carmencita ago

UpVoat! Another Phenomental Post. I remember researching Eel Pie Island before. Here is link to another thread and my comment in that thread about Pete Townsend.

Pete Townsend. Look into him. He was just in the news and talked about on here. He was charge years ago for CP but the charge was later found to be false. Hmm. He also admits to being Bi-Sexual and having gay relations. Edit: I have just started looking into Eel Pie Island and I smell the stench too. It is a sense that I have just from doing research on other posts. This stinks like 3 day old fish.

carmencita ago

Magdalene Laundries. Something clicked. Miss Fisher's Mysteries (Phryne (Franny) Fisher) these are books turned into a series of one hr. mystery movies that were on Netlix and now on WTTW-Prime I am totally hooked on these shows. Imagine my surprise to see trafficking being covered in one of them. Yes, and nuns running a girls workhouse laundry. You set it off and yes, it is modeled after Magdalene Laundries. I think that the author of these stories sometimes has little massages and he is trying to keep it entertaining while exposing some dark happenings. I am really surprised. Unnatural Habits is the name of the Episode. Miss Fisher is No Miss Marple - quite the opposite. Ahem.

letsdothis2 ago

Interesting, thank you. Kerry Greenwood is the author it seems :

She is not married, has no children and lives with a registered wizard.

That wizard is David Graegg

At various times David has been an economist, accountant, company secretary, policy analyst, astrologer, TV quiz show contestant and teacher of mathematics, chemistry & physics; as well as a medieval warrior and accredited wizard.

carmencita ago

The occult connection is strange, since there is the informing of trafficking and laundry workhouse operation. And yes the being a wizard. Um, kind of sketchy.

letsdothis2 ago

Isn't it extraordinary how little of our history we know...

Tag words: Thatcher; the Eighties; the music business and the Sisters of Mercy's Adrenochrome

the sisters of mercy - adrenochrome - extend version

Adrenochrome Lyrics:

We'll turn away in a passive decision/ We'll take the steps through the unmarked door/ A look back for another collision/ But the boys of the spires/ Are boys no more/ Not black and red boys/ Frightened by the night/ By the catholic monochrome/ The catholic girls now/ Stark in their dark and white/ Dread in monochrome/ The sisters of mercy/ High tide/ Wide eyed/ Sped on adrenochrome....

For the sisters of mercy/ Filled with/ Panic in their eyes/ Rise/ Dead on adrenochrome.....

I've posted quite a bit of stuff about this band and what I consider to be their almost obvious relationship to spooksville and politics but this comment on a fan forum caught my eye

I always thought the spires were Oxford but the red & black & the Dolomites were to do with the Spanish Civil War & the international volunteers. But I know so little about this subject that I can't really back it up... 

My last comment on them included this bit:

The name Sisters of Mercy is significant because...

The Sisters of Mercy are constituted as religious and charitable organizations in a number of countries. Mercy International Association is a registered charity in the Republic of Ireland.[5] In the United Kingdom, The Union of the Sisters of Mercy of Great Britain is a registered charity, and in 2006–2007 had a gross income of £5.5 million.


On May 20, 2009, the institute was condemned in an Irish government report known as the Ryan Report, the work of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse. The Sisters of Mercy were named as the chief among the institutes under whose care girls "endured frequent assaults and humiliation designed to make them feel worthless ... personal and family denigration was widespread"

Catholic Nuns "Sisters of Mercy" Exposed: Victim of "Magdalene Laundries" concentration camps speaks*

The leader of the Eighties band formed it in Leeds during the Thatcher era...Savile is from Leeds... I need to do some research into that.. He dropped out of Oxford to form the band and still regularly visits Israel. The band did a song with Netanyahu's former lover.. .. (whispers of pedophilia?)

The lead singer of this band is an Oxford dropout who went on to study at Leeds University. His biography is very interesting but for the purposes of this post I'm going to focus on his birth place:

Andrew William Harvey Taylor was born on the 15th of May, 1959 on the Isle of Ely ("I was born on an island within..."), England (" island"). His father worked for the Royal Air Force, and consequently the early years of his life were nomadic.

His family life seems to have been unsettled: he lived in Singapore when very young and appears to have spent some time with his grandparents in the archetypal English town of Great Malvern. Having learnt to read early and thence to read deeply, Taylor's academic career was initially successful. Inspired by the techniques of German post-war theatre that were later to animate Sisters live shows, he went up to Oxford University in 1977 to read French and German. There was little sign at this stage that Taylor would become a musician, despite being inspired by Bowie's legendary performance of Starman on Top of the Pops; he had allegedly been banned from school music classes for having no talent, and within the confines of the 14th Century Oxford quadrangles he would have been isolated from the ravages that punk was wreaking across Britain. A career in the Foreign Office appealed. Pictures of Taylor dating from this period show the man having already dyed his naturally blonde hair black, but sporting a respectable pin-stripe jacket. The trademark aviator shades were already in place.

Taylor left Oxford before completing his degree; having tired of French and German he wanted to switch courses to Chinese, but was told he was unable to do this at Oxford. There are rumours that Taylor was sent down after the college authorities translated the Chinese graffiti that had appeared on the college walls, but as with most rumours connected with the Sisters, it is difficult to determine whether this is true. Intent on learning Chinese, sometime around 1978 he moved north to Leeds University to continue his studies. As music began to be more important in Taylor's life, academia was gradually left behind, although the bizarre combination of Chinese Studies and Punk Music contributed to Eldritch's later "Zen penchant for nihilism". The Chinese course at Leeds requires students to spend a year in Beijing. This didn't appeal to Taylor, and again without completing his degree, he left the University.

On London Goth music scene, allegations of satanism, and more synchronicities - weird occult stuff ….................................................

*More on the Magdalene Laundries (this all leads back to Soros and other stories we're reporting on here at the moment by the way – will explain in another post)

On 20 May 2009, the institute was condemned in an Irish government report known as the Ryan Report, the work of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse. The Sisters of Mercy were named as the chief among the institutes under whose care girls "endured frequent assaults and humiliation designed to make them feel worthless ... personal and family denigration was widespread" Magdalene laundries, also known as Magdalene's asylums, were institutions from the 18th to the late 20th centuries ostensibly to house "fallen women", a term used to imply female sexual promiscuity or work in prostitution. Many of these "laundries" were effectively operated as penitentiary work-houses. The strict regimes in the institutions were often more severe than those found in the prisons; this contradicted the perceived outlook that they were meant to treat the women as opposed to punishing them.

The discovery in 1993 of a mass grave on the grounds of a former convent in Dublin led to media articles about the operations of the institutions, and ultimately to a call on the part of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child for a government inquiry.[22] A formal state apology was issued in 2013, and a €60 million compensation scheme was set up. The four religious institutes that ran the Irish asylums have not as yet contributed to compensate the survivors of abuse, despite demands from the Irish government, and the UN Committee Against Torture.[23] The sisters continue to care for more than 100 elderly Magdalene women who remain in their care.[24] Senator Martin McAleese chaired an Inter-Departmental Committee to establish the facts of State involvement with the Magdalen Laundries. An Interim Report was released in October 2011.[25] In 2013 the BBC did a special investigation, Sue Lloyd-Roberts' "Demanding justice for women and children abused by Irish nuns."[26] The Sisters of Mercy, Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, and Sisters of Charity, have ignored requests by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and the UN Committee Against Torture to contribute to the compensation fund for victims including 600 still alive in March 2014.

Bonus video: You know the current campaign #WalkAway ? The Sisters have a song for that too:

Sisters of Mercy - Walkaway


Has anyone done any research on this Brandon Straka ? I'm just askin...

letsdothis2 ago

Ben Golomstock : Miranda Sex Garden Interview on Videowave

Father was Igor Golomstock

The art historian Igor Golomstock, who has died aged 88, is best known for his book Totalitarian Art (1990), the first serious study of the similarities between the socialist realist art of Stalinist Russia and the art of Nazi Germany, fascist Italy and Maoist China, an area of debate long considered taboo in Igor’s native country, Russia.

In Igor’s book, which I translated, he argued that such similar artworks demonstrated “the universality of the mechanisms of totalitarian culture”, regardless of whether the regime was on the far right or the far left – a view very much at odds with the official Soviet line.

The Forger and the Spy by Igor Golomstock

At the time, I knew Anthony Blunt to be not only a prominent art historian but the director of the prestigious Courtauld Institute and curator of the Queen’s art collection. I had also read his books on the 17th-century French classicist Nicolas Poussin and on the early Picasso. What I did not know was that he was also the mysterious “fourth man” of the notorious Cambridge spy ring whose other members—Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean, and Kim Philby—had been exposed by British intelligence (and fled to safe haven in Moscow). All three of the latter—like Blunt himself, they were either homosexual or bisexual—had been recruited by the KGB in the 1930’s, had become loyal servants of the Stalinist regime, and during World War II and later, from their high-ranking positions in British intelligence and at the British Foreign Office, had passed top secrets to their Soviet patrons. The activities of the Cambridge group are now regarded as the biggest case of political treason in the history of England.

letsdothis2 ago

The Mediæval Bæbes are a British musical ensemble founded in 1996 by Dorothy Carter and Katharine Blake.[1] It included some of Blake's colleagues from the band Miranda Sex Garden

Miranda Sex Garden - A Fairytale About Slavery

Miranda Sex Garden - Peep Show (Full Video)

think- ago

Sorry, could you please check the imgur link at the top? I get a 404 page. Thanks! :-)

letsdothis2 ago

Odd. It works for me. But I've uploaded another image here:

It's also on this page. Actually it's called Christ in Majesty:

I'll correct it in the post. Thanks.

think- ago

Thank you!

derram ago : :

Mediaeval Baebes to tour England's cathedrals amid unease over their 'sexy' image | The Independent :

Mediaeval Baebes- The CIrcle of the Lustful - YouTube :

Roy Hutchinson on Twitter: "… "

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