sydney Bernstein, but a close relation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Process_Church_of_the_Final_Judgment


Sidney Lewis Bernstein, Baron Bernstein (30 January 1899 – 5 February 1993) was a British businessman and media executive who was the founding chairman of the London-based Granada Group and the founder of the Manchester-based Granada Television in 1954. Granada was one of the original four ITA franchisees. He believed the North's media industry had potential to be cultivated.

Bernstein was a co-founder of the London Film Society[5] in 1925, where he met and befriended the young Alfred Hitchcock, who became a lifelong friend and, briefly, a producing partner. He was the first to bring October: Ten Days That Shook the World and other works from the Russian filmmaker Eisenstein, as well as the films of Pudovkin, to London, and sponsored Eisenstein's trip to Hollywood in the early 1930s.

Night Will Fall (2014)- Researchers discover film footage from World War II that turns out to be a lost documentary shot by Alfred Hitchcock and Sidney Bernstein in 1945 about German concentration camps.

Night Will Fall (trailer) (Holocaust imagery - NSFW)


Sidney Bernstein, Chief of the Film Section at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF)


Mr. Bernstein was a lifelong socialist and was believed to be a Soviet informer by MI5 prior to the Second World War . Following the outbreak of war, Mr. Bernstein became a film advisor to the Ministry of Information and by 1944 was Chief of the Film Section at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF). He was responsible for bringing Alfred Hitchcock back to the Britain to make several tribute films to the French Resistance. In 1945, he produced a film based on the footage shot of German concentration camps however this film was not screened until 1985 having been buried in the archives of the Imperial War Museum.

SHAEF patch origin http://www.usmilitariaforum.com/forums/index.php?/topic/170697-shaef-patch-origin/

They told me the story of the SHAEF patch that I had heard only inacurately before. General Morgan (the original planner for the invasion) anticipating the arrival of a Supreme Commander, had directed in the autumn of 1943 that a badge be designed, and the comittee which was appointed in turn directed the Royal College of Heralds to produce a sign symbolic of the task ahead. Price said that the design had "some sort of waves, presumably indicating an amphibious operation", and was generally not acceptable, although the "Flaming Sword" was accepted as a base for furthur development. The final design was produced by Colonel Lack, with the artistic help of Corporal D. Q. Goodall, an ATS girl. Price called my attention particularly to the fact that the "Flaming Sword" was modeled on that of the 2nd U.S. Division Memorial (1917-18) in Washington. Ike approved the badge when he assumed command, and in March (1944) it came into general use as the headquarters shoulder patch and vehicle mark. The flaming sword of freedom cuts the black of the Nazi night over Europe and points the way to the final rainbow of peace and liberty. The rainbow is made up of the colors of the Allied nations."


Posted 14 March 2013 - 01:40 PM

'Teamski', on 14 Mar 2013 - 4:13 PM, said:

Neat story! Thanks for sharing.


Thanks Ski, It's good to know the history behind the patch. I am intrigued by the two people named as the final designers. "The final design was produced by Colonel Lack, with the artistic help of Corporal D. Q. Goodall, an ATS girl. " These two people obviously are British. I'm just speculating here but when I see credit going to a colonel and a female corporal, I wonder if the corporal may have had more to do with the design than the colonel? By the way, ATS stands for Auxiliary Territorial Service and was the equivalent of our WAACS or WACS. The most famous "ATS Girl" is her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, pictured here in her uniform along with her mother, Queen Elizabeth, her father King George VI and her sister Princess Margaret.

Origin of the Rainbow Patch https://dmna.ny.gov/arng/42div/?id=patch

The 42nd Infantry (RAINBOW) Division received the name "Rainbow Division" in 1917 during its organization at Camp Mills, Long Island, New York. The Chief of Staff of the Division at that time was Colonel Douglas MacArthur, As they were discussing the organization of the Division and reviewing the National Guard units from 26 states that would make up the Division, Colonel Douglas MacArthur commented that "The 42nd Division stretches like a Rainbow from one end of America to the other." The comment caught the interest of those present and they decided to call it the "Rainbow Division".

letsdothis2 ago

Systematic Child Abuse Aston Hall Mental institute UK - https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/2645898/13377479

I began by looking up a couple of names my mother said her mother had frequently mentioned. One was Lady Moran. I realised I was probably onto something when I discovered she was a Porton Down chemist and wife of William Sargant’s mentor – Lord Moran aka Churchill’s doctor. Lady Moran’s tutor – Joseph Barcroft was head of the Physiological dept at Porton (and an expert in inter-generational sciences and feotal development). He was also a tutor to Joel Elkes who published with MKULTRA linked Florence Bender who gave LSD to children. Elkes worked at Queens Hospital, Washington, after which he opened an LSD clinic at Birmingham University, UK – funded by the Rockefeller Institute. Barcroft was also tutor to William Grey Walter who attended the Cybernetics Macy Conferences and by looking into those I found out about MKULTRA and realised Sargant was linked.


SIS is just another name for MI6, the British equivalent of CIA. Pepper succeeded William Stephenson as chair of BSC. The BSC is the British Security Coordination, which even Wikipedia now admits was a covert organization setup in New York City in 1940 upon the authorization of Winston Churchill “to mobilize pro-British opinion in the US.” This “massive propaganda campaign” was mobilized from Rockefeller Center. It was supported by the OSS, the precursor of the CIA. The front for the BSC was the British Passport Control Office. Notable employees of BSC include Roald Dahl—who wrote Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Willie Wonka), Ian Fleming (James Bond), the screenwriter Eric Maschwitz (later BBC and ITV head and creator of Doctor Who), Dorothy Maclean (Findhorn Foundation), and David Ogilvy (the father of advertising).

History of the Information Control Division - http://www.erwinslist.com/Files/History%20I.pdf