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cantsleepawink ago

Rents likely to rise after a huge renovation at Kew Gardens Hills complex

In Kew Gardens Hills, A&E's newly purchased buildings have long been seen as a bastion of affordability, according to David Kirschner, co-president of the Kew Gardens Hills Civic Association. "It has become a magnet for young Orthodox Jewish couples who have flocked to the area."

David J. Kirschner, lawyer

Borough Resident and Queens College Professor David Kirschner Appointed Civil Court Judge

Mayor Bill de Blasio has appointed Kew Gardens Hills resident David Kirschner to Civil Court.

Prior to his position as a principal court attorney in the Bronx, Judge Kirschner served in the Bronx County District Attorney’s Office for 17 years as an assistant district attorney in the Investigations Bureau, and in the Investigations Division, Rackets Bureau, according to the administration.

Kirschner has a background in surveillance: The NSA's Terrorist Surveillance Program: Is It Worth The Risk?

Kew Gardens Hills, Queens

The municipal government of the Town of Flushing, which dated back to colonial times, along with other municipal township governments in Queens County, was incorporated into the Borough of Queens on January 1, 1898. Later, the area, was named after Kew Gardens, which in 1909 was renamed after Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in London, England in the United Kingdom.

This is the same area of London as Eel Pie Island. Post coming shortly on links to pedophilia...

argosciv ago


I love you.

cantsleepawink ago

What a pandora's box you've opened. I have a number of posts to come..sheesh..this is never ending..

argosciv ago


You should see what's whirling around in my head! The next couple of submissions are gonna be weird...

EDIT: I can't even organize it properly so as to think of submission titles... it's a bit of a "researcher's block" xD