Strawtinman ago

Rayzie, every public health beneficiary is intimidated as every level of corp and govt failure to comply and mandate report to OIG, DOP, governor, each dept and is same in Veteran scandal ongoing; law/ contract mandates/Beneficiary Rights/ADA Title violations not fix and protect beneficiaries from further harms, worsened conditions, self reliance, added disabilities and conditions, failure to timely and accurately diagnose and treat. Every funded npo does not help but covers up and failures mandate report harms and fraud billing. Connecting Clinton into the systems and infrastructures of all in corp, govt, npo and oversignt agencies all involved and dots to connect via contracts, via profits, via immigrant and peison back to work peograms with govt/corps/npo and staff ( including in shipping processes) and funding is key. Immigrant to work in USA is key. $urely to horse mouth are fences in buttfruck dodge children of corn fields, of no value and unfit for public health.

Every beneficiary wronged are doors to call and document fed violations, including failures to mandate report at every govt/corp/npo level. Documenting violations is what holds in courts. You crossed paths with ones doing steps that were of value to your pursuits. Hence, same troll shills put up gates that wisely jumping are key skills.

Maryland registered offenders posted as not monitored and real estate dwellings are also keys to mapping and jobs given to unhireables. Institutionalizing versus jails, staff and patients harmed by offenders are in media to dig up. Same judges and others will pop up. Corp connects to Boystown and abandoned industry sites are by the offenders. Agricultural product corps spent ample money and time to build factory sites then abandoned sites. Why? Is key. Conagrua and bio sustainable corps in USA and abroad conect as do orphans/fosters/cps in USA and abroad. Ukraine and other countries regulations on adopt and foster. Boystown and nun and research in deaf and other medical are keys. Proving to those ones is like proving to septic matter. Flush the crap, reseed the core roots that dropped on your path. Court cases media never cover in every system and reports are keys, also. Follow papertrails, money, board directors. Every governor is dotted in to contracts and director boards and profit bigtime. Citizen nonawareness and apathy has allowed much.

Obama and bio sustainable is loose terms for life matter as resource to products and energy. Follow the UK cows to the bones of corp and Germany WW2.


srayzie ago

I know. So much corruption!

Why did you call me Rayzie? 🤔

Strawtinman ago

)) Do not have much time for voat. Shorthand.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Well at least it's not crayzie like donkeyhote or horse fucker lol

Strawtinman ago

Noone legit or safely normal would use abuse terms. Noone safe in real life would abuse talk, strangers, only severe mental deranged.

Strawtinman ago

Trump is going to have to start investigations against all Clintons to even get absurd govt/media off his back and son. Its all a distraction and disempower techniques. He should have done it from the start. Clintons are connected into every infrastructure, including npo, CDC, NIH, universities and research and more. What Chelsea twits is connections. Even the image of Chelsea as a young female child not to be attcked has allowed Chelsea to bloom in the seedy ways. Propoganda is so easy to the masses that it is beyond sad and disturbing. The surely shill has been a distraction on voat for months abd ones still fall for it and waste their time responding and proving points. Surely shill aint going to do shit for pgate or any real issue. In NYC, "keep it moving," is the advice that rids the lice.

TrishaUK ago

srayzie, ignore Are_we__sure hes a killarylover. He attacks everything. Btw, I came across this Huma email and forgot to post, then saw this youtuber post it: what do you think? Email shows Huma Abedin talking about "picking up the boys" then going to hotel -

Strawtinman ago

$urely is a gate to souldier marathon jump to flush. Other areas brought into voat that were flushed, mango shipping protocals and every corporate/npo on contracts and fed/state funding are key in the Pgate gate systemic infrastructure and connect dots to NASDAQ, Haiti/Clinton industrial park, other countries and connected corps/npos, pharmaceuticals on NASDAQ and medical industry/universities/hospitals/institutions, board of directors, contracts , oversight boards in house to govt departments such as DOP/OIG/Disability Rights (all connected an fund streams, HMOS and all there state/fed/corp contracts. Papertrail is contracts, laws, mandates, etc. and documenting all sorts of violations of laws and contract mandates are key to take down in courts to dismantle. Every law and contract and funding should be read, posted; including Federal Aquisition Handbook that Trump knows and read. Many are pdf files from every govt dept on their websites as links, making the maze inefficient and timely to sort through; same with every CPS/health departments cases and beneficiary complaints/hippa requests. Solving and busting requires contract, laws and violations to connect the dots and show public the blatant trillions in fraud connected to violations against beneficiaries of all ages.

Knowing all about Mango shipping requirements and the pricess is eye opening and connects the dot in players of this systemic set of infrastructures in USA and abroad are systems of constructive fraud that allow and enable and do. Govt staff unions from public health care jobs to any dept is also cover up systemic and key. The number of govt and corp staff in systemic violations is habit and intimidate. Failure to comply to federal mandate reporting in timely and full reports is one of many felonies that occurs daily, as beneficiaries and parents call and report. Ones should know contracts, laws, all the dots connected in players and USA beneficiary rights and benefit rights, abroad, inside and out. $urely is a fence to jump that is miles from core and old news.

srayzie ago

That sure sounds suspicious to me. These people are unbelievable.

RweSure ago

I attack falsehoods.

Sorcha Faal is the source of this falsehood

he was found hours before a scheduled meeting at the Russian Consulate as part of his investigation into Hillary.

There's no evidence at all for this.

Are_we__sure ago

By bent out of shape, I'm sure you mean, "has corrected my misinformation."

10447159? ago

"He would never bring up the fact that he'd won a Pulitzer Prize before he was thirty..

He was allergic to talking about himself.

He was most extraordinary for his decency.

Joe's editorials would make for a textbook of opinion writing.

The unsigned editorial was the perfect form for him."

Quotes above taken from The Corner, National Review, July 21, 2017.


These Investigative Journalists Are Dead Also. Gone Are:

Gary Webb - San Jose Mercury News - Suicide

Michael Hastings - Rolling Stone- Firery Auto Crash

Michael Collins Piper - American Free Press-Unknown malady. Assumed to be heart attack.

Victor Thorn-American Free Press-Suicide.

Max Spiers - Free Lance Journalist-Died Of Unknown Cause While In Poland On A Speaking Tour.

There are others. Need To Stop Now.

srayzie ago

Oh I know. There is a long list! If you go back year, it would shock you.

10447064? ago

Has picture with article about dead WSJ editor/journalist, Joseph Rago Age 34.

quantokitty ago

She is on a tear! WTH?!!!!

Such a young guy.

srayzie ago

I know!

grandmacaesar ago

Sorcha Faal is high quality disinfo. In every article, he/she puts links to statements as proof, but the big lie in the story is never documented/proven.

srayzie ago

Ok, well there are other sites that have the story. Arewesure is the one that said it originated there. There were tweets and everything. So decide for yourself what you want to believe. I wouldn't have posted if I knew that I was going to go thru all this.

Strawtinman ago

Why care what Surely says or think? $urely has been a known distractor for months. Flush to be sure. Lol. Efficiency is key to any movements to solve and resolve to core solutions. There were many giving good areas of connected research that were flushed in questionable scenes that were contributing necessary with apathy not value Surely has never sone anything necessary for any life. Time to white out with bleach in apathy and jump that gate like a souldier not metaphorically hump.

10446609? ago

Do you know someone posted this info. in news sub eleven hours ago?

Has 214 net upvotes and 41 comments at this point.


Used Patriot News Watch as source. Link:

srayzie ago

How come when I click on your username does it not have a profile?

srayzie ago

What do you mean? I added the video that you recommended to the post. I don't know what you mean by asking if I know someone posted?

10446741? ago

It's a good thing.

Hit link in my comment above. Should clarify.

I just thought you would want to know a thread on this is happening in NEWS

Sub. That's all.

@rspix000. posted in 'NEWS' sub.

You posted in pizzagate.

If I did something wrong let me know.

And sorry for any confusion.

srayzie ago

When I click on your username does it not have a profile. Why?

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Thank you for editing. I didn't know what you meant. Now I see the link. My original link is from patriotnewsawatch too. You did nothing wrong. Thank you for your help!

TrishaUK ago

@srayzie HERE :)

10446849? ago

Thank you!

2impendingdoom ago

If AreWeSure is trying to debunk it, you know you are spot on.

Are_we__sure ago

Not trying to, I did debunk it.

Sorcha Fail strikes again

2impendingdoom ago


srayzie ago

Thank you 😘

10445632? ago

Good Video

Worth A Listen If You Do Not Know.

10445453? ago

A Must Watch!

Something Else:

A Video: Hillary Body Count Song:

The video is under one minute. She said she had to stop

because it made her too sad.







@eatmorealmonds @cantsleepawink

UgTr2 ago

AFAIK the story of Joseph Rago's connection to Hillary Clinton begins with Sorcha Faal. It was then reposted without attribution on Free Republic and various others ran with it. This doesn't mean that the the connection doesn't exist, but clearly there's room for skepticism here.

Are_we__sure ago

You added links to two mainstream sources, the mirror and the WSJ. Did you notice that they don't support your original post whatsoever. In fact, these two articles say absolutely nothing about Hillary Clinton whatsoever.

Your initial link is conspiracy nonsense filled with lies. You claim your source has nothing to do with Sorcha Faal. That is only because you never tried to find out the original source of this conspiracy. In this sentence the author is making clear he/she is relying on the reports of others, "reportedly investigating."

He was reportedly investigating Hillary’s involvement in the purchase of Russian drug company Veropharm by Abbot Labs at a time in 2014 when sanctions against Russia would have prevented the sale.

He offers no links, so you cannot then try to figure out who made this claim. These fake news sources love to rip each other off. He names two sources, but they are not the original source of this claim The first person to make this claim is Sorcha Faal on July 22. As usual he cites a report from Russian Intelligence as the source of this knowledge.

You can also go back to the news reports of the sale and find none of the news reports mention Veropharm being under sanctions because it was not.

There's also zero news articles involving Veropharm and Clinton prior to the Sorcha Faal article. And the reason being is because Sorcha Faal made it up. And Joseph Rago was not investigating some imaginary case of sanctions violations.

So you unwittingly swallowed and passed along a conspiracy theory started by Sorcha Faal.

TrishaUK ago

Are_we__sure, your sentence forgot 2 major words, but don't worry I will help by adding it for you! 'articles say absolutely nothing about Hillary Clinton my girlfriend whatsoever' - lol @sreyzie @2impendingdoom @quanokitty hahaha

Are_we__sure ago

Are you five years old?

Dismal_Swamp ago

This is v/conspiracy right?

argosciv ago

Sonofabitch... Abbott, Russia, Tony motherfucking Abbott... LOOK INTO THAT FUCKING ONION EATING FAGGOT!

Think back to that ridiculous "Shirtfront" narrative!

dickface88888 ago

"You bet you are... You bet I am!" Do you actually think Abbot labs is connected to Tony Abbott?

argosciv ago

I think I do... I'm not sure...

Can I get back to you?

argosciv ago


will look at this when I get a chance, may have put something huge together myself... eep

123_456 ago

The hero of the left is a murderer -- great!

Commoner ago

Why are the Clintons and their cohorts not under 24/7 surveillance?

pizzaequalspedo ago

Because they built the modern day surveillance state

ginx2666 ago

They are, only they are being protected by it. See, this is why you execute traitors first, and enemies second.

2impendingdoom ago

who is going to spy on them, their cohorts in the FBI?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

We have definitive proof that the FBI is not interested in any law, order or justice.

Our only hope is for the world to know the real Truth - and start by exposing the model and "Root" of the entire system in Racine, Wisconsin where the Clintons and Clinton Foundation are directly connected to the RICO criminal networks. It would be the domino that works best of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, and would show the world there will never be justice in a broken and corrupt system.

We must rise against the real model of Global Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast before it is too late.

UgTr2 ago

What's your model? The value of a model is its ability to predict outcomes given a known set of facts, simply saying "it's Racine" doesn't have predictive value.

2impendingdoom ago

I know, and the DOJ/Judiciary is the same, anyone who wants justice in this country is going to have to get it on their own.

Are_we_sure ago

He died two months ago. He won a Pulitzer 6 years ago, not recently. There were no suspicious circumstances involved with his death.

You're not even aware that this article is just a regurgitation of Sorcha Faal Conspiracy theory from two months ago.

Friends don't let friends, Sorcha Faal.

srayzie ago

You are one of the biggest shills here.

Why does it matter when he won his award? Of course they are going to say that the death doesn't look suspicious. What are the odds? He was young and investigating Hillary. Hello? Sound familiar?

This is not regurgitation of Sorcha Faal. There are many news articles about it. Including mainstream media.

Are_we__sure ago

Oh no! I was called a shill by a guy pushing a nonsense conspiracy theory. Oh my oh my!

Your article is a regurgitation of Sorcha Faal. The MSM articles are not repeating the bullshit about Veropharm. They are not repeating the bullshit about suspicious circumstances.

You cited his award as him being at the top of his game. Well that was six years ago.

bopper ago

@srayzie This person is still waiting for Don Jr. and Flynn to be busted. Cause WaPo said so. Lol.

You know, Russia collusion and all.

Are_we__sure ago

Says the person waiting on a Podesta investigation

Guess what Don JRs emails were actually incriminating.

srayzie ago

When your contribution points look like this

Submission Contribution Points: -39

Comment Contribution Points: -531

I think it's safe to say SHILL ALERT! Lol

bopper ago

I couldn't handle that much rejection myself, I would need therapy :) But if the pay is good, I dunno. Tenacious little fellow tho.

srayzie ago

Haha right?

srayzie ago


thatguyiam ago

You suggesting that MSM coverage is trustworthy? You musta made your account here 4 mos ago and just stuck your head under a rock.

srayzie ago

Well I'm not a GUY and I wasn't aware that you were the resident expert on what news is real or not. 🙄

TheBuddha ago

There are no females on voat. You can't fool me! /s

srayzie ago

lol ok

Are_we__sure ago

Sorcha Faal is always fake.

I apologize for my assumption.

srayzie ago

I made some changes just for YOU. Because in your OPINION, he is fake.

Are_we__sure ago

Sorcha is a woman's name, but it doesn't matter because Sorcha Faal doesn't exist. It's the fake pen name of the guy who owns the site.

srayzie ago

Oh ok

srayzie ago

None of these articles have anything to do with Sorcha Faal.

I don't feel like arguing. I'm going to bed. 😴😴😴😴😴

equineluvr ago

Crayzie lacks the intellect for discernment.

srayzie ago

Dear Lord, please give me the strength to not want to bitch slap this idiot today 🙏🏻

PhiBot ago

@equineluvr @srayzie

Well EquineLuvr is related to Jesus, so let's all pray to rid him of this malevolent spirit of intellectual evil.

Dear Amon Ra, who art in art, bring us our daily bread to hit over the head of equineluvr until he submits and we might harness his powers for good. Amen. Amon. Zip-Zap-Sham-Reem-Naar-Wahl Om.

srayzie ago

Horsefucker lacks any self confidence. That's why he has to attack everyone while informing us how smart he is. It makes him feel good. But in reality he is a coward bullying everyone over the Internet. In real life, the little bitch would have his teeth knocked out.

Commoner ago

Did you see CNN reporter fake a rescue in Texas hurricane?

argosciv ago


srayzie ago

I saw it lol